12 S.-Afr. Tydskr. Plantk., 1987 , 53(1) Palatability studies on plants in the south-western Orange Free State sandveld E.R. Anderson* and B.R. Roberts Department of Primary Industries, P.O. Box 689, Rockhampton, Australia 4700 and Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education, Toowoomb-a, Australia 4350 Accepted 13 August 1986 Studies in paddocks grazed by cattle or sheep in the sandveld of the Orange Free State indicate that grasses and karroid shrubs can be classed into three groups according to their relative palatability_ A palatability index (PI) was used to rank plant species according to their acceptability to grazing animals_ Genera with a high PI were Anthephora, Oigitaria, Panicum, Fingerhuthia, Sporobolus, Nenax and Felicia. The lowest palatability ratings were recorded for Aristida, Chrysocoma, Walafrida and Cymbopogon. The study supplies comparative data on a wide range of species which can be used in estimations of carrying capacity of grassland of varying botanical composition. The technique is low-cost and of wide application _ Studies in kampies in die sandveld van die Oranje-Vrystaat, bewei deur beeste en skape het getoon dat grasse en karoo-bossies volgens hulle relatiewe smaaklikheid in drie groepe verdeel kan word. 'n Smaaklikheidsindeks was gebruik om plantsoorte in orde van belangrikheid volgens hul aanvaarbaarheid vir weidiere, te plaas_ Genusse met 'n hoe smaaklikheidsindeks was Antephora, Oigitaria, Panicum, Fingerhuthia, Sporobolus, Nenax en Felicia. Die laagste smaaklikheidswaardes is to'egeken aan Aristida, Chrysocoma, Walafrida en Cymbopogon. Hierdie studie verskaf ook vergelykbare inligting vir 'n wye reeks plantsoorte wat in die skatting van die weidingspotensiaal van grasveld met 'n varierende spesiesamestelling, gebruik kan word. Die tegniek is goedkoop en het 'n wye toe­ pasbaarheid. Keywords: Grass, palatability index, sandveld, species acceptability 'To whom correspondence should be addressed Introduction and 5 m apart. Recordings were made at points spaced 1,5 m An important factor in the management of veld is the apart (viz. two points per revolution on a 3 m circumference preference animals have for plant species. Roberts et al. (I 973) wheel). At each site, vegetation was recorded at 1000 points suggest a range of criteria for classifying desirable species, one and included percentage basal cover from 'strikes' on rooted of which was the palatability (or acceptability) of species to live plant material as defined by Tidmarsh & Havenga (loc. animals. In the field, animal preference may be measured by cit.) and the plant species percentage frequency from 'nearest direct observation of what is being eaten or by an assessment plant' data. of the progressive utilization of the plants themselves (Daines Amount grazed - at each point three plants were selected 1980). Direct measurement of what the animals have con­ in order to estimate the amount they had been grazed. One sumed can be obtained from fistulated animals or by micro­ plant was the 'nearest plant' used for the percentage frequency scopic examination of partly digested plant matter in rumen determinations. The other two plants chosen were the next contents or faeces. The recognition of the plants in the rumen nearest plants to the 'point', that were a different species to and faeces requires an adequate key based on epidermal the initial plant chosen, and to each other. Hence for each fragments (Liversidge 1970; Scotcher 1977). site 3000 recordings were made of the amount that the species This study was an investigation of animal preferences for were grazed. The amount that each plant was grazed was species, conducted while studying grassland floristics in the subjectively assessed on an 8-point scale with uneven class south-western Orange Free State sandveld by the wheel point intervals (Table 1). method of survey (Anderson & Roberts 1984). This method To arrive at a rank value for an individual plant the has been used by Du Plessis (1969) and Kruger & Edwards question is first asked 'is the value more or less than half'? (1972). If judged to be less, the decision is then made as to whether it is more or less than a quarter, and so on. Materials and Methods Paddock sites were selected in areas of uniform soil and vegetation. Each site was 150 m x 45 m with the long axis Table 1 Eight-point scale showing assess­ extending out at right angles to the nearest water point. The ment of the amount that each plant was paddocks chosen had not been recently grazed. Attributes grazed recorded included: Rainfall - estimated from isohyets. Class interval Rank 0,10 Soil type - assessed from soil auger holes and field texture (= grazed) estimates. 