Subject Index

Subject Index

Subject Index A Allochthons of Bou Agri Archaean 31-46, 107, 108, Azlaf Group 70 A-type granitoid 99 248 114, 116, 120, 148, 189, Azrou 236, 237 Abda/Sarihef Unit 242 Alpine 197, 199, 204, 205, 296, - foreland basin 258 Abolag 66 - allochthonous units 250 301, 371 Acado-Baltic affinities 342, - basement 245,267, - granite-greenstone terra- 8 361 307-313 ne 127, 142 Bab-Azhar Zone 248 Acari Granite 381, 382, - Rif 230 - greenstones 144 Back-arc 95,287,298,299, 386 Alps 299, 300 - proto lith 125 300 Accraian Series 109 A1tamaha-Brunswick - suture hypothesis 145, Badajoz-Cordoba shear Achaikar 66, 68, 73 magnetic anomaly 357 147 zone 270,272,274,276, Acritarch 165,269,270, Alto allochthon 334, 339, Arg Faults 244, 245 278, 279 281 346 Argillite 153,154,157, 159, Badiar Hill 163 Actinote 172 Amane Jssougri microrift 160, 161, 162, 166, 169, Bafata Group 165, 166 Adoudounian 231, 252 251 172 Bahamas fracture zone 357, Adrar 70, 189, 192, 193, Amasine Group 69 Armorica 268,312,353 362 194, 195, 196, 197,201, Amizmis fault zone 244, Armorican Bakel 187, 197 204 245 - Massif 295, 302 - area 197, 199,212 - des Jforas 108 Amour Unit 213 - Quartzite Formation 276, - quartzites 221 - Soutouf Range 199 Amphibolite 279 - series 184 Adrer-Guinea Line 18,20, - facies 107,108,114,172, Asbill Pond Formation 342, Bakoye Group 69 24 198, 199,203,206,208 350 Balkan 312 Adriatic microplate 307 - -gneiss association Assaba 194,195,200, Baltic affinities 342 Afacora schist belt 110, 112, 307-311 201 Baltimore terrane 334, 113,117 Anambra Basin 112 - Plateau 195,200 341 Afolle 66, 195 Anatexis 272, 290 Assabet el Hassiane Group Bamako 66, 74 African ice-sheet 276 Anchizonal 172, 173, 68,69,78,192,196 Bandafassi platform 161, Agadir 249 206 Atar Group 68, 69, 73, 78, 169 Aghaoujeft Group 193,194, - metamorphism 206 192, 193, 195,196 Banded 195,203 Andean-type margin 272, Atlantic - iron formation 111 Agou Complex 110 274 - Coastal Plain 334, 354, - tuffs 138 Agoualilet Unit 198 Andesite 157, 174 356 Bandiagara Group 73, Agramarou magmatite 115 Anezi Group 231 - margin 11, 12 74 Ahnet 68 Angola 108 - Ocean 360, 364 Bani J 232 Ain-Hallouf Anticline 239 Anorogenic 298 - Shelf 254 - II 232 Air 87-88 - ring complexes 112 - -type ocean 117 Bania Group 130,131,137, - Tamellil Inlier 236,237, Anorthosite 95, 353 Atlas Domain 229 138, 142, 144, 148 244,249,259,260 Anti Atlas 77, 189, 191,229, Atlasic Tamlelt Inlier 250 Barrovian metamorphism Ait Lahsen Faults 244, 230,231,232,233,234, Augite 175 242 245 249, 253, 254 Augusta fault zone 344 Basalt 111,154,173,174 Akjoujt 184,197,199,201, Antigonish Highlands Terra- Aulacogen 86, 100 Basement 151,296,297, 205,210,212,215,219 ne 315 Austroalpine (area domain 301 Akuse Complex 110 Aoucert 190,201 region, unit) 299, Bashkirian conglomerates Alaouana Granite 252, Aouker 193, 199,203 307-311 250 253 - dune complex 198 Avalon 298 Basic Albemarle 347,349,350, Aouli Granite 252, 253 - terranes 224, 298, 315, - dykes 41 351 Appalachian 332,350,351 - ultrabasic rocks 110 Aldanella Attleborensis 160 - exotic terranes 345, Avalonian Bassaride 140, 142, 147, Algerian 250 360 - orogeny 267 151,153,166 Alkaline 92,93,94,97,98, - lithotectonic belts 