Official Gazette

Official Gazette

N 1153 4 ) . .* f l po u ï @âo-,- . TH E O FFICIA L G A ZE TT E 0F TH E COLOS Y A 5 D PROTECTORATE 0F KEX YA Pwble u u der th* Autho* ef His EXCeIV CF the Gopernor # the Coloayand Protectorale of Kenyz Q: . > Vol. LV II- N o. 59 Price 50 cents ' Fegistered aS a x ewspaper at the 0 .p.0 . N A IR O BI, 1st N ovem ber, 1955 Published every Tuesday c . , ' . CO N TEN TS OFFICIAL G AZEW E OFFICIAL G AZETTE- IC/N/J.) G eneral N otice N o. G ovt. N otice N o. PAGE Vacancies 2518-2561 l486- Appointments, etc. 1154 Languages Exam inations 2562 1487-1488% bituary 1154 Appointment of Police Station 2563 1489- The K enya M eat Cbm mission Ordinance- A ppointm ent . 1154 Gilgil U rban District Council- By-law 2564 1490-1491- Her M ajesty's Court of Appeal for Liquor Licensing 2565, 2566 Eastern Africa- Appointm ents . : . 1154 Trans N zoia D istrict Council- H ospital R ate 2567 1492- The Emergency (Kikuyu, imbu and Meru Eldoret M unicipal Board- voters Roll 2568 Passbooks) Regulations, 1954- Appoint- m ents . '. 1 155 Nairobi City Council- provisional Apportionrnents 2569 1493- The Education Ordinance- The Advisory K erïcho Urban Dïstrict Cou'ncîl- 195'5 Rates 2570 Council on Goan Education 1155 N yanza C ounty C ounci1- 1955 R ates 2571 1494- The Education O rdinance- A ppointm ent 1155 N akuru M unicipal Council- voters Roll ; Estimates, 1956 2572, 2573 1495- The N ative A uthority O rdinance- Appoint- ment . 1155 Kitale M unicipal Board- Estimates, 1956 2574 1496- The N ative Lands Trust Ordinance- setting W ater O rdinance 2575, 2576 A part of L and . 1155 Probate and Administration 2577-1581 1497-1501- The C ourts' O rdinance- A ppointm ents 1156-1 157 Bankruptcy O rdinance 2582-25'91 1502- The A nim al D iseases O rdinance 1158 Transfer of Business 2593 G eneral N otices 1 158-1184 C hange of N am e 2594-2597 Dissolution of Partnerships 2598, 2601, 2603, 2604 G eneral N otice N o. Crown Lands Ordinance- K itale M unicipality : Resi- dential Plots 2599 East A frican Currency Board 2536 E j Loss of Pplicy . 2600 uropean H ospital Fund A uthority- A ppolntm ents 2537 W ar M emorial Fund of K enya- A ccounts 2602 Land Grants 2538 W ages Cpuncil- Appointm ent 2539 The Forest Ordinance- Appointment 2540 SU PPLEM EN T N o. 60 The Registration of Titles O rdinance 2541 Proclatnations, R ules J??W R egulatiolls, 1955 I1'.er M ajesty's Supreme Court of Kenya 2542 G ovt. N otice N o. PAGE 'I'he Resident Labourers (Trans Nzoia District) Amend- ' m ent O rder, N o. 3, 1955 . 2543 1503- The Police Ordinance, 1948--Curfew Order . 899 Tenders . 2544, 2546 1504-1505- The Emergency (Kikuyut Vmbu and M eru Passkooks) Regulatlons, ' 1954- Canadian . G overnm ent Trade Com missioner 2545 N otices . 899-900 'I'rade M arks 2547 1506- The Emergency (Control of Crops, Food and Dwellings) Regulations, 1953- Crops Order : Fharm acy and Poisons Ordinamce- Rcgistrations 2548 D agoretti 900 Companies Ordinance 2549-2552, 2592 1507- The Emergency (Kikuyu, Embu afld M eru Passbooks) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regula- Air Services Licensing 2553-2554 tions, 1955 . ' 901 Transport Licensing 2555 1508- The Emergency (Amendment of Laws) (Nd. 15) Regulations, 1955 902 H .M . Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa- cause List . 2556 1509- The Courts Ordinance- Extended Limits of Ftural W ages eCommittee D 57 Jurisdiction of Certain Subordinate Courts' 902 . 1154 TH E O FFICIA L G AZEU E 1st N ovem ber, 1955 GOVERNMr,N'r N o'rtcis N o. 1486 G ovâmxMsx'r N owlcs N o. 1487 APPOIN TM EN TS CHARLES H AW KE, A.S.A.A., to aCt as Chief Accountant, O BITU ARY FRsoelucx Treasury, with elect from 17th September, 1955. Tlae G overnor regrets to announce the' death of M r. D onald Bellingham , Field lntelligence Ollicer, Special Branch, K enya - ROGBR ANTHONY BRUDBNBLL Pu soxs to be District Oëcer, poljce, who was accidentally killed at the N orth K inangop Central N yanza, N yanza Province, with effect from 10th (?rt zpth october, 1955. October, 1955. M r. Bellingham joined the Kenya Police on 1st September, f CAMMBEJ-E., O.B.E., to be District Olhcer, M achakos 1955, and by his untim ely death tbe G overpm ep! has lost the Cot.f? D is.trict, Southern Province, with 'eflect from 14th October, services of a promising oflicer. .' 