HARIYO BAN PROGRAM II Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan Date: [April 4, 2017] Version: Final [Contract/Agreement] Number: [AID-367-A-16-00008] Activity Start Date and End Date: [July 15, 2016 to July 14, 2021] Submitted by: [WWF in partnership with CARE, FECOFUN and NTNC] [Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal] Tel: [977 1-4410942] Email: [[email protected]] This document was produced for review by the1 United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by WWF Nepal. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. © WWF 2016 All rights reserved Any reproduction of this publication in full or in part must mention the title and credit WWF. Published by WWF Nepal PO Box: 7660 Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal T: +977 1 4434820, F: +977 1 4438458 [email protected], www.wwfnepal.org/hariyobanprogram Disclaimer This plan is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Acronoyms and Abbreviation ........................................................... 2 1. Introduction .......................................................................................... 4 2. Hariyo Ban II Conceptual Model and Result Framework ..................... 5 3. Theory of Change ................................................................................. 9 3.1 Literature Review ................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Theory of Change and Results Chain .................................................................... 10 4. Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Approach ...................................18 4.1 Guiding Principles ................................................................................................ 18 4.2 Overall Functioning of M&E system .................................................................... 20 4.3 MEL structures and functions ............................................................................... 21 4.4 Indicators, baseline and targets ............................................................................. 24 4.5 Data collection and management .......................................................................... 24 4.6 Data quality assurance .......................................................................................... 26 4.7 Data analysis and reporting................................................................................... 26 4.8 Coordination with others ...................................................................................... 27 4.9 Capacity building ................................................................................................. 27 4.10 Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) ....................................................... 28 4.10.1 Learning questions ...................................................................................... 29 4.10.2 Plan for special reviews, evaluations and studies ......................................... 31 5. Annexes ..............................................................................................33 Annex 1: Summary of Performance Indicators Tracking Table (PITT) .......................... 33 Annex 2: Performance Indicator Reference Sheets (PIRS)............................................. 45 Annex 3: List of indicators with changes made (compared to Cooperative agreement) 120 Annex 4: Hariyo Ban II Working Areas ...................................................................... 126 i LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Conceptual model for Hariyo Ban II .............................................................................3 Figure 2: Results Framework Hariyo Ban II ................................................................................4 Figure 3: Results chain for Objective 1: Improve the conservation and management of GON- identified biodiverse landscapes-CHAL and TAL ..................................................................... 12 Figure 4: Results chain for R 1.1: Threats to target species reduced ........................................... 13 Figure 5: Results chain for R 1.2: Threats to target landscapes reduced ..................................... 14 Figure 6: Results chain for R 1.3: Market-based livelihood ....................................................... 15 Figure 7: Results chain for Objective 2: Reducing climate change vulnerability in CHAL and TAL .......................................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 8: Three-tier participatory M&E System......................................................................... 21 Figure 9: Hariyo Ban II M&E unit ............................................................................................ 22 Figure 10: Data Flow in Hariyo Ban Program - II ...................................................................... 25 1 LIST OF ACRONOYMS AND ABBREVIATION A Assumptions AT+ Aid Tracker Plus AWP Annual Work Plan BDS Business Development Strategy BIA Biodiversity Important Areas BZCFUG Buffer Zone Community Forest User’s Group BZUC Buffer zone User Committee C A M C Conservation Area Management Committee CAPA Community Adaptation Plan of Action CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere CBAPU Community Based Anti-Poaching Unit CBO Community Based Organization CC Climate Change CCA Climate Change Adaptation CCAFS Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security Program CF Community Forest CFUG Community Forest User Group CHAL Chitwan Annapurna Landscape CoP Chief of Party CS Civil Society CSO Civil Society Organization DCoP Deputy Chief of Party DDC District Development Committee DDL Development Data Library DEC Development Experience Clearinghouse DFO District Forest Office DHM Department of Hydrology and Meteorology DIP Detailed Implementation Plan DRR Disaster Risk Reduction DSCO District Soil Conservation Office DQA Data Quality Assessment EF Environment Friendly EFLG Environment Friendly Local Governance Framework EIA Environmental Impact Assessment FECOFUN Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal G Gender Equity and Social Inclusion GG Governance, Gender Equity and Social Inclusion GESI Gender Equity and Social Inclusion GoN Government of Nepal GPS Global Positioning System GRR Green Recovery and Reconstruction HWC Human Wildlife Conflict 2 HVC High Value Crops IAP Invasive Alien Plants IEE Initial Environmental Examination IGA Income Generation Activity IP Implementing Partner IRBM Integrated River-Basin Management ISWMP Integrated Sub Watershed Management Plan L Livelihood LAPA Local Adaptation Plan of Action LDRMP Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan LIP Livelihood Improvement Plan LQ Learning Question M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MAP Medicinal and Aromatic Plant MEL Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan MoFALD Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development MoFSC Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation MoPE Ministry of Population and Environment NAP National Adaptation Plan NARC National Agricultural Research Center NAST National Academy of Science and Technology NGO Non-Government Organization NRM Natural Resource Management NTFP Non-Timber Forest Product NTNC National Trust for Nature Conservation OP Operational Plan PA Protected Area PES Payment for Ecosystem Services PIRS Performance Indicator Reference Sheet PITT Performance Indicators Tracking Table PMP Performance Monitoring Plan PPMS Project and Program Management Standards R Result RC Result Chain SAP Species Action Plan SAS Statistical Analysis System SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences SWC Social Welfare Council TAL Terai Arc Landscape ToC Theory of Change USAID United States Agency for International Development VA Vulnerability Assessment VDC Village Development Committee W C C B Wildlife Crime Control Bureau WWF World Wildlife Fund 3 1. INTRODUCTION The Hariyo Ban Program II (Hariyo Ban II) is a five-year initiative funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) designed to build upon the advances made by the first phase of the Hariyo Ban Program in addressing biodiversity threats and climate vulnerabilities. Hariyo Ban II is being implemented from July 2016 to July 2021 by the same consortium of partners, including World Wildlife Fund (WWF-lead), Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE), Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN) and National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC). Hariyo Ban II has the goal of increased ecological and community resilience in the Chitwan- Annapurna Landscape (CHAL) and the Terai Arc Landscape (TAL). This will be achieved through two objectives: 1) Improve the conservation and management of GoN-identified biodiverse landscapes - CHAL and TAL and 2) Reduce climate change vulnerability in CHAL and TAL. Governance and Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) are cross cutting themes that will be mainstreamed across the two objectives of the Program, and livelihoods are nested under the biodiversity conservation component. Hariyo Ban II will be guided by the development hypothesis or the program level theory of change: “If stakeholders are better able to conserve and benefit from biodiverse natural resources
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