Today Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Shelburne Mainly Sunny Light Rain Cloudy & Showers Cloudy Periods Mainly Sunny FSHELBURNE’Sr NEWSPAPERe SINCEe 1875 Prewww.shelburnefreepress.cass .75(Tax) Mailing Registration No. 40005412 Thursday, April 24, 2014 Volume 139, No. 17 Spring is here! Full Automotive Maintenance & Repair Just South of Primrose on Hwy10 519-925-2847 Grant Symons Crewson Ins. Brokers Let us provide solutions for all your home & auto insurance needs. Drop in to Crewson Insurance or call 519-925-3145 ask for Grant PHOTO BY ALEX SHER (L to R) Centenarians, Mary Dring and Vicky Coulter, residents at the Dufferin Oaks Retirement Home celebrated their birthdays together on Friday, April 18th, 2014. Born in 1914, the two beautiful ladies enjoyed festivities surrounded by family and friends and local dignitaries. Shelburne celebrates two 100th birthdays this week! BY ALEX SHER taries, conversations, congratulations, and for be acknowledged as contributing in the way of 120 Centennial Rd., Shelburne Dufferin Oaks Retirement Home held two those special fortunate enough to witness the such great care adding to the excellent quality birthday parties simultaneously on April 18th women enjoy conversation between them- of life both the facility and the Town of Shel- 519-925-0500 in honor of two very special ‘young’ ladies selves, the ability to marvel at such an accom- burne have to offer to our beloved and cher- reaching a milestone. Dufferin Oaks residents plishment so well done. ished seniors. • Turbo Shampoo • Exterior Air Mary Dring and Vicky Coulter birthday’s are Born in 1914, one can only imagine and ad- For more information contact Dufferin Oaks Blaster Shammee just a couple days apart from one another and mire the life that holds all the history and expe- Retirement Residence located at 151 Centre St, • In-Bay Vacuums together they celebrated turning 100 years old. riences these two Centenarians hold. call 519 925-2140, e-mail duffoaks@dufferin- • Spot Free Rinse NOW AVAILABLE! During the birthday ceremony, Chair of Shel- Facilities the likes of Dufferin Oaks are to county.ca SELF SERVE COIN-OP • OPEN 24 HOURS / 7 DAYS A WEEK burne Ministerial, Gord Horsely provided a ministerial blessing. Bill Hill, Township Mayor of Melancthon and Warden of Dufferin County presented plaques on behalf of Dufferin Coun- ty. Shelburne Mayor and Chair of the Dufferin Small Town Oaks Committee of Management, Ed Crewson presented certifi cates on behalf of the Town of Family Dental Shelburne. Dr. M. Gewarges D.D.S “We are blessed to have you both in our community,” commented Mayor Ed Crewson 125 Main St. W., Shelburne, ON L9V 3K3 towards the end of his address to the two Cen- tenarians. 519.940.1373 Dring and Coulter also received certifi cates SmallTownDental.ca from the Queen of England, the Governor Gen- eral David Johnston, Prime Minister Stephen Our new family friendly dental Harper, MP David Tilson and MPP Sylvia o ce is sure to make you smile! Jones. Awe inspiring and deeply moving, residents and staff shared memories and two very large THE SHELBURNE FREE PRESS IS ON cakes. Angie Matthews, Program &Support FACEBOOK – Check Services Manager at Dufferin Oaks comment- us out online at www. ed, “These ladies are just wonderful. It’s great shelburnefreepress.ca to celebrate the birthdays together and it’s just and ‘Like’ us on Face- amazing to witness. Just to see them chatting book. Find additional together is really something.” stories that didn’t make our pages and photo Beautiful Queens for the day Dring and These two beautiful strong women, back in the day. Beautiful then, beautiful now and 100 years highlights from area events, as well as press Coulter enjoyed family, friends, local digni- strong! Now that is something to aspire to! releases and advisories from the Shelburne Police, Health Unit, local politicians and more! Find us online at Police urge public to be preventative against B&E’s www.shelburnfreepress.ca BY MARNI WALSH related, however that has not been confi rmed,” prehension of those responsible, so any unusual Numerous thefts and two break & enters and that “conducting an effective investigation activity, that could be criminal in intent, should Spring (B&E’s) in 2014, have prompted Shelburne Po- requires police to keep all possibilities open.” be reported.” Market lice to urge the public to take preventative steps Orangeville has had similar break-ins this win- In addition, Shelburne Police are suggesting to reduce property crime. “Like in every com- ter, two of which involved St. Mark’s Anglican local churches consider installing security sys- is Here... munity,” said Shelburne Constable Paul Neu- Church and Westminster United. tems, motion sensor lighting around buildings, Call now to mann in a press release, “property crime con- In a statement to the Free Press, Mayor Crew- as well as heavy duty locks, and be