![June 28, 2019 Hard Rock Seminoles Cross the Country for Cultural Hollywood Exchange with Quinault, Quileute Tribes](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The art of PECS 8th-graders Miami Dolphins tackle stressless painting movin’ on Big Cypress COMMUNITY Y 9A EDUCATION Y1B SPORTS Y 4C Volume XLIII • Number 6 June 28, 2019 Hard Rock Seminoles cross the country for cultural Hollywood exchange with Quinault, Quileute tribes job fair BY BEVERLY BIDNEY Staff Reporter attracts OCEAN SHORES, Wash. — 6L[W\ four members of the Seminole Tribe’s Naples community traveled about as far as thousands possible in the continental U.S. for a cultural H[FKDQJH ZLWK WKH 4XLQDXOW DQG 4XLOHXWH WULEHVLQ:DVKLQJWRQ6WDWH-XQH BY DAMON SCOTT The trip was a result of a previous Staff Reporter FXOWXUDOH[FKDQJHWKHFRPPXQLW\KDGZLWK the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in North Carolina last December; it was so HOLLYWOOD — Even to say memorable they wanted to do another one. it exceeded expectations would be an The community took a vote and decided on understatement. WKH3DFL¿F1RUWKZHVW1DSOHV/LDLVRQ%ULDQ About 2,500 job hunters descended on Zepeda had been to the area in the past and the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood he reached out to the two tribes. June 4 for a shot to work at the site where the 7KH¿UVWHYHQWRIWKHH[FKDQJHZDVKHOG LFRQLF EUDQG¶V ¿UVW JXLWDUVKDSHG KRWHO ZLOO DW WKH 4XLQDXOW %HDFK 5HVRUW DQG &DVLQR soon open. in Ocean Shores where each tribe shared ³,WZDVDPD]LQJ,WJRHVWRVKRZ\RXLI WUDGLWLRQVVRQJVDQGGDQFHV7KH6HPLQROHV you build it, they will come,” Jennie Sumner, ZHUH ¿UVW WR VKDUH =HSHGD H[SODLQHG WKH vice president of human resources for the stomp dance tradition, which is shared Hard Rock Hollywood, said. ZLWK RWKHU VRXWKHDVWHUQ WULEHV LQFOXGLQJ Sumner said that out of the 2,500 who the Chickasaw, Cherokee, Choctaw and ¿OOHG RXW DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ DERXW ZHUH Miccosukee. offered positions. ³7KH PHQ VLQJ WKH ZRPHQ DUH Those offers include positions in responsible for the tempo with their shakers,” GHSDUWPHQWV VXFK DV EDQTXHWV EHYHUDJH Zepeda said. “Men and women have to work Beverly Bidney cash operations, culinary, front desk, WRJHWKHUWRPDNHWKHVRQJVFRPHWROLIH:H KRXVHNHHSLQJSRNHUSRRORSHUDWLRQVSXEOLF Pedro Zepeda, center, leads the friendship dance with members of the Seminole, Quinault and Quileute tribes at the cultural exchange June 18 at the XVXDOO\GDQFHDURXQGD¿UHWROHWWKHFUHDWRU Quinault Beach Resort and Casino near the Quinault Reservation in Ocean Shores, Washington. spaces, restaurant outlets, security, slot NQRZZHDUHKRQRULQJKLP´ RSHUDWLRQVDQGVWHZDUGLQJ They were led by Zepeda and his brother He invited everyone to join the dance. $ GUXP JURXS FRPSULVHG RI ERWK IRU WKH FXOWXUDO H[FKDQJH H[SODLQHG WKDW Sumner said many of those same Pedro Zepeda. 