Top 25 Homemade Healers www.jerrybaker.com Index A castor oil, 78 Angelica, 108, 109 Ache-No-More Foot cherries, 15 Aniseed, 121, 123, 124 Formula, 205 honey, 161 Aniseed Syrup, 122 Achy Muscle Massage horseradish, 153 Antacid tablets, 135 Gel, 276 lemons, 191 Anti-Anxiety Punch, 203 Acid reflux, 185 onions, 255–256 Antibiotics, 346–347 Acne-Erasing Toner, 96 Alcohol (rubbing), 341, Anti-Itch Bath, 303 Acne remedies 342 Anxiety. See Stress baking soda, 39 Alcoholic beverages, 185, remedies bran, 228 230–231. See also Appetite, 21, 98–99, 202 carrots, 66 Hangover remedies; Apple cider vinegar. See cinnamon, 118 specific types Vinegar garlic, 147 Allergy cautions, 211 Apple Hair Rinse, 10 grapes, 60 Allergy remedies, 3, 71, Apples, 1–12 hydrogen peroxide, 345 82, 159–160 for beauty, 9–12 lemons, 191 All-Natural Shampoo, buying, 2 nutmeg, 123–124 241 caution, 8 oatmeal, 220 All-Over Honey and for health, 1–9, 16 olive oil, 240 Herb Scrub, 162 popularity, 2 onions, 254–255 All-Purpose Cough varieties, 4, 6 raspberries, 56 Syrup, 247 Applesauce, 9, 10, 11–12 sugar, 166 Allspice, 123 Apple Tuna Wraps, 7 toothpaste, 285 Almond oil, 182, 205, 210 Apricots, 12, 13, 16 tree fruits, 16 Almonds Arnica oil, 75 witch hazel, 339–340 for beauty, 208, 209, Aromatherapy, 21, 134. yogurt, 352–353 228 See also specific Acorns, 204 for health, 202–203, essential oils Aftershave, 120, 178, 325, 204, 205, 207 Aromatic Oil and Milk 338–339 Alpha Hydroxy Facial Bath, 238 Age spot remedies Mask, 30 Arrhythmia, 102–103 apples, 11 Alzheimer’s disease, 6, 95 Arteriosclerosis, 4 359 Top 25 Homemade Healers www.jerrybaker.com Index Arthritis remedies Avocado Body Butter, 23 Balsamic vinegar, apples, 5 Avocado-Mango Salad, 329–330 castor oil, 77 24 Bananas cayenne pepper, 87 Avocado oil, 82–83 for beauty, 31, cinnamon, 117 Avocados, 17–28 239–240, 298 Epsom salts, 128 for beauty, 22–28 constipation and, 216 flaxseed, 213 caution, 22 for health, 28–29 gin, 311 for health, 17–22 Banana-Walnut grapes, 58 history, 21 Smoothie, 113 honey, 154 Barley, 225, 226 horseradish, 151 B Basil, 271, 272–273 limes, 310 Baby food, 22 Bath blends olive oil, 236 Baby oil, 282, 283, 285 baking soda, 40, 45 parsley, 263 Baby powder, 283, 284 bubble baths, 210 roses, 181 Back-in-Balance Bath, chamomile, 106, 108 salt, 287 128 cinnamon, 120 vegetable oil, 244 Back Pain Panacea, 103 Epsom salts, 133, 134, vinegar, 320, 321 Back pain remedies 232 yogurt, 348–349 cayenne pepper, 87–88 eucalyptus, 82 Aspirin, 135, 136, 137 Epsom salts, 130 herbal, 178, 179, 273 Asthma remedies eucalyptus oil, 81 honey, 155, 162, 313 apples, 3 rice, 227 milk, 238, 285, 356 cranberries, 50 salt, 289 oatmeal, 223 garlic, 142–143 Bad breath remedies tea, 303, 309 lavender, 172–173 apples, 10 vanilla, 123 lemons, 185, 190 avocados, 22 wine, 313 onions, 250 cayenne pepper, 91 wintertime, 236 parsley, 264 for garlic breath, 149 witch hazel, 340 sunflower seeds, 214 lemons, 196–197 Bay leaf, 348–349 vinegar, 320 parsley, 266–267 Beer, 312, 313 Athlete’s foot remedies peppermint, 110–111 Bees, 158. See also Insect avocados, 20 spices, 117–118, 123 bites or stings; Insect berries, 48 tea, 305 repellents chamomile, 102 yogurt, 350 Beets, 69, 72 cinnamon, 112 Baked Potatoes Hot Off Belly fat, 329 garlic, 143–144 the Grill, 71 Berries, 47–57 mouthwash, 343 Baking powder, 43, 46 for beauty, 54–57, 148 onions, 253 Baking