»*» . y ;■*' TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1971 PAGE SIXTEEN iMattrljPBter $tim tt0 If^ralii Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For H ie Week Ended Irish Dancers i Biaaohd, ivn Snow or snow mixed with rain About Town Lecture Slated MAN?HKin-BELMONT J tonight; Iowa 26 to 30. Tomor­ Give Benefits iimtrijpatpr Eupnittg BpraU) row variable cl(xidine8s; high By Consultant 16,080 about 40. St. Oerard’s Motbera Circle Rug Cleaning Co, ■ vrlll meet tonight at 8:16 at the Manchester— A City of Village Charm The Baby Has Mrs. Richard Desrosiers, During Month • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL home of Mrs. Leonardo Parla, I pre-primary learning disabil­ CARPET CLEANING K Bhice Rd. Mrs. Donald Tar- The. Griffith Irish Stepdancers VOL. LXXXX, NO. 135 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) (Claasifled Advertising ( « Page 26) ca is co-hostess. ities consultant for Manchester of Manchester will perform at Rug Cutting I MAN#IESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1971 PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Been Named schools, will be gfuest speaker many benefits, and Irish pro­ and Binding _ The Methodist Men of South tomorrow at the Y-Wednesday grams this month in the Man­ Specialist! United Methodist' Church, will Dessert-Lecture Series at the chester area. have a dinner meeting tonight Last night, they presented a • New Carpet • New Padding Community Y. Dessert will be • New Brttids • Remnants • at 6:30 in Cooper Hall of the program at the Manchester served at 12:30 p.m., and the Installing • WaU to Wall Clean­ church. Martin Keiderling will Manor Convalescent Home. To­ Ex-General Denies Schmickel Bator, Kathleen Stephanie, daughter of John and Carolyn ing • Furniture Cleaning • Rug Red ^hina Pledges will be moderator of a discus­ program will begin at 1. ___ ^ R equest! Clermont Bator, 101 Brocdcfield St., Manchester. She was bom morrow, they will perform for Cleai)lng (Any Size - Any Make) sion on "What Can Manchester Mrs. Desrosiers will speak the Senior Citizens, and on Eor Pick-up Feb. 26 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ Fired Again Churchmen Do to Unite the about the approach used with ’Thursday for residents at the and Delivery parents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kegresse, Adams, Mass. Her A U r f / O CASH AND Work of Christ?” children with learning disabil­ Meadows East Convalescent CARRY! C A LL 643-0012 PX Probe Charges paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bator, Che­ ities here in Manchester. The Home. In Hartford To Fully Aid Cong shire, Mass. She has a brother, Shawn, 7; and two sisters, M e­ ■ 16 HANNAWAY ST., MANCHESTER ■ The Cherub. Choir of Eman­ event is open to all interested The featured dancer is Danny lissa, 6, and Denise, 3. By LAWRENCE L. KNDTSON uel Lutheran Churgh will re­ persons. Baby-sitting is avail­ Humphrey, son of Mr. and p OPEN MON.thm SAT. 8:M to S:M p Associated Press Writer HAR’TFORD (A P ) — Mental hearse tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. able. Retardation Commissioner Bert Payne, Susan L e i^ , daughter of Robert and Michele Mrs. Patrick Humphrey of 32 WASHINGTON (AP)—Former Brig. Gen. Earl F. It the church. The guest speaker is also a Schmickel, whose dismissal was Reilly Payne, 60'Seaman Circle, Manchester. She was bom II Knighton St. He is the current If War Escalates psychologist. A graduate of the (3ole denied under oath today what he called “un­ held to be illegal, showed up for Feb. 24 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal g^rand- Boys Connecticut Junior Cham­ The D u ^ e Circle of South University of Massachusetts, proved, untrue and slanderous accusations” jilat he work Wednesday and was fired parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reilly, Fort Myers, Fla. Her Heads Rotary pion and winner of many TOKYO (A P)— Communist China promised North United Methodist Church will she received her master’s de­ was involved in corruption Of PX s and clubs in Viet- again, patemtd gjrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. EVancis Payne, 149 medals. Vietnam “ all-out support and assistance” if the Unit­ meet tonight at 8 at the home gree in guidance and counsel- pgriey Trombly of 141 Wara- nam. ----------------------------------------- Schmlckel, however, refused . Lenox St, Manchester. Other dancers performing ed States continues “ expanding its war” in Indo­ of Mrs. Robert Samuelson, 108 ««.