Linear Analysis on Manifolds Pierre Albin Contents Contents i 1 Differential operators on manifolds 3 1.1 Smooth manifolds . 3 1.2 Partitions of unity . 5 1.3 Tangent bundle . 5 1.4 Vector bundles . 8 1.5 Pull-back bundles . 9 1.6 The cotangent bundle . 11 1.7 Operations on vector bundles . 12 1.8 Sections of bundles . 14 1.9 Differential forms . 16 1.10 Orientations and integration . 18 1.11 Exterior derivative . 20 1.12 Differential operators . 21 1.13 Exercises . 23 1.14 Bibliography . 25 2 A brief introduction to Riemannian geometry 27 2.1 Riemannian metrics . 27 2.2 Parallel translation . 30 2.3 Geodesics . 34 2.4 Levi-Civita connection . 37 i ii CONTENTS 2.5 Associated bundles . 39 2.6 E-valued forms . 40 2.7 Curvature . 42 2.8 Complete manifolds of bounded geometry . 46 2.9 Riemannian volume and formal adjoint . 46 2.10 Hodge star and Hodge Laplacian . 48 2.11 Exercises . 51 2.12 Bibliography . 54 3 Laplace-type and Dirac-type operators 57 3.1 Principal symbol of a differential operator . 57 3.2 Laplace-type operators . 60 3.3 Dirac-type operators . 61 3.4 Clifford algebras . 64 3.5 Hermitian vector bundles . 69 3.6 Examples . 73 3.6.1 The Gauss-Bonnet operator . 73 3.6.2 The signature operator . 75 3.6.3 The @ operator . 76 3.6.4 The Dirac operator . 78 3.6.5 Twisted Clifford modules . 80 3.7 Supplement: Spin structures . 80 3.8 Exercises . 85 3.9 Bibliography . 88 4 Pseudodifferential operators on Rm 89 4.1 Distributions . 89 4.2 Examples . 94 4.2.1 Fundamental solutions . 94 4.2.2 Principal values and finite parts . 95 CONTENTS iii 4.3 Tempered distributions . 96 4.3.1 Convolution . 96 4.3.2 Fourier transform . 98 4.4 Pseudodifferential operators on Rm . 102 4.4.1 Symbols and oscillatory integrals . 102 4.4.2 Amplitudes and mapping properties . 108 4.5 Exercises . 116 4.6 Bibliography . 117 5 Pseudodifferential operators on manifolds 119 5.1 Symbol calculus and parametrices . 119 5.2 Hodge decomposition . 123 5.3 The index of an elliptic operator . 127 5.4 Pseudodifferential operators acting on L2 . 131 5.5 Sobolev spaces . 136 5.6 Exercises . 140 5.7 Bibliography . 144 6 Spectrum of the Laplacian 145 6.1 Spectrum and resolvent . 145 6.2 The heat kernel . 149 6.3 Weyl's law . 156 6.4 Long-time behavior of the heat kernel . 158 6.5 Supplement: Determinant of the Laplacian . 159 6.6 Exercises . 161 6.7 Bibliography . 162 7 The Atiyah-Singer index theorem 163 7.1 Getzler rescaling . 163 7.2 Atiyah-Singer for Dirac-type operators . 171 7.3 Chern-Weil theory . 176 CONTENTS 1 7.4 Examples . 180 7.5 Atiyah-Singer for elliptic operators . 181 7.6 Exercises . 185 7.7 Bibliography . 187 Introduction This text is a version of the lecture notes used during a course at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Spring 2012 and a course at the University of Rome `La Sapienza' in Summer 2014, as well as several reading courses. Many of the participants of the original course had attended a course on differentiable manifolds but did not have any experience with Riemannian geometry. The intention of the course was to introduce the techniques of geometric analysis on manifolds and establish the Atiyah-Singer index theorem. I learned these techniques from Rafe Mazzeo and Richard Melrose and indeed the construction of the heat kernel and proof of the local index theorem are taken from Melrose's book on the Atiyah- Patodi-Singer index theorem. There are several textbooks that cover some of the same ground as these notes. Notably, John Roe, Elliptic operators, topology and asymptotic methods. Second edition. Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 395. Longman, Harlow, 1998., Nicole Berline, Ezra Getzler, Michele` Vergne, Heat kernels and Dirac operators. Corrected reprint of the 1992 original. Grundlehren Text Editions. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004., H. Blaine Lawson, Jr. and Marie-Louise Michelsohn, Spin geometry. Princeton Mathematical Series, 38. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1989., David D. Bleecker and Bernhelm Booss-Bavnbek, Index Theory with Ap- plications to Mathematics and Physics. International Press, 2013. Beyond the feedback I received from the students taking the course, I received a helpful list of corrections from Ra´ulS´anchez Gal´anand excellent suggestions from Chris Kottke whose own lecture notes on the subject can be found at his webpage http://ckottke.ncf.edu/neu/7376_sp16/. 