RESIDENT & FELLOW SECTION Clinical Reasoning: Section Editor A neonate with micrognathia and John J. Millichap, MD hypotonia Marissa M. Vawter-Lee, SECTION 1 with vertical suspension, normal resting tone (knees MD A female infant was delivered via cesarean section at 39 and elbows were flexed when supine), normal strength Shannon S. Seals, MD weeks’ gestation to a 40-year-old mother. Pregnancy (i.e., antigravity throughout her extremities), and nor- Cameron W. Thomas, was notable for normal fetal movement and amniotic mal infantile and deep tendon reflexes. She was trans- MD, MS fluid indices. Apgar scores were 7 and 8 at 1 and 5 mi- ferred to our neonatal intensive care unit for evaluation Charu Venkatesan, MD, nutes. Shortly after birth, the infant developed respira- of surgical options to correct her micrognathia. PhD tory distress and apnea that resolved with repositioning Questions for consideration: of her neck and trunk. General examination was remarkable for severe micrognathia, high arched palate, 1. What is the differential diagnosis of neonatal Correspondence to bitemporal wasting, and bilateral talipes varus (club hypotonia? Dr. Vawter-Lee: [email protected] foot) contractures. Neurologic examination showed 2. How do her physical examination findings narrow intact mental status, facial diplegia, axial hypotonia the differential diagnosis? GO TO SECTION 2 From the Division of Neurology (M.M.V.-L., C.W.T., C.V.), Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center; and Department of Neurology (S.S.S.), University of Cincinnati Medical Center, OH. Go to Neurology.org for full disclosures. Funding information and disclosures deemed relevant by the authors, if any, are provided at the end of the article. e80 © 2016 American Academy of Neurology ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. SECTION 2 Zellweger, mitochondrial myopathy).1 Combined A wide range of disorders present with hypotonia causes (due to abnormalities of both the upper during the neonatal period. Important details to and lower motor neurons) include dystroglycanopa- consider in the prenatal history include quality and thies (Walker-Warburg, Fukuyama, muscle-eye- quantity of fetal movements and presence of polyhy- brain disease), mitochondrial encephalomyopathies, dramnios, as these factors may suggest intrauterine congenital disorders of glycosylation, Pelizaeus- hypotonia or central nervous system injury. Cesar- Merzbacher, and Canavan disease.2 ean section due to breech presentation may also Physical examination findings may differentiate indicate decreased or ineffective fetal movement.1 between central and peripheral causes, although some Neonatal hypotonia can be due to central, periphe- disorders will have features of both (table 2). Not ral, or mixed causes (table 1). Central causes are every central or peripheral cause will include all dis- most common in the neonate and include hypoxic tinguishing features. Neonatal examination findings ischemic encephalopathy, infections (sepsis, menin- must always be considered in the context of the ges- gitis, encephalitis), chromosomal disorders (Down tational age. Thorough general examination may syndrome, Prader-Willi), and metabolic disorders.1 reveal organomegaly, skin stigmata, or craniofacial Some central causes demonstrate hypotonia at birth and other somatic dysmorphisms that suggest specific (hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy and chromo- genetic or metabolic diseases. Neurologic examina- somal disorders) whereas others may not manifest tion should then be performed with particular atten- hypotonia for hours or days (sepsis and metabolic tion to features that may distinguish central and disorders). Peripheral processes include anterior peripheral causes of hypotonia. Altered mental status horn cell disease (spinal muscular atrophy), motor/ should heighten concern for central causes of hypo- sensory neuropathies (Dejerine-Sottas), neuromus- tonia (although there are genetic central causes in cular junction disorders (transient neonatal myas- which mental status is preserved). Tone and strength thenia, congenital myasthenia gravis, botulism), are frequently assessed in tandem. Infants with central congenital myopathies (nemaline rod, central core, hypotonia often demonstrate relatively greater reduc- fiber-type disproportion), muscular dystrophies tion in tone than in muscle strength (which is typi- (congenital myotonic dystrophy [CMD] and con- cally antigravity or better), whereas in peripheral genital muscular dystrophy such as merosin defi- disorders, weakness becomes more prominent. Reflex ciency), and several metabolic disorders (Pompe, examination in central causes may show normal or Table 1 Differential diagnosis of neonatal hypotonia Central