soda, 32–42 for health, 47–54 salt, 291 for beauty, 38–42, 46 smoothie recipes, 169, vinegar, 317 caution, 38 272, 348 yogurt, 347 as deodorizer, 260 Bilberries, 49 Avocado Antifungal for health, 32–38, 129 Blackberries, 49, 54–55 Cream, 20 history, 36 Black eyes, 30, 289, 335 360 Top 25 Homemade Healers www.jerrybaker.com Index Blackheads, 133, 161, sugar, 280, 294 fruit, 28 191, 228 vanilla, 210–211 marigold salve, 181 Black pepper, 93, 96 Boil remedies onions, 250 Bladder problems, 50, bread, 226 parsley, 264–265 188, 213, 316 cornmeal, 44 witch hazel, 335 Bleeding disorders, 141 eggs, 355–356 Bunions, 130, 311 Blisters figs, 14 Burn remedies preventing, 44, garlic, 139 acorns, 204 125–126, 275, 301, tea, 300 calendula, 179 342 Bone health, 262–263, 305 caution, 278 treating, 62–63, 170, Boomeritis, 129–130. honey, 155 173, 341 See also Muscle ache lavender, 169–170 Bloating, 58 remedies mustard, 296 Blood sugar control, 2, Bountiful Breakfast olive oil, 230 113, 330 Smoothie, 169 onions, 250–251 Blueberries, 48, 51 Braces pain, 292 petroleum jelly, 278 Body care. See also Body Brain function salt, 290 scrubs; Itchy skin aniseed for, 122 Bursitis, 48, 63, 77, bath powders, 45 apples for, 5, 6 160–161 body butters, 23, 211 berries for, 47–48 Butter, 356 body oils, 182, 215 carrots for, 63–64 Buttermilk, 355, 357, 358 moisturizers, 25, 163, cinnamon for, 117 177, 193, 285 seeds for, 214 C sponge baths, 41 turmeric for, 95 Cabbage, 69–70 wintertime, 41–42 Bran, 217, 225, 228 Cajun Popcorn Topping, Body odor remedies BRAT diet, 7–8 43 lemons, 196 Brazil nuts, 203, 206, 207 Calendula mouthwash, 343 Bread, 226 for beauty, 181, 183, parsley, 267 Breast feeding, 62, 264, 326 tea tree oil, 84 304–305 for health, 179–180 vinegar, 331 Breast pain, 77 properties of, 234, 329 Body scrubs Brewer’s yeast, 43, 45, 46 Calluses. See Corn and almond, 228 Bronchitis remedies callus remedies avocado, 26 Epsom salts, 129 Cancer prevention, 95, citrus, 194–195, 201 garlic, 139 113, 163 Epsom salts, 133, honey, 159 Cancer treatment, 63 237–238 lemons, 187 Canker sore remedies honey, 162 onions, 247–248 baking soda, 32 mango, 31 Bruise remedies castor oil, 74 oatmeal, 223 blueberries, 51 cranberries, 50 sea salt, 294–295 cayenne pepper, 90 milk of magnesia, 135 spice, 96, 119, 122–123, Epsom salts, 128 salt, 289 124 fish oil, 83 yogurt, 347–348 361 Top 25 Homemade Healers www.jerrybaker.com Index Cantaloupe, 60 Cherries, 13, 15, 16 Club soda, 313 Carmelite Water, 109 Cherry Pit-Spitting Cocoa butter, 79–80, 285 Carotenoderma, 64 Championships, 14 Coconut, 206 Carpal tunnel syndrome, Chestnuts, 206 Coconut milk, 212 75, 87, 98 Chewing gum, 244 Coconut oil, 204, 210–211, Carrots, 61–69 Chickpeas, 95 237 for beauty, 66–69 Childbirth. See See Coffee, 260, 313 caution, 64 Pregnancy or childbirth Cognac, 311–312 cooking, 66 Children. See Infants and Cold and flu remedies. fishing rods from, 63 children See also Nasal conges- for health, 61–66 Chilled Berry Soup, 52 tion; Sinus remedies Cashews, 203 Chives, 258, 259 apples, 3 Castor oil, 73–81 Chlorophyll, 337–338 baking soda, 35, 36–37 for beauty, 78–81 Chocolate, 163, 164, 165 castor oil, 77 cautions, 74, 75 Cholesterol remedies chamomile, 102 for health, 73–77, 129 apples, 3 chives, 258 as lubricant, 79 avocados, 17 cinnamon, 113–114 Cataracts, 302 cinnamon, 113 citrus, 186–187, Catnip, 109, 234 egg vinegar, 