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BJ Oliver and others have moved dirt and cleaned out ditches to allow access lines for water to extend America has stood the test more. To me, patriotism from the town's Public Service Authority to the center of the complex, requiring a 2,500 foot, three-feet deep of many trials throughout means respecting the men ditch with two-inch pipe and several Ts. The labor donated by the Oliver family made much of this possible and its years of existence and the and women who fought teams will be happy for the water that will be used for drinking fountains, the concession stand and restrooms. Veterans of Foreign Wars for our freedom. To me, are men and women who it's standing for the Pledge Pam Dudding much-needed grant to help with was approved to support the support this country with of Allegiance and removing heart and soul as well as your hat and putting your Contributing writer the completion of the field. Field’s extensive water project.” Debbie Snead, a community The CCR&CA recently com- their own sacrifi cial lives. hand over your heart for the Despite COVID-19 prevent- citizen and one of the original pleted several infrastructure proj- Th e VFW also hosts National Anthem. To me, ing much activity at the Field founders of the Field of Dreams ects for the Field including, elec- writing contests every year, it's thanking a Veteran for of Dreams, the Craig Recreation shared, “The Community Foun- tricity with assistance from Craig off ering teenagers the op- their service. To me, it's not and Conservation Association dation Serving Western Virginia Botetourt Electric Cooperative, a portunity to express them- being ashamed of our coun- (CCR&CA) continues to reach has awarded a grant to Craig well for watering the fields with selves as young Americans try's history and military. for its dreams by completing its County’s Field of Dreams from labor donated by Billy Horn and who wish to share their “I think it is absurd the final vision. voice. way people are so disre- their Community Catalyst Funds See , page 5 Recently, they were awarded a in the amount of $8,100, which Field of Dreams Th e Veterans of Foreign spectful these days; burning War throughout the United the fl ag, stepping on it, re- States hosts local competi- ally is loathsome. Without tions in middle and high the Revolutionary War, CCCCC receives high performance rating schools annually, challeng- we might still be a part of ing students to submit Great Britain,” he added. education, qualifi cations, and train- their writings on patriotic “Without the World Wars, ing. Th ese standards have been se- subjects, noting, that the we wouldn't be free; World lected because of a thorough review competition is “dedicated War One was the ‘war to of the research literature and best to encouraging a better un- end all wars.’ World War practices in other states. derstanding and apprecia- Two was the war to make •Basic Health & Safety - Th e tion of America.” America truly free. And we program is in compliance with re- Th e Patriot’s Pen is a owe it to all to the people quirements of state and local regu- written essay for middle who fought for us.” latory agencies school students. Th is year, Over 13,000 soldiers •Education & Qualifi cations their question was, “What die serving every year. Th e - Th e program recognizes the im- is Patriotism to Me?” death toll keeps rising. portance of having teachers who Entrants vie for the top Th ere have been over six have or are working towards formal award of $5,000 and last wars involving the United SUBMITTED PHOTO education in child development or year more than 138,000 States since 2000. America Teachers at 5C enjoy the many different classes they can provide for early childhood education students entered. has been in 12 major wars Craig County parents. From tiny tots to older kids, the center cares for •Curriculum & Assessment - Th e Th e students compete in total, losing just one. We them all, providing excellent care, love and learning. program works to use curriculum, locally, and the winners take have a strong military that child assessment, and intentional home a gift card from Craig needs your support. We Pam Dudding in Virginia Quality early learning teaching that promotes children’s Valley VFW Post 4491 be- need your Patriotism. Contributing writer programs, the C5 shows their staff , development and incorporates state fore competing in District We are free. One of the families and community that they early learning guidelines where fi rst place takes home many wonderful things Many changes and adjustments are committed to quality for young •Environment - Th e program a $200 check. Th ose win- about America is that we have been mandated in the last sev- children. strives to have children engaged in ners go forward to State for are free. Th e right to go to eral months due to the COVID-19 Th eir statistics show that, Qual- meaningful learning and play by a chance to share in scholar- church, freedom to say what virus. ity Rating and Improvement Sys- off ering them a variety of materials ships and awards between we want. Our Founding fa- Craig County schools have been tems exist in most states across the and activities throughout the day $500 and $1,000 and then thers created the Constitu- intensely aff ected as well as the local country and are a proven strategy •Interactions - Daily, supportive to nationals. tion and rightfully knew it’d childcare center. to systematically improve the qual- interactions between teachers and In addition to local, re- need Amendments to en- Still, administration and teachers ity of childcare and early learning children form the foundation for gional, and state competi- sure rights and privileges as strive to provide the best schooling programs. Th e quality rating set the social and cognitive learning, signif- tions, the fi rst-place winner Americans. We have the 1st available for them all. standards for quality improvement. icantly impacting school readiness from each VFW State De- Amendment - Freedom of Teresa Oliver, Craig County Th ere are fi ve quality levels. The Virginia records show that there partment wins a minimum Speech and Religion. Th en, Child Care Center’s (C5) Execu- criteria defi ne what the program are currently 82 licensed childcare scholarship of $1,000 and we have the 2nd Amend- tive Director, said, “Even though will be assessed on, and the re- centers in the piedmont region that an all-expense-paid trip to ment - the Right to Bear Craig County is a very rural area quired activities defi ne the quality have voluntarily entered the Virgin- Washington, D.C. Arms; In other words, the with limited economic resources, improvement activities that will be ia Quality Rating process. Of those, Th is year, Makenzie Lu- right to own a fi rearm, to that does not mean that our early available to help achieve the quality 19 have received a level one, an ad- cas won fi rst place, while keep yourself safe. learners must accept substandard improvement required for moving ditional 19 have also received a level Kallie and Kammie Fisher Th e 19th amendment educational services.” to the next level. two, 27 participants have received a came in second and third means a great deal to me. It Most families agree that choos- Th ere are four main factors that level three, 15 have demonstrated place, respectively. Maken- assures women the right to ing an early childhood program is determine what makes a successful the requirement to reach level four, zie also took fi rst place in vote. It was ratifi ed in 1920. one of the most important decisions Virginia Quality site: child to staff and only two have accomplished the District contest and will With their tenacious fi ght they can make. ratios; teacher-child interactions; receive an additional check. See Patriotism, page 5 By voluntarily participating the learning environment; and staff See C5, page 5 Lucas wrote: “Accord- Celebrate with Internet that Really Connects Fill you home with reliable connectivity with Citizens CitiZip Internet with speeds up to 100 Mbps. Whether you are connecting in person or from a distance, Citizens WiFi blankets your home to ensure everyone can enjoy their favorite movies, music, and video calls from every room in the house. Wrap up CitiZip Internet from Citizens today! | 276.637.6485 | citizens.coop Page 2 • Wednesday, January 20, 2021 • The New Castle Record www.ourvalley.org COMMUNITY CALENDAR Contact 540-293-4065 for at 282 Salem Ave, is •Craig County Public MONDAY THROUGH more information.
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