After the game, refresh with the Real Beer Taste of JAX Cooloff withmellow JAX. It's PremiumBrewed from 100 %N aturalI ngredientsto giveyou that famous Rea l Beer Taste.Old Grad or BMOC,once you try JAXyou'll j ust neveragain be complete ly satisfiedwith a ny otherbee r. SAY, HOWDO I KNOW YOUDON 'T! HOW YOU'RENOT A MAN IN A DO I KNOWYOU'RE KANGAROOSUIT? NOTA KANGAROOIN. • • A FOOTBALLSUIT? • • • •• • •• • •• • • • •• • • Jackson Brewing Co., New Or leans, la, t- •~- m•- •,.- ••- ••- n- ••- ••-• -• •- ••- - •-...- - ••-•- n-- •- n- ••- ••- - ••- •- ••- ••-• •-•- ••- ••-• •- ••- ••- ••- ••- •+ I ! : I j BEST WISHES TO THE GREEN WAVE 1 I For Many Successful Seasons CHALMETTELAUNDRY and CLEANERS 2801 TULANE AVENUE For Excellent Work and Repair Service Call HU 2-2161 f + ~-r•- ••- ••- •- •:a- ,1- 111- •1- ••- •~- ••-••- •• - •• - -- - •- - • •-- •----- ••--•• - 11-. .-. ,•-, •- •- •n- ,1- u--+ Table of Contents GENERAL INFORMATION Alumni News ..... -·---- •......... ____ ...55 All-Time SEC Standings ······-···· ............ ·- ............... 13 Andy Pilner ············-·· .. _ _ ............. 9 Basketball Outlook .. ····-···-······· .. ···················-···· ....... 60 Asst. Athletic Director ... ...... ·····-·····-·········· ... .. .. ... .1.5 Cartoons ........................... ................... ··-········•···· 17, 44, 50 Athletic Director ...................... ... •.•... .............. .. .. ... .4.5 Cam-P;Y ················-·· ····················· ·····-························· .25•36 Athletic Secretaries ········--- . .. .. .. _ -·· -· ........... 59 Current SEC Standings .... ... .. .. .. ...... .................. 17 Business i\fanager ............. ·--· .. ··•·-······· .......................... 16 Do You Remember? ... ···-·· ....................................... .......... 53 Coaching Staff ···············-·· ······ ..... ··········-··· .. ...... 9, 49 Final 1960 SEC Standings ··-·-···· ··········· ······················-· ...13 Football Coaches, Captains ........•.. •··-----·-··· ·-··. .. _23 Officials Signals ··········-··· ···················-······- ·-·-· ··················· 48 Football Record (Statistics) ·-······· ...........•. __ ········-···· ··51 Penalties -·· ·········-··· ·················· ································ ··········· ··48 Forme r Tulane Stars . -··-····· ·········· .. ···········-··················- 54 Radio Announcers ································----· ···-····················37 Freshman Roster ---····· ······----·-·······--· ················ ...... .46 Rule Changes For 1961 ···········------ ·····-········ 56 Freshman Squad Picture ...•.....•......... ·············-····-··········· 47 Special Football Features ··························--··-·····- ············· 7 Lineup ........................... .............. ················-·--······- ........ 30 Today's Game ·························-·-···-··--- --·········· 6 l\ly Farnrite Greenie Memoir . ................. .................... 20 Tulane Stadium ··············-····-··············· ·-·-·-················ ···· .. 39 Player Pictures .......... ........... ... ... .. _ .................... 10-13 VISITING TEAM Recruiting Coordinator ·························-···-· ·················· ....... 57 Campus Scene ... ··················---- -··-··············- 5 Roster ................................................. ............. .................... 18 Coaching Staff ........ ························---·-····- ·······-··· 8 Schedule ·············--···········-··········- ····················· .................. 3 Head Coach ··••···•·····················-···········---··-·-·-·•··-···· 8 Schooi Songs -·······---·-····--·······················•·••·-··············· .. 2:3 Lineup ··········································-····-··· ·----··-···· 31 School History ..... ___ ...... .. ············-················-···. 4 Player Pictures ·······················•··-··············----- 42•43 Roster ....................... ·········-······················-·························· 41 Sports Publicity ·-·· ....... ···················-·-········· ········ ..... .... 52 School History ............. ···········-········· ···············-···-·--·-·-··· · 5 Squad Picture .. ·-· ......... --·······················••·· .. ..... 58 TULANE Student Managers ..... ······-······-·-····-··•········· ····· ..• ···-······ ._38 Academi<; Counselor ... ·······-··········· ·····-·--·····-· ............. .49 Ticket Office Ladies .. ··--··--· ,. ............. .. ........ 53 All-Americans , All-SEC ···················- ············· ·····-···· ._22 Trainer ...........................