HANDCRAFTED CIGARS, TOBACCO, ACCESSORIES & MILITARY TIMELINE WEEKEND AT MORE AT SEA-GARS SEE PAGE 21 HISTORIC COLD SPRING VILLAGE SEE PAGE 10 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS TV CHALLENGE STUMPERS CHALLENGE STUMPERS SPORTSStrikeouts TV SPORTS Questions: Strikeouts9) Who owns the single-sea- Questions:1) Who are the only hitters to 9)son Who record owns for the strikeouts single-sea by -a Strikeouts Questions: 9) Who owns the single-sea- 1)record Who moreare the than only 2,000 hitters strike to - sonpitcher record (post-1900)? for strikeouts by a 1) Who are the only hitters to son record for strikeouts by a recordouts during more theirthan careers?2,000 strike- pitcher10) What (post-1900)? batter has struck out record more than 2,000 strike- pitcher (post-1900)? outs2) What during player their struck careers? out only 10)the Whatfewest batter times has in a struck season out the(minimum fewest 150times games)? in a season outs during their careers? 10) What batter has struck out 2)114 What times player over strucka 14-year out onlyca- (minimum 150 games)? the fewest times in a season 114 times over a 14-year ca- 2) What player struck out only reer? (minimum 150 games)? reer? Answers: 114 times over a 14-year ca- 3) What pitcher has struck out Answers: 3) What pitcher has struck out 1) Adam Dunn, Andres Galar- reer? the most times as a batter in a 1) Adam Dunn, Andres Galar- Answers: the most times as a batter in a raga, Reggie Jackson, Alex 3) What pitcher has struck out raga, Reggie Jackson, Alex 1) Adam Dunn, Andres Galar- season?season? Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa, Jim Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa, Jim the most times as a batter in a raga, Reggie Jackson, Alex 4) Who is the only relief pitch- Thome 4) Who is the only relief pitch- Thome season? Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa, Jim er to log 100 more strikeouts 2) Joe Sewell er to log 100 more strikeouts 2) Joe Sewell 4) Who is the only relief pitch- Thome thanthan hitshits allowedallowed inin aa season?season? 3) Wilbur Wood struck out 65 er to log 100 more strikeouts 2) Joe Sewell times in 1972 5)5) WhatWhat eligibleeligible pitcherpitcher with times in 1972 than hits allowed in a season? 3) Wilbur Wood struck out 65 4) Eric Gagne (137 strikeouts, moremore thanthan 3,0003,000 career strike-- 4) Eric Gagne (137 strikeouts, times in 1972 37 hits allowed) in 2003 5) What eligible pitcher with outs is not a member of the 37 hits allowed) in 2003 4) Eric Gagne (137 strikeouts, outs is not a member of the 5) Roger Clemens more than 3,000 career strike- Baseball Hall of Fame? 5) Roger Clemens Baseball Hall of Fame? 6) Nolan Ryan, with 5,714 K’s outs is not a member of the 37 hits allowed) in 2003 6) What pitcher holds the ca- 6) Nolan Ryan, with 5,714 K’s 5) Roger Clemens 6) What pitcher holds the ca- 7) Mark Reynolds whiffed 223 Baseball Hall of Fame? reer record for strikeouts? 7) Mark Reynolds whiffed 223 6) Nolan Ryan, with 5,714 K’s reer record for strikeouts? times in 2009. 6) What pitcher holds the ca- 7) Who holds the single-sea- 8)times Reggie in 2009. Jackson 7) Mark Reynolds whiffed 223 7) Who holds the single-sea- reer record for strikeouts? son record for strikeouts by a 9)8) NolanReggie Ryan, Jackson with 383 times in 2009. 7) Who holds the single-sea- hitter?son record for strikeouts by a strikeouts9) Nolan Ryan, in 1973 with 383 8) Reggie Jackson 8)hitter? What hitter struck out more 10)strikeouts Sewell in struck 1973 out four son record for strikeouts by a 9) Nolan Ryan, with 383 than8) What 100 hittertimes struck in 18 seasons?out more times10) Sewell each struckin 1925 out and four ‘29 hitter? strikeouts in 1973 than 100 times in 18 seasons? times each in 1925 and ‘29 8) What hitter struck out more 10) Sewell struck out four SEARCH than 100 times in 18 seasons? times each in 1925 and ‘29 WORD SEARCH H WORDAFKURTHBMNAGEZ SEARCH U OIJYOGSWUHTRPA WORD H A F K U R T H B M N A G E Z G QSCMUCLNRTOALU H AFKURTHBMNAGEZ U O I J Y O G S W U H T R P A H DJPVOYEBLMDHOF U OIJYOGSWUHTRPA EG PBUIFKSPYESNKYQ S C M U C L N R T O A L U G QSCMUCLNRTOALU SH RHDLTBGROBACHDD J P V O Y E B L M D H O F H DJPVOYEBLMDHOF RE KIVJRARMIEWYONP B U I F K S P Y E S N K Y E PBUIFKSPYESNKY Z GCMQEALEPNCDLF S R H D L T B G R O B A C H D S RHDLTBGROBACHD N OTRUBGYQJASVMX R K I V J R A R M I E W Y O N R KIVJRARMIEWYON EZ TASXEAFNERWNEHG C M Q E A L E P N C D L F H RMIGKINGADOGSN Z GCMQEALEPNCDLF N O T R U B G Y Q J A S V M X