Sunday, January 26, 2020 WxvxÅuxÜ EL? ECDL WxvxÅuxÜ EE? ECDL PARISH OFFICE HOURS M A S S T I M E S E U C H A R I S T IC Monday through Friday SATURDAY VIGIL A D O R A T I O N 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 4 : 1 5 P M Mon - Wed - Fri SUNDAY 8:30AM until 12 :00 Noon C O N F E S S I O N S 7:30AM;9:30AM; Mon & Wed Evenings 11:30AM&5:00PM 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM Every Saturday at In the Chapel 3:30 PM M O N - S A T in the Chapel 8 : 0 0 A M P R A Y I N G the R O S A R Y (or by appointment) H O L Y D A Y S Mon through Sat at 7:30AM 8:00 AM & 6:00 PM before Mass in the Chapel Mon. & Wed. Evening at 6:00PM 7900 BEE RIDGE ROAD, SARASOTA, FL 34241 * 941-378-1703 * FAX 941-378-2153 CHURCHOFSTPATRICK.ORG Readings for the Week of mass INTENTIONS January 26, 2020 Sat. 1/25 Fr. Robert 8:00 AM Kelly Liberty † Sunday: Is 8:23V9:3/Ps 27:1, 4, 13R Fr. Robert 4:15 PM Mary Jane Albritton † 14 [1a]/1 Cor 1:10R13, 17/Mt 4:12R23 Sun. 1/26 Fr. Russell 7:30 AM Bruce Schmid † or 4:12R17 Fr. Robert 9:30 AM Daniel Gonzalez † Monday: 2 Sm 5:1R7, 10/Ps 89:20, 21 Fr. Russell 11:30 AM Jack Bolton † R22, 25R26 [25a]/Mk 3:22R30 Fr. Michael 5:00 PM Douglas Myers † Tuesday: 2 Sm 6:12bR15, 17R19/Ps Mon. 1/27 Fr. Robert 8:00 AM Alfred Pascale† 24:7, 8, 9, 10 [8]/Mk 3:31R35 Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4R17/Ps 89: 4R5, Tue. 1/28 Fr. Michael 8:00 AM Judy Bader † 27R28, 29R30 [29a]/Mk 4:1R20 Wed. 1/29 Fr. Russell 8:00AM Leocadia Faria † Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18R19, 24R29/Ps 132:1R2, 3R5, 11, 12, 13R14 [Lk 1:32b]/ Thur. 1/30 Fr. Michael 8:00 AM Matthew Babisz † Mk 4:21R25 Fri. 1/31 Fr. Russell 8:00 AM Jim Stemitz † Friday: 2 Sm 11:1R4a, 5R10a, 13R17/Ps Sat. 2/1 Fr. Robert 8:00 AM Walter & Mildred Mostek † † 51:3R4, 5R6a, 6bcdR7, 10R11 [cf. 3a]/ Fr. Michael 4:15 PM James Lavin † Mk 4:26R34 Sun. 2/2 To be Scheduled 7:30 AM Dr. Bernard Covalesky † Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1R7a, 10R17/Ps 9:30 AM Kathleen Lynch † 51:12R13, 14R15, 16R17 [12a]/Mk 4:35 11:30 AM Arena Family † R41 5:00 PM Don Rettinger† Next Sunday: Mal 3:1R4/Ps 24:7, 8, 9, 10 [10b]/Heb 2:14R18/Lk 2:22R40 or NOTE: *Mass Celebrant Schedule subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances 2:22R32 Observaons for the Week of January 26, 2020 Sunday: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time; Catholic Schools Week Monday: St. Angela Merici, Virgin Tuesday: St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest & Doctor of the Church Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: St. John Bosco, Priest Saturday: Next Sunday: The Presentaon of the Lord; World Day for Consecrated Life 2 Altar Flowers are our PARISH displayed in Loving Memory of STAFF The Tabernacle Light 9413781703 burns in Loving Jack Dalton + Memory of Matthew Babisz+ A Message from the Health & Caring Ministry January is Right To Life Month. This week I would like ! "# to focus on Living Wills. “ A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps”( Proverbs 14:15). In light of this wisdom, we can consider how best to plan for our future health care needs. $% &&! %&#' A Living Will is a document directing your doctor that certain life-sustaining procedures should not be used if you are in a terminal condition and unable to make that decision. It gives you a way to influence such decisions, rather than the decision being made by physicians and/or family members. This spares $' (#$&# ) them from having to make health care decisions in a crisis situation. Decisions about health care, like decisions about the rest of our life, should be based on Biblical truths. The following *#% '$ + principles may be useful in guiding our health care decisions (adapted for Christian Care at Life’s End). Each person is created in God’s image and deserves to be ,&,'-&& ! . treated with the same standard of care regardless of age or infirmity. When your body functions to sustain life are no longer effective and the doctors’ judgements are that there is no real hope for recovery, a Christian may in good conscience, let *$&# %% nature take its course. / 0 %* %, Death is not only a physical event, but also a crucial emotional and spiritual experience with opportunities for Christian witness and service. 