NATIONAL HERITAGE PROTECTION PLAN 2011-15 ACTIVITY PROGRAMME REPORT APRIL 2012 – MARCH 2013 Compiled by English Heritage April 2013 ENGLISH HERITAGE NHPP 2012 CONTENTS Activity Programme . 5 MEASURE 1 Foresight . 7 Activity 1A1: Long-Term Trends and Issues: Identification and Collation of Emerging Data . 8 Activity 1A2: Assessing Threats and Opportunities for the Historic Environment . 8 Activity 1A3: Data-Gathering and Assessment of Priorities for Understanding and Protecting the Historic Environment . 9 MEASURE 2 Threat: Assessment and Response . 13 Activity 2A1: Development Pressure . 14 Activity 2A2: Resolving Impact of Carbon Challenge on Built Heritage . 17 Activity 2B1: Tackling Neglect . 21 Activity 2B2: Heritage Crime . 23 Activity 2B3: Impacts of Recreational Activities . 26 Activity 2C1: Major Environmental Threats . 27 Activity 2C2: Attritional Environmental Threats . 30 Activity 2D1: Agriculture and Forestry Impacts . 38 Activity 2D2: Marine Exploitation Impacts . 41 Activity 2D3: Energy Generation Impacts . 43 Activity 2D4: Mineral Extraction Impacts . 45 Activity 2D5: Materials Supply Loss . 47 Activity 2E1: Heritage Management, Conservation and Craft Skills Shortages . 49 Activity 2E2: Capacity Loss in Local Authorities . 55 MEASURE 3 Recognition and Identification of the Potential Resource . 59 Activity 3A1: Unknown Marine Assets and Landscapes . 60 Activity 3A2: Unknown Coastal Assets and Landscapes . 63 Activity 3A3: Deeply Buried / Subterranean Pleistocene and Early Holocene Archaeology . 66 Activity 3A4: Identification of Terrestrial Assets Via Non-Intrusive Survey . 70 Activity 3A5: Identification of Wetland / Waterlogged Sites . 80 MEASURE 4 Assessment of Character and Significance . 85 Activity 4A1: Historic Towns and Suburbs . 86 Activity 4A2: Later Twentieth-Century Heritage . 93 Activity 4A3: Historic Ports, Dockyards, Harbours and Coastal Resorts . 96 Activity 4A4: Public, Civic and Communal Buildings . 99 Activity 4B1: Historic Water Management Assets . 101 Activity 4B2: Traditional Industry, Modern Industry, Mining and Associated Housing . 103 Activity 4B3: Transport and Communications . 106 Activity 4C1: Sport and Entertainment Buildings and Landscapes . 107 Activity 4D1: Places of Worship . 108 Activity 4D2: Churchyards, Cemeteries and Burial Grounds . 112 2 ENGLISH HERITAGE NHPP 2012 Activity 4E1: Battlefields . 114 Activity 4E2: Twentieth-Century Military Heritage . 116 Activity 4F1: Rural Historic Buildings and their Settings . 120 Activity 4F2: Field Systems . 127 Activity 4G1: Pleistocene and Early Holocene Archaeology . 128 Activity 4G2: Ploughzone Archaeology . 131 Activity 4H1: Submerged Heritage Assets and Landscapes . 132 MEASURE 5 Protection of Significance . 137 Activity 5A1: Strategic Designation Programme . 138 Activity 5A2: Upgrade and Modernisation of Designation Base . 139 Activity 5A3: Restructured Responsive Designation Programme . 140 Activity 5A4: Supporting Local Communities in Protecting Significant Heritage Assets . 141 Activity 5B1: Heritage Partnership Agreements and Model Management Plans . 144 Activity 5B2: Underpinning Local Planning Processes . 147 Activity 5B3: Developing Marine Heritage Management Structures . 150 Activity 5C1: Enhancing the Capabilities of Historic Environment Records (HERS) . 151 MEASURE 6 Management of Planned Change in the Historic Environment . 157 Activity 6A: Managing Change in the Historic Environment . 158 Activity 6A1: Strategic Planning Frameworks . 159 Activity 6A2: Early Support for Management of Change . 161 Activity 6A3: Management of Scheduled Monuments . 163 Activity 6A4: Decision-Making in the Planning Process . 167 Activity 6A5: Supporting Care and Management of Listed Places of Worship . 171 Activity 6A6: Supporting Informed Management of Change in the Marine Environment . 172 Activity 6B1: Strategic Condition Monitoring . 174 MEASURE 7 Managing Major Holdings of Historic Assets . 179 Activity 7A1: Asset Management Plan . 180 Activity 7A2: Managing Change at English Heritage Historic Properties . 181 Activity 7A3: Preservation of English Heritage Archive Holdings . 186 Activity 7A4: Preservation of English Heritage Historic Artefacts and Interiors . 187 MEASURE 8 Help and Advice for Owners . 189 Activity 8A: Advice and Grant-Aid to Protect Significance . 190 Activity 8A1: Reducing Risk to Heritage Assets through Expert Advice . 191 Activity 8A2: Building Specialist Capacity / Skills to Manage and Conserve Heritage Assets . 193 Activity 8A3: Reducing Risk to Heritage Assets through Repair Grants . 195 Activity 8A4: Reducing Risk to Heritage Assets through Acquisition and Repair . 198 Activity 8A5: Offsetting Loss through Knowledge Dividend . 