CURRICULUM VITAE Name Abdul Rashid Bhat Designation Professor Date of Birth 20-08-1957 Residence Tajdar Colony, Zakura Crossing, Hazratbal, Srinagar, Kashmir, 190024 Nationality Indian Postal Address S.H. Institute of Islamic Studies, University of Kashmir, Srinagar-190006 Phone: 0194-2420078 Ext. 2202, 2199 Mobile: 09906517698 E-mail: [email protected] I. EDUCATIONAL PROFILE S.No Academic Subjects Offered Name of the Degrees University Obtained 1 Ph.D Islamic Studies University of Kashmir, Topic: Shah Wali-u Allah: An Srinagar Analysis of the Trends in His Religious Thought 2 M.Phil. Islamic Studies University of Kashmir, Topic: Political Thought of Shah Srinagar Wali-u Allah 3 M.A. Islamic Studies Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 4 M.A. English Literature University of Kashmir, Srinagar II. TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1. Assistant Professor 8 years (1992-2000) 2. Sr. Assistant Professor 4 years (2000-2004) 3. Reader 3 years (2004-2007) 3. Associate Professor 3 years (2007- 2010) 4. Professor 7 years ( 2010-continuing) III. SKILLS Language & Technical Skills- English: Spoken and Written (Fluent) Urdu: Spoken and Written (Fluent) Kashmiri: Spoken (Fluent) Persian: Intermediate Arabic: Elementary Computer Knowledge (elementary level) 2 IV. RESEARCH GUIDENCE S.N0. M.Phil AWARDED UNDER SUBMISSION 1. A Critical Study of N.J.Coulson: A History of 03 Islamic Law 2. The Nature and Classification of Sciences in the Islamic Intellectual Tradition: A Study of Ghazzali and Ibn Khaldun 3. Ulama and the Indian Freedom Movement: A Study of the Role of Maulana Mahmud al Hasan (Shaykh al-Hind) 4. Contemporary Islamic Response to Woman’s Issues: A Study of the Views of S.A.Maududi, M.M.Siddiqui, Anis Ahmed and Zeenat Kausar 5. Iqbal’s Concept of State: A Study 6. Concept of State in Islam: A Study of Muhammad Asad 7. Maqsid al-Shari.ah 8. Muslim Resurgent Thought in the Contemporary Times: A Study of Fazlur Rehman 9. Rights of Prisoners of War in Islam 10. Political Thought of Ghazali: A Study of Nasihat al-Muluk (Awaiting Viva-voce) 3 11. Democracy in Islam: A Study of Allama Iqbal and Maulana Abul Ala Maududi (Awaiting Viva- voce) Ph.D AWARDED UNDER SUBMISSION 1. Nationalism in the Indian Subcontinent 02 During the Early 20th Century: A Study of the Muslim Scholars’ Response 2. Contemporary Development of Islamic Economic Thought: A Study of Dr.Najatullah Siddiqui 3. Social Justice as Depicted in the Poetry of Shaikh al-Alam 4. Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi’s Newly Registered-04 Contribution to Islamic History: A Study with Special Reference to his Tarikh Dawat-o-Azimat MINOR RESEARCH PROJECTS COMPLETED 1. Bio-Bibliography on Orientalism 2. Abstract of the Articles in English in the Leading Journals on Islam. PROPOSED RESEARCH PROJECTS TO UGC 4 1. Islam and Pluralism proposed as an Assistant Co-ordinator V. AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION 1. Modern Islamic Thought 2. Islam in the Modern World (South Asia) 3. Political Thought in Islam 4. Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh) VI. AREAS OF INTEREST 1. Islamic Social Sciences (Preliminaries of Economics, Psychology and Sociology) 2. Islamic Scholasticism ( Ilm al-Kalam) 3. Research Methodology in Islamic Studies VII. PUBLICATIONS (a) Books 1. Iqbal’s Approach to Islam, Islamic Book Foundation, Delhi, 1996. 