V18, N41 Thursday, June 27, 2013 Politics and the power of maps Reps. Stutzman and Walorski have similar ideological hue, but the maps change behavior By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS – U.S. Reps. Jackie Walorski and Marlin Stutzman are conservatives in neighboring Northern Indiana congressional districts. They have an ardent Tea Party base and strong cred with social conservatives. But their behavior shows a slight variation. In Jack Colwell’s column last week and in HPI Washington correspon- dent Mark Schoeff Jr.’s analysis of Walor- ski’s work on the military sexual assault scandal in our June 13 edition, the word “bipartisanship” is a frequent one in her lexicon. She talked about “the power of working together across [party] lines and in the district who figured Walorski would be like a Rich- being unified with one purpose.” ard Mourdock in railing against bipartisanship, making her As Colwell observed: Some Tea Party activists an easier target for defeat in 2014, could be surprised. who strongly supported Walorski could be surprised at her And disappointed. But they’ll still have votes to cite as the talk of working with Democrats on legislation and about a House moves or stalls.” bipartisan meeting at the White House. They’ll get over it. She’s still out to kill Obamacare. Some of the Democrats Continued on page 4 Girding for marriage fight By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS – Last January when the topic of Indiana’s constitutional amendment to forbid gay marriage came up, conservative State Sen. Brent Waltz acknowl- “I am confident that Hoosiers will edged its likely passage in the General Assembly that would include his support, but added, “We’re probably on the reaffirm our commitment to wrong side of history.” traditional marriage and will Another page of that history was written by the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday, with a 5-4 decision consider this important question that essentially struck down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. In a second ruling, the high court punted back to the with civility and respect for the district court California’s Proposition 8, a referendum that values and dignity of all people.” passed by a 52-percent majority, outlawing gay marriage and overruling a previous court ruling. - Gov. Mike Pence HOWEY Politics Indiana Page 2 Weekly Briefing on Indiana Politics Thursday, June 27, 2013 The two decisions sent a I fully anticipate that both the Senate seismic social and political shock wave and House will be voting on a mar- throughout the nation. Here in Indi- riage amendment next session.” www.HoweyPolitics.com ana, conservative family advocates, House Speaker Brian Bosma legislative leaders and Gov. Mike Pence noted his “disappointment” in the is a non-partisan newsletter quickly affirmed their intention of pur- DOMA decision but added, “I am cer- based in Indianapolis and suing the constitutional amendment in tainly pleased the Supreme Court has Nashville, Ind. It was founded 2014 that would place the question on confirmed each state’s right to address the ballot that November. the legal issue of what constitutes one in 1994 in Fort Wayne. Pence said, “While I am of the most important institutions in It is published by disappointed that the Supreme Court our society. The members of the Gen- WWWHowey Media, LLC has overturned the federal Defense eral Assembly will be fully equipped to 405 Massachusetts Ave., of Marriage Act, I am grateful that to- address the issue of the constitutional Suite 300 day’s decisions respect the sovereignty amendment in the coming legislative of states on this important issue. session, and with today’s decision, Indianapolis, IN 46204 These decisions preserve the duty and I am confident the matter will come obligation of the states to define and before the General Assembly and ulti- Brian A. Howey, Publisher administer marriage as they see fit. mately be placed on a referenda ballot Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington Now that the Supreme Court has had for voter consideration. As they have Jack E. Howey, Editor its say on the federal government’s in 30 other states, Hoosiers should role in defining marriage, the people have the right to speak on this issue.” Mary Lou Howey, Editor of Indiana should have their say about Even a jubilant Chris Maureen Hayden, Statehouse how marriage is understood and de- Paulsen of Indiana Equality observed, Matthew Butler, Daily Wire fined in our state.” “We are enormously encouraged by Pence said he expects a con- today’s Supreme Court rulings, but we stitutional amendment to pass. “Given know that it will have little effect on Subscriptions that opportunity, I am confident that the legislative situation in our state.” $599 annually Hoosiers will reaffirm our commitment In 2011, before Indiana Re- Ray Volpe, Account Manager to traditional marriage and will consid- publicans took super majorities in both ' 317.602.3620 er this important question with civility chambers, the House backed the gay email: [email protected] and respect for the values and dignity marriage ban 70-26 with 14 Demo- of all of the people of our state,” he crats voting with the majority, and it said. “I look forward to supporting passed the Senate 40-10, with four Contact HPI efforts by members of the Indiana Democrats joining the majority. As www.howeypolitics.com General Assembly to place a consti- WIBC’s Eric Berman noted, “Of those, [email protected] tutional amendment on the ballot for majorities, 56-17 and 38-9 are still voter consideration next year.” serving.” 