X JPZESHLTKIXBOE N OTRUBGYQJASVMX BE DQFRT A S X ANCISZJAQVE A F N E R W N E H E TASXEAFNERWNEH WH ZXUQMKHPWLIRKYR M I G K I N G A D O G S N H RMIGKINGADOGSN AX SHTONVROTCNFCAJ P Z E S H L T K I X B O E X JPZESHLTKIXBOE B“48thD AnnualQ F R DaytimeA N CEmmyI SAwards”Z J Aon CBSQ V B DQFR ANCISZJAQV (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) W ZXUQMKHPWLIRKY (General)W Z HospitalX U Q M(T.J.)K HolmesH P W L(Genie)I FrancisR K Y (Alex)A STrebekH T O (Dr.N Jennifer)V R AshtonO T C(Thorsten)N F KayeC A A SHTONVROTCNFCA (Larry)“48th King Annual Daytime(Maurice) EmmyBenard Awards”(Nancy Lee)on GrahnCBS “48th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards” on CBS (Drew) Barrymore(Words (Melissain parentheses Claire) Egannot in puzzle)(Wally) Kurth (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (Amy)(General) Robach Hospital (Steve)(T.J.) Holmes Burton (Finola)(Genie) HughesFrancis (General) Hospital (T.J.) Holmes (Genie) Francis (Alex) Trebek (Dr. Jennifer) Ashton (Thorsten) Kaye (Alex) Trebek (Dr. Jennifer) Ashton (Thorsten) Kaye (Larry) King (Maurice) Benard (Nancy Lee) Grahn (Larry) King (Maurice) Benard (Nancy Lee) Grahn (Drew) Barrymore (Melissa Claire) Egan (Wally) Kurth Custom Features (Drew) BarrymoreRelease(Melissa the week Claire) of Egan June 20(Wally) - June Kurth 26, 2021. (Amy) Robach (Steve) Burton (Finola) Hughes (Amy) Robach (Steve) Burton (Finola) Hughes PAGE 6 Custom Features Release the week of June 20 - June 26, 2021. Custom Features Release the week of June 20 - June 26, 2021. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS TV CHALLENGE STUMPERS CHALLENGE STUMPERS SPORTSStrikeouts TV SPORTS Questions: Strikeouts9) Who owns the single-sea- Questions:1) Who are the only hitters to 9)son Who record owns for the strikeouts single-sea by -a Strikeouts Questions: 9) Who owns the single-sea- 1)record Who moreare the than only 2,000 hitters strike to - sonpitcher record (post-1900)? for strikeouts by a 1) Who are the only hitters to son record for strikeouts by a recordouts during more theirthan careers?2,000 strike- pitcher10) What (post-1900)? batter has struck out record more than 2,000 strike- pitcher (post-1900)? outs2) What during player their struck careers? out only 10)the Whatfewest batter times has in a struck season out the(minimum fewest 150times games)? in a season outs during their careers? 10) What batter has struck out 2)114 What times player over strucka 14-year out onlyca- (minimum 150 games)? the fewest times in a season 114 times over a 14-year ca- 2) What player struck out only reer? (minimum 150 games)? reer? Answers: 114 times over a 14-year ca- 3) What pitcher has struck out Answers: 3) What pitcher has struck out 1) Adam Dunn, Andres Galar- reer? the most times as a batter in a 1) Adam Dunn, Andres Galar- Answers: the most times as a batter in a raga, Reggie Jackson, Alex 3) What pitcher has struck out raga, Reggie Jackson, Alex 1) Adam Dunn, Andres Galar- season?season? Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa, Jim Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa, Jim the most times as a batter in a raga, Reggie Jackson, Alex 4) Who is the only relief pitch- Thome 4) Who is the only relief pitch- Thome season? Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa, Jim er to log 100 more strikeouts 2) Joe Sewell er to log 100 more strikeouts 2) Joe Sewell 4) Who is the only relief pitch- Thome thanthan hitshits allowedallowed inin aa season?season? 3) Wilbur Wood struck out 65 er to log 100 more strikeouts 2) Joe Sewell times in 1972 5)5) WhatWhat eligibleeligible pitcherpitcher with times in 1972 than hits allowed in a season? 3) Wilbur Wood struck out 65 4) Eric Gagne (137 strikeouts, moremore thanthan 3,0003,000 career strike-- 4) Eric Gagne (137 strikeouts, times in 1972 37 hits allowed) in 2003 5) What eligible pitcher with outs is not a member of the 37 hits allowed) in 2003 4) Eric Gagne (137 strikeouts, outs is not a member of the 5) Roger Clemens more than 3,000 career strike- Baseball Hall of Fame? 5) Roger Clemens Baseball Hall of Fame? 6) Nolan Ryan, with 5,714 K’s outs is not a member of the 37 hits allowed) in 2003 6) What pitcher holds the ca- 6) Nolan Ryan, with 5,714 K’s 5) Roger Clemens 6) What pitcher holds the ca- 7) Mark Reynolds whiffed 223 Baseball Hall of Fame? reer record for strikeouts? 7) Mark Reynolds whiffed 223 6) Nolan Ryan, with 5,714 K’s reer record for strikeouts? times in 2009.
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