causes Mixed central and peripheral causes Peripheral causes Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies Anterior horn cell disease (spinal muscular atrophy) Infection (sepsis, meningitis) Congenital disorders of glycosylation Neuropathies (Dejerine-Sottas) Chromosomal disorders (Down Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Neuromuscular junction (transient neonatal syndrome, Prader-Willi, etc.) myasthenia, congenital myasthenia gravis, botulism) Metabolic disorders (inborn errors of Canavan disease Congenital myopathies (nemaline, central metabolism) core, fiber-type disproportion) Dystroglycanopathies (Walker-Warburg, Congenital muscular dystrophies (myotonic muscle-eye-brain, Fukuyama) dystrophy, merosin deficiency) Metabolic (Pompe, Zellweger) Table 2 Physical examination findings to differentiate central vs peripheral neonatal hypotonia Central causes Peripheral causes Mental status Can be altered or normal Normal Strength Normal Decreased Reflexes Normal or increased Decreased or absent Other key exam findings Dysmorphic features Tongue fasciculations (e.g., spinal muscular atrophy) Neurology 86 February 23, 2016 e81 ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. hyperactive reflexes but may be decreased or absent in The key distinguishing feature for this infant was peripheral disorders. Contractures and arthrogryposis bitemporal wasting, suggesting a specific peripheral can be seen with either central (e.g., holoprosenceph- cause for her hypotonia. aly) or peripheral causes (e.g., spinal muscular atro- Question for consideration: phy). At times, as in the reported case above, infants may have features of both central and peripheral 1. What imaging and laboratory workup should be causes, increasing diagnostic uncertainty. done to evaluate neonatal hypotonia? GO TO SECTION 3 e82 Neurology 86 February 23, 2016 ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. SECTION 3 Our patient’s electrolytes and liver enzymes were Evaluation of the hypotonic infant is directed by the normal. Muscle CK was 177 U/L (normal 60–305). clinician’s suspicion for a central vs peripheral etiology. Brain MRI showed severe micrognathia, along with An etiology for hypotonia can be identified in 50% of mild enlargement of the lateral ventricles, thin corpus hypotonic infants based on the history and physical callosum, and mild cerebellar hypoplasia (figure). examination alone.3 Laboratory and imaging evaluation Family history revealed that the infant’s mother had can further refine the diagnostic process (table 3). Sepsis undergone 3 jaw distraction procedures in her 30s. requires emergent evaluation and treatment; thus, clin- She also reported “freezing” of her hands when open- ical suspicion should prompt urgent acquisition of ing jars. Physical examination of the mother was serum, urine, and/or CSF cultures. Investigation of remarkable for long, thin facial features, bitemporal central hypotonia usually begins with brain imaging, wasting, and percussion myotonia. preferably MRI, to evaluate for structural, traumatic, The sum of the infant and maternal physical ex- or metabolic diseases. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy aminations, along with family history, prompted test- can provide additional information when there is con- ing for CMD. This showed 1,500 CTG repeats on cern for metabolic derangement. Additional workup one allele of the DMPK gene (normal 5–34, asymp- can include genetic (karyotype, single nucleotide poly- tomatic 35–49, and .50 repeats abnormal), consis- morphism microarray, exome) and metabolic evalua- tent with a diagnosis of CMD. Positive diagnosis is tion (electrolytes, liver function, ammonia, serum confirmed by CTG repeat number .200. amino acids, urine organic acids, lactate, pyruvate, The multidisciplinary airway team at our hospital and acylcarnitine). Investigation of peripheral hypoto- thought that the patient’s severe micrognathia was nia can also begin with imaging as many peripheral contributing to her obstructive apnea. She therefore diseases have characteristic brain imaging findings. underwent mandibular distraction surgery. The sur- For example, congenital muscular dystrophies can have gery stabilized the apnea, and the infant was dis- increased white matter signal intensity on brain MRI.2 charged home with nasal cannula oxygen support. For investigation of mixed causes of hypotonia, MRI and additional testing should be guided by history and DISCUSSION CMD is an autosomal dominant con- examination. Concern for muscle diseases should dition caused by a defect in the DMPK gene on chro- prompt measurement of serum creatine kinase (CK) mosome 19, resulting in an increased number of levels,
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