199 Cover image: The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts is an art gallery and museum located on the campus of the University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk. It is housed in one of the first major public buildings to be designed by Norman Foster. Photo by David Garrard, © English Heritage. 33 ENGLISH HERITAGE NHPP 2012 This report uses a Red, Amber, Green (RAG) system to indicate the status of the projects and programmes . The category definitions are: l project/programme proceeding as planned and within anticipated deadlines and resource allocations . l project/programme has some issues which are affecting, or will potentially affect, delivery within anticipated deadlines and resource allocations . l project/programme has serious issues which will seriously jeopardise delivery, or project discontinued . There is a further category to highlight completed projects – Project Complete . 4 back to contents ENGLISH HERITAGE NHPP 2012 ACTIVITY PROGRAMME REPORT This report provides a more detailed assessment of the progress of individual projects undertaken as part of the NHPP. It is arranged by NHPP Measure, then by Activity, and then by protection result, and is designed to be read in conjunction with the April 2012-March 2013 Overview document. For further details of the Plan across the period 2011-2015, please follow the links below, or see http://www. english-heritage.org.uk/professional/protection/national-heritage-protection-plan/. • Measure 1 – Foresight Foresight is essential to a plan focused on establishing threats and developing responses . • Measure 2 – Strategic Threat Assessment and Response This Group of Activities is aimed at ‘winnable battles’ to counter, offset or mitigate the loss of our most important heritage . • Measure 3 – Recognition and Identification of the Potential Resource Rapid survey of areas of the country where even basic identification of what heritage we have is poor and where there is a real risk of losing nationally significant landscapes and assets before we even know what is at risk . • Measure 4 – Assessment of Character and Significance This Measure focuses on a range of themes and places which are insufficiently understood, threatened by change, and of potentially high significance . • Measure 5 – Protection of Significance The development of formal protection systems, such as Designation, and the development and expansion of Historic Environment Records . • Measure 6 – Management of Planned Change in the Historic Environment This measure sets out English Heritage’s statutory role in the planning process, giving pre-application advice and providing timely, constructive advice on managing major change to the historic environment . • Measure 7 – Managing Major Holdings of Historic Assets Protecting and managing change to the national collection of historic sites, properties and archives in our care . • Measure 8 – Help and Advice for Owners The provision of grant–aid and advice to owners and managers of heritage assets; and the funding of emergency investigation to offset the imminent and unavoidable loss of nationally significant assets . back to contents 5 ENGLISH HERITAGE 1 NHPP 2012 6 ENGLISH HERITAGE NHPP 2012 1 MEASURE 1. FORESIGHT A formal process of foresight is fundamental to a plan focused on establishing threats and developing responses to those threats. The development of appropriate intelligence-gathering and coordination mechanisms is essential to ensure that the sector can establish views on likely scenarios for the historic environment to inform our continuing and evolving implementation of the Plan. The Activities supported in this Measure will help to integrate approaches to horizon-scanning and impact assessment, test recommendations with sector partners, update the Plan accordingly, and review the progress and impact of the priorities taken forward. Foresight comprises the following four Activities: • 1A1 LONG-TERM TRENDS AND ISSUES: ASSESSMENT AND ANALYSIS • 1A2 IDENTIFYING THREATS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT • 1A3 DATA-GATHERING AND ASSESSMENT OF PRIORITIES FOR UNDERSTANDING AND PROTECTING THE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT • 1B1 REVIEW OF PROGRESS AND IMPACT The four year allocation of resource (both staff and funding) for this measure for 2011- 2015 is £0.708M Facing page: Didcot ‘A’ Power Station, Didcot, Oxfordshire (1A3) . Photo by Steve Cole, © English Heritage . back to contents 7 A1 ENGLISH HERITAGE 1 NHPP 2012 ACTIVITY 1A1: LONG-TERM TRENDS AND ISSUES: IDENTIFICATION AND COLLATION OF EMERGING DATA Context Long-range assessment is important to help establish collation of the emerging data with existing trend data the nature of likely threats, impacts and opportunities . and sharing assessment across a broad platform . Oversight at this scale will consider the key trends Activity Lead: Pete Wilson, Foresight Coordinator
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