'Howey’s Cabin: 812.988.6520 Senate President Pro Tem- “I haven’t read the opinion 'Howey’s cell: 317.506.0883 pore David Long said, “The Defense of yet, but certainly it doesn’t affect the 'Washington: 202-256-5822 Marriage Act is a federal law and key 36 states where either laws or con- 'Business Office:317.602.3620 portions of it were clearly struck down stitutional amendments are in place,” by today’s Supreme Court ruling. How- said State Rep. Eric Turner, who ever, it appears that the Court has left has sponsored the legislation. “I am © 2013, Howey Politics Indiana. intact the right of states to determine encouraged that states can still make All rights reserved. Photocopy- for themselves how to define mar- their own decisions on the definition of ing, Internet forwarding, fax- riage. Therefore, I will be asking the marriage.” ing or reproducing in any form, Senate’s legal staff, as well as other In writing his majority opin- whole or part, is a violation of legal experts, to conduct a thorough ion, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote, analysis of the case with a goal of “DOMA singles out a class of persons federal law without permission providing guidance for the General deemed by a State entitled to recogni- from the publisher. v Assembly as we contemplate a consti- tion and protection to enhance their tutional amendment on the definition own liberty. It imposes a disability on of marriage in 2014. That being said, the class by refusing to acknowledge HOWEY Politics Indiana Page 3 Weekly Briefing on Indiana Politics Thursday, June 27, 2013 a status the State finds to be dignified and proper. DOMA preme Court’s ruling on DOMA is disappointing because it instructs all federal officials, and indeed all persons with removes the authority of Congress to make marriage policy whom same-sex couples interact, including their own chil- for federal purposes. While the DOMA ruling damages the dren, that their marriage is less worthy than the marriages federal view of marriage, we are focused on the fact that of others.” the California Proposition 8 ruling allows Indiana to move Justice Antonin Scalia wrote a stinging dissent, forward with a constitutional amendment initiative.” calling the decision “jaw dropping” and added “It takes While there are huge legislative majorities real cheek for today’s majority to assure us, as it is going poised to pass the constitutional amendment, there has out the door, that a constitutional been a dramatic shift in public senti- requirement to give formal recogni- ment both nationally and here in tion to same-sex marriage is not Indiana. In the April Howey Politics at issue here – when what has Indiana Poll conducted by Christine preceded that assurance is a lec- Matthews of Bellwether Research, ture on how superior the majority’s 50% supported the constitutional moral judgment in favor of same- amendment and 46% were opposed. sex marriage is to the Congress’s In the October 2012 Howey/De- hateful moral judgment against it. Pauw Indiana Battleground Poll, 48% I promise you this: The only thing backed the amendment and 45% were that will ‘confine’ the Court’s hold- against. Movement on the issue is fluid ing is its sense of what it can get and dynamic. away with.” A Pew Research Center survey in The debate picked up in May found that for the first time, more earnest across Indiana on Wednes- than half (51%) of Americans favored day. Paulsen observed, “The allowing gay men and lesbians to mar- Supreme Court affirmed that all ry. The same survey found that 72% loving and committed couples who percent of Americans believe that legal marry deserve equal legal respect recognition of same-sex marriage is and treatment. In an additional inevitable, regardless of whether they victory for the freedom to marry, themselves favor or oppose it: While the Supreme Court dismissed the 85% of same-sex marriage supporters Perry case, ruling that the proponents of Proposition 8 do say legal recognition is inevitable, so do 59% of opponents. not possess legal standing to appeal the lower court rulings A number of Indiana business interests such as Eli that invalidated it.
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