vigilant in List or Buy!! tinues to occur and can have a negative effect son said he had been “assured by the Chief and ensuring doors and windows have been secured. on the individual victims, and the community his offi cers that they are working diligently to The Police urge homeowners to consider For Successful Buying as a whole.” apprehend the person or persons responsible for similar security measures, and in addition keep & Selling Call... Break and enters, involving St. Paul’s An- these two crimes.” Like the police, the Mayor windows locked when asleep at night, as well glican Church and a home on Gordon Street, supports the idea that “the vigilance of our cit- as padlocks on outbuildings. The public is re- Marg McCarthy, BROKER occurred in early April within 48 hours of each izens can be of great assistance in crime pre- minded that criminals look for easy targets, other. Constable Paul Neumann says, “There is vention by locking doors and windows of cars, including poorly lit, concealed areas that are a defi nite possibility that these two incidents, homes and businesses. Also the observations of unlocked or easily accessible. 519-216-1756 as well as several incidents in Orangeville are our citizens can be of great assistance in the ap- Continued on PAGE 5 [email protected] • www.margmccarthy.com LONG OR SHORT ROUND POINT SHOVEL HANDLE $ 00 10 EACH POLY LEAF RAKE $ 00EACH 226 First Ave, Shelburne 68” X 22” X 38” BOB’S BOW8 RAKE 519-925-6857 BACON ASSORTED DELUXE SAVE OVER 1/2 PRICE GARDEN BARBECUE $ 47 g $ 00 www.gianttiger.com EACH REG $3.00 - 500 $ 00EACH TOOLS EACH COVER AD MATCH 1 10 10 GUARANTEE! WE’LL BEAT ANY PRICE! Expires May 1, 2014 FEATURED ITEMS Photos displayed may be different from actual items. Page 2 The SHELBURNE FREE PRESS, Thursday, April 24, 2014 Rotary Club completes pledge Sludge spill continues controversy er, Michael Dougherty immediately dispatched banned Question Period at Council meetings, to Headwaters a clean-up crew and advised the MOE Spilled “They have banned the recording of Council Action Centre of the incident, as well as the meetings and called the police when a resident The Rotary Club of Shelburne presented Mayor & Council of Southgate and the Public tried to record proceedings at a public meeting Headwaters Health Care Foundation Board Advisory Committee. Lystek stated in a press on the topic.” Chair Joan Waechter with a donation of release February 3rd, that the clean-up crew Unpleasant odours are also on the list of wor- $5,000 last evening. This donation represents was able to remove approximately 95% of the ries for citizens, but Kevin Litwiller says the the fi nal installment in their multi-year, material from the roadway on the 29th, and on MOE publicly stated that there are no odours $25,000 contribution to Headwaters Health the 31st requested that “the hauler send an addi- from Lystek. “It seems that nobody can tell Care Foundation’s Commitment to Care tional clean-up crew back to check the roadway residents exactly what they are ingesting with Campaign. and scrape any remaining traces of the materi- each breath when the odours are strongest,” In addition to last evening’s cheque presen- al.” Lystek advised the hauler that “the trans- says Anna-Marie Fosbrooke, who acknowl- tation, Frank Fender, Shelburne Rotary Club portation violation was not acceptable” and he edges that much of the unpleasant smell comes President, announced the Club would make was removed from service. from the Gro-Bark composting plant Eco Park. an additional multi-year commitment to the Regarding health risks the material might CAO Milliner says, “Gro-Bark is working with Campaign of $12,500. pose, the Southgate CAO said he was not qual- the MOE to address infrequent occurrences of “We challenge others in the community to ifi ed to respond as the Ministry of Environment odour complaints in Dundalk. Gro-Bark has in- make a contribution prior to the ground break- (MOE) was the regulatory body. When asked stalled a weather station that can be looked at ing in January 2015 that will enable our hos- who the “watchdog” for Southgate was regard- online 24/7 to mitigate, better manage the fa- pital to expand to meet the growing needs of ing MOE regulatory infractions, his response cility and control all off site odour complaints.” our community,” said Club member and Hos- was, “Lystek, Southgate and the community to Jeff Johnston, who owns a property adjacent pital Board member Bill Waite. report and MOE to enforce.” Lystek’s press re- to Eco Park, says “most days there are two “The Rotary Club of Shelburne made the lease stated that the Class B biosolid material in distinct smells depending on where you are in very fi rst pledge to the Commitment to Care question is regulated by the Ministry of the En- relation to the wind; one is compost, the oth- Campaign,” says Joan Waechter.
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