1392 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. SEPTEl\IBER 11' CORPS OF ENGINEERS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. To be additional second lieutenants. 1\foND.A.Y, September 11, 18.93. 1. Cadet George P. Howell. 2. Cadet Charles W. Kutz. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, 3. Cadet Meriwether L. Walker. Rev. SAMUEL W. HADDAWAY, D. D. 4. Cadet R.obert P. Johnston. The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday last was re9.d _and 5. Cadet Robert R. Raymond. approved. CHEROKEE CLAIMANTS. ARTILLERY ARM. The Speaker laid before the House an act (S. 457) authorizing To be second lieutenants. certain Cherokee allottees or claimants to purchase certain 6. Cadet William M. Cruikshank. tracts held or claimed by them; which was referred to the COJU­ 7. Cadet Gordon G. Heiner. mittee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printea. To be additional second lieutenants. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 9. Cadet George H. McManus. By unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted as follows: 10. Cadet Edward J. Timberlake, jr. To Mr. MEIKLEJOHN, for three days, on accountof important 12. Cadet David M. King. business. 14. Cadet Samuel C. Hazzard. To Mr. WRIGHT of Pennsylvania, indefinitely, on account of 15. CadetS. J. Bayard Schindel. important business. 18. Cadet Otho W. B. Farr. To Mr. McKEIGHAN, for two weeks, on account of important 19. Cadet Robertson Honey. business. To Mr. LAYTON, until the 25th instant, onaccountof sickness. CAVALRY ARM. To Mr. HARRIS, until October 1st, on account of illness. To be second lieutenants. CHANGES OF REFERENCE. 8. Cadet John H. Rice. Mr. BUNN. Mr. Speaker, on page 1283 of the RECORD ap­ 13. Cadet Lincoln C. Andrews . pears this entry in relation to a bill introduced by myself: • 16. Cadet William R. Smedberg, jr. Also, a. bill (H. R. 520) directing the issue of duplicate United States bonds 21. Cadet John M. Morgan. to Mrs. Victor Thureot-referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. 23. Cadet Andrew E. Williams. I ask to have that reference changed and the bill sent to the 25. Cadet Walter C. Babcock. Committee on Claims. The bill itself has been printed and re­ 26. Cadet William Yates. ferred to that committee. 27. Cadet Herbert B. Crosby. The SPEAKER. Is it a private bill? 29. Cadet Benjamin B. Hyer. Mr. BUNN. It is a -private bill . 30. Cadet Mathew C. Smith. The SPEAKER. The correction will be made. 31. Cadet Edward B. Cassatt. Mr. BROSIUS. Mr. Speaker, I had the honor the other day to introduce a bill (H. R. 1960) to amend an act entitled'' An act To be additional second lieutenants. to provide ways and means for the support of the Government," 33. Cadet Kenzie W. Walker. which I see by the RECORD has been referred to the Committee 35. Cadet Harry H. Pattison. on Ways and Me3>ns. The section of the act proposed to be 36. Cadet Edward E. Hartwick. amended is that which providesfor the issue of gold certificates, 37. Cadet Charles G. Sawtelle, jr. and I think the bill should go to the Committee on Banking and INFANTRY ARM. Currency. The Sf'EAKER. The Chair will call the ~ttention of the To be second lieutenants. gentleman from Pennsylvania and of the House to the fact that 17. Cadet Howard L. Laubach. under the rule there are certain methods -provided for correct­ 20. Cadet Elmer W. Clark. ing an erroneous reference -of either a public or a private bill. 22. Cadet Louis B. Lawton. A correction of an erroneous reference of a public bill can be 24. Cadet Amos H. Martin. made, immediately after the reading of the Journal, first by 28. Cadet Buell B. Bassette. unanimous consent, or secondly, by motion of the committee 32. Cadet Thomas L. Smith. claiming jurisdiction, or third, on motion of the committee to 34. Cadet Arthur M. Edwards. whom the bill has been erroneously referred. In this case the 38. Cadet Howard R. Perry. Chair understands the gentleman from Pennsylvania to ask 39. Cadet George E. HouL:J. unanimous consent to correct the reference of the bill to which 40. Cadet Lincoln F . Kilbourne. he calls attention. 41. Cadet Verling K. Hart. Mr. BROSIUS. That is my request. · 42. Cadet Robert E. L. Spence. There was no objection, and the bill was accordingly referred 43. Cadet William C. Rogers. to the Committee on Banking and Currency. 44. Cadet Frank B. McKenna. 45. Cadet George H. Jamerson. RELIEF FOR CYCLONE SUFFERERS IN SOUTH OAROLIN A. 46. Cadet Edward E. Carey. Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I have sent to the desk a joint 47. Cadet Edward Taylor. resolution to provide relief for the sufferers from the recent cy­ 48. Cadet Hamilton A. Smith. clone in South Carolina, and owing to the urgent necessity for -- , 49. Cadet Hunter B. Nelson. such relief, I ask unanimous consent for the immediate consid­ 50. Cadet Albert Laws. eration of the joint resolution. 