NEWSLETTER OF THE THEATRE LIBRARY ASSOCJATION VOLUME 3, NUMBER 3 WINTER 1976 NEW SERIES TLA BOARD MEETING FREEDLEY - TLA OSU THEATRE HIGH LIGHTS AWARD CEREMONY HISTORY SYMPOSIUM A LA Affiliation: Richard M. Buck, The presentation of the 1975 For the past two years The Ohio TLA R epnsentative at the Chicago George Freedley Memorial Award and State University Department of American Library Association mid- the Theatre Library Association Theatre has hosted meetings for theatre his torians with the generous Winter meeting reported that a one- Award will be made on Monday, May support of the College of the Arts day seminar is to be scheduled prior 17, 1976 a the Gotham Book Mart and the OSU Theatre Research In- to the ALA Summer Conference to Gallery, 41 West 47th Street, New stitute. A third symposium, Aspects iron out the confusion surrounding York City, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. All of the American Theatre,js scheduled the position of the affiliated library Theatre Library Association members associations. Mr. Buck is planning and their guests are invited to attend for April 30 - May 2, 1976 at OSU. to attend the seminar. It was the for a charge of $6.00 per person, Among the topics for discussion concensus of the Board that TLA gratuities included. should continue its affiliation with will be "Sex Roles ia Society and A separate mailing will be made A L A. Theatre," "Training Audiences for Theatre Librarians hip: At the in a few weeks listing the nominees the A rts" and 'Research Facilities Board's request TL A President Rob- including a reservation form. and Possibilities". Full particulars, ert M. Henderson will submit a pro- including hate1 accommodations, may posal to the American Library be obtiined from Professor Alan Association that ALA encourage the Woods, Conference Coordinator, De- establishment of a course in theatre partment of Theatre, The Ohio State librarianship to be given in an ac- University, Columbus, Ohio 43210. credited library school. The Preliminary Symposium in MEMBERSHIP ROLLS 1974 on the Historiography of Theatre MADE CURRENT History was a result of Professor Woods "conviction that theatre his- Starting with this issue, Broadside PERFORMING ARTS RE SOURCES torians both needed and wished to will be mailed only to currently paid- Mary C. Henderson, editor-elect of discuss the underlying tenets of up members of the Theatre Library Performing Arts Resources, is solic- their discipline, and that existing Assocision; i.e. those who have iting manuscripts of an international conventions, meetings and con- paid dues for the January-December nature for Volume IV scheduled for ferences rarely permitted more than 1975 period. The files have been publication some ti m e in 1977. an informal (and hurried) exchange of cleared and the total membership in Articles on British, European, Latin ideasw. good standing is now 420 - personal American and other theatre collec- 226 and institutional 194. tions which writers have visited or Persons interested in acquiring Several members who have paid used are welcome. Essays on non- the published proceedings of the Pre- the 1975 dues have not paid for American resources for film, radio liminary Symposium may do so by 1974; others have not paid for 1973. and television (either public or sending a request to the Department Those in arrears will be notified of private) will also be considered. of Theatre at The Ohio State Uni- back dues owed when the 1976 in- All manuscripts, ideas and sug- versity with an enclosure of one voice is mailed in March. gestions should be sent to Dr. Mpy dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) to Any questions about dues status C. Henderson, Assistant Curator, cover printing and mailing charges. should be addressed to Richard M. Theatre and Music Col 1e c t i o n, The printed papers are "intended to Buck, Secretary-Treasurer, Theatr: Museum of the City of New York, spark discussion and reaction, to Library A ssociation, 111 Amsterdam Fifth Avenue at 103d Street, New continue the dialogue among theatre Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10023. York, N. Y. 10029. historians about their field'. FEDERAL CINE TLA SUMMER MEETING CANADIAN THEATRE HISTORY Federal One is the title of the First word has been received con- RESEARCH PROGRAMME newspaper of the Research Cehte: cerning the Theatre Library Associa- A Research Programme in Canadian for the Federal Theatre Project at tion program meeting to be held in theatre history was inaugurated this George Mason University in Fairfax, Chicago on Thursday, July 22, 1976 fall with funding guaranteed for Virginia. Labeled an irregular publi- during the American Library Associa- the first year by the Connaught Fund, catioq, Volume I, Number 1 made its tion Centennial Conference Week. University of Toronto. The Organiz- appearance in November 1975 with Open to all Conference registrants, ing Committee consists of Professors Diane K. Bowers as editor. The title the day-long session will begin at Robertson Davies, Ann Saddlemyer is derived from the nickname used 9:15 a.m. with tours of the Auditor- and Lise-Lone Marker (Centre for by original Federal Theatre Project ium and Chicago Theatres. the Study of Drama), J. M. S. Careless staff members to designate their The afternoon program will begin (History Department), Sheldon Zitner Project. 