TOWN OF GREATER NAPANEE REGULAR SESSION OF COUNCIL A G E N D A APRIL 10, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Town Hall - 124 John St., Napanee Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2.1 Adopt Agenda Recommendation: That the Agenda of the Regular Session of Council dated April 10, 2018 be adopted as presented. 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4. PRESENTATIONS 5. DEPUTATIONS 5 - 11 5.1 Tom Derrick, Community Foundation for Lennox & Addington (formerly Napanee & District Community Foundation) Re: Municipal Grants Programs 2017 & 2018 Riverfront Festival 5.2 Council Resolution to Accept Additional Deputations with No Notice, if required. 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 12 - 13 6.1 Special Session of Council - March 22, 2018 Recommendation: That the minutes of the Special Session of Council dated March 22, 2018 be adopted as presented. 14 - 18 6.2 Regular Session of Council - March 27, 2018 Recommendation: That the minutes of the Regular Session of Council dated March 27, 2018 be adopted as presented. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 7.1. Correspondence for Information 19 7.1.1 Correspondence for Information items dated - April 10, 2018 Recommendation: That the Correspondence for Information items dated April 10, 2018 be received. 7.2. Correspondence for Action 20 7.2.1 Yasir Naqvi, Attorney General of Ontario - March 21, 2018 Page 1 of 102 REGULAR SESSION COUNCIL - April 10, 2018 Agenda Page Re: Town's request to Province on policy matters relating to OPP police billings and future policing governance Recommendation: That Council receive the correspondence from Yasir Naqvi, Attorney General of Ontario dated March 21, 2018 acknowledging receipt of the Town's request to the province on policy matters relating to OPP police billings and future policing governance and advising that the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services or a staff member will be responding. 21 - 25 7.2.2 18-03-28 Miller Thomson LLP Re: TURGAL (1988) INC. - Application for Part Lot Control By- Law Lot 42, Plan 29M-6, Town of Greater Napanee, County of Lennox & Addington Recommendation: That Council receive for information the correspondence from Miller Thomson LLP for TURGAL (1988) Inc. dated March 28, 2018 requesting that Lot 42 on Registered Plan 29M-6 be exempt from Section 50(5) of the Planning Act (part lot control) to allow for a semi detached dwelling unit to be constructed on Part 1 and Part 2 of Reference Plan 29R-10509; And further that the application be approved and a by-law be brought forward later in the meeting. 26 - 29 7.2.3 18-04-05 Bill McDonough, Manager - Richmond Landfill, Waste Management of Canada Corporation Re: Status of the ongoing environmental monitoring activities associated with the closed Waste Management (WM) Landfill property and Blue Metric Memo to MOECC - Notification of Off- Site Exceedences WM Richmond Landfill Recommendation: That Council receive for information the correspondence from Bill McDonough, Manager-Richmond Landfill, Waste Management of Canada Corporation dated April 5, 2018 regarding the status of the ongoing environmental monitoring activities associated with the closed Waste Management (WM) Landfill property and providing the Blue Metric Memo to MOECC regarding notification of off-site exceedences WM Richmond Landfill. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS 30 - 31 9.1 Community Development Advisory Committee Recommendation: That Council receive and adopt the minutes of the Community Development Advisory Committee dated February 22, 2018. 10. STAFF REPORTS Page 2 of 102 REGULAR SESSION COUNCIL - April 10, 2018 Agenda Page 32 - 42 10.1 CAO - Service Area Updates Staff Recommendation: That Council receive for information the CAO - Service Area Updates report. 43 - 48 10.2 Infrastructure Services (Facilities) - Church of St. Mary Magdalene Cemetery Maintenance Request Staff Recommendation: That Council receive for information the Infrastructure Services (Parks and Facilities) - Church of St. Mary Magdalene Cemetery Maintenance Request Report; And further that Council provide direction to staff for the St. Mary of Magdalene Church Cemetery maintenance request, received November 15, 2017. 49 - 50 10.3 Emergency Services (Fleet) - Purchase of Light Vehicle Staff Recommendation: That Council receive for information the Fleet - Purchase of Light Vehicle report; And further that Council accepts the Request for Tenders RFT #2018-07 process undertaken by municipal staff, as having met the goals and principles of the municipal procurement policies forming part of Town of Greater Napanee By-Law #05-05, as amended; And further that Council award the Request for Tenders RFT #2018-07 to Taylor Auto Mall of Kingston and authorize the purchase of one (1) new light vehicle for the Infrastructure Services - Utilities Department at a cost of $30,450.11 including HST. 51 - 67 10.4 CAO - Draft Code of Conduct Staff Recommendation: That Council receive for information the CAO - Draft Code of Conduct report; And further that Council consider the draft Code of Conduct as presented and submit comments back to the CAO for May 1, 2018 for a draft policy to be brought back for Council approval. 