*** Ing from Harvard University recently was elected with the troupe are Regina He vowed he would fight for introduced to him late No- accept his second dismissal, She also has done graduate 'jdent of the Manchester reversal o t his demoti(m to colo- vember china, according to a joint Peking-Hanoi communique Hemlock St. England, Lsmda Jean, daughter of Wayne and Barbara Cavagnaro, daughter of Mr. and or terly December claiming that he could not l>e work at the University of Mary- meeting at the nel to the U.S. Supreme Court if laee." ousted until his successor -was made public t o d a y . ------------------------------------ Poulin England, 81 Tumblebrook Dr., Vernon. She was bom Mrs. Edward J. Cavagnaro of SOUTH SIDE ’Die communique broadcast But, the communique contin- Wesley Circle of South United Feb. 26 at Manchester Memoitel Hospital. Her maternal a e taueht snecial education Manchester Country Club. He 72 Linnmore D r.; Sarah Don­ ENTRANCE necessary. Other witnesses said Crum approved by the Senate. He She taugm si^cim .eaucauon ^ Arthur Holmes. by the ofticlal New China News ued. "the peoples of Vietnam, Methodist Church will meet to­ g^randparents are Mr. ana Mrs. William Poulin, 60 Wadsworth nelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cole denied point by point had a close relationship, with asked Atty. Gen. Robert K. kll- night at 8 at Susannah Wesley classes in Maryland for three , ^ ^ scoree of aUegations given in o>ie in Korea and said he had lian for a ruling on the question, Agency said the Chinese people Laos and Cambodia have St., Manchester. Her paternal great-grandmother la Mrs. Clay­ years, and at Mansfield State Other officers elected are Robert‘T. Donnelly of 7 Lydall Hall of the church. testimony before the Senate per- known him in China Immediate- Killian had ruled ’Tuesday that "are determined to take all nec- formed a powerful united front ton Carver, Franklin Park, Rockville. She has a sister. Cher­ Training School last y6ar. She Frank Murray, vice president; St.; Kathy Corey, daughter of manent investigations siibcom- ly after World War n. Schmickel was still on the state essary measures, not flinching . and . have won brlUlant ish, 4. is now teaching a course in ape- Frank Miller, treasurer; Ken­ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. The Rev. Walter Loomis, mittee that he protected ven- In his prepared testimony payroll because of a technical even from the greatest national victories on all battlefronts and ♦ * » * * dal education at CentraH Con- aeth Ostrinsky, secretary; Corey of 181. Center St.; and pastor of Community Baptist dors doing business with the CJoie did not menti(m a general’s naw In the dismissal notice sacrifices, to give all-out sup- brought about an excellent sltu- Cowles, Darcy Lynn, (laughter of Robert and Marie , . necticut State College, New Gardner Moulton, Joseph Cas- Patricia, ‘Betsy and Joan Mc- Church, will speak at a Lenten Army from lnveBtigati<» and statement ’Tuesday that he dls- given to him by his superior, port and assistance to the Viet- ^tion through their fight.” , Spera Cowles, 80 Summit St., Manchester. She was bom Feb. Britain. tagna. Miller Haugh, “ and Ar- 'Guinness, daughters of Mr. and namese and other Indochinese devotion tomorrow from 12:16 accepted $1,000 per month. for appeared in October of 1969 26 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ M rs. Peter MdDonald and thur Holmes, directors, Mrs. Bernard M. McGuinness peoples for the thorough defeat to 12:46 p.m. at South United his services. while stationed in Europe and (See Page Four) ents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spera, Talcottvllle. Her paternal Mrs. William Murray Jr. will The officers will be install­ of 29 Mark Dr., South Windsor. of the U.S. aggressors.” Methodist Church. The service, cote did not deny testim<my after being foimd. said he had gprandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. Donald Cowles, 328 Lake serve as hostesses at tomor­ ed in ceremonies at a June ’The dancers are students of ’The news agency said the sponsored by the Manchester that he knew sales entrepreneur been offered at $60,000 bribe to St., Manchester. She has a sister. Dawn. row’s meeting. meeting. Mrs. Mary Ann Griffiths who (Ximmunique also “ strongly" Fog Silences Council of Churches, is open to >1 * * « WUUem J. Crum but he said he take the Fifth Amendment. It conducts classes at the Italian- saw him 16 times at most dur- protects against self-incrtmina- condemned the United States the public. Snlam, Amy Ellen, daughter of David and Tina Cohen American Club on Eldridge St. ing bis entire SO months of duty tion. and "its lackeys in Saigon and Sulam, Irene Dr., Vernon. She was bom Feb. 26 at Manchester $1.1 Billion Weapons In H i^er Authority' in Vietnam. "F o r the laat 18 months," Bangkok for their . massive The board of Christian edu­ Memorial Hospital. Her maternal , grandparents are Mr. and PTA Will View A Place of Business ^tnesaes have said Cote ctoie testified, " I have been the Invasion of Laos . .’ ’ cation and the dtaconate board Mrs. Morris Cohen, Riverdale, N. Y. Her paternal grandpar­ MEDFORID. Ore. (A P ) — dined with Crum once a week target. of unprecedented, un- The communique was signed of Trinity Covenant Church will ents are Mr.
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