1 o (no grazing detected) Paddock size - information obtained from the farmer. 2 1- 10 Nearest water - all paddocks contained one water point and 3 11-25 the distance from it to the middle of the site was measured. 4 26 - 50 Animals - the type and number of animals, and the date 5 51-75 they commenced grazing was provided by the farmer. 6 76-90 Vegetation - recorded at each site by the wheel point method 7 91 - 99 8 100 (only remnants of plant left) (Tidmarsh & Havenga 1955) in a grid on lines 150 m long S. Afr. J. BOlo, 1987, 53(1) 13 Grazing assessments were made at four sites. Sites 1 and R = (3 X A) + (2 X B) + (1 + C) + (0 X D) X 33,3 2 were in adjacent paddocks on the same farm and grazed T by merino sheep. Sites 3a and 3b were in the same paddock where: A = no. plants in class 100070 grazed; B = no. plants but at different distances from water, and were grazed by in class 51 - 99070 grazed; C = no. plants in class 1 - 50070 cattle. The attributes relating to' each site with the times of grazing, when assessments were made, and the grazing intensity, are given in Table 2. Table 3 T11e relative percentage frequency of the The vegetation, recorded as species relative percentage vegetation on the palatability assessment sites, frequency, and the basal cover for the site, is shown in Table and the basal cover (%) at each site 3. The vegetation has been grouped into grasses and non­ Relative percentage frequency grasses. The grasses have been further subdivided into strong perennials, other perennials, and annuals. The sites had a Site similar range of species with Themeda triandra being most Vegetation 2 3a 3b frequent at each site. Grasses* A Table 2 The location (farm and paddock) of sites Themeda triandra 46,13 25,30 26,47 39,73 assessed for palatability showing; attributes such Digitaria eriantha 15,37 2,25 1,80 0,03 as rainfall, soil, paddock size and distance to water; Digitaria argyrograpta 6,17 0,75 13,93 12,63 Panicum stapfianum 1,13 3,85 0,03 date of assessment; the number and type of grazing Cymbopogon plurinodis 0,97 1,15 1,77 0,83 an imals present and the cumulative grazing in Small Heteropogon contortus 0,03 0,25 p 0,57 1 Stock Units ha - at each assessment Fingerhuthia africana 3,55 Site 2 3a 3b Anthephora pubescens p 2,57 Aristida diffusa 0,13 Farm A A B B Paddock a b c c B Eragrostis chloromelas 4,17 0,60 0,03 0,27 Rain M.A. (mm) 470 470 460 460 Eragrostis lehmanniana 2,00 20,60 15,87 18,60 Soil group D D C C Sporobolus fimbriatus 0,73 0,40 0,Q3 0,73 Paddock size (ha) 96 83 98 98 Eragrostis superba 0,57 1,20 0,10 0,10 Eragrostis sp. Nearest water (m) 250 120 350 800 0, 10 Animals C Type M (Merino) Sheep (M) Sheep (M) Cattle Cattle Eragrostis obtusa 11,47 0,25 4,60 0,23 D (Dorper) Tragus koelerioides 2,90 17,50 9,67 3,60 Number 1300 1200 101 101 Aristrida congesta 1,80 8,95 7,07 2,27 Grazing - start 15.6.75 27 .8.75 27.6.75 27.6.75 Non grasses Assessment date Pentzia globosa 2,23 2,65 2,57 0,80 I 18.6.75 4.9.75 1.7.75 1.7.75 Walafrida saxitalis 1,40 1,95 0,57 1,53 2 22.6.75 8.10.75 25.8.75 25.8.75 Felicia muricata 1,33 0,55 13,73 14,33 3 30.6.75 19. 10.75 19.10.75 Nenax microphyl/a 0,57 3,20 0,Q7 p Nestlera conferta 0,30 0,55 0,57 Grazing intensity (S.S.V. days ha - 1)* Berkheya onopordifolia 0,30 0,05 0,07 P Helichrysum dregeanum 0,17 0,45 0,Q7 0,30 1 40,6 115 ,6 19,3** 19,3 Chrysocoma tenuifolia 0,10 2 94,8 607,2 285,1 285,1 1,75 0,36 0,50 Lycium spp. 3 203,1 550,9 550,9 0,10 p Pollichia campestris 0,03 0,03 * S.S.V. Small Stock Vnits Stachys rugosa 0,03 p * * Yearling (9-12-month-old) cattle grazed site 3 - these animals were Lightfootia rigida p 0,Q3 rated as equivalent to 0,67 of an adult beast, 7 S.S.V. was used as Pentzia calcaria 2,40 equivalent to one adult beast, making these yearling cattle equivalent Pterothrix spinescens 0,05 to 4,69 S.S.V. Osteospermum spinescens p 0,03 0,07 Eriocephalus ericoides 0,30 0,03 Ruschia hamata 0,13 0,10 Results Asparagus sauveolens 0,03 Gazania krebsiana p The results for the amount of each plant grazed have been Othonna pal/ens p p summarized into four grazing classes - nil, 1- 50070, 51- Helichrysum zeyheri p 99070 and 100% (of original 8-point scale).
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