--",41000,-**-% 44111111.11111111 k cow 1140 ocf cow 1270'. ilst cow 1025: f cow ocf cow 870 0 k cow 9150',1 1060'. )1.stcow 970' f cow 1075 d cow 890 0 k < cow 920 0 BULLS fbull 760 0 k bull 1255 0 1 f bull 1335 0r f bull 1050 0 STOCK PIGS white shts nixed shts ed pigs mixed pigs 61 white pigs 1 white pigs mixed pigs red pigs white pigs MMISSIO NY alongocno HEAP? throughtrom wif flood watersrry just ibarely gvered S closed; one carstalled 0 The highway was I thousands of acres in the area. parallels the high The railroad which n the water wasalmost covered. allay was washedout in one place. i MOVING TOHIGHER GROUND Alan and Ralph Larson help theirfather Howard 0. 1.44 flooded feel lotnear Tescott. Cattle Larson move dairystock from were moved to a pastureon higher ground. 1.10 Inc ANSI 13700 hen TheStreamsOverflow 1510 0: Co.- At*, 1709" Co. 14 ice Co. G&G area farmerscouldn't complain about not getting enough moisture ;0. @3 May. It wasa month that producedmore than its share of tornado warnings, aline Co. steady processionof grey days, some hail storms that devastated pockets of ay Co. G&G area, andfinally an accumulation of rainfall that 1065 @ ut of their banks. sent many streams 930@i Some of the places thatgot the worst of it are shown here a onpage 14, with pictures 10950:. by Kenneth Greene. o. 11700 ;0. 1320@ ;0. 1170@ ;o. 12400 th Co. 1115P 'ion Co. 1140@ 9250 Co. 1200 1025 )n Co. 10400 n Co. io600 10200 HOGS 210 Co. kinson 2240 ne Co. 2230 coin Co. 2250 Therson Co. 2130 awa Co. 202 inson Co. 222 rion Co. 2430 Pherson Co. 336° hell Co. 361 Co. Pherson 442° hell Co. 4950 pie Co. 4160 th Co. @I ne Co. chell Co. ne Co. worthCo. Co. Pherson toON' EsTOCK A lopi RIDDLED - V withACT Mr. and Mrs. Danny Srna of Culver inspect their hail damaged home. All windows on west side of house were broken own! woo SUNDAY and siding was badly damaged. A new roof installed just last AFTERNOON SWIM afternoonswim in flood Hogs belongingto Floyd Gawith at Tescott gofor a Sunday winter was also damaged. Srna said his alfalfa was beat into the IA5411 waters fromthe Saline River. ground and recently planted corn and sudan would have to be replanted. miracle product." Tobin and King believe farmers approached by salesmen should: 2 Miracle Fertilizers? KSU - Insist upon an explanation of the exact analysis of the product.If 1 it contains little or none of the plant Dosen't Know About Them nutrients, it is of questionablevalue growthto assume that nutrients dissolvedinas a fertilizer. Contrary to claims which appear essential for healthy plant CnJune;he will nota liquid would be moreavailable to - Ask for results conducted by anthem nutrients in some publications, there is no and high yields, fertilization ost fbent insure the absence ofdisease. Iftheplant.However,oncetheseexperiment stationor otherun- miracle fertilizer or soil conditioner, ize nutrient im-fertilizer salts are in the soil, theybiasedresearchorganization.or5times i point out two Extension specialists disease is present, a e balance or adeficiencyofonereact exactly the same as the salts ofGenerally, a salesman of a "super" at Kansas State University. damage. product bases his sales pitch "Investigate such exaggerated element can increase the dry fertilizer. The elements undergo on changes which in some cases maketestimonials or opinions ratherthanfoodtanstape-Cnfrwi14agricultural claimsbeforeinvestingina agent them less available. The decrease inon facts. ;°11 any largeinvest product," advise Dr. Leslie Tobin, CLAIM - Our product stimulates ment soil fertility specialist, and Claudethe release of locked -up nutrients inavailability occurs whether the L. King, plant pathologist. the soil by feeding the soil bacterianutrient is in a liquid or dry state. Here are some examples ofthat breaks down soil organicKansas State University tests show common claims, with each claim matter and minerals. This results inthat liquid and dry fertilizers per- SAVE accompanied by the facts as sup-improved tilth. form equally in the field. ported by scientific evidence: FACT - The soil is already filled FEE with millionsof microbes which CLAIM - Foliar applications are CLAIM - Our product, if properly carry out certain activities, such asa more efficient wayto fertilize a applied, will reduce the incidence of decompositionoforganicmattercrop than with soil applications. DOUR cornblight andorotherplantand ultimate release of nutrients. FACT - Because of the large Model 425 Adding a few pounds per acre ofamountsofthethreemajor diseases. FACT - Althoughit has beensuch a bacterial product would notnutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and You'll never waste costly feed change the soil microbial populationpotassium)requiredbyahigh with an established that adequate fertility is Arts -Way 425 or 325 and theoptional to any degree as most Kansas soilsyieldingcrop,itwould beim- new Arts -Way Electronic Scale. GRASS & GRAIN already contain I to 3 tons or more ofpractical to attempt to feed the crop Ends rationguesswork. You The Mid -Kansas news weekly weigh each bacteria, fungi and other organismssolely by foliar applications. Foliar ingredient electronically Published each Tuesday at 1207 Moro, feedingisconfined primarilyto as it goes into (Box 1009) Manhattan, Kansas, 66502 per acre. the mixer. There's no waste of by Ag Press Inc. applicationsofsomeofthe protein orsupplement Second class postage paid at Manhattan, you can weigh exact rationsout to your Ard Kansas. CLAIM - Our liquid fertilizer ismicronutrients(traceelements). I animals. 