346 - plate 361 Bassaris 139, 142 99,112,173,197,201,298, Apulian microplate ("Apu­ Ayoun Basin 189, 190, Batapa Group 162, 163, 321, 322, 325, 326 lia") 307,313 191 169,172,174,181 Alleghanian 343,345,347, Arabo-Nubian 298 Azegour Fault 245, 246, Batholith 83,92,93,97,99, 350, 352, 363 Arc 299,300 252 100, 101, 156 400 Subject Index Bechar Basin 236, 258 Brasiliano - region 375 Coyah granite 138,361 Beja-Acebuches ophiolite - Granites 385, 391 - shear zones 384 Crabtree terrane 352, 353 267,279,280,281,289 - orogeny 371,373,374, - state 371 Crooked Creek schist 338 Bel Air-Rising Sun terrane 377, 383, 384, 387, 391 Cenozoic sedimentary Crowburg Mesozoic basin 341 Brazil 108, 113 basins 393 352 Belair Belt 344, 352 Break-up unconformity Central Crustal Ben Slimane Syncline 239, 276 - Domain 371 - (continental) growth 297, 246 Breccias 154, 157 - Massif allochthon 249 298, 301 Benin 107,108,115,117, Brevard fault zone 339,340, - Morocco massif 238 - block 18,20,22,24,218, 118 341,347 - Structural Domain 377, 219,254,259 Benue Brittany 296 386 - heat production 14, 15, - fault zone 113 Brunswick Chad Basin 112 16 - trough 112 - Terrane 352 Char Group 67, 68, 192, - thickening 243, 290 Betaina 232 - -Altamaha magnetic ano- 196 - thinning 253, 259 Betana 232, 236 maly 354, 355, 357 Charleston Magnetic Terra­ Cryptic suture 142, 143 Bie en Naharat Formation Btaat Ergil Group 196 ne 341,352 Cuba Block 360 71 Buem Structural unit 110, Charlotte Belt 341, 345, Bir Arnrane Group 69 113, 117 346, 349, 350, 351 D Birimian 46-57 Bullom Group 136 Charnokitic complexes 107 Dahakatian 42, 116 Birrimian (Eburnean) 197 Burgeo Terrane 327 Charnokites 110, 111, 112 Dahlonega fault 337 Birrimian Burin Terrane 317, 328 Chauga Belt 339 Dahomes 117 - 107,116,117, 197 Burkinian 47, 107 Chauga-Walhalla Complex Dahou Mahou Basin 111, Bissau-Guinea 163, 164, Bushimay 108 339 117 177 Chaval 389 Dalema series (or Group) Bissau-Kidira fracture zone C Chegga 66 153, 166, 172 147 Cachoeirinha Group 375, Cheikhia Group 69 Dapaong Group 75, 77 Bivalves 165 377, 381, 385, 386, 387, Chela Group 108 Dassa-Zoume 115 Blue Ridge 337 391 Chell out Unit 248, 258 Debdou 237 Blueschist 299,301,302 Cadomian orogeny 267, Cherrat Anticline 239 Decollement 239, 250, 258 Bobo Dioulasso 66 270,271,272,273,274, Cheticamp Terrane 315 Decoupling zone 90,91 Bodoco Batholith 385 297,302, 312 Chinguetti sandstones 195 Dedbou 236, 247 Bohemian Calc-alkaline 91,92,93,97, Chitinozoans 165 Deep Sea Drilling Project - fauna 234 98,99, 101, 110, 112, 118, Chopawamsic Terrane 341 258 - massif 295,297,313 142, 166, 167, 198, 199, Chortis Block 326 Derouvarou Complex 110 Bollore river 157 201,206,211,215,217, Christine borehole 66, 73 Dhloa Born Conselho-Maragoji 297,321,322, 325, 326, Chunky Gal 341 - region 191 lineament 384 386 Cinerites 157 - Belt 201 Bombauaka Supergroup Calc-silicate rocks 111, 112 Circum-Atlantic 267,291 Diala-Bouanze 198,201, 75,77,108, 110 Caledonian orogeny 151, Clouds Creek Granite 343, 208 Borborema province 371, 219 344,345 Diale series (Group) 153, 373, 377, 390, 392 Caledonides 299 Coastal 166, 172 Bornu basin 112 Cambrian 109,151,160, - Meseta 259 Diamictite 108,109,159, Bou 163, 181,298,301 - Plain 341,344,352,353, 