Taxonomic Account

Taxonomic Account

Taxonomic Account Key to the genera la. Thallus fructicose 2 lb. Thallus foliose, sqiiamulose-foliose 3 2a. Thallus with central chondroid axis within medulla Usnea 2b. Thallus lacking central chondroid axis within medulla; Fronds usually flattened, strap shaped; the two surfaces of the thallus morphologically different, rarely rounded Ramalina 3a. Thallus usually monophyllous Dermatocarpon 3b. Thallus lacking miibjlicus, lobes variously divided and with rhizines on lower surface; rhizines rarely absent 4 4a. Thallus homoiomerous, gelatinous when wet, slate gray, brown, brown-black, or green-black; photobiont as Nostoc 5 4b.Thallus heteromerous, various colour, not gelatinous when wet; photobiont a cyanobacterium or a green alga 6 5a. Thallus lacking true cortex on both surfaces; apothecia biatorine Collema 5b. Thallus corticated on both surfaces or only on upper surface, upper cortex made up of single layer of cells; apothecia lecanorine Leptogium 6a. Thallus squamulose to foliose. with or without marginal hypothallus 7 6b. Thallus distinctly foliose, lacking hypothallus 12 7a. Ascocarps perithecia 8 7b. Ascocarps apothecia 9 8a.Hymenium containing photobiont; ascospores brown, submuriform to muriform Endocarport 8b. Hymenium not containing photobiont; ascospores hyaline, simple, oblong-ellipsoid Catapyrenium 9a. Photobiont green .^<., JQ 9b. Photobiont blue green algTT? U 10a. Thallus bright yellow or citrine; lobes narrow, strap shaped; apothecia mostly absent, lacinulate. K- Candelaria I Ob. Thallus green to greenish brown; lobes digitate or globose to complanate; apothecia biatorine; ascospores having pseudosepta appearing as dots or bars, prothallus present Phyllopsora \\a.?\\Ci\.oh\ox\iScytonema\ thallus blue-gray to black; lobes with concentric rings; apothecia biatorine; ascospores simple, hyaline. falsely septate Coccocarpia 1 lb. Photobiont Nostoc; thallus with prothallus felted, prominent; apothecia with thalline exciple; ascospores, simple, hyaline Parmeliella i2a. Thallus white, gray, or brownish gray; lobes upto 5 mm broad, usually matt, often pruinose; apothecia with matt black or pruinose disc; ascospores brown, 2- celled (Physciaceae) 13 12b. Thallus yellow, gray or brown; lobes from 1 mm to several cm broad, usually shiny in younger parts, rarely pruinose; apothecia with brown, often shiny disc; ascospores hyaline, simple (Parmeliaceae) 19 13a. Upper and lower cortex both paraplectenchymatous 14 i 3b. Upper and lower cortex composed of longitudinally disposed hyphae or only ^_^ lower cortex 15 \ 14a. Lower surface black; rhizines projecting beyond lobes, white tipped .. .Phaeophyscia 14b. Lower surface pale to white; K + yellow; atranorin present; ascospores Physcial Pachysporaria type Physcia 15a. Upper and lower cortex prosoplectenchymatous; atranorin and zeorin always present Heterodermia 15b. Upper cortex paraplectenchymatous; atranorin present or absent 16 16a. Hypothecium hyaline or yellowish; atranorin absent 17 16b. Hypothecium brown to dark brown; atranorin present 18 17a. Ascospores Physconia type; lower cortex present Physconia 17b. Ascospores Physcia or Pachysporaria type; lower cortex absent Hyperphyscia 18a. Epithecium K+purple ...Pyxine 18b.EpitheciumK- Dirinaria 19a. Cilia present 20 19b. Without cilia 24 20a. Lobes with bulbate cilia along