•... -····•············ ···························· .40 1 - Visit South's Finest Spe cialty Shop for Men THE SHOP FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE Featuring the Finest Line of Continental Clothes in the South NEWT'S OF NEWORLEANS 730 Royal Street at St. Louis Cathedral Telephone JA. 5-2839 New Orleans 16, La. "In the Heart of the Old French Quarter" - 2 - t -•- H_ .,_ ,,_ .,_ ,,_ ,,_ .,_ H_ H_ .,__ ,_____ "t ...-- ·----- ,---- ---- --+ I t f I 11961 Green Wave j I F auwus for I f I I FOOTBALL SCHEDULE I i FINE FOOD I I l Sept. 23 - Stanford away ! I f ~!!!!!!!!!!!!I... Sept. 30 - 0 Alabama away ,1 .f Oct. 6 - "Flor ida home ! and DRINK l 1 I I Oct. 14 -Virginia Tech ! home :1 Oct. 21 - "Mississippi away 1 I : I Oct. 28 - "Georgia Tech ,1 (homecoming ) I 1 I Nov. 4 - Clemson away j f Nov. 11 - Miami home j f -- Nov. 17 - "Vander bilt I • home i I :I ~~-'-,(~;;; Nov. 25 - 0 L. S. U. away •I i 0 i Southeaste rn Conference Game s t l =========== 1 l======== I 1, I All Home Games At Nig ht Except Georgia Tech ·1 I :I ========= !• i I +-I ----------- ·- .,_.,_,,_,,_.,_...I •i Enjoy the Specialties of These ·i ·---·- -- ·-··- ·-•·-··-··-··-·•-..+ I Noted Restaurant s: f THE BOOM BOOM BOOM OF THE j I I i I ! ANTOINE'S I I I f . Since 1840 I Authentic Latin Mus ic In Town I I 713 St. Louis St. 529-2554 I ! I 12 Noon to 9 P. M. Closed Sundays l I I i I ARNAUD'S I •I . Carn ival Room : 1 ! I813 Bienville St. 523-5433 1 f eaturin g I, 11 A. M. to 12 :30 A. M. Daily t RUBEN GONZALEZ 1 and His Pachanga Kings J BROUSSARD'S f. I DANCING NIGHTLY I .Napoleon Patio 1 j Contest Night s Wedn esday and Thursda y I JI 11 ;;e;~t~~~~A :~::UE 819 c;~:~~-M. to 11 :30 P.5:.3-4800 I At Loyola Closed Wednesda ys Walking Dista nce from All Hotels +--•- •- u- ••- u- ••- ••- ••- •---- --- +-•------ •- - ----•• ----l -3- HOWARD-TILTON MEMORIAL LIBRARY TULANE UNIVERSITYwas the first independent university in a vast Southern area comprising abou t a fourth of the territory of the Unit ed States. The University's geographical location has led to a natural emphasis upon a region which includes the Gulf States, much of the Mississippi Valley and a large portion of Latin America. This means that in addition to the basic work of the University, Tulane und ertakes specialized instruction and research which it is uniquely qualified to perform. The University comprises the College of Arts and Sciences, Newcomb College for women, and University College (adult education); and the Schools of Law , Engineering, Medicine, Social ·work , Business Administration , and Architec ture ; and the Graduate School. In addition, the Middle American Re­ search Institute , the Urban Life Research Institute , the Institut e of Compara­ HEJWERT LONGENECKER tive Law , he Summer School, and ROTC programs of the Army, Navy , and P·resident Air Force round out its program. The student bod y includ es about 4,500 full-time students , and some 2,200 others who are taking courses in the field of graduate medicine, Univer sity Colege and other divisions. Tulan e had its beginning in 1834, when seven young physicians banded together to combat yellow fever and cholera , the city's twin curses of that period. In 1847 the State Legislature established in New Orleans the Univers­ ity of Louisiana with departments of Law, Medicine and Natural Sciences, and Letters. The University received its name from Paul Tulane of Princeton , N. J., who made his fortune in and around New Orleans and who donated $1,000,000 to the institution in 1882. Throu gh his gift a reorganization of the University HORACE RENEGAR was completed. It was separated from the stat e and its affairs were entrust ed Athletic Director to a self-perpetuating board of administrators . -4- .. MODERN GIRLS DORMITORY TheUniversity of Floridais located in the crown of Florida's heart land , where the palm meets the pine, is the beautiful campus of the University of Florida. Since its inception in 1853 under the name of the East Florida Semin­ nary, the University has grown to be the largest Land Grant University in the Southeast. The first student body of 136 young men, housed in a frame build­ ing, marked the humble beginning of the modern university of today which ha s a physical plant value at over 85 million dollars and a student body of over 13,000. The University has embodied the dynamic spirit of Florida's growt h by providing education and research to meet the needs of a rapidly changing society. In addition, the extensive programs at the University of Florida are providing the answe rs to problems in vital areas ranging from beach erosion Du. J. WAYNE REITZ and marine biology to space vehicles and better nutrition. President Although the University of Florida has kept the pace in modern educa­ tion it bas a rich southern heritage. In fact , during the Civil War, the school was forced to close because so many students were serving in the Confederate Army. One of the biggest years in University of
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