68 - 73 10.5 Community & Corporate Services - 2018 Proposed Changes to Certain Fees for Services Staff Recommendation: That Council receive for information the Community & Corporate Services - 2018 Proposed Changes to Certain Fees for Services report; And further that Council direct staff to bring forward a 2018 fees for services by-law for consideration, incorporating the proposed fee increases as presented in this report, once the required public notice has been provided. 74 - 83 10.6 Community & Corporate Services - Internal and External Website Policies Staff Recommendation: That Council receive for information the Community & Corporate Services - Internal and External Website Policies; And further that Council adopt the Internal and External Page 3 of 102 REGULAR SESSION COUNCIL - April 10, 2018 Agenda Page Website Policies as presented. 84 - 98 10.7 Community & Corporate Services - Compliance Audit Committee Terms of Reference Staff Recommendation: That Council receive for information the Community & Corporate Services - Joint Compliance Audit Committee Terms of Reference report; And further that the Draft Terms of Reference attached as Schedule ‘A’ for the Joint Compliance Audit Committee be adopted; And that a further report be brought forward once the applications have been received in order that Council may appoint the representatives to the Joint Compliance Audit Committee. 11. BY-LAWS 99 - 101 11.1 By-law No. 2018-0020 - To provide that Subsection 50(5) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.13 as amended does not apply to certain lands within the Town of Greater Napanee - Lot 42 of Registered Plan 29M-6, Kanvers Way 12. NEW BUSINESS 13. NOTICE OF MOTIONS 14. STATEMENTS BY MEMBERS 15. CLOSED SESSION 15.1 Adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act in order to discuss a matter about an identifiable individual. 15.2 Rise and Report from Closed Session 16. CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS 102 16.1 A By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Greater Napanee 17. ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 102 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 06r LENNOX & ADDINGTON 47 Dundos Street East Napanee Ontario K7H 1 H7 613-354-7333 infogctfla.ca www.cffia.co April 4, 2018 A Town of Greater Napanee ft0 Town Hall 2018 124 John Street Napanee, Ontario K7R 1R3 Attention: Mayor Schermerhorn & Members of Council Re: Municipal Grants programs 2017 & 2018 Riverfront Festival On the behalf of our Board of Directors, thank you for entrusting management of a portion of the Town’s 2017 municipal grants program to our care. This is to advise that the $10,000 allocated for that year was disbursed as follows; Morningstar Mission $5,500.00 To assist with the estimated $72,500 cost of installing accessible toilets and shower facilities on the main floor of the Morningstar Mission premises. Habitat for Humanity $3,500.00 To assist with payment of municipal development fees to build a residential home at 183 Roblin Road. St. Alban’s Anglican Church $500.00 To pay for grass cutting services (provided by the Town of Greater Napanee) United Empire Loyalists Heritage Centre and Park $500.00 To support continuance of family camping services and maintenance of the park and museum. We were also very pleased to be asked to sponsor the 2017 Riverfront Festival Canoe Races and have budgeted another $1,000 to repeat the experience in 2018. We appreciate and value our active and growing partnership with the Town in service to the advancement of community life and opportunity throughout Greater Napanee and the County overall. Again, thank you and best regards. Tim s,President Tom Derrick, Community Foundation for Lennox & Addington (formerly Napan...Page 5 of 102 QMMUNIW FOUNDATION c9&r LENNOX & ADDINGTON Legacy or Planned Giving The process of making a significant charitable gift during a dono?s life or at death (by bequest) that is part of his/her financial or estate plan and objectives. INTRODUCTION When you make a gift to the Community Foundation for Lennox and Addington through a will or a trust agreement, you can choose to benefit: The entire community - with a bequest that you empower the Foundation’s Board of Directors to manage on your behalf to address community needs as arising at any given time. • One or more areas of community need. (Some examples: Arts/Culture, Education, the Environment, Health & Weliness, Heritage Preservation, Social Services, Sports & Recreation, Seniors care & Services, Youth Support & Development) • A specific cause that is meaningful to you. • A preferred community program or organization. • A scholarship or bursary fund intended to support a specific educational institution or field of study. The Foundation will invest and manage your gift strictly in accordance with your wishes and directions and in compliance with Canada Revenue Agency oversight legislation/regulations and accountability standards.
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