December 22, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2241 JENNIFER FRIEDNASH HOUSE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERV- ‘‘aye’’ votes on October 22, 2009. However, ICES, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, some of my constituents have informed me Washington, DC, December 21, 2010. that the persecution and suppression of the HON. ED PERLMUTTER Hon. BART GORDON, Baha’i faith in Iran persist with no relief in OF COLORADO Chairman, House Committee on Science and sight. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Technology, Washington, DC. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your In 2009 the international press reported that Wednesday, December 22, 2010 letter regarding H.R. 6523, the Ike Skelton seven Baha’I leaders in Iran were unjustly ar- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise National Defense Authorization Act for Fis- rested and held in prison without knowing the today to honor and applaud Jennifer cal Year 2011. 1 agree that the Committee on charges for their arrest for approximately 20 Friednash for her outstanding service to our Science and Technology has valid jurisdic- months. tional claims to certain provisions in this The unjust prosecution of these seven par- community. important legislation, and I am most appre- Jennifer works full time as a real estate at- ticular Baha’is was condemned by inter- ciative of your decision not to schedule a national leaders and drawn into our national torney, but always finds time to teach her kids mark-up of this bill in the interest of expe- the value of volunteering through leading by diting consideration of this important meas- awareness for a short time. Those seven Ba- example. She has been an active member ure. I agree that by agreeing to waive consid- ha’is are real people with families, who con- and fundraiser for Project PRIDE, which con- eration of certain provisions of the bill, the tinue to suffer injustice because of their structed an outdoor classroom alongside Red Committee on Science and Technology is not peaceful religious beliefs. The more disturbing Rocks Amphitheatre. waiving its jurisdictional claims over these fact is that those seven Baha’i leaders are matters. Jennifer’s work doesn’t stop there. She is an merely the ones that made the headlines. During consideration of this bill on the There are approximately 48 additional Baha’is active committee member of the Jefferson House floor, I will ask that this exchange of currently imprisoned in Iran. Approximately Economic Council, chair of a committee that letters be included in the CONGRESSIONAL provides junior NAIOP members an oppor- RECORD. 132 Baha’is have been arrested and released tunity to learn about the real estate industry Very truly yours, on bail to await trial, and another 92 Baha’is from seasoned professionals and has been a IKE SKELTON, have been sentenced to imprisonment. In the provisional instructor for the Colorado Associa- Chairman. last decade, hundreds of Baha’is have been tion of Realtors. f prosecuted and imprisoned for their religious beliefs. But that is not the only degradation I extend my deepest congratulations to Jen- PERSONAL EXPLANATION nifer Friednash for her well deserved recogni- that Baha’is in Iran must face. Baha’is have tion by the West Chamber serving Jefferson been dismissed from their jobs, expelled from County. I have no doubt she will exhibit the HON. HENRY CUELLAR universities, and deprived of their property and same dedication and character in all her future OF TEXAS pensions, all because of their religious beliefs. accomplishments. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Our national consciousness would not be so aware of this unjust and unfair treatment if it Wednesday, December 22, 2010 f had not been for yet another unjust prosecu- Mr. CUELLAR. Madam Speaker, I was ab- tion of a young American journalist, Roxana IKE SKELTON NATIONAL DEFENSE sent due to personal family matters, but if Saberi, in 2009. While Roxana shared a pris- AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FIS- present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on: on cell with two of the female Baha’i leaders CAL YEAR 2011 S. 3481—Amending the Federal Water Pol- in Evin prison, she was astounded by the tran- lution Control Act to clarify Federal responsi- quility of her Baha’i cell mates even as they SPEECH OF bility for stormwater pollution. faced harsh conditions and uncertainty about HON. IKE SKELTON S. 372—Whistleblower Protection Enhance- their future. Fortunately, Roxana was freed ment Act. from prison and has returned safely to the OF MISSOURI Senate Amendment to H.R. 6523—Ike Skel- United States; however, those seven Baha’i IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ton National Defense Authorization Act for Fis- leaders remain in prison and were sentenced Friday, December 17, 2010 cal Year 2011. to 10 years of confinement in one of the most Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, I submit the f dreadful prisons in Iran. following exchange of letters on H.R. 6523 for In short, the Baha’i faith teaches tolerance, STATEMENT OF CONCERN ABOUT patience, peace and self-investigation of the printing in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: UNJUST IMPRISONMENT OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COM- truth. Yet, Baha’is are singled out and marked BAHA’I RELIGIOUS MINORITY IN from persecution and ridicule from the class MITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECH- IRAN NOLOGY, room to the court room and from the lunch Washington, DC, December 21, 2010. room to the laboratory. We have our own his- Hon. IKE SKELTON, HON. DANNY K. DAVIS tory of unjust treatment in this country and the Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, OF ILLINOIS grievous and slow healing wounds from such House of Representatives, Washington, DC. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pernicious and repugnant conduct can still be DEAR CHAIRMAN SKELTON: I am writing to felt today. However, the freedom of speech you concerning the jurisdictional interest of Wednesday, December 22, 2010 the Committee on Science and Technology and the freedom of religion in our great coun- in H.R. 6523, the Ike Skelton National De- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speaker, I rise try have contributed greatly to the healing of fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011. today to express both my deep concern and our society. Our committee recognizes the importance the deep concern of some of my constituents I believe each and every human being has of H.R. 6523 and the need for the legislation about the unjust imprisonment of several a fundamental right to freedom of religion that to move expeditiously. Therefore, while we members of a religious minority in Iran. In par- should not be curtailed or circumscribed by have a valid claim to jurisdiction over the ticular, I wish to speak of the member of the the coincidence of one’s citizenship in a par- bill, I do not intend to request a sequential Baha’i faith who have been persecuted and ticular nation. The freedom in our country to referral. This, of course, is conditional on imprisoned in Iran. My home district in Chi- our mutual understanding that nothing in choose how to peacefully worship God is this legislation or my decision to forego a se- cago has a rich diversity of people from all something many of us take for granted. We quential referral waives, reduces or other- backgrounds and faiths, and I am fortunate to need only consider the unjust and inhumane wise affects the jurisdiction of the Com- have Baha’is as part of this rich diversity. The treatment of Baha’is in Iran to realize that this mittee on Science and Technology, and that Baha’i faith is a peaceful religion that teaches freedom is not available to everyone in the a copy of this letter and your response ac- the oneness of humanity and that all forms of world. knowledging our jurisdictional interest will prejudice should be eliminated. I agree with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary be included in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Some of you will recall that in 2009 I was Clinton when she condemned the sentencing during consideration of this bill by the one of the co-sponsors to House Resolution of the Baha’i leaders and stated that the House. Thank you for your consideration in this 175. That resolution condemned the Govern- ‘‘United States is committed to defending reli- matter. ment of Iran for its state-sponsored persecu- gious freedom around the world, and we have Sincerely, tion of its Baha’i minority and its continued vio- not forgotten the Baha’i community in Iran.’’ BART GORDON, lation of the International Covenants on I speak to you today as a reminder that reli- Chairman. Human Rights. H. Res. 175 passed with 407 gious persecution remains a fact of life in our VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:37 Dec 23, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K22DE8.004 E22DEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS.
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