Name Tutor Bar/Bat Mitzvah Prayer Packet Shacharit Student A According to Mishkan T’filah Corresponding to the Liturgy CD Recorded by Cantor Michael Shochet Prayer Tracking Chart KEEP TRACK OF THE PRAYERS YOU HAVE LEARNED SO FAR. HAVE YOUR TUTOR CHECK THEM OFF WHEN THEY ARE COMPLETED. REMEMBER TO CONTINUE TO PRACTICE THEM REGULARLY UNTIL YOUR SERVICE! Shacharit (Morning) Student A Approval by Prayer Completed Notes Tutor Torah Blessing Before Torah Blessing After Haftarah Blessing Before Kiddush for Friday Night Yotzeir Or Ahavah Rabbah V’ahavtah Other Hebrew: Completed Tutor Notes Approval Torah Aliyah #1 Torah Aliyah #2 Torah Aliyah #3 Haftarah Other Items: Completed Notes Torah Introduction Haftarah Introduction Speech Blessing Before Reading of Torah TRACKS 1•2 ON STUDENT A LITURGY CD PAGE 368 IN MISHKAN T’FILAH .K¨ xFaèn©d ¨i§i z¤`Ekè x¨A TRACK 1 Congregation: .c¤r¨e m¨lFr§lK¨ xFa§O©d i§¨i KEx¨A .c¤r¨e m¨lFr§lK¨ xFaèn©d ¨i§i KEx¨A ,m¨lFr¨d K¤l«¤n ,Epi«¥dŸl¡` ¨i§i ,d¨Y©` KEx¨A TRACK 2 ,mi¦n©r¨d l’M¦n Ep«¨A x©g«¨A x¤W£` .Fz¨ xFY z¤` Ep«¨l o©z«¨p§e .d¨xFY©d o¥zFp ,¨i§i ,d¨Y©` KEx¨A Bless Adonai who is blessed. Blessed is Adonai who is blessed now and forever. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who has chosen us from among all peoples, and given us the Torah. Blessed are You, Adonai, who gives the Torah. Blessing After Reading of Torah TRACKS 3•4 ON STUDENT A LITURGY CD PAGE 368 IN MISKAN T’FILAH ,m¨lFr¨d K¤l«¤n ,Epi«¥dŸl¡` ¨i§i ,d¨Y©` KEx¨A TRACK 3 ,z¤n¡`z© xFY Ep«¨l o©z«¨p x¤W£` .Ep«¥kFz§A r©h¨p m¨lFr i¥I©g§e TRACK 4 .d¨ xFY©d o¥zFp ,¨i§i ,d¨Y©` KEx¨A Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who has given us a Torah of truth, implanting with us eternal life. Blessed are You, Adonai, who gives the Torah. Blessing Before Reading of Haftarah TRACKS 5•9 ON STUDENT A LITURGY CD PAGE 372 IN MISHKAN T’FILAH ,m½¨lFr¨d K¤l´¤nÆEpiÆ«¥ dŸl¡`ƨi§ i d³¨Y©` K¸Ex¨A TRACK 5 ,miaFh ½¦ mi´¦`i¦a§p¦AÆx© g¨A x³¤W£` TRACK 6 ,z®¤n¡`¤A mix¨ ´¦n¡`¤p©d m†¤di¥x§a¦c§a d¬¨v¨x§e TRACK 7 ,À¨i§i d¹Y©¨ ` K¸Ex¨A TRACK 8 ,F½C§a©r d´¤Wn§aEÆd¨ xFY©A x³¥gFA©d ,F½O©r l´¥`¨x§U¦i§aE TRACK 9 :w¤c«¤v¨e z†¤n¡`¨d i¬¥`i¦a§p¦aE Praise to You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who has chosen faithful prophets to speak words of truth. Praise to You, Adonai, for the revelation of Torah, for Your servant Moses, for Your people Israel and for the prophets of truth and righteousness. Kiddush for Friday Night TRACKS 10•15 ON STUDENT B LITURGY CD PAGE 123 IN MISHKAN T’FILAH OR PAGE 105 IN THE FAMILY SHABBAT PRAYER BOOK TRACK 10 Praise to You, ¨i§i ,d¨Y©` KEx¨A Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, Creator of ,m¨lFr¨d K¤l«¤n ,Epi«¥dŸl¡` the fruit of the vine. .o¤t«¨B©di¦ x§R`¥ xFA Praise to You, Adonai our God, ¨i§i ,d¨Y©` KEx¨A TRACK 11 Sovereign of the universe, who finding favor with ,m¨lFr¨d K¤l«¤n ,Epi«¥dŸl¡` us, sanctified us with mitzvot. In love and favor You made the holy ,Ep«¨a d¨vx§ «¨e ei¨zF§v¦n§A EpWè «¨ C¦w x¤W£` Sabbath our heritage as a TRACK 12 reminder of the FW§ c’w z©A©W§e work of Creation. As first among our sacred days, it Ep«¨li¦g§p¦doFv¨ x§aE d¨a£d©`§A recalls the Exodus from Egypt. You chose us and set us .zi¦ W`¥x§a d¥U£r©n§l oFx¨M¦f apart from all the peoples. In love and favor You have ,W¤c«Ÿw i¥`x§ «¨w¦n§l d¨N¦g§Y mFi `Ed iM ¦ TRACK 13 given us Your holy Shabbat as an inheritance. Praise ,m¦ix§ «¨v¦n