2. Towards An Islamic Theory of Knowledge, Adam Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1997. 3. Political Thought of Shah Wali-u-Allah: An Analytical Study, Adam Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1997. (b) Research Papers S.N Title Journal Year Vol./No. Page Refereed/ 0. N0. Peer reviewed/ ISSN No. 5 1 Muslim Response to Insight Islamicus 17 17 15-32 0975-6590 Modern Knowledge:An S.H.Inst. of Islamic peer Approach to Allama Studies, University reviewed Iqbal’sViews on Knowledge of Kashmir, Sgr & indexed 2 Concept of Psychology in Insight Islamicus, 15 15 13-23 0975-6590 Islam:An Analysis of Basic S.H.Inst. of Islamic peer Principles Studies, University reviewed of Kashmir, Sgr & indexed 3 Sources and Values of Insight Islamicus, 14 14 0975-6590 ProphetMuhmmad’s(SAAS) S.H.Inst. of Islamic peer Educational System Studies, University reviewed of Kashmir, Sgr & indexed 4. Approaching Faith in Insight Islamicus, 2013 13 0975-6590 Islam:A Study of S.H.Inst. of Islamic peer Bediuzamman Nursi’s Studies, University reviewed Risalae-Nur of Kashmir, Sgr & indexed 5. Concept of Ijtihad in Insight Islamicus, 2012 12 75-101 0975-6590 Islam:A Study of Shah S.H.Inst. of Islamic peer Wali-u Allah Studies, University reviewed of Kashmir, Sgr. & indexed 6. Public Finance in Islam Insight Islamicus, 2011 11 173-182 0975-6590 S.H.Inst. of Islamic peer Studies, University reviewed of Kashmir, Sgr. & indexed 7. Studies on Iqbal’s Legal Iqbaliyat 2011 Vol.11 7-16 0975-6604 Thought in Kashmir &peer reviewed 8. Istihsan and Its Place in Kashmir University 2010 Vol: XVII 153-168 0975-6639 Islamic Legal Theory: An Law Review No. XVII & indexed 6 Approach 9. Islamic Resurgence: Journal of Objective 2010 Vol.22, 63-85 0971-3220 Challenges and Prospects Studies, Delhi. N0. 1 & indexed 10. Shah Waliullah’s Concept of Journal of the 2010 No.39 13-40 peer Ijtihad: An Approach to Institute of Islamic reviewed Selected Portions of his ‘aqd Studies, & indexed al –Jid and Al-Insaf AMU, Aligarh (India) 11. Psychological Trends in Insight Islamicus, 2009 Vol.9 115-124 0975-6590 Shah Wali-u Allah Delhvi: S.H.Inst. of Islamic peer A Brief Analysis Studies, University reviewed of Kashmir, Sgr. & indexed 12. Dialogue in Islam: Nature Kashmir Journal of 2008- Vol.3 68-79 0975-6620 and Prospects Social Sciences, 09 peer Faculty of S. reviewed Sciences, University of Kashmir, Sgr. 13. Democracy and Islam Indian Journal of 2009 Vol. 161-176 Refereed Politics, Deptt. of XLIII & indexed Political Science, No.1 AMU, Aligarh 14. Prophethood of Muhammad Insight Islamicus 2008 Vol.8 97-112 0975-6590 (SAAS): Some Aspects of S.H.Inst. of Islamic peer Allama Iqbal’s Perspective Studies, University reviewed of Kashmir, Sgr. & indexed 15. Banking in Islam: An Kashmir Journal of 2007 Vol.2 92-104 0975-6620 Analysis of its Principles Social Sciences, peer and Modes Faculty of S. reviewed Sciences, University of Kashmir, Sgr. 16. Free Will and Determinism Journal of Islamic 2006 Vol. 2 7-24 1536-4569 7 in Islamic Philosophy Philosophy, U.S.A peer