Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-1-1928 B. G. News May, 1928 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "B. G. News May, 1928" (1928). BG News (Student Newspaper). 84. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/84 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. UBRAKY [STATE COLLEQfc FRESHMAN EDITION STATE NORMAL COLLEGE BOWLING GREEN. OHIO r VOL. IX. MAY f £ NO. 9 Twenty Years Hence Seven Sisters Held Annual Dance After journeying far and near, see- ing all and knowing all, we might come On the 21st of April the Seven Sisters back to old B. G. just to see what might sorority gave their annual dance in the be going on. The first thing we might Women's gym. A treasure island was s:e would be Ed "Barney Oldfield" created with the hanging moss, treasure Mercer driving round the college circle chests, palms, and bright parrots. From just to get that old time thrill. -Then small island huts, punch was served by lo and behold, upon turning around we two youthful pirates. The scene was might find John "McGrew" Carrington, made more picturesque by the soft lights a polished reader, teaching at his old cast from crude lanterns on the side and Alma Mater, and with him our old pro- a full moon overhead. Spanish daggers fessor "Davenport Charlie" Powell. were given to the sixty couples who After spending a merry afternoon danced to the music furnished by with Dave Leathers, who was up for Young's orchestra. forging, owning the last of the village Miss Caroline Neilsen, Miss D. Has- blacksmith shops, we might go uptown kins and Miss L. Heston, were the fac- and enjoy a hearty meal at Glazer & ulty members present. Carrol, the "Hash and Carry Twins" main restaurant. In there we might meet "Beau" McVeigh, dressed in0 his ice cream pants still looking for his motor- Men's Hop cycle. We also might find Toby Edwards and Bob Wyandt, the "Part- The men of the college put aside the ners in Chime", still going to school, hoodoos and suspicions on Friday the 13 having secured all of the 57 degrees. After enjoying a show in which of April, and entertained their guests Leitman. And so might end a day 20 at the annual Men's Hop. The execu- years hence. tive committee was comprised of the presidents of each of the classes: Les Hanna, Darold Greek, Walter Schmunk and Toby Edwards. Leo Lake's orches- Practice Teaching tra furnished music for the crowd that filled the Women's gym. "The thing that goes the farthest, Faculty guests were President and Toward making Practice Teaching Mrs. H. B. Williams, Mr. W. E. Steller worthwhile and Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Landis. Costs the Critic the least; the young teacher the most, And make the sun come up. Is from the Critic, a smile. It starts his work arolling; The smile that bubbles so sincere; Fills the day with such content; That fills the amateur's cup, To the amateur, it's a million dollars; Will drive away that cloud of gloom To the Critic, not a cent." Page 2 BEE GEE NEWS THE STAFF Editor-in-Chief Von Frowine Associate Editor _ _ - - Bob Alexander Society _ Virginia Teachout Jokes „ Mid Campbell Financed by the Regular Bee Gee News Staff Faculty Advisor _ Prof. Beattie EDITORIALS One wise old sage said that a college Even though Bill Jones says that the paper was the voice of the students ex- go-getter considers a pull a handicap, pressed through them in the paper. Can still a pull comes in handy when the this be said of our paper? grades come out. The reason why it can't is because of o the lack of enthusiasm on the part of The crutches club is now back on its the students, and the lack or proper feet again. (Two new members.) student body co-operation. o A college paper should carry news The Seven Sister's pledge says: that is of the students, by the students, "Shoot if you want must this old gray and for the students. It should be "put head, but spare my bib and hair ribbon, out" by a journalism class, which should please." be a factor in every college in order to o meet the demands of high schools upon Initiations are nice to watch, but not teachers, and maintained by student so nice to go through. body suuport. A class of this sort o should be able to publish a Weekly In the springtime young men's fan- paper and make it "pay out." High cies lightly turn toward thouhgts of schools all over the country are doing hall loafing. this—why can't our college? One high o school in Texas has even published a Marriages are made in college and daily paper for the nominal sum of two not in heaven. cents and our own B. G. high school -o- "puts out" a weekly for five cents. How More than once this year has some can a paper, printed monthly, serve its upper classman forced his job on a poor purpose? It can not! little Frosh—now its this paper. As to the form of the newspaper. o There is really only one form possible: "The song is ended—now we'll pick a big four page edition, printed on cheap up all the tin cans and rotten apples," paper. This is the most economic since said the dormitory serenaders. there are only two runs of the press o and this gives additional space for ad- The old white mule it ain't what it vertising; thus the cost is less. used to be. How can we get that paper? There o is only one way. The students must There is a lot of money for the man demand it I This can be done through who invents a pencil so that all you have fraternities, sorrorities, clubs and indi- to do is press a button and it trans- vidual students—it is the law of supply lates the English into any foreign lan- and demand. You know what you want, guage you want. you can get it. Now do you have nerve o enough to demand it? IT'S UP TO Next to knowing is knowing where YOU! to find out. BEE GEE NEWS Page 3 We have lots of "ten o'clock" scholars Should Ford pay his taxes to the .-.round hsre-—in fact most of the "Dorm" French government, it certainly would girls. be a big step toward the liquidation of o the French debt to the United States. Knowledge is something exceptional o that is usually found in the Freshman Most of are thankful that the age of class. loud neckties is gradually fading away. o A Senior is one who is well versed Nature is the living, visible garment in the art of making excuses and giving of God. alibis. o ORANGE PEELS "Collegiate" is a general term appllied (By Coral Britt) to most any sloppy looking person. A Freshman would. o o Why say, "I didn't have the time?" Spring is here; the last new year's when you might as well be truthful and resolution has been broken. say, "I didn't take the time." o o Simile for the day; as lame as a 14-0 "Save the surface and you save all", baseball score. could hardly be applied if a house were o on fire. A little learning is a dangerous o thing: but it helps out on these mid- Most women would do well to try to terms. save their complexions instead of try- o ing to disfigure them. The local high school has Senior day o and our college the Freshman Edition The sportsmanship of a team usually to parade the wares of a superior class. charterizes the type of student in the o school. Has the graduating class delivered o the goods or are they merely coming to "Necessity is the mother of inven- the point where they can—as teachers. tion". That's why cosmetics are in o vogue. In other words, "Where is that PLEASE. Those with intuition walk old school girl complexion?" , on past the favorite path and leave the o ?rass grow. We note that t he Saturday Evening o Post suggests that practice husbands be There is the kind of a person who employed in the Home Ec. Department. laughs al anything so thr>t when some- o thing funny comes along he doesn't We have always wondered how they need to crack his face. prepare the potatoes in making "Potato Bread." Flighty people start out by saying, o "Now on the level." The increase in the student bodies of o colleges all over the country proves With a new lawn mower making its that Uncle Sam's fish are not decreas- rounds the grass has an improved ap- ing as rapidly as his v/ardens would pearance. But why give all the credit make us believe. to the machine? o France ought to be most willing to A Freshman discovered that the more sign a new war treaty with her debt to collegiate ones don't attend college.
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