.41 MAGNUM BALLISTICS and FIELD TEST ·REPORT How 10 COLLECT YOUR HONKER . e~ive - RUGER'S RIM-FIRE RIFLE I Found in the best of circles What do expert handloaders say a bout perb. Witness the amazing popularity weight and caliber. (Including many Remington components? of the 222 Remington for bench-rest with the original and famous "Core­ Ask the bench rester who consistent­ and varmint shooting, the 7mm Rem­ Lokt"construction for peak expansion ly shoots sub-minute-of-angle groups. ington Mag. for big-game hunting.) and controlled penetration.) Or the varmint shooter who gets his Remington primers have long been Want to stay in the best of circles? chucks at 300 yards. Or the big·game the overwhelming favorite at both the Then join the ever-widening circle of hunter who invariably makes his National Varmint. & Sporter Champi­ shooters who do their handloading first shot count. onships and the National Bench Rest with Remington. Chances are, these handloaders are Championships. using Remington components. And for And it's no secret that Remington bul­ good reasons: let design and construction are unsur­ Handloadersopenly prefer Remington passed for both fine accuracy and brass. They say it's stronger, more game-stopping power. They're avail­ "Core-Lokt" is Reg. U,S . Pat. Off. by Remington Arms Com­ workable, capable of more reloads. able to handloaders in over one hun­ pany, Inc ., Bridgeport, Conn . 06602. In Canada: Rem ington (And Remington case design is su- dred different combinations of type, Arms of Ca nada limited, 36 Queen Elizabeth Blvd" Toronto, Dnt. A RUGGED COMPACT FOR MEN OF ACTION BROWNING " .22 Automatic Bulk has been stripped away to achieve a slender compact, unencumbered by big gun size and weight. Yet every ounce of its bare 4% pounds is the finest steel and select walnut to assure toughness and reliability. Perfectly balanced and proportioned, it handles effortlessly but shoulders with the solidity and feel of a large bore. Men like the precision machining and hand-fitting in evidence through­ out and the genuine quality of hand-checkering and hand-engraving. Available in Handsome? Yes sir, but just as much at home scaling a cliff or fording three grades in a river as in prize position in the gun rack. It will take the roughest .22 Short or Long Rifle from '82'0 treatment, then spit out rim fires faultlessly as fast as you can squeeze the trigger. I?S. This is one rifle in your collection Junior can shoot like an expert too. NOW - A companion. Browning 4·Power Scope to match. Only 9" long, 7 oz., with Remember, it goes anywhere ... takes down fine precision optics. Integral or separate in just 3 seconds to fit suitcase or bedroll. mount models. From ' 29 9> . Lt'fetime Luggage Type Glm Cases to fit rifle and scope. Fr011l '23 '0. , Prices subject to change without noticc~ Slightly higher in Canada. Your BROWNING Dealer ® Write for complete (atalog describing all Browning Guns Browning Arms Co., Dept. 631, St. Louis, Missouri 63103 -IN CANADA: Browning of Canada, Dept. 631, P. O. Box 9m, Montrcal 9, P.Q. GUNS AUGUST 1964 3 SPECIAL PURCHASE! SERVICE ARMAM ENT has purchased the enUre contents of the W. W. Greener Gun Co., Ltd., Birmin gham, England. Gun Museum and a com­ p lete stock of ammo and parts. For a complete cat­ KNOW YOUR alog listing mail 50e to cover postage & handling. AMMO Per 100 .22 C B Caps.... .. ..... .... .. 1.20 DUTC H Mannlicher 6.5 mm.. .. .. 6.00 LAWMAKERS SWED IS H 6.5 x 55 mm ... .. .... 6.00 7x57 mm Mauser... ... ... .. ... 5.00 7.35 Ita lian ... ... .. ..... ... ... 4.00 7.63 mm Mauser & Toka rev Pi sto l. 4.00 7.65 mm Mannlicher Pistol ..... 4.00 7.62 mm RUSSIAN Rifle. ........ 5.00 7.65 mm ARGENTIN E Mauser... 5.00 .308 BALL. ..... ... .. .... ... 10.00 Congressman Edward J. Derwinski 30 Cal. CAR BIN E... ....... .. .. 6.00 4th District, Illinois 30-40 KRAG ..... ........ .. .. •• 5.50 30·06 Springfield (corrosive).... 4.00 Throughout our nation's history, law-abiding citizens 30-06 Springfield (non-corrosive).. 5.00 have had the right to possess firearms for self-defense 303 BR ITISH (non-corrosive).. .. 5.50 and for participation in legitimate hunting activities. 8 mm FR EN CH Lebel. • 5.00 Certainly, a firearm was an indispensable tool to the 8 mm Mauser (non-co rrosive) . • • • 4.00 9 mm Steyr .. ................. 3.50 pioneer, and this traditional American concept of indi­ 9 mm Luger (corrosive) . • . 3.00 vidual firearm ownership should be maintained. 9 mm Luger (non-corr. boxer prim) 4.00 I believe that the States, rather than the Federal Gov­ 43 SPANIS H· ...... .... •••.••.. 7.50 ernment, are best equipped to legislate for their citizens 45 Au to Colt.. .. 