EXCLUSIVEEXCLLUUSSIIVVE PPOLITICALOL COVERAGE:GE: NEWNEWS,S, FEATUREFEATURES,S, AND ANANALYSIS INSIDE HILL CLIMBERS MARK KENNEDY’S TOP 100 LOBBYISTS HEALTH POLICY - BRIEFING PP. 19-35 P. 42 43 SHINDIG P. 41 2016 P.37 TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR, NO. 1324 CANADA’S POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT NEWSWEEKLY MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2016 $5.00 NEWS LOBBYING NEWS LEGISLATION Power shift Nine rookie MPs came House of among federal Commons lobbyists biggest to Canada as refugees to vote on since Chrétien Canada’s won power in anti-terrorist 1993: lobbyists or from current and mission BY DEREK ABMA against ISIS Much has changed as a result past war zones of last year’s election that brought BY RACHEL AIELLO in a majority Liberal government and marked the fi rst change in The House will vote this week government in almost 10 years, on Canada’s mission against ISIS and the federal lobbying sector is and will be fi nalizing procedure to one of those things, as seen with begin debating private members’ this year’s Top 100 Lobbyists list. bills by the next sitting week. Robin Sears, a principal at On Monday, March 7, the Earnscliffe Strategy Group, said House will vote on Bill C-4, An the shakeup in the power hier- Act to amend the Canada Labour archy among federal lobbyists is Code, the Parliamentary Employ- probably the biggest since Jean ment and Staff Relations Act, the Chrétien came to power in 1993 Public Service Labour Relations and—like Justin Trudeau (Pap- Act and the Income Tax Act—at ineau, Que.) today—put the Liber- als in power after nearly a full Continued on page 6 decade of Conservative rule. Continued on page 36 NEWS SENATE AUDIT NEWS HOUSE SPENDING Binnie sends MPs slammed rulings on 14 for quietly Liberal MPs Arif Virani, Gary Anandasangaree, Maryam Monsef, and Ahmed Hussen came to Canada as refugees. Senators who boosting Photographs courtesy of Parliament of Canada challenged BY ABBAS RANA Canada either as refugees or fl ed Publications, four came to Cana- House from war-torn countries. da as refugees from war zones or AG’s report Nine newly-elected MPs in the Out of the nine, according to suffered persecution and fi ve im- 42nd Parliament, which is consid- research conducted by John Che- migrated to Canada from current to Senate budget by ered the most diverse crop of MPs nier, former editor of The Lobby $26-million in Parliament’s history, came to Monitor and now editor of ARC Continued on page 38 registrar BY LAURA RYCKEWAERT BY ABBAS RANA FEATURE GARY ANANDASANGAREE Members of Parliament will Ian Binnie, the former Supreme be getting an almost $58,000 ‘I remember it as if it was yesterday,’ rookie Grit Court justice who has the fi nal boost to their offi ce budgets for say on all 14 Senators who chal- 2016-17—a 20 per cent increase lenged Auditor General Michael starting in April following a Toronto MP knows what being a refugee is like Ferguson’s scathing audit on their seven-year freeze—along with Senate spending last year, released an extra $1,400 each for travel BY CHELSEA NASH Syrian refugees who were land- 10-year-old boy, he and his mother his rulings to the registrar of the expenses, but these changes are ing in Canada for the fi rst time. landed in Montreal under similar arbritration process, last week. The being met with mixed reactions On a recent Sunday, Liberal The moment was especially circumstances. report is expected to be publicly on and off the Hill. MP Gary Anandasangaree took touching for Mr. Anandasanga- “I remember it as if it was released in the coming weeks. his family to the Toronto Pearson ree (Scarborough-Rouge Park, Continued on page 16 International Airport to greet 269 Ont.) because 33 years prior, as a Continued on page 39 Continued on page 4 2 THE HILL TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2016 FEATURE BUZZ ganization for Economic Cooperation and The Globe and Mail, and is a former Ot- Development (OECD). tawa bureau chief for the Globe. “These relationships will enable the insti- “As someone who believes deeply in ON tute to leverage best practices and comparative having thoughtful, far-ranging discus- THE data, as well as to connect thought leaders and sions on the policy problems of our times, HEARD HILL Canadian decision-makers with students and I’m thrilled to join the Forum community,” researchers, while sharing the strengths of Mr. Greenspon said in a press release BY DEREK ABMA Canadian values and democratic institutions issued by the Ottawa-based think-tank. abroad,” Mr. Page said in the school’s release. “I’m excited and proud to advance its Allan Rock, president of the University collaborative solutions that lead to better of Ottawa and a former Cabinet minister in outcomes for Canadians.” Jean Chrétien’s Liberal government, said: Forum chairwoman Anne-Marie Hubert “This new institute will make a signifi