'Federal Project Number 1' at 2:00 p.m. in the Goodman Theatre (D e p art m e n t of English), Dean included the Theatre, Art, Writers', with a panel discussion on alternate Francess Halpemy (Faculty of and Music Divisions. theatre in Chicago followed by a Library Science) and Miss Heather The lead artlcle in this first issue performance by one of the alternate McCallum (Theatre Section, Metro- reveals that the task of unpacking theatr,e groups. The program will con- politan Toronto Central Library) who and general sorting of the contents clude with a talk on historical is Senior Research Associate for of the Federal Theatre Project (FTP) theatre buildings in Chicago after the first year of the Programme. materia1 which was placed on perma- which a reception will be held in the The Programme has as its pritnery nent loan at George Mason Univer- Goodman Theatre lobby. aim the compilation of information sity by the Library of Congress has A reading by the Shaa Society of necessary to the orderly investigation now been completed. Over 7,000 Chicago is planned at 7:30 p.m. in of Canadian theatre history from the scripts (2,500 of which are radio the newly renovated reception hall in beginnings to the 1950s. Research plays) were uncovered including un- the Chicago Public Library Cultural projects will include the preparation puplished early plays, Living News- Center. of bibliographies and checklists for papers, classical plays, vaudeville The actual program, with informa- primary and secondary materials, plays and Black drama. There are tion regarding reservations for the calendars of performance for major over 500 silk-screen posters, fifteen theatre tours, will be published in theatrical companies, in addition to cubic feet of original, signed set and the Spring issue of Broadside. oral histories. The office of the costume designs and thousands of Programme is expected to serve as photographs and negatives. The a referral centre for inquirers and pictorial records also contain approx- visitors. INTERNATIONAL SHAKESPEARE imately 600 production bulletins. A The Organizing Committee is Register of the estimated 40,000 ASSOCIATION CONGRESS aware of the many enterprises al- items will be published as soon as ready underway in this field. It would "Shakespeare in Americaw is the be grateful for any information on funds are available. theme of the International Shake- Plans are also In the offing to research in progress or recently com- speare Association Congress to be pleted, and on the resources and augment the ong~nalco~lection with held jn Washington, D. C. April 19- an oral history of the FTP with persons interested in Canadian 25, 1976. Hosted by the Shakespeare theatre history. It welcomes sug- interviews of the administrative Association of America and the Fol- staff, playwrights, directors and gestions 'that will help in the crea- ger Shakespeare Library, this Bi. tion of an accurate account of the other artists associated with the centennial Congress is open only to current state of research in Can- Project. Eventually a data retrieval members of the Shakespeare Associa- adian th eatre history and ultimately system will provide researchers with tion of America and to members of in the publication of works about easy access to information on a other branches of the International that history. particular play, person, region or Shakespeare Association. Ali st air Correspondence should be ad- bureau. The collection will also be Cooke will be the keynote lecturer. dressed to : Miss Heather McCallumj coordinated with FTP collections Each day's program will include a Canadian Theatre History Research across the country, particularly with number of small seminars on spe- Programme, 14th Floor, Robarts the National Archives, since it con- cialized topics such as Christian Library, U n i v e r s i ty of Toronto, tains the administrative records of Interpretations of Shakespeare, Toronto, Ontario M5S lA5, Telephone: the Federal Theatre. Marxist Interpretations of Shake- (416) 928-6204. Indivi&ds researching and writing speare, Shakespeare in Translation about the Federal Theatre Project and the Future of Shakespeare Bibli- are urged to send abstwcts of their ography. Among the week's special works for publication in future issues events will be the opening of the of Federal One. All correspondence "Shakespeare in America" exhibition should be addressed to the Editor, at the Folger Shakespeare Library, a Federal One, Research Center for production of As You Like It by the the Federal Theatre Project, c/o Folger Theatre Group and a Shake- English Department, George Mason speare Film Series by the American University, F airfak, Virginia 22030.
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