2 CONTENTS Chapter 1 Differential operators on manifolds 1.1 Smooth manifolds The m-dimensional Euclidean space Rm; the m-dimensional sphere Sm and the m- dimensional torus Tm = S1 × ::: × S1 are all examples of smooth manifolds, the context where our studies will take place. A general manifold is a space constructed from open sets in Rm by patching them together smoothly. Formally, M is a manifold if it is a paracompact1 Hausdorff topological space with an `atlas', i.e., a covering by open sets fVαg together with homeomorphisms φα : Uα −! Vα m for some open subsets fUαg of R : The integer m is known as the dimension of M and the maps φα : Uα −! Vα (or sometimes just the sets fVαg) are known as coordinate charts. An atlas is smooth if whenever Vαβ := Vα \Vβ 6= ; the map −1 −1 −1 (1.1) αβ := φβ ◦ φα : φα (Vαβ) −! φβ (Vαβ) −1 −1 m is a smooth diffeomorphism between the open sets φα (Vαβ); φβ (Vαβ) ⊆ R : (For 1 k us smooth will always mean C :) If the maps αβ are all C -smooth, we say that the atlas is Ck: If φα : Uα −! Vα is a coordinate chart, it is typical to write −1 (y1; : : : ; ym) = φα : Vα −! Uα and refer to the yi as local coordinates of M on Vα: 1 A topological space is paracompact if every open cover has an open refinement in which each point is covered finitely many times. 3 4 CHAPTER 1. DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS ON MANIFOLDS Two smooth atlases are compatible (or equivalent) if their union is a smooth atlas. A smooth structure on M is an equivalence class of smooth atlases or, equivalently, a maximal smooth atlas on M: A manifold M together with a smooth structure is a smooth manifold. To indicate that a manifold M is m-dimensional we will sometimes write M m or, more often, we will refer to M as an m-manifold. A more general notion than manifold is that of a manifold with boundary. The former is defined in the same way as a manifold, but the local model is m m R− = f(x1; : : : ; xn) 2 R : x1 ≤ 0g: If M is a smooth manifold with boundary, its boundary @M consists of those points m in M that are in the image of @R− for some (and hence all) local coordinate charts. It is easy to check that @M is itself a smooth manifold (without boundary). The product of two manifolds with boundary is an example of a still more general notion, a manifold with corners. A map between two smooth manifolds (with or without boundary) F : M −! M 0 is smooth if it is smooth in local coordinates. That is, whenever 0 0 0 0 φα : Uα −! Vα ⊆ M; φγ : Uγ −! Vγ ⊆ M ; are coordinate charts, the map 0 −1 0 (1.2) (φγ) ◦ F ◦ φα : Uα −! Uγ is smooth (whenever it is defined). Notice that this definition is equivalent to making coordinate charts diffeomorphisms. The space of smooth maps between M and M 0 will be denoted C1(M; M 0) and when M 0 = R; simply by C1(M): Notice that a map F 2 C1(M; M 0) naturally induces a pull-back map F ∗ : C1(M 0) −! C1(M);F ∗(h)(p) = h(F (p)) for all h 2 C1(M 0); p 2 M: For us a manifold will mean a connected smooth manifold without boundary, unless otherwise specified. Similarly, unless we specify otherwise, a map between manifolds will be smooth. A subset X ⊆ M is a submanifold of M of dimension k if among the m coordinates on M at each point of X there are k that restrict to give coordinates of 1.2. PARTITIONS OF UNITY 5 X: That is, at each point p 2 X there is a coordinate chart of M; φ : U −! V with q 2 V; whose restriction to U \ Rk × f0g maps into X; φ : U\ k × f0g −! V \ X: U\Rk×{0g R These restricted charts then define a smooth k-manifold structure on X: 1.2 Partitions of unity A manifold is defined by patching together many copies of Rm: It is often useful to take a construction on Rm and transfer it to a manifold by carrying it out on each patch and then adding the pieces together. For these constructions, it is very convenient that every open covering Vα of a smooth manifold carries a partition of unity. That is, a collection !i of smooth functions !i : M −! R such that: i) At each p 2 M only finitely many !i(p) are non-zero ii) Each !i is supported inside some Vα iii) The sum of the !i is the constant function equal to one at each point p 2 M: One remarkable fact that follows easily from the existence of partitions of unity is that any smooth manifold can be identified with a smooth submanifold of RN for some N: This is easy to show using a locally finite atlas with a corresponding partition of unity.
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