'Subscription: $4 year more available than dry fertilizer.Deficienciesofcertaintrace Come in and see itin action! Circulation 14,200 FACT - It would seem reasonableelements such as zinc and iron can be corrected by foliar applications Distributed by T -L Irrigation,Histings, All the comforts of home because only small amounts are pbpr needed per acre. BLANDING IMPLEMENT MEINHARDT a Beloit IMP CLAIM - Our seed coating Warne?) Wood Shavings ' productfurnishesnutrientsthat promotesoilbacteriaandear- MIDWEST SALES& thwormactivitiesthatcausea DANNENBURG IMPLEMENT Marion for farrowing release of soil nutrients the natural Holton houses Kennels way. FACT - There is no scientific DAVIES IMPLEMENT STEINER IMPLEMElil chicken houses proof thatthe small amount of Hiawatha bacteria applied in this manner will Sabetha PACKED IN APP. 70 LB. POLYETHYLENE BAGS changethemicrobialpopulation sufficiently to have an effect on HENRY SALES & SERVICE FOR SALE BY: breakdownofsoilmineralsor Topeka VAHSHOLTZ IMPLE organic materials. Salina "What farmers need to remember NELSON MANHATTAN HATCHERY isthat there is no substitute for HUTCHISON IMPLEMENT BRAUCH I BROTHE Everest EastUS 24 Phone Manhattan, standard fertilizer," says Tobin. " Marysville "There simply is no such thing as a For Heavy SpringChores You Can't Beat Th 0 -OP Truck TireValues for Dependable Serum first big row-cror and dp eteod s) pa ir.ks,t1 ui Handles ordinarytractors! PST :RP ;Bo 3°Wu CEG0I1HAFO JO CO-OP Farm 'NMarkets si CO-OP Super All Cargo It! miagg Purpose COOP Super P,fast!ws_ , rosta Ideal for light hauling chores, Reliable traction rubbg on rain -wet or Mileagedeep in tread Fuwer an economy tire top value. mud -slick surfaces. yets10 Nylcin cords, 6 ply tube type A clutch Quiet and coolrunning0 performer witha smooth rolling to handle the heavyloads center rib and Nyloncord construction. long hauls. TUBE TY Each tire, TUBE TYPE, Each tire, Plus$1V Low ss 6.70.15/6 plus $2.42 F.E.T. Each tire, TUBE TYPE, t41/:. 6.70-15/6 plus $2.82 F.E.T. and trade 0 7° Low as and6.7 and trade. Phorgi GET YOUR TIRES WHERE PIERRE & 2nd Kl° YOU GET PRICE & SERVICEFARMERSCO-OP ASSN. MANHATTAN, Grass & Grain Grass 3 & Gri, June 1, 1971 le1,1971 ire Grocers Quit thecost TItS in the prce; equal nutrients Trading Stamps .ers. Some bra nore Never legal in Kansas, the trading tah dardPer Pound stamp has about passed from the fertilize scene in Kansas City, nearest spot to With acouniNE 1 agent beto.te the G&G area in which they have nvestment. been used. At one time nearlyallmajor supermarkets in Kansas City (on the Missouri side) passed out stamps NRO, with grocery purchases. A&P quit in WITH 1965, Krogers two years later. A NEW local chain, Milgrams, dropped out in 1969. This spring United Supers andthenSafewaydroppedthe stamps as an inducement to shop- I(VEIGHIN A PLEASANT DAY FOR A RIDE pers. Several hundred horsemen in the G&Garea think there is Only major outlet now is at some little as pleasant as a nice Sunday ride for several hours witha Thriftway stores, members of the saddle club. One of the more activegroups is one at Barnes, in AssociatedWholesale Grocers Washington county. This group often gets close toa hundred group. people for weekend rides. Many in the G&Garea will recognize Supermarkets have dropped the the group by its association with Lyle Weiche, who farmssouth of trading stamps generally with a Barnes in the Chepstow hills. Weiche often is astride his mule fanfarethatpriceswere being ipplement And Chico on the rides, and he has taught dozens of Washington discounted. Most store operators iranimals. county youngsters to ride, train, and appreciate horseflesh. appear happy that they are no an! longer handling stamps. Some of them say that inflation Hastings, Nebr. pressures made it necessary to cut expensesinany waypossible. Estimates generally are that stamps NHARDT IMPLEVIt's Massey -Ferguson added 13/4 to 2 cents per dollar spent Wamego by the consumer. Notallgrocerymanagers, VEST SALES &Si Trade now while you've however, were sure that the stamps Marion gotthe time to work out a BETTER DEAL won't make a comeback. The bigger on the tractor you want with the the store, the more important is total CT equipment you want on it! BET- sales volume. TER TRADE-IN because we want "When you operate on a one per NER IMPLEME!' your old tractor in our shop now.
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