161, 164 - Agri nappes 248 - trilobites 342 354 Diapiric tectonics 39-41 Azzer 249 Cameroon 107,108,112, - Plain pre-Mesozoic base­ Dienoundiala orthogneiss Gader 238, 242, 243 115, 116, 117 ment 355, 356 169 Mia granite 252 Caninde Complex 391 Cobequid Highlands Terra­ Dikke Group 193 Naga window 197,211, Cantabrian Arc 287,290 ne 315 Dikkel Group 195 212,220,222 Cape Breton Terrane 315 Columbia Granite 343 Dimamou 66 Rzim greywackes 237 Carbonatite 93 Conceicao-type granitoids Dimamou-Hombori area 74 -Mia Granite 253 Carboniferous 182,292, 386 Dionaba 201 Bouazer 189 300,301,302 Conception Terrane 317, Dira Formation 154 Bouguer gravity anomaly Cardiola 165 322, 325, 326 Disrupted terranes 334, 337 216,217,218,219,253, Carolina Congo craton 108, 114, 116, Djabatoure Complex 110 254 - slate belt 341, 342, 344, 118 Djbeliat Group 69 Bouly Group 195 346,349,351 Conjugate faults 98 Djonaba Bouzniqa 238 - Terrane 341, 342, 343, Continental - Tillite 207 Bove Basin 123,130,131, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, - tholeiite 198 - Unit 197, 199,203,207 136, 139, 140, 151, 163, 350,352,353,354,361 - -scale shear zones 377 Dodo Member 128, 129 164, 166, 170, 180, 194, Casablanca 234 Cordillera 97, 101 Dolerites 173 195,224,361 Cataclastic deformation Cornwall 295 Dolomite 159, 160, 161 Brachiopods 165, 166 136 Coronitic reaction 96 Draa lowlands 234 Bramram Catoche Knoll 358 Correlation 267, 268, Ductile fault 240,241,243, - Granite 252 Ceara 373,377, 378 281-329,332 244, 246, 258, 259, 377 - Granitoid 243 - Group 379 COST GEl well 356 Dyke swarm 98-99, 155, Bras d'Or Terrane 315,321 - nappes 380 Couvinian 166 175 Subject Index 401 E Floyd Church Formations Gneisses 108, 110, 111, 112 Gurupi Belt 371 Early Proterozoic 371 349 Goaida 251 Guyana Shield 146,392 Eastern Fluvio-glacial 128 Godiovol 200 - Alps 307-313 Flysch 85, 100, 270, 272, Goe-Fantro Range 136 H - Meseta 229 276, 279, 285, 287, 289 Gold Hill Fault 349, 350 Habach Group 307-308, - Rehanma schists 241 Fongolambi Formation 154 Gondwana 166,224,256, 311 - Skhirat Shear Zone 242 Forecariah Group 130,131, 268,247,350,356,359, Hajjar Dekhen 188 Eburnean 184, 190 136 - 138, 140 360, 361 Hamdallaye 188, 197, 198, - basement 66, 73, 77 Foreland 166,195,196,200, - -Laurasia 219 201,213,215 - orogeny 66, 107, 108, 202, 204, 206, 217, 218 Gondwanian Miogeocline Hammar Laghdad Basalts 112, 115, 116, 138, 190, - Basin 257,270,274,277 256 251 197,229,301 - thrust-fold belt 248 Goochland Terrane 352, Harbinson Granite 343 Eclogite 90, 100, 110, 115, Fortaleza 379 353, 354, 360, 361, 362, Hassabet el Hassian Gr 192 272,275,281, 296, 299, Fortune Terrane 317,322, 363, 393 Hatteras Terrane 352, 354 300, 301, 302 325, 326 Gorobani 115 Hayesville Thrust 333, 339, El Aoueija 198,201,203, Fosse aux Lions 59, 77 Gounia-Bakel Unit 202 363 212,213,214,215 Fossils 191 Gourma Heat flow density 14-16 El Ayoun coastal basin 184 Fouta Djalon 183 - Basin 65, 66, 73, 75, 79 Helen Group 337 El Hneikat Unit 198,218, Fragmented ophiolite 337 - region 68, 108 Hercynian 189, 196,217, 220,221 Francevillian 108 Graben 153 301 El ladida 251 Frauenberg slice 309 Grandfather Mountain Win­

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