Premier Issue UTISM PECTRUM EWS TM A YOUR TRUSTED SOURCE OFS INFORMATION, EDUCATION, ADVOCACY, NAND RESOURCES FALL 2008 FROM THE LOCAL, STATE, AND NATIONAL NEWS SCENE VOL. 1 NO. 1 The Promise of Research The National Strategic Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorders By Thomas R. Insel, MD, Director research, and plan for scientific initiatives million (http://www.nimh.nih.gov/ National Institute of Mental Health that can be supported by either federal research-funding/scientific-meetings/ National Institutes of Health agencies, private foundations, or public- recurring-meetings/iacc/nih-initiatives/fy- private partnerships. 2007-nih-asd-research-portfolio-summary The mission of the IACC Strategic -by-research-area.shtml). When combined he Combating Autism Act of Plan is to “focus, coordinate, and acceler- with CDC, Department of Defense, Au- 2006 mandated the reestablish- ate high quality research and scientific tism Speaks, and the Simons Foundation ment of the Interagency Autism discovery in partnership with stakeholders commitments, 2007 ASD-related research Coordinating Committee (IACC) to answer the urgent questions and needs funding exceeded $188 million. How are Tto coordinate all efforts concerning Au- of individuals on the autism spectrum and these funds distributed by research area? tism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) across the their families.” Toward this end the IACC While not every project fits into a single Department of Health and Human Ser- received over 500 responses to a public category, approximately 28% was dedi- vices (DHHS). IACC membership in- request for information (RFI) published in cated to investigations of risk factors, cludes an individual with an ASD, repre- December, 2007. In January, 2008 over 27% to biology, 17% to diagnosis, 14% to sentatives from several advocacy groups 60 scientists, clinicians, and advocates treatment, and 14% to other areas such as (Autism Speaks, Autism Society of Amer- participated in scientific workshops to training and infrastructure. By matching ica, SafeMinds), and officials from most identify research opportunities within the research support across these various ar- of the federal agencies that deal with au- areas of: risk factors, biology, diagnosis, eas and across funding sources to the re- tism research or services (including Cen- and treatment. Recently, the IACC held search needs highlighted in the strategic ters for Disease Control and Prevention, the first of a series of town hall meetings plan, the IACC will identify opportunities the Department of Education, the Centers to gather additional public input. for new investments as well as for lever- for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the An important part of the strategic plan- aging current support. Office on Disability, Substance Abuse Thomas R. Insel, MD ning effort has been the first comprehen- What specific research initiatives will be and Mental Health Services Administra- for ASD research that will be updated sive analysis of autism funding from both recommended by the Strategic Plan? The tion, and five Institutes of the National yearly. The Strategic Plan for ASD re- public and private sources. The NIH offi- various ideas gathered from the response Institutes of Health). One of the first tasks search is an opportunity to take stock of cial funding commitment for ASD-related of the IACC is to develop a strategic plan recent progress, identify needs for new research in 2007 was approximately $127 see Strategic Plan on page 50 OMRDD Announces Statewide Autism Platform Initiative Includes Research Consortium and Interagency Task Force Staff Writer OMRDD has re-examined its current ses and unique needs, the Platform re- Autism Spectrum News supports and services, its ongoing initia- sponds to the growing number of indi- tives and its internal structure to align viduals and families faced with the par- every part of its system and its workforce ticular challenges of Autism or an Autism hen Diana Jones Ritter took with this singular mission and these spe- Spectrum Disorder. The Platform is com- office last spring and be- cific outcomes. Within this new reorgani- prised of a collection of activities, some came the Commissioner of zation, the agency has launched numerous new and some well underway, that will W the New York State Office initiatives that respond to the needs of affect the services OMRDD provides to of Mental Retardation and Developmental New Yorkers living with developmental individuals and families living with ASD. Disabilities (OMRDD), she adopted the disabilities with more individualized ser- In keeping with OMRDD’s inclusive mis- agency motto, “Putting People First.” vice, personal choice, community-based sion, the Autism Platform is built largely Ever since, Ritter and her leadership services, fiscal