z©`i¦vi¦l x¤k«¥f to You, Adonai, who sanctifies Shabbat. Y§¨WC¦ «©w EpzF`§ «¨ e ,¨Y§x«©g¨a Ep«¨a i¦M TRACK 14 .mi¦O©r¨d l’M¦n .EpY§ «¨ l©g§p¦doFv¨ x§aE d¨a£d©`§ALè W§c’w z©A©W§e TRACK 15 .z¨A©X©d W¥C©w§n ,¨i§i ,d¨Y©` KEx¨A Yotzeir Or TRACKS 16•20 ON STUDENT A LITURGY CD PAGE 228 IN MISHKAN T’FILAH ,¨i§i d¨Y©` KEx¨A TRACK 16 Praised are You, Adonai our God, ,m¨lFr¨d K¤l«¤n ,Epi«¥dŸl¡` Sovereign of the Universe, Creator of light and darkness, ,K¤y«Ÿg`¥ xFaE ,xF` x¥vFi who makes peace and fashions all things. .lŸM©d z¤``¥ xFaE mFlW ¨ d¤ UŸr In mercy, You illumine the world .mi¦n£g©x§A di«¤l¨¨ r mix¨ ¦C©l§eu¤ x`¨l «¨ xi¦ `¥O©d TRACK 17 and those who live upon it. ci¦n¨Y mFi l’k§AW¥ C©g§n FaEhaE § In Your goodness You daily renew creation. .zi¦ W`¥x§a d¥U£r©n How numerous are Your works, Adonai! ,¨ziU¨ «¦ r d¨n§k’g§A m¨NªM ,¨i§i ,LiU£r© «¤ nEA© x d¨n TRACK 18 In wisdom, You formed them all, filling the earth .L«¤p¨i§p¦wu¤ x`¨ «¨ d d¨`èl¨n with Your creatures. Be praised, Adonai .Lic¨i «¤ d¥U£r©n g©aW «¤ l©r ,Epi«¥dŸl¡` ¨i§i,K© x¨A§z¦Y TRACK 19 our God, for the excellent work of Your hands, and for .d¨l«¤QLE« x£`¨t§i ,¨ziU¨ «¦ r¤W ,xF` ixF« ¥ `èn l©r§e the lights You created, may they TRACK 20 glorify You. ,xi¦`¨Y oFIv ¦ l©r W¨c¨g xF` Shine a new light upon Zion, that we .FxF`§ld¨ x¥d§n Ep«¨Nªk d¤M§f¦p§e all may swiftly merit its radiance. Praised are You, .zFxF`O© è d x¥vFi ,¨i§i d¨Y©` KEx¨A Adonai, Creator of all heavenly lights. Ahavah Rabbah TRACKS 21•25 ON STUDENT A LITURGY CD PAGE 230 IN MISHKAN T’FILAH ,Epi«¥dŸl¡` ¨i§i ,Ep«¨Y§a©d£` d¨A©x d¨a£d©` TRACK 21 .Epi«¥l¨r Y§¨l«©n¨g d¨x¥zi¦e d¨lFc§b d¨l§n¤g How deeply You have loved us Adonai, our God, gracing us with Epi¥zFn¦`§e Epi«¥zFa£` xEa£r©A TRACK 22 surpassing compassion! On account of our forebears whose trust ,L§a Egh¨ § A¤W led You to teach them the laws of life, be gracious to us, ,mi¦I©g i¥Tªg m¥c§O©l§Y©e teaching us as well. O Merciful One, have mercy on us by .Epc§ «¥O©l§zE Ep«¥P’g§Y o¥M TRACK 23 making us able to understand and discern, to heed, learn, and teach, ,Epi«¥l¨r m¥g©x ,m¥g©x§n©d and, lovingly, to observe, perform and fulfill all that is in ,li¦M§U©d§lE oia¨ ¦ d§l Ep«¥A¦l§A o¥z§e Your Torah. Praised be You, ,c¥O©l§lE cŸn§l¦l ,©r«Ÿn§W¦l TRACK 24 Adonai, who chooses Your people Israel in love. m¥I©w§lE zFU£r©l§e xŸn§W¦l .d¨a£d©`§A L«¤z¨xFY cEn§l©zi¥ x§a¦CÎl¨MÎz¤` Bar or Bat Mitzvah reads English, then concludes with: (pause) ,¨i§i d¨Y©` KEx¨A TRACK 25 .d¨a£d©`§A l¥`¨x§U¦i FO©r§A x¥gFA©d V’ahav’tah TRACKS 26•33 ON STUDENT A LITURGY CD PAGE 234 IN MISHKAN T’FILAH Li®¤dŸl¡` d´¨Fd§i z†¥` Y§¨½a©d´¨`§e TRACK 26 :LcŸ`è «¤ nÎl’k§aE Lè†W§t©pÎl’k§aE Lè¬ a«¨a§lÎl’k§A d¤NÀ`¨¥d mix¨ ´¦aèC©d Eºi¨d§e TRACK 27 You shall love your :L«¤a¨aèlÎl©r mF†I©d Lè²E©v§n i¯¦kŸp«¨` xW£ ¸¤ ` Eternal God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all m®¨A †¨Y§x©A¦c§e Li½p¨¤a§l m´¨Y§p©P¦W§e TRACK 28 your being. Set these words which I command you this day, upon your K¤ xC© ½¤a Lè´Y§k¤l§a E Æ Lzi¥ ¸¤ a§A Lè³Y§a¦W§A heart. Teach them faithfully to your children; speak of :L«¤nEw§aE Lè†A§k’W§a«E them in your home and on your way, when you lie down L®¤c¨iÎl©r zF†`§l m¬¨Y§x©W§wE TRACK 29 and when you rise up. Bind them as a sign upon your :Li«¤pi¥r oi¬¥A zŸ†t¨hŸ«h§l E¬i¨d§e hand; let them be symbols before your eyes; inscribe them TRACK 30 on the doorposts of :Lix¨ «¤r§W¦aE L†¤zi¥A zF¬fªfènÎl©r m²¨Y§a©z