margin Bulhothrix 20b. Lobes without bulbate cilia 21 21a. Rhizines sparse, usually restricted in central part of lower surface Parmotrema 21b. Rhizines throughout lower surface, simple/squarrose rhizinal papillae 22 22a. Medulla yellow Myelochroa 22b, MedijJJa white 23 23a. Lobes with effigurate/ reticulate maculae Rimelia 23b. Lobes lacking maculae, cilia in axils of lobes Parmelinella 24a. Rhizines simple Canoparmelia 24b. Rhizines dichotomously branched Hypotrachyna Genus: Bulhothrix Hale (Parmeliaceae) Phytologia,l%: A19 {\91A). Thallus foliose, small, adnate to closely adnate, grayish brown to yellowish brown, heteromerous. Photobiont a green alga, Tr-ehouxia. Lobes linear to sublinear, with development of marginal bulbate cilia, corticate on both surfaces. Upper cortex palisade plectenchymatous. Lower cortex dark to pale brown, paraplectenchymatous. Lower surface, dark or pale brown, generally rhizinate, rhizines simple to furcate. Apothecia laminal, sessile or adnate, lecanorine, simple to coronate. Ascospores 8/ascus, hyaline, simple, ellipsoid. In the world monograph o^ Bulhothrix Hale (Hale, 1976) reported 29 species distributed in North and South America, Africa, Asia showing highest development in semi-arid woodlands and secondary forests but rare in rainforests of southeast Asia. About 45 species are known from the world (Kirk et al., 2001). Seven species of Bulbothrix have been reported from the subtropical to subtemperate regions of the Indian subcontinent (Awasthi 1988, 2000) and two species were recorded from Maharashtra (Prabhu et al., 1983). In the present work an additional species B. meizospora (Nyi.) Hale is recorded from this region. Key to species la. Thallus lacking isidia or soredia; atranorin and salazinic acid present B. meizospora 1 b. Thallus isidiate 2 !a. Lower surface black; lobes 2-4 mm broad, faintly maculate, bulbate cilia, sparsely isidiate; isidia simple to cylindrical; atranorin and salazinic acid present B. tabacina !b. Lower surface pale brown to brown, lobes 2-6 mm broad, non-maculate, densely isidiate, isidia black tipped, eventually coralloid; atranorin and salazinic acid present B. isidiza bulbothrix isidiza (Nyl.) Hale [Fig.: 84] P/jj^to/ogza, 28:480(1974). = Parmelia isidiza Nyl. in Henriques, Bull.Soc.Bot.,2,: 130(1884). Thallus corticolous, loosely to closely adnate to the substratum, yellowish ;laucous to olivaceous buff, 5-10 cm in diam., 125-150 \im thick; lobes, irregularly linuate, sublinear, rounded or truncate at the apices, 2-6 mm broad; margins with sparse )r dense inflated, bulbate cilia 0.5-1.0 mm long; upper surface plane, dull, smooth, MTiaculate, densely isidiate; isidia cylindrical, simple or branched, coralloid, black tipped; jpper cortex 7-12.5 |im thick; algal layer 25-30 nm thick; medulla hyaline 75-100 ^m hick; lower surface pale brown or darker; lower cortex light brown, 10-13 \im thick; •hizines simple, uniformly spread. Apothecia common, adnate, 2-6 mm in diam., margin entire; disc dark brown, concave; thalline exciple smooth, ecoronate, imperforate; jpithecium brown, 6-8 |am; hymenium hyaline, 80-90 ^im; subhymenium hyaline, 9-15 xm. Ascospores simple, hyaline, 9-15 x 5-8 lum in size. Chemistry: Thallus K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow turning red, C-, KC-, P+ orange-red; UV-; atranorin and salazinic acid present. Habitat: Species has been collected growing on trees in semi-evergreen as well as in moist deciduous forests at higher elevations. Distribution: A pantropical species, widely distributed in India (Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal), Asia, Mexico, Nepal, South Africa, South America, Tanzania, Uganda, United States, and West Indies. Remarks: This isidiate species is one of the most common species of this genus in India. The species is closely related to Bulbothrix tabacina (Mont, et v.d. Bosch) Hale which, however, has a black lower surface and thin fragile thallus. Speciemens examined: Kolhapur District, Katyayani, 8 kms from Kolhapur, 15.10.1974, A.V. Prabhu & C.R. Kulkarni, 74.1244; Panhala at alt. 953.10 m, 13.10.1974, P.G. Patwardhan & A.V. Prabhu, 74.978, 74.982, 74.988, 74.994, 74.1002, 74.1003, 74.1005, 74.1020, 74.1041, 74.1042, 74.1043, 74.1047, 74.1052; 9.9.1988, P.G. Patwardhan & M.B. Nagarkar, 88.95; 4.9.1990, P.G. Patwardhan & B.A. Adawadkar, 90.1, 90.2, 90.3, 90.4, 90.5, 90.10, 90.13, 90.15; 13.10.2000, U.V. Makhija & K.R. Randive, 00.413. Nasik District, Trimbakeshwar to Bramhagiri, elevation 1294m, 5.8.1974, A.V. Prabhu & M.B. Nagarkar, 74.305. Pune District, Khandala, elevation 625 m, 29.8.2000, B.C. Behera & K.R. Randive, 00.102; Lonawala, elevation 596 m, 29.8.2000, B.A. Adawadkar & K.R. Randive, 00.100; Purandar, 12.3.1971, P.G. Patwardhan, 71.9, 8.8.1971, 71.31, 71.32, 72.151, 21.7.1973; P.G. Patwardhan & A.V. Prabhu, 73.3135, 18.6.77, M.B. Nagarkar 77.606; 13.9.2002, U.V. Makhija & B.C. Behera, 02.41; Sinhagad Fort, on the way, elev. 900 m, 19.7.70, P.D Badhe, 70.21; 16.8.2000, U.V. Makhija & B.C. Behera, 00.1, 00.2, 00.3, 00.17, 00.18, 00.28, 00.29; 4.7.2003, U.V. Makhija & A.V. Dube, 03.35, 03.45, 03.73. Raigad District, Karnala, 16.9.2002, U.V. Makhija & B.A. Adawadkar, 02.96. Satara District, Mahabaleshwar, elev. 1372 m, on the way to Lingmala, on host Memeceylon umbellatum, 29.9.2003, U.V. Makhija & A.V. Dube, 03.397; Panchgani, approx. altitude 900 m, 4.8.1981, M.B. Nagarkar, 81.274, P.G. Patwardhan, 81.276, 81.277, 81.297; Tata Holiday Home, 29.9.2003, A.V. Dube & N. Verma, 03.403, 03.486, 03.489, 03.491, 03.494, 03.495, 03.496, 03.498. Sindhudurg District, On the way to Ajra from Amboli, 2 km from Amboli, 10.10.2000, U.V. Makhija & V.A. Mantri, 00.160, 00.161. Bulbotltrix meizospora (Nyl.) Hale [Fig.: 85] Phytologia,l^-Am {\91A). =Parmelia tiliacea var. meizospora Nyl. Syn. L/c/?., 1(2): 383 (1860). Thallus corticolous, closely adnate to the substratum, pale greenish glaucous to olivaceous gray, 5-10 cm in diam., 150-160 ^m thick; lobes sublinear to irregular. 2-4 mm broad, non-isidiate, non-sorediate; margins crenate with short bulbate cilia, 0.5-0.7 mm long; upper surface plane and smooth, more or less shiny, upper cortex thin, 5-7 ^m thick; algal layer continous, 30-37.5 jim thick; medulla hyaline, 100-120 \ym thick; lower surface black with brown papillate marginal zone; lower cortex blackish brown, 25-30 |am thick; rhizines simple, brown black. Apothecia many, adnate, 2-4 mm in diam., disc dark brown, concave; thalline exciple smooth, ecoronate, imperforate; epithecium hyaline to brown, 4-6 |im; hymenium hyaline, 70-90 (xm; subhymenium hyaline, 9-15 |im. Ascospores hyaline, simple, 16-21 x 6-11 |.UTI in size.

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