6.00 43 EGYPTIAN (new mfg. SP) pe r 20 7.50 regarding ownership and use of firearms. Since the illegal possession and use of firearms continues, regard­ .30 3 BRITISH TRACER & Incendia ry Pa cked 500 rds . less of the stringency of the laws, standard crime pre­ to a case .... .. $15.00 vention activity is the best defense against lawless elements and their use FLINT MUSKET of guns. Truly a sensational purchase . Here is a f ull length Senator Gale McGee stock with checkered grip, f lint musket for Wyoming the low price of $19.95 The history of our nation is the history of a people skilled in the use of ACCESSORIES arms. We may not be called upon in the space age to defend our homes Carbine Bl ank Fi ring attachment.. 7.50 with our own arms, but the right to possess those arms is still an integral Garand Blank Firing attachment. • 5.00 part of our individual rights and way of life. Our nation is one where Ga rand Combinati on Tool.. 1.25 Carbine Sling and Oiler . ••.. Set 2.00 recreational hunting-traditionally the sport of royalty or the very wealthy .45 Au to Cl ip Pouch€s . • . .75 -is enioyed by people of all walks of life. The tragedy of the President's each dozen 5.00 assassination has led to demands that the ownership of firearms be somehow Co lt .45 auto holster .. ...... NEW 1.95 restricted. But we must remember that it is people who do the killing and Colt .45 shOulder hol ster. .. NEW 1.95 Colt 1917 holster. ..... .•. USED 1.95 other methods will be found if one means is eliminated. The end result of such Springfield Bayonet ... .•. ... •. 3.50 restrictions would be severe damage to both our traditional rights and our Enfield No. 4 Bayonet.. .. ... .. .95 recreational opportunities. Enfield Short Bayonet. .... .. .... .95 Russian Model 91 Bayonet ...... .95 Swi ss Saw Tooth Bayonet .. .... .. 4.50 Congressman Ed Foreman 1917 Bayo net ..... ... .....• 3.50 J 6th District, Texas Riot Gun Hand Gua rds fo r above . • 3.50 Martini Rifle Socket Bayonet..... 2.50 I feel the State of Texas, my state, needs no more .58 cal. Enfield C.w. Bayonet.... 3.50 restrictive legislation regarding guns. In my opinion, WEBLEY flARE PISTOLS strict gun laws, of themselves, do not reduce crime. I do 25 mm & 37 mm .. .. .. .•... 9.95 25 mm Flares ... .... .. ... .25 ea. believe a law-abiding citizen has the right to keep a 37 mm Flares . 1.50 ea. firearm in his home for self ~ defense and for participa­ ---------------1 tion in the shooting sports. I Remington Rolling Block Rifles I l_~A.!air ....!~~_NRA_G.!?~ 19~-, With regard to the guarantee of the right of U. S. citizens to keep and bear arms, I believe we must do CLOSEOUT everything in our power to preserve and protect the Single shot percussion smooth bore muskets new mfg . .. .. ... 12.50 rights guaranteed to the individual by the Constitution Percussion Caps . .•• $10.00 per M Rifle and the Bill of Rights. 7.50 per M Pistol All ammo shipped Railway Express Charges Congressman Melvin R. Laird Collect, other items sent Parcel Post if sufficient postage is enclosed . Bayonets 7th District, Wisconsin and holsters, etc., 25¢ ea ., rifles $1.00 ea . In my own State of Wisconsin, the laws regarding the ownership and ~~&Wd'ld'lff&nmWV./ffA poss~ssion of guns are both sufficient and adequate, in my view. In principle, NEW MARTIAL REFERENCE I am for strict gun laws as they pertain to concealed weapons, the registra­ EDITION CATALOG Every sportsman , hunter, shooter or E !!~ tion of-sidea'rins, and so on. collector will find something to /fI.' _-== w het his appetite. This is the _-- On the other hand, it is my belief that those State laws are unnecessary world 's most complete modern and ".-. which requir,e the registration of hunting weapons that are obviously in­ antique AR MS & ARMAMENT CATA- lOG. Free with every edition-the , tended for sport and that cannot be concealed on the person. price of the catalog $1.00. ~a service armament co. Readers Note : All Congressmen may be addressed at "House Office Building," and W 689·G Bergen Blvd,. Ridgefield. N. J all Senators at "Senate Offi ce Building," both at "Washington 25, D.C." Address all Governors at: State Capitol, name of capital city, name of State. 4 GUNS AUGUST 1964 AUGUST. 1964 Vol. x, No. 8-116 Georg e E. von Rosen Pu bli she r Art hu r S. Arkush Ass't to the Publ isher E. B. Mann ... .. Editor in Chief IN THIS ISSU E R. A. Steindler ...... Ma naging Editor Jerome Rakusan ... Associate Editor test report ... S&W AI MAGNUM-BALLISTiCS .. ..... .. .. ... ... .. ..... Kent Bellah 16 Kent Bellah ..........
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