3 Year End Offertory Tax Statement Request for 2019 (Please PRINT legibly) NAME: _____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: __________________________________________ENVELOPE NUMBER:________ ERMail: __________________________________________________________________ Please fill out request and drop into the offertory basket during Mass or bring it by the office. Please indicate, by checking if you would like your statement ________MAILED ________ERMailed ________YOU WILL PICK IT UP at our OFFICE Statements will be available as of January 29th Sidewalk Counselors Training RA training session for ProRLife sidewalk counselors will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Saturday, March 7, at St. Martha Parish, 200 N. Orange St., Sarasota. The training will be given by Bethany Mistrea, Director of Programs for Sidewalk Advocates for Life, a naonal organizaon offering effecve ps and strategies for reaching the hearts of aboronRminded women and men in a peaceful, prayerful, and lawRabiding manner on the sidewalk. Whether you are new to the sidewalk or have been going for decades, the sincere hope is that ALL counselors will be able to aend for a muchRneeded refresher and to help unite our efforts. Aending does not require one to become a sidewalk counselor. The cost is $5 to defer the cost of the workbooks and lunch. Please RSVP by Friday, February 21, to James Kurt at 941R371R7339 [email protected]. Women's Emmaus Retreat RAll women are encouraged to aend the annual Women's Emmaus Retreat from Friday, March 13 through Sunday, March 15 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 S. Moon Drive, Venice. Hosted by Epiphany Cathedral, join the opportunity to renew and deepen your relaonship with the Lord. The cost is $200 for a double room, or $315 single room. The registraon deadline is March 1. For more informaon or to register please contact Donna Vodraska at 630R336R0918 or by email [email protected]. Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday Mornings 8:30AM until Noon Every Monday & Wednesday Evenings 5:00PM until 7:00 PM in the Chapel 4 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK PRAYER Do you know why you are going to a Catholic school? Permit Let us pray... me to give you a lile bit of background. God of knowledge and faith, Your parents and grandparents are the ones who built the Catholic school educaonal system in your city, state, and thank you for the opportunity to go to a Catholic school. naon. Your parents and grandparents saw the importance of When I go to Mass, I hear that knowledge is so important. a great educaon and saw the connecon between their faith in God and his Church and educaon to assist the greater Thank you for my parents and grandparents community in becoming more than just an average cizen of who have built our school and supported it throughout the society and believer in Christ. years. A Catholic school educaon is now more expensive than it Help me to be a good student used to be. In previous decades, religious sisters and brothers who worked for next to nothing staffed our Catholic schools. and to become a good supporter of my parish, city, and They spent long hours to make sure the teachings of the country. Church and the educaon of the next generaon was Please bless all those men and women excellent. Now our teachers are mostly laywomen and men. And they deserve a living wage and to provide for their own who have spent their lives teaching in our Catholic schools. families. Please bless my friends and teachers I learn with every day. As Catholic Schools Week approaches, let us remember I ask for all these blessings in the name of God's Son, Jesus. where our Catholic schools were, and where they are going. Amen. Catholic Schools in Sarasota Cardinal Mooney HS 941R371R4917 Incarnaon 941R924R8588 St. Martha 941R953R4181 St. Joseph 941R755R2611 St. Mary Academy 941R366R1010 Sacrament of Bapsm Bapsms are scheduled on either Saturday at 2:45PM in our Chapel or on a Sunday during the 9:30AM or 11:30 AM Mass. Parents must aend one mandatory Bapsm preparaon class if this is your first Bapzed child. Godparents must be registered, acve members of a parish and provide a Parish Affiliaon form signed and sealed by their aending church. Please contact Lori Ann in our Parish Office for calendar availability and to receive addional informaon. 941R378R1703 ext. 300 Sacrament of Marriage Please call the Church Office (941R378R1703) at least 9 months in advance to schedule your inial meeng with Father Robert or Father Russell and schedule your wedding date. We recommend that you do not schedule your recepon venue unl your have secured a date and me for the wedding ceremony with us. Marriage preparaon consists of meeng monthly with our program mentors in a new program called “Witness to Love”.
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