1955. PAIJL Avtvw lx ' W HITCHF.R to be A dm inistrative Assistant, Laikipia Districts Rift Valley Province, with effect from 15th Octgber, . 1955. G ovsrtxvsxr N owfcs N o. 1488 ARTHUR LLEWELYN G RIFFITH to aCt a.S A ssistant Com missioncr OBITUA RY öf Police with elect from 8th O ctober, 1955. The Governi)r .regrets to announce the death of Chief M icah lœsl-ls STEw ART W INK to act as A ssistant Com m issioner of arap Bomet, Chief of Locations 9 and 23 of the Ngndi District, Police with effect from 21st October, 1955. whlch occurrèd on 13th Septem bèr, . 1955. Chief M icah entered into G overnm ent service in 1933 and DSAEK ltAvMoxo GOJ-DSR to act -as Assistant Superintendent since 1944 has been a N andi Chief . By his death the Govern- of. Police with efect from 1st Septem ber, 1955. m ent has lost the services of a loyal and em cient omcer. ROBBRT STAXI-EY W II-KINSON to act as Assistant Superintendent of Policc with effect from 1st Septem ber, 1955. M AVRICE J'AMF.S Sll-cocK to act as A ssistant Superintendent of Police with effect from 1st Septçm ber, 1955. G ovsRxvsxr Norlcs N o. 14à9 (Vet. 4I5.IIj Rot,Axo N ORMAX G ARRBD to act as Assistant Superintendent of Police with effect from 1st Septem bery 1955. TH E K EN YA M EAT COM M ISSION ORD IN ANCE (No. 13 oj 1950) CONROY STUART M ACFARLANB to act as A ssistant Superintendent of Police with esect from .1st September, 1955. IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 of the K enya M eat Comm ission Ordinance, 1950, the Governor in GRAHAM ROBERT CLARK to act as A ssistant Superintendent of Council of M inisters has been pleased to appoint- Police with effect from 1st Septem béè, 1955. M R. R . E . N oltTox, C.M .G. STBPHEN M ICHAEL W ALLACE to aCt a.S Assistant Superintendent to be a m em ber of the K enya M eat Com mission as repre- of Police with elect from 1st Septem ber, 1955. sentative of. the M inister for Finance. FRANK Jbsspl.l BENTLEY, B.A. (L.EEDs), to be Education Oëcer, D epartm ent of Education, with esect from 7th October, By Comm and of the G overnor in Council of M inisters. 1955. N airobi, F. D . CO RFIEI-D , A YIJB A LI, M .B.E., to act as A ssistant D irector of Establish- 13th O ctobel , 1955. Secretary to the Council 0/ M inisters. m ents, Oë ce of the Chief Secretary, with effect from 31st O ctober, 1955. ' JAMF.S STANLBY TEM/LETON to act as Puisne Judge of H er M ajesty's Supreme Court of Kenya witb elïect f rom 24th GovsawMs'x'r N onciï N o. 1490 October, 1955. H ER M AJESTY 'S COU RT OF APPEAL FOR M AoAxswz- DAHYABHAI DBSAI to act as ltegistrar, Her M ajesty's EASTERN A FRICA c ourt of A ppeal for Eastern A frica, w ith effect from 1st N ovember, 1955. APPOINTMEiT HER M AJESTY tlle Queen has been pleased to approve tile appointm ent of- ' PRO M OTION S SlR N Bw XHAM A RTHUR W ORLEY, KT. BACH. D R. EDw ARO PIM R IGBY M .B.E., to be A ssistant D irector of to be President of Her M ajesty's Court of Appeal for Eastern M edical Servicess with esect from 29th June, 1955. Africa, with efect from the 21st day of October, 1955. JAM ES M ovslus O 'LOUGHLIN to be A ssistant Com m issioner, Sir N ewnham A rthur W orley, in pursuance of the above Lands D epartm ent, with effect from 1st July, 1955. appointment; was duly sworn in on the 25th day of October, 1955, at N alrobi. ' ' EDw ARD GEORGS BRooKss to be Headm aster, Etlropeân Primary School, D epartm ent of Education, w ith effect from 8th January, 1955. N airobi, CRAW FO RD ) ' 25th O ctober, 1955. D eputy G overnor. JOHN At/sl'lx Bsxvox to be a Senior Technical Instructor, D epârtm ent of Education, with efect from 5th O ctober, 1955. W ILFRED SPENCER to bè a Senior Technical Instructor, Depart- G OVERNMENT N OTICE N O. 1491 ment of Education, with efect from 5th October, 1955. HéR V AJESTY'S COURT OF APPEAL FOR EASTERN AFRICA REVERSION S A PPOINTMBNT GEORGE M ICHAEL H ARRISON TRENT Ceased to act as A ssistant HER M AJESTY the Queen has been pleased to approve the Com missioner of Police with elect from 8th October, 1955. appointm ent of- M R. Jus'rlcE ROGER SEW ELL BACON JM.B.E. K BNNETH ToM M BREDITH H OLMES ceased to act as Assistant Com m issioner of Police with effect from 21st October, 1955.

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