7KH URRP ¿OOHG ZLWK 6HPLQROH 4XLQDXOW 4XLQDXOW DQG 4XLOHXWH WULEDO PHPEHUV like the Seminoles and Miccosukee, these GHSDUWPHQWV ± LQFOXGLQJ D VPDOOHU QXPEHU “Historically the friendship dance is DQG4XLOHXWHGDQFHUVRIDOODJHVZKRERQGHG JDWKHUHG RQ RQH VLGH RI WKH EDOOURRP WULEHV¶IDPLO\FRQQHFWLRQVJREDFNWKURXJK GRQHZLWKRWKHUWULEHVVRZHFRXOG¿QGSHDFH WKURXJKWKHGDQFH 5LR -DLPH 4XLOHXWH HYHQW FRRUGLQDWRU ) See EXCHANGE on page 5A )See HARD ROCK on page 6A with each other,” Brian Zepeda said. Board, Council sworn in for new terms BY DAMON SCOTT Staff Reporter HOLLYWOOD — (OLJLEOHPHPEHUV of the Seminole Tribe of Florida went to WKHSROOV0D\WRFKRRVHWKHLUQH[WVHWRI leaders. Election results saw some leaders UHWXUQLQJWRWKHLUUROHVZKLOHWKUHHSRVLWLRQV FKDQJHGKDQGV Those on the ballot to represent Tribal Council were Chairman Marcellus W. Osceola Jr. (incumbent) and James E. Billie; 0DQXHO 7LJHU LQFXPEHQW 'DYLG &\SUHVV DQG$OIRQVR7LJHUWDLO %LJ&\SUHVV $QGUHZ -%RZHUV-U LQFXPEHQW DQG/DUU\+RZDUG %ULJKWRQ DQG &KULVWRSKHU 6 2VFHROD LQFXPEHQW 6XQQ\ )UDQN DQG 9LUJLQLD & *DUFLD6DQGHUV +ROO\ZRRG 7KRVH UXQQLQJ IRU 7ULEDO ERDUG RI directors positions were President Mitchell Cypress (incumbent) and James Holt II; Joe Frank (incumbent) Nadine Bowers and 3DXO %RZHUV 6U %LJ &\SUHVV 0DUYLQ P. Bowers, Helene Buster, Johnnie Jones Sr., Theresa Nunez and Reno Osceola %ULJKWRQ DQG *RUGRQ 2OLYHU :DUHKDP LQFXPEHQW &KULVWLQH(0F&DOODQG/DUU\ -7LJHU +ROO\ZRRG All of the incumbents were voted EDFN LQ H[FHSW IRU &RXQFLOPDQ 7LJHU DQG Councilman Bowers. 7LJHU ZDV UHSODFHG E\ 'DYLG &\SUHVV and Bowers by Howard, who was formerly WKH ERDUG UHSUHVHQWDWLYH IRU %ULJKWRQ %XVWHUZDVHOHFWHGWR¿OOWKH%ULJKWRQERDUG vacancy. The president and chairman positions DUH IRXU\HDU WHUPV ZKLOH RWKHU SRVLWLRQV DUHWZR\HDUWHUPV,QDGGLWLRQWKHSUHVLGHQW VHUYHVDVYLFHFKDLUPDQRIWKHFRXQFLODQG WKHFKDLUPDQVHUYHVDVYLFHSUHVLGHQWRIWKH board. Inauguration Day Beverly Bidney +XQGUHGV WXUQHG RXW RQ ,QDXJXUDWLRQ Members of the newly inaugurated Tribal Council and Board of Directors pose by the Council Oak Tree on Inauguration Day June 3. From left are Immokalee Council project manager Ray Garza, Big Cypress 'D\-XQHDWWKHKLVWRULF&RXQFLO2DN7UHH Councilman David Cypress, Brighton Councilman Larry Howard, Hollywood Councilman Christopher Osceola, Chairman Marcellus W. Osceola Jr., President Mitchell Cypress, Big Cypress Board Rep. Joe ORFDWHGDW6WDWH5RDGDQG6WLUOLQJ5RDGLQ Frank, Brighton Board Rep. Helene Buster, Hollywood Board Rep. Gordon Wareham and Immokalee Board liaison Ralph Sanchez. Hollywood on the north end of the Seminole Classic Casino. Tommie pointed out that many 1DWLRQDO5HJLVWHURI+LVWRULF3ODFHVLQ 6LQJLQJ JURXS 1DWLYH 9RLFHV RI WKH %LJ&\SUHVVDQG,PPRNDOHH Sally Tommie was the mistress of VLJQL¿FDQW PRPHQWV LQ WKH 7ULEH¶V KLVWRU\ “Those that have made a path for our Chickee Baptist Church on the Hollywood “To be the council representative for ceremonies. She welcomed Tribal members, have taken place in the shadow of the Council IXWXUHEHQHDWKWKLVWUHHWKH\JDYHDORWIRU 5HVHUYDWLRQVDQJ6HPLQROHK\PQV %LJ&\SUHVVKDVEHHQDQDZHVRPHMRERQH YLVLWRUV DQG VSHFLDO JXHVWV LQFOXGLQJ 0LVV 2DN7KHWUHHZDVWKHVLWHRIWKHVLJQLQJRIWKH us to exist as we exist today,” Tommie said. of the best jobs I’ve ever had in my life. I ,QGLDQ :RUOG &KH\HQQH .LSSHQEHUJHU Tribe’s constitution and corporate charter in S.T.O.F. Executive Director of /HDYLQJRI¿FH OHDUQHGDORW´7LJHUVDLG³:KHQ,¿UVWJRW Miss Jr. Florida Seminole Clarice DeMayo LWLVZKHUHWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\RIWKH $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ /HH =HSHGD JDYH WKH KHUHLQ,VDZWKHZRUVWWKH7ULEHKDV and members of the Miccosukee Business ELUWKSODFHIRU,QGLDQJDPLQJZDVFHOHEUDWHG invocation. Pemayetv Emahakv Charter 7LJHU WKDQNHG WKH PHPEHUV RI WKH had to deal