cant called Mr. Greenspon “a highly-credible impact on evidence-based decision making.” policy leader and exceptional communica- The university said the Ontario govern- tor” who will “excel at combining the best Former PBO ment was funding this think-tank, though possible thinking with building trust across a spokeswoman said the exact amount of sectors to contribute to the best policy funding has not been announced yet. outcomes for our country.” Greenspon new boss at Page to help run Continued on page 44 Public Policy Forum new think-tank Longtime CORRECTIONS: THE HILL TIMES, journalist FEB. 29 ISSUE Edward Re: “ ‘Storm clouds coming’ for Post- Greenspon media, feds should ‘stop perpetuation ormer parliamentary budget offi cer has been of revenue model that does not serve FKevin Page has been tapped to help run appointed CEO journalism,’” (The Hill Times, Feb. 29, p. 1). a new think-tank called the Institute of Fis- of the Public This story mistakenly described TorStar cal Studies and Democracy. Policy Forum. as a conglomerate controlled by hedge Based at the University of Ottawa, it will Photograph by funds. It is not involved with or controlled be “the only Canadian university-based Peter Power by hedge funds. The Hill Times apologizes think-tank to focus on public fi nance and in- for this error and confusion. stitutions,” the school said in a press release. • Mr. Page currently holds the univer- Re: “Cabinet staffi ng continues, sity’s Jean-Luc Pepin Research Chair, and further chief of staff changes,” (The Hill his co-head for the new organization will Times, Feb. 29, p. 28). In last week’s be Sahir Kahn, a senior visiting fellow at Hill Climbers column, Jillian White was identifi ed as assistant to Liberal the university who was an assistant bud- The Ottawa-based Public Policy Forum MP Omar Alghabra, parliamentary getary offi cer to Mr. Page during his time announced last week that longtime news- secretary to the foreign affairs minis- as the federal budget watchdog. man Edward Greenspon has been appoint- Kevin Page, former parliamentary budget ter. She is in fact assistant to the other The university said the new institute ed its new president and CEO. offi cer, has been chosen to help run a new parliamentary secretary for Foreign Af- will leverage relationships that have been Mr. Greenspon had been a senior editor University of Ottawa-based think-tank called fairs (there are two), Liberal MP Pamela formed between Mr. Page’s current offi ce of Canadian news for Bloomberg since the Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy. Goldsmith-Jones. The Hill Times apolo- and institutions such as the World Bank, 2014, and before that was a vice-president The Hill Times photograph by Jake Wright gizes for this error. International Monetary Fund, and the Or- with The Toronto Star, editor-in-chief for ® On Canada’s Side. Every day, Canada’s defence and security companies provide in-service support that maintains, repairs and upgrades equipment like aircraft, ships and vehicles. Our expertise DEFENCEANDSECURITY.CA keeps our aircraft ready so that Canadian troops can be deployed abroad on missions and return home safely. 4 THE HILL TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2016 NEWS SENATE AUDIT Former Supreme Court justice Ian Binnie started the Senate The 14 Senators who chose to take their cases to Mr. Binnie include Quebec Ind. Senator Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu, Quebec Conservative dispute resolution process in September. He provided his Sen. Jean-Guy Dagenais, New Brunswick Liberal Sen. Joseph Day, Ontario Liberal Sen. Colin Kenny, New Brunswick Liberal Sen. Sandra rulings to the Senate last week. Photograph courtesy of Ian Lovelace Nicholas, Nova Scotia Liberal Sen. Terry Mercer, Saskatchewan Liberal Sen. Pana Merchant, Nunavut Conservative Sen. Dennis Binnie Patterson, Manitoba Conservative Sen. Donald Plett, Northwest Territories Liberal Sen. Nick Sibbeston and Saskatchewan Conservative Sen. David Tkachuk. Three former Senators –Lowell Murray, Robert Peterson and Terry Stratton also challenged Mr. Ferguson’s fi ndings before Mr. Binnie. Photographs courtesy Senate of Canada Binnie sends rulings on 14 Senators who challenged AG’s report to Senate registrar Ian Binnie provided hands of or seen by any member of CIBA to the Senate in June. In total, the AG deter- Meanwhile, Sen. Housakos told The [Committee on Internal Economy, Budget, mined that the 30 Senators misspent $992,000. Hill Times in January that Mr. Binnie’s rulings on Senate and Administration], steering, or any other Of the 30 Senators, nine Senators’ cases were arbitration report would be made public Senator [or] staffer,” Ms. Delaney wrote in referred to the RCMP and 14 chose to take in its entirety. He also said that, following expense arbitration to the an email to The Hill Times.
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