reviewed & indexed 17. International Relations in Journal of Objective 2006 Vol 47-70 0971-3220 Islam: Exploring the Reality Studies, Delhi & indexed of the Key Concepts 18. Islam and the West: Insight Islamicus 2005 Vol.5, 133-144 0975-6590 Prospects of Mutual S.H.Inst. of Islamic No.1 peer Understanding Studies, University reviewed of Kashmir, Sgr. & indexed 19. Human Rights and Islam: Insight Islamicus, 2004 No.4 127-148 0975-6590 An Approach in the Context S.H.Inst. of Islamic peer of the Western Tradition of Studies, University reviewed Human Rights of Kashmir, Sgr. & indexed 20. Allama Iqbal’s Tribute to Iqbal Review, Iqbal 2004 Vol.45 63-70 peer Shiakh Ahmad Sirhindi Academy, Lahore, No.2 reviewed Pakistan & indexed 21. Shah Wali-Allah on the Insight Islamicus, 2003 Vol.3 125-135 0975-6590 Science of Disputation (ilm S.H.Inst. of Islamic peer al-munazarah): An Analysis Studies, University reviewed of Kashmir, Sgr. & indexed 22. Human Nature and Society Insight Islamicus, 2002 Vol.II, 147-160 0975-6950 in Shah Wali-u-Allah’s S.H.Inst. of Islamic No.2 peer Hujjat Allah Baligah: A Studies, University reviewed Conceptual Analysis of Kashmir, Sgr. & indexed 23. Islam and Social Change: A Insight Islamicus, 2001 Vol.1 63-76 0975-6950 Theoretical Perspective S.H.Inst. of Islamic peer Studies, University reviewed of Kashmir, Sgr. & indexed 24. Shah Wali-Allah Delhvi: An Islamic Culture, 1997 Vol, XXI, 35-49 peer 8 Analysis of His Sufism Hyderabad No.2 reviewed & indexed 25. Sources of Islamic Fiqh: An Kashmir University 1997 Dec.1997 215-223 0975-6639 Insight Law Review, peer University of reviewed Kashmir, Sgr. & indexed 26. Shah Wali-Allah: An Islamic Culture, 1996 Vol.1, 63-70 peer Analysis of His Theology Hyderabad LXX, reviewed No.4 & indexed 27. Islamic Theory of Islam and the 1994 Vol.XXV, 273-278 peer Knowledge, An Analysis in Modern Age, Delhi No.4 reviewed the Context of Western & indexed Traditions of Knowledge 28. Political Theory of Ghazzali, Islam and the 1992 Vol. 66-70 peer Modern Age, Delhi XXIII, reviewed No.1 & indexed 29. Iqbal on the Problem of Hamdard Islamicus, 1992 Vol.XL, 95-104 peer Ijtihad Karachi, Pakistan No.1 reviewed & indexed 30. Shah Wali-Allah’s Political Journal of Objective 1991 Vol.3, 67-78 0971-3220 Thought in the Context of Studies, Delhi No.1 peer His Irtifaqat reviewed & indexed (c) Papers in Seminars/ Conference Proceedings/Books S.N0. Title Year Page N0. Title of Book Title of Conference 1. Human Psyche in 2018 Psyche in Islam Islam: An Analysis Qazi Publishers, New Delhi of Basic Dimensions ISBN: 978-93-89965-77-3 9 2. Prof.Muhmmad 2015 223-243 Muteeb-I Rafta,Fazil Amin Andrabi— Publications Shakhsiyat aur Srinagar(ISBN-978;93- Khadmat 82288-62-6) 3. Human Self and Its 2014 Iqbal kaTasawwur-i Khudi Iqbal Philosophy in Iqbal Institute of Culture and kaTasawwur-i Philosophy(ISBN 978-93- Khudi 82288-26-8) 4. Iqbals Concept of 2012 1-14 Iqbal ka Fikr-o-Fun, Iqbal Fikr-o-Fun- Iqbal Ijma: Nature and Institute of Culture and Ke Chand Pehloo Prospects Philosophy(ISBN 978-93- 82288-21-3) 5. Nature, Reason and 2004 110-127 Sir Sayyid’s Contribution Sir Sayyid’s Revelation in Sir to Islamic Studies, Inst.
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