Report No. Date: December 2011 The International Fund for Agricultural Development REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MURAT RIVER WATERSHED REHABILITATION PROJECT (MRWRP) Project Final Design Report Volume I: Main Report December 2011 Near East, North Africa and Europe Division Programme Management Department REPUBLIC OF TURKEY: MURAT RIVER WATERSHED REHABILITATION PROJECT (MRWRP) FINAL PROJECT DESIGN REPORT MAIN REPORT REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MURAT RIVER WATERSHED REHABILITATION PROJECT (MRWRP) FINAL PROJECT DESIGN REPORT Table of Contents Page Fiscal Year ........................................................................................................ iii Currency Equivalents ......................................................................................... iii Weights and Measures ....................................................................................... iii Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................... iv Map of Project Area ........................................................................................... vi Executive Summary .......................................................................................... vii Logical Framework ............................................................................................ xi I. STRATEGIC CONTEXT AND RATIONALE ...........................................................1 A. Country and rural development context .......................................................... 1 B. Rationale..................................................................................................... 3 II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................4 A. Project Area and Target Group ....................................................................... 4 B. Development Objective and Impact Indicators ................................................. 5 C. Outcomes/Components ................................................................................. 5 Component 1: Natural Resource and Environmental Management ........................ 5 Component 2: Investments in Natural Resources and Environmental Assets .......... 6 Component 3: Investments in Livelihood Improvement 7 D. Lessons Learned and Adherence to IFAD Policies .............................................. 9 III. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION .......................................................................... 11 A. Approach .................................................................................................. 11 B. Organisational Framework ........................................................................... 12 C. Planning, M&E, Learning and Knowledge Management .................................... 13 D. Financial Management, Procurement and Governance ..................................... 15 E. Supervision ............................................................................................... 17 F. Risk Identification and Mitigation .................................................................. 19 IV. PROJECT COSTS, FINANCING BENEFITS AND SUSTAINABILITY 20 A. Project Costs ............................................................................................. 20 B. Project Financing ........................................................................................ 21 C. Summary Benefits and Economic Analysis ..................................................... 22 D. Sustainability ............................................................................................. 23 i REPUBLIC OF TURKEY: MURAT RIVER WATERSHED REHABILITATION PROJECT (MRWRP) FINAL PROJECT DESIGN REPORT MAIN REPORT Page TABLES Table 1: Project Costs by Components 21 Table 2: Financing Plan by Components (USD) 22 ANNEXES Annex 1: Country and Rural Context Background ........................................................ 1 Appendix 1: Country Data Sheet ......................................................................... 5 Annex 2: Poverty, Targeting and Gender ..................................................................... 7 Annex 3: Country Performance and Lessons Learned .................................................. 17 Annex 4: Detailed Project Description ....................................................................... 21 Annex 5: Institutional Aspects and Implementation Arrangements ............................... 31 Appendix 1: Organizational Chart ...................................................................... 37 Appendix 2: Terms of Reference of Key Project Staff ........................................... 39 Appendix 3: Micro-catchment Planning Guidelines ............................................... 45 Appendix 4: Inception Review 49 Appendix 5: Capacity Building Plan ..................................................................... 51 Annex 6: Planning, M&E, Learning and Knowledge Management .................................. 53 Annex 7: Financial Management and Disbursement Arrangements ............................... 59 Appendix 1: Flow of Funds Chart ....................................................................... 63 Appendix 2: Terms of Reference for Auditors ...................................................... 65 Annex 8: Procurement ............................................................................................ 67 Appendix 1 Eighteen-month Procurement Plan .................................................... 73 Annex 9: Project Costs and Financing ....................................................................... 77 Appendix 1: Detailed Costs 81 Annex 10: Economic and Financial Analysis ............................................................... 93 Annex 11: Draft Project Implementation Manual ........................................................ 99 Annex 12: Compliance with IFAD Policies ................................................................ 101 Appendix 1: Environmental and Social Review Note ............................................ 105 Annex 13: Contents of the Project Life File .............................................................. 109 ii REPUBLIC OF TURKEY: MURAT RIVER WATERSHED REHABILITATION PROJECT (MRWRP) FINAL PROJECT DESIGN REPORT MAIN REPORT FISCAL YEAR 1st January - 31st December CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS Monetary Unit = Turkish Lira (TRY) TRY 1.00 = USD 0.639 (May 2011) USD 1.00 = TRY 1.565 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 kilogramme (kg) = 2.204 pounds (lb) 1 000 kg = 1 metric tonne (mt) 1 kilometre (km) = 0.62 miles (mi) 1 decar (da) = 1 000 square metres 1 hectare (ha) = 10 decars ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AGM General Directorate of Afforestation and Erosion Control (in MOEF) ASLR Accelerated Sea Level Rise AWPB Annual Work Plan and Budget BCPCPS Beneficiary Centred Problem Census Problem Solving CBD Convention on Biodiversity CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora COSOP Country Strategic Opportunities Paper CPE Country Programme Evaluation CPM Country Programme Manager CPO Country Programme Officer CQ Consultants‘ Qualifications (procurement method) EB Executive Board EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIRR economic internal rate of return EIU Economist Intelligence Unit ENRM Environmental and Natural Resource Management ESA Environmental and Social Assessment ESRN Environmental and Social Review Note EU European Union FM Financial Management FMD Foot and Mouth Disease FMR Financial Monitoring Report iii REPUBLIC OF TURKEY: MURAT RIVER WATERSHED REHABILITATION PROJECT (MRWRP) FINAL PROJECT DESIGN REPORT MAIN REPORT ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS (CONT’D) GDI Gender Development Index GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility GIS Geographic Information System GNI Gross National Income GOE Government Owned Enterprise HBS household budget survey HDI Human Development Index HH Household IC Individual Consultants (procurement method) ICB International Competitive Bidding IPA-RD Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – Rural Development IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards IRR Internal Rate of Return JICA Japanese International Development Agency M&E monitoring and evaluation MAPs Medicinal and Aromatic Plants MARA Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (former) MC micro-catchment MCP Micro-catchment Plan MCPT Micro-catchment Planning Team MDG Millennium Development Goal MEU Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (new) MFAL Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Livestock (new) MFWA Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs (new) MIC Middle Income Country MOEF Ministry of Environment and Forestry (former) MoU Memorandum of Understanding MRWRP Murat River Watershed Rehabilitation Project (proposed) MTR Mid-term Review NCB National Competitive Bidding NFP National Forest Programme NGO non-governmental organisation NPAA National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis (EU) NR natural resource NRDP National Rural Development Plan NRDS National Rural Development Strategy NRM natural resource management NWFP non-wood forest product O&M operation and maintenance OECD Organisation for European Co-operation and Development OBM Regional General Directorate of Forestry (Turkish acronym) OGM General Directorate of Forestry (Turkish acronym) OIM Provincial General Directorate of Forestry (Turkish acronym) ORKOY General Directorate of Forest Village Relations (in MOEF) OU Operations Unit (attached to OGM) iv REPUBLIC OF TURKEY: MURAT RIVER WATERSHED REHABILITATION PROJECT (MRWRP) FINAL PROJECT
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