St. Bernadette Catholic Church Confirmation Class - 2018 St. Bernadette Catholic Church June 10, 2018 350 NW California Boulevard, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Page 2 #00'#,"1Q &',%1 +'%&2 &4# 230,#" -32 1- "'$$#0#,2*7 $-0 "+,"4#'$-,*72&#7&""+'22#"2--"2&#'0 MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2018 1',-$"'1- #"'#,!#,"1)#"$-0$-0%'4#,#11T &2'1 8:00 am †Joseph Maria Del-Prete, requested by #6!2*75&2-"'1*--)',%$-0', !#,#1'1& YS_ Q5&#, # Anna Mangieri 1#0!&#1$-0"+5&-'1&'"',%$0-+ '+T-"Q5# TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2018 +312 0#+#+ #0Q ),-51 #4#072&',%T -" ),#5 5&7 "+ 51 &'"',%R # ),#5 2&2 "+ ," 4# &" 8:00 am †Marie Webber, requested by Estate of Marie Webber 1',,#"T",12#"-$!-,$#11',%2&#'01',Q,"1)',%$-0 $-0%'4#,#11Q "+ *+#1 #4#072&',% ," #4#07 -"7 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 2018 $-01',,',%Q',12#"-$ *+',%&'+1#*$T ! 8:00 am †Marlene Weinacht, requested by Ed & Carolyn Dougherty ## !,2 # 2-- &0" -, -30 $'012 .0#,21T -,2 5# -$2#,2'+#1 "- 2&# 1+# 2&',%[ ",12#" -$ THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 2018 "+'22',% 2&2 5#&4# 1',,#"Q 5# .32 2&# *+#-, 8:00 am †Dennis Bynoe, requested by !'0!3+12,!#1 ," .#-.*#Q 02&#0 2&, -, -301#*4#1T Lillian & Joe Rivera ,"Q10#13*2Q%3'*2,""0),#110#'%,13.0#+#', -30 1#*4#1Q 02&#0 2&, 2&# ),-5*#"%# 2&2 5# 0# FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2018 $-0%'4#, 7-30-"Q,"0#&#*#"T 8:00 am †Smith Augustin, requested by ! wife, Ghislaine Augustin '7 2&# %0#2 %'$2 -$ 2&# (!0+#,2 -$ )#!-,!'*'2'-, #!-+#.02-$-300#1-,2-172&,) SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2018 7-32--"X+#2112-.&'"',%Q," *+',%Q,"0#4#* 8:00 am †Cornelius Kearney, requested by ',2&#+-0"_1%--",#11,"+#0!7T William T. Creelman ! 4#5-,"#0$3*5##)X 4:00 pm †Mary Jo Swambaugh, requested by her sister ! Father Victor Ulto, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2018 7:30 am For the People of the Parish 9:00 am †Marian Pioro, requested by Elizabeth & Lester Wojt, & Maria, Hanz Kiesling 10:45 am Joseph Lezeau, requested by wife, Eveline Lezeau & children I Spoke Out!… In today’s Second Reading we hear Paul say, “Because I believed, I spoke out.” The words Paul speaks out is not about Paul…he is not pointing to himself as preacher, but to Christ. The faith we know through Jesus Christ! The gift of faith in which we participate is a faith not found in ourselves or through our own effort. It is a faith outside of us. A faith that the Holy Spirit awakens in us; nourishes in us and strengthens within us. In this passage today, Paul’s speech is grounded in BELIEF. His words to the community in Corinth are not for the benefit of social position or even moral virtue. It’s not who we are; not our successes; not our giftedness; not our influence and not our power that gives us radical freedom of speech. Freedom to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in season and out of season. Belief and faith in Him extend to all. The community of believers… raised up with one another in spite of our outer nature. We do not lose heart…we are a people of hope…deep hope, communally shared with all believers. Don’t be afraid… speak out! T%%#027 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 !"#%&'!()*++-.%/+'% ! Stewardship....Live It! Stewardship: a way of life for our St. Bernadette Parish Family “For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother." Mark 3: 35 !"#%&'!()*++%'%-++##9+ ! 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Robert F. Kennedy and 8, 11 [1b]/Mt 5:17-19 Mary Stanton Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46/Ps 65:10, 11, 12-13 [2a]/ Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16/Ps 27:7-8a, 8b-9abc, The Bread & Wine 13-14 [8b]/Mt 5:27-32 & Altar Flowers Saturday: 1 Kgs 19:19-21/Ps 16:1b-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-10 [cf. 5a]/Mt 5:33-37 for the week of June 10-16, 2018 Observances for the Week of June 10, 2018 are offered Sunday: 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Barnabas, Apostle In Memory of Tuesday: ——— Alfred J. Faubert Wednesday: St. Anthony of Padua, (5th Anniversary) Priest & Doctor of the Church Thursday: Flag Day by wife, Pauline Faubert Friday: ——— Saturday: ——— As we enjoy our church building that has come to life… Memorials, which come to ANNUAL NOVENA the parish from the kindness and generosity ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA of others, are placed in our Parish Debt Relief Fund. This week: Our novena concludes on In Memory of Wednesday, June 13 —the Dennis Badger Feast day of St. Anthony. All by Anthony & Mildred LaBate in the parish are invited to join in this beautiful novena any MEMORIAL PAVERS day. In Loving Memory We continue to accept orders for the next group of 30+ memorial pavers. Order forms are available at the This process is open to anyone Dedicated to Information Table in the Church and interested in joining the Catholic by stopping by the Parish office. For Church who are: more information contact • Not baptized Sonny Gaudet at the parish, 336-9956. • Baptized in another Christian faith • Baptized Catholic, but have not received the other Sacrament of Initiation Parish Office Our next class will be Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 6:30 pm. People may begin the process at 8:30 am to any time. For more information, contact Sonny 3:00 pm Gaudet at the Parish office, 336-9956. Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 THIS WEEK & COMING UP SOON ... OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRAYER MINISTRIES OF SERVICE Divine Mercy Prayers: CRHP PLANNING (Men): Monday, Tuesday & Friday after morning Mass. Tuesday, June 12 at 7:00 pm, room Gave de Pau.
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