accountability and effi- – though not entirely – on initiatives that team have worked hard to integrate the ciency. In each initiative for improve- serve individuals who need services, not slogan throughout the agency and its pro- ment, OMRDD is committed to two prin- merely individuals with a diagnosis of grams of services and supports. This year, ciples: providing services to individuals, Autism or ASD. It responds with a com- OMRDD is celebrating 30 years of ser- that is, to people who are not alike, but prehensive “platform” of initiatives em- vice, and the new motto speaks of Ritter’s who are unique in their need for ser- bodied in five major areas: goal: to help the world see people with vices and their choices, and responding • Increasing research; developmental disabilities as people first, to the needs of individuals with devel- instead of just a disability. Under her opmental disabilities of all kinds and • Translating research results into im- guidance, the agency’s new mission is to their families. proved treatment options; help individuals with developmental dis- • Uniting public, private, and nonprofit abilities lead richer lives. Diana Jones Ritter OMRDD Autism Platform Initiative interests to establish statewide research, For OMRDD, this translates into giv- evaluation and treatment capacity; ing people with developmental disabilities within their community; opportunities to OMRDD’s newly developed Autism as much individual control and choice work and engage in activities that allow Platform does just that. Within a service • Networking across State Government over their own lives as possible, the them to contribute to their communities; system that exists on behalf of more than chance to live in a home of their choosing meaningful relationships; and good health. 125,000 individuals with different diagno- see OMRDD Platform on page 49 NON PROFIT Mental Health News Education, Inc. ORGANIZATION 16 Cascade Drive U.S. POSTAGE PAID Effort, PA 18330 WHITE PLAINS, NY PERMIT NO. 153 PAGE 2 AUTISM SPECTRUM NEWS ~ FALL 2008 The Autism Spectrum News The Mental Health News Education, Inc. Editorial Board Board of Directors Joel Bregman, MD, Medical Director Chairman Fay J. Lindner Center for Autism and Developmental Disorders Peter C. Campanelli, PsyD, President & CEO North Shore - Long Island Jewish Health System Institute for Community Living Cindy Alterson, PhD, BCBA, Principal and Program Director Vice-Chairman Devereux Millwood Learning Center Janet Z. Segal, LCSW, Executive Vice President Four Winds Hospital Steve Freeman, Associate Executive Director YAI National Institute for People with Disabilities Secretary Lynda Geller, PhD, Clinical Director of the Asperger Institute Peg Moran, LMSW, Senior Vice President NYU Child Study Center F●E●G●S Health and Human Services System Treasurer Eric Hollander, MD, Director Seaver and New York Autism Center of Excellence Peter Beitchman, DSW, Executive Director Mount Sinai School of Medicine The Bridge Members of The Board Ami Klin, PhD, Director, Autism Program Yale Child Study Center Carmen Collado, LCSW, Director of Immigrant and Latino Services Jewish Board of Family & Children’s Services Harold S. Koplewicz, MD, Founder and Director NYU Child Study Center Donald M. Fitch, MS., Executive Director The Center For Career Freedom Cecelia M. McCarton, MD, Founder and CEO The McCarton Foundation Michael B. Friedman, LMSW Public Policy Consultant Judith R. Omidvaran Mary Hanrahan, LCSW, Government Relations Specialist Parent Advocate, New York New York Presbyterian Hospital Theresa Pirraglia, Co-Founder and Board Member Amy Kohn, DSW, Executive Director & CEO The Foundation for Educating Children with Autism Mental Health Association of Westchester John C. Pomeroy, MD, Founding Director Leo Leiderman, PsyD, Director, Latino Treatment Services Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Center Cody Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Stony Brook University Medical Center Barry B. Perlman, MD, Director of Psychiatry Saint Joseph’s Hospital Pat Schissel, LMSW, President Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism Association Giselle Stolper, EdM, Executive Director Mental Health Association of New York City Alison Tepper Singer, Executive Vice President Autism Speaks Alan Trager, Executive Director & CEO Westchester Jewish Community Services Douglas K. Stern, Esq. Jonas Waizer, PhD, Chief Operating Officer Abrams, Fensterman, Fensterman, F●E●G●S Health and Human Services System Eisman, Greenberg, Formato & Einiger, LLP Carolyn Reinach Wolf, Esq. Richard Swierat, Executive Director Abrams, Fensterman, Fensterman, Eisman, Greenberg, Formato & Einiger Westchester ARC Executive Staff Fred Volkmar, MD, Director Ira H. Minot, LMSW, Founder & Executive Director
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