with – no money, no credit, there Council. LQDQGLWLVZKHUHWKH7ULEH¶VJDPLQJ 6FKRROVWXGHQWVOHGWKH6HPLQROHSOHGJHLQ %LJ &\SUHVV FRPPXQLW\ DQG KLV VWDII IRU were chains and locks on the Hard Rock. “It is a pleasure and an honor to have FRPSDFWZDVVLJQHGLQ Creek, while Ahfachkee School students led VXSSRUWLQJKLPGXULQJKLVWLPHLQRI¿FH+H WKLVUROHWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQVRPHWKLQJWKDWLV The Council Oak was added to the it in Mikasuki. DOVRWKDQNHGWKHODZHQIRUFHPHQWRI¿FLDOVRI so monumental for our Tribe,” Tommie said. )See INAUGURATION on page 4A Editorial......................2A Health.............................9A Sports............... ............1C @TheSeminoleTribune @SeminoleTribune INSIDE: Community..................3A Education....................1B 2A • The Seminole Tribune •June 28, 2019 gaming would violate the agreements New York made Don’t block tribes from online gaming market with its gaming tribes, unfairly disadvantage tribes, and Supreme victory potentially limit access to online gaming for many New ore than ever, their surrounding local economies York residents. •Sarah Walters access to Since the passage of IGRA in 1988, tribal gaming Further, in the event commercial operations were to for Native Mtechnology has assumed an important role in supporting jobs and accept wagers from within those zones, tribes could limit or is a necessity for real economic opportunity for many Indian nations. New York completely omit payments to the state. As a result, if tribes treaty rights economic growth. For some tribal nations, various hurdles alone has twelve Indian gaming facilities that bring more were excluded from statewide mobile sports betting the have stymied economic development, limiting job prospects than $461 million a year in gaming-related payments to the state would experience large blackout zones or lose out on and opportunities for entrepreneurs and tribal business state, according to a recent study by the American Gaming millions in annual revenue, neither of which is an attractive •Billings (Mont.) Gazette expansion. These obstacles have included not only a lack Association. outcome. of physical infrastructure to support modern businesses, but Moreover, in 2018 those same facilities generated Sovereign tribal nations should not be subject to unfair also cumbersome legal and bureaucratic roadblocks that PRUHWKDQELOOLRQLQFRPELQHGVDOHV3UR¿WVHQMR\HG regulation. PDNHLWGLI¿FXOWWRGREXVLQHVVLQ,QGLDQFRXQWU\ by tribes must, by law, be used for the tribe’s general Limiting tribal participation in mobile sports betting he United States is obligated to However, a bill under consideration in New York state welfare, ensuring that revenue generated from Indian would reduce competition and actively disadvantage tribal IXO¿OOLWVWUHDW\WKDWSURPLVHG could break down at least one barrier between tribes and gaming operations serves tribal communities. That revenue communities. Any person betting on sports with a mobile Tthe Crow Tribe the right to hunt on economic development. New York state Senator Joseph also enables tribal casinos to create jobs and support local device would place bets on platforms created only by land that is now the Bighorn National Forest Addabbo’s bill, S. 17—A, if signed into law, will
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