330–331 198–199 Cayenne pepper, 85–92 sunflower seeds, 214 cognac, 311–312 for beauty, 91–92 Chronic fatigue, 322 eucalyptus oil, 81, 82 caution, 88 Chub rub, 277 garlic, 139, 140–141, for health, 85–91 Cinnamon, 112–120 311–312 homemade tincture, 92 for beauty, 117–120, honey, 159 tolerance of, 89–90 124 hot-pepper sauce, 94 Cellulite remedies caution, 118 hydrogen peroxide, cayenne pepper, 91 essential oil, 134 343 citrus, 199 for health, 112–117, onions, 248–249 ginger, 153 175 peppermint, 110 olive oil, 237 history, 115 tea, 301 strawberries, 57 Circulation, 86, 150–151, vinegar, 319, 320, 323 vinegar, 326 249 yogurt, 346 Chamomile, 97–108 Citrus, 194–195, 197–201, Cold-Clobbering Tea, for beauty, 104–108, 234. See also Lemons; 301 111, 326, 329 Limes Cold sore remedies caution, 100 Citrus-Powered Tooth baking soda, 37 essential oil, 134, 234 Powder, 190 echinacea, 180 for health, 97–104, Classic Lemonade, 185 garlic, 146 201 Cloves honey, 160 Chamomile Ice, 101 for beauty, 123, 124, lemons, 189 Chard, 297 242 Cold-temperature relief, Charley horses, 20, 187, for health, 121, 185, 144, 219 310 231 Colic, 164 362 Top 25 Homemade Healers www.jerrybaker.com Index Colonoscopy prep, 122, olive oil, 231 eucalyptus oil, 84 334 onions, 247 lavender, 176 Comfrey, 109–110, 111 radishes, 152 lemons, 195 Conjunctivitis, 3–4, 303 vinegar, 319 mint, 111 Constipation remedies wine, 310 mouthwash, 343 angelica, 108 Cradle cap, 235 tea tree oil, 84 apples, 8 Cranberries, 49–50, 56 vinegar, 327 beets, 69 Cranberry Complexion yogurt, 350 castor oil, 74, 77 Complex, 55 Darkening Color Rinse, Epsom salts, 126 Cream of tartar, 44–45 309 Dead Sea salt, 290. See garlic, 145 Creamy Orange Facial also ginger, 151 Spread, 201 Salt honey, 160 Crispy Pickled Chard Dentures, 32, 101, 292 oatmeal, 216 Stalks, 297 Deodorant, 38, 281–282, olive oil, 231 Cucumbers, 70, 72 337–338 papaya, 30 Cumin, 93, 94 Depression, 18–19, 82, rhubarb, 59 Curcumin, 95–96 203 sunflower seeds, 214 Curried Yogurt Dip, 353 De-Stressing Bath Blend, vinegar, 321 Cuticle creams, 28, 356 Cooling Summer Skin 79–80, 239 Detoxification, 185, 264, Mist, 176 Cut or scrape remedies 287 Coriander, 94, 96 avocados, 17 Diabetes, 2, 113, 127, 289 Corn and callus remedies bananas, 28 Diaper rash remedies aspirin, 136 calendula, 179 baking soda, 34 avocados, 19 cloves, 121 oatmeal, 219 bread, 226 cranberries, 50 olive oil, 235 castor oil, 74 Epsom salts, 127 petroleum jelly, 278 chamomile, 102 grapes, 58–59 witch hazel, 335 Epsom salts, 130–131 honey, 155 Diarrhea Rehydration garlic, 139 lavender, 174 Formula, 37 lemons, 189 lemons, 184–185 Diarrhea remedies onions, 254 mouthwash, 341 apples, 7–8 tea, 300 witch hazel, 335 blackberries, 49 Cornmeal, 43, 44, 46, 200 Cutting boards, 289 carrots, 64, 65–66 Cornstarch, 43–46 Cyprus oil, 234 cinnamon, 116 Cough remedies Cystitis, 50 gelatin, 164 aniseed, 122 honey, 160 barley, 226 D limes, 197–198 eucalyptus oil, 81 Dandruff remedies onions, 251–252 ginger, 121 aspirin, 136 raspberries, 53 honey, 159 baby oil, 284 rehydration, 227 lavender, 171 beer, 312 salt, 290 oatmeal, 217 chives, 259 DIY Sports Drink, 35 363 Top 25 Homemade Healers www.jerrybaker.com Index Dizziness, 316 ginger, 150–151 Fabulous Fragrant Facial Drug interactions, 88, honey, 157 Scrubbers, 105 100, 249, 317 lemons, 185 Facial cleansers.
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