Vod. 34-No. 18 l,A= t,A May 179, .19 0 0 m 0 m California b crisis agenda of labor bills pending in the The udget Legislature will be speeded up, and dominates the state AFL-CIO Leg- time gained will be devoted to the i-slative Conference Monday said. through Wednesday at Sacrament.o. budget crisis, Henning There7s been a change also in The opening day's agenda ha's Tuesday's mid-day budget crisis been cleard to allow additional pre- rally in Capitol Park called by the sentations by leaders in labor's cam- California Federation of Teachers. paign to save schools and vital The rally has been moved from social programs and to assure that the east steps of the Capitol to the new taxes are equitably applied. South Steps, Henning said. -It is The added speakers Mary scheduled to begin at 11:45 a.m. Bergan, president of. the California-- In addition to addresses by Hen- Federation of Teachers; -Yolanda ning and Cremins, delegates will Solari, President of the California hear addresses Tuesday by Assem- State Employees Association, and bly Speaker Willie L. Brown, Jr.; Dean Tipps, state director of th'e Senate President Pro Tem David Service Employees International Roberti, State Controller Gray Union -all are in the forefront of Davi s and Lt . Gov. Leo T. the budget battle, Executive Secre- McCarthy. tary-Treasurer Jack Henning of the Carl Covitz, secretary of Busi- California Labor Federation pointed ness, Transportation and Housing, out. is--scheduled to speak for thie Wilson They'll highlight long-termn damn- efan Administration. Delegates also will age to workers, te poor and te YOln U1M -ilpps. hear Assembly Member Bev aged dratened by Republican Gov. its most critical phase," Henning jiontly by the state federation and and Building T-rades President Jeffy Hansen of Santa Rosa, chair of the Pete Wilsods proposals, and explain declared. "Our conference dele- the State Building and Construction Cremins set .the conference in Republican. Caucus in the lower halt-theo-most -hamfi -cuts- .- W I-ise. pimssto 7 .gates-wff-d'-evat wt0aa.4W V: -- T and block unfair taxation. historic confrontation." Som'e'0-SO delegates are sched- isadssm Hbl. nlesday isset aside for legisla'- "The budget crisis is moving into The. conference -is sponsored uled to be present when Henning Detailed review of a,lengthy (Continued on page 4) . _................ ..................................__.............................................a L~abrDmad axEut Asseml The Assembly-Senate Conference Com- or Insists upon restoration of Gov. Pete Henning was amnton te need for mittee charged with shaping a state budget Wilsorfs proposed. cuts in schools, com-. restoring thie state income tax to at least 11 heard labor's on and Universities.- organzed position pro- munty colleges percent, or whatever percentage is The family leave bill was gram cuts aind equitable taxes Wednesday * Demandsprotection of" vita social ..euired, however high' for individuals approved Mondiay by thie California at the Capitol. services and healthi care for poor families, wvith more thian $100,000 a year and cou- Assembly. It -was the first full day of testiony seniiors and thie disabled restora- e~~It was 11 Bil 77, thirough ples wit more thian $200,000. al: Assembly sponsored by before the committee, which thew open tion of spending cuts propose by Wilson. percent before tax burdens on. the rich the Califomria Labor Federation and its doors afi;er some of its early decisions., - Opposes anly tranlsfer of se'rvices to were eased te George Deukmejian authored by Gwen Moore, D-L.A., during cleared the, lower hou'se on a 46-27 reached withiout benefit of significant pub- counties and demands thiat current service Adminisft-ation. lic storms of state or- ballot. Thrlee Republicans voted in input, provoked angry levels, whether performed by Fairness demands such increases rather favor along with every Democrat- protest. county, must be maintained. who cast a ballot. individuals and -thanI Wilsods reliance on the sales tax with Jack Henning, executive secretary-trea- * Insists that wealthy its disproportionate burden on' te' poor, The measure would require surer of the California Labor Federaion', corporations produce the taxes needed to- elderly and low-'and middle-'income employers to grant. unpaid leave, presented the committee members with protect vital services an'd balance the workers, Henning argued. with restrictions, to workers who the six-point agenda for a fair budget budget.-- find it necessary to remain home to adopted by representatives- of AFL-CIO * Opposes ally increase i'n the sales tax The. conference committee includes cam for ai.ling family memnbers. Democratic Senators Alffred Alquist., San It. goes'n"ext to the Senate. affilliates from throughout. the state. which taxes rich and poor alilce without, Similar bills 'were approved by bot said labor: reference to fthe ability to pay. (Continued on page-4) Hennig (Continued on page 4) m 0 m m m The U.S.