51. Cadet Mathew E. Saville. The SPEAKER. The joint resolution will be read, after which the Chair will ask if there be objection. Gavalrv a?-m. The joint resolution was read, as follows: Second Lieut. Walter M. Whitman, Second Infantry, to be· Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to use rations and medi­ second lieutenant. cines for the relief of sufferers on the South Atlantic coast by the storm Medical Depa1·tment. on said coast in August, 1893. Whereas the South Atlantic coast was visited by a terrific storm in the ASSISTANT SURGEONS. latter part of the month of August, 1893, entailing great loss of life and property; and Whereas in Beaufort, S. C., and vicinity, there is danger of starvation and Alexander N. Stark, of Virginia. pestilence among the inhabitants resulting from the said storm; therefore Charles Lynch, of New York. Be it resolved by the Senate ana House of Representatives, etc., That the SUJ? JohnS. Kulp, of Pennsylvania. of $2.000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same Is Edward L. Munson, of Connecticut. hereby, appropriated out or any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, to be expended by and under the direction of Charles E. B. Flagg, of South Carolina. the Secretary of War in the purchase and distribution of subsistence stores James M. Kennedy, of South Carolina. and me-dicine to such suffering persons as may require assistance in t h e dis­ Guy C. M. Godfrey, of Ohio. trict on the South Atlantic coast, visited by the storm in the month of Au­ gust, 1893. And the Secretary of War is authorized to employ such means William F. Lewis, of North Carolina. of transportation as he ma.y deem necessary to carry the purpose of this POSTMASTERS. joint r esolution into immediate effect. Robert Galbreath, to be postmaster at Edmond, in the County The SPEAKER. The gentleman from South Carolina [Mr. of Okla.boma and Territory of Oklahoma. MURRAY] asks unanimous consent for the present consideration Edwin T. Hutchinson. to benostmaster at Lakota, in the county of this joint resolution. Is there objection? of Nelson and State of North Dakota. Mr. KILGORE. I object. 1893. OONGRESSIONAL REOORD-HOUSE. 1393 Mr. ROBERTSON. I think that ought to go to a committee. Mr. COOMBS. What will be the effect of this resolution Mr.SAYERS. I move that the joint resolution be referred upon the members of the Fifty-second Congress who are mem­ to the Committee on Appropriations. bers of this Congress? The SPEAKER. It will be so referred, under the rule. Mr. RICHARDSON of Tennessee. Neither resolution affects them at all. DISTRffiUTION OF DOCUMENTS TO MEMBERS. Mr. COOMBS. For instance, there are certain books in proc­ Mr. RICHARDSON of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I desire to ess of publication which are not finished yet, but which are ex­ submit a privileged report with reference to the distribution of pected to be finished by the 1st of DAcember. Will they be documents. This is a resolution introduced by the gentleman thrown into the general fund and redistributed, or do they from Ohio [Mr. GROSVENOR], and I ask his attention to it. remain still assigned to the members of this Congress who hold The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the resolution. over? The Clerk read as follows: Mr. RICHARDSON of Tennessee. They will be apportioned Resolved, That all documents and books ordered by the Fifty-second Con­ just as heretofore, regularly, to the members. The resolution gress which were not actually printed and distributed on the 7th day of does not affect those members who hold over at all. August, 1893, and which remain at this time undistributed, shall be allotted to members of the present Con&ress and transmitted to their residences as Mr. COOMBS. They will get their quota anyhow? fast as printed or distributed, through the folding room of the House, as has Mr. RICHARDSON of Tennessee. Yes. been customary; and the resolution of this House dated February Z7, 1893, Mr. COOMBS. Is there to be a new distribution of the books be, and the same is hereby, rescinded in so far as the same is inconsistent herewith. that are left over? REPORT. Mr.RICHARDSON of Tennessee. No; this does not make any The Committee on Printing have considered the House resolution intro­ new distribution at all. duced by the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. GROSVENOR] in reference to the Mr. COOMBS. The members who remain here have their old distribution of books and documents, and direct me to report the same with books just the same? an amendment, which is herewith submitted. As amended they recommend that the resolution be adopted.
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