-Mexico trade agree- case that thiis is an issue that, in More American communities n ment proposed by George Bush will effect, defines a new industrialI pol- consequences and radically affect will suffer ffie kinds of job losses benefit a "privileged few" while icy for-thiis country, Kirkland told thie livelihoods and thie conditions already inflicted by plant 'reloca-- I* profoundly altering the lives of reporters at a news conferernce in and standards of the American tions under the maquiladora.pro- most American workrs, President Washington. working people"1 gram, he said. Lane Kirkland of the AFL-CIO "The AFL-CIO beLieves in trWe a warned tis week. Two-Fed Publications Re.ady and lots of it," Khidand Wd. "But I I Kirkland spoke as AFL-CIO we don't believe in forcing workaers It -Q leaders called for strong new grass Iasts edtos oftwo ofthie most of state senators and Assembly in ius country to compete for jobs. f I roots lobbying to halt Bush's ca.m- popular and useful publications of members on kery-labor issues. with vktms ofth cruelest k.ms of pai to ram thie agrement dfiough thie California Labor Federation are exploitationl. Congress usin'g "fast track" pro *now avai ab Tey-r: Copies of both publications have "And. we don't think our commnu cedues that will, enable thle aidnii- * The Legislative Roster, listing been sent to each. affliate of the nities stFuht be. *cd. -at'a 'oom- to stae federation. Adlditional copiles' parativye di-sadvann.ag' mED.l istration negofiate fthe aigreement all legislators, meimbers of Con- be or-dered from the federa- and leave with , constitutional and may. bechethw . eploy t 'Congr'ess oppor- gress officers', tionts main offices- at. 417 Mpntgoin- tunity for little more tha a "y`es or legislative an govyemmental com- eontriu to- a tax -base- tat fr- "no"- volte- mittees, -wfitadrse and phone ery, ,SL Suite 300', San. Ftacisca, nidmes&ools, rod,sewage facili- Bush's "fast track" is in reality- a, numbers'. CA 9410)46 -tes and otherelenfts of a decent, short-,cut to national.disaster, the * Foirce for Progress' thie annual The cost isV$ per-cop -fbr tdie civifized'sociey"' AFL-CIO leader declare. summary of state AFL-ClO legisla- Legislative-Roster,,and $3 per copy Kirkla'nd' spoke t'o Se news "We think we havre a very strong tive eflfot -including voting records for- Force for Progress. (Continued'on pdge 4) The East Bay Chapter of Coalition of Labor munications hitemnational -Union Local 103 of Union Women honored persons responsible for the Internationlal Federation of Professional passage ofthie San Francisco VDT workr pro- .and Technical Engieers. tection ordinance -and for success of a baker3( * Laura Stock, Loxcal 1474 of-the American worker' orgaing drive during a banlquet last Federation of Teaclurs, associate diretor of Friday night at thie Claremont Hotel in Oakldand thie Labor Occupational Healthi Progrmn at the mdigWorking hYomenss Awareness Week. University. of Cal0forniia,Berlkeley Institute for Five received. the chapter's "Wormn Whto Indutial Relations. Made a Difference" award for thieir -lead- Have *In addition., a special award in recogniton of ership in the VDT Coalition, the organzation activism on1 behalf of VDT workers that framned the new worker ordi- long-time protection was given to Kathileen Kinnick,. presidlent of nance anld lobbied for.its passage. Office and Professioial Employees loal 3, They are: int.ern.tional vice president of that unionl, and * Larkcie Gild.ersleeve, adminqistrative officer -director-of womnerSs activitj's for the California with Northern California Newspaper Guild, Labor Federation. Local 52 of The Guild. Newspaper Ho.noredas a group withi te "Women Whto * Barbara Kellogg, orgapizer withi United *Have Made'a Difference Award" were the Public Employees, Local 790 of te Service. wo.men .who fat-ed. wn intimidation and" - Employees Internat'ional, -Union.' physical abuse.by g .s ads -t-o establish i. * Joan Moore, Local 9410 of-te Communi- Local 164B of te Glas' Molders, Pottery and .cations Worke.rs of America and';cair of th Plastics W.or.kers Unison at New Life Bakery. in. Saftey Committee of CWA:s Nortem.Caiifor- *Almieda County. Women Who Have NL%de a rne honor dude, fnt nia-Nevada Council. A. reception with music'by Melani'e Jones of *rme, hmnwlefts.Ia i.(;Gd.ereve and Barbarg.log tad *Alicia Ribeilro,. president of Telecom- Musicians'Local 6 opened thie evening. inlg, f-m-left, amre-a Moorejaura Stock -an Alicia Ribeiro.:. s s 1.I Rallies for national health care *osAgeles-Equitable Insur- 588-9243; San Jose, Rick Humm, mayed by failure of thie L;egislatue heat care for every. American. reform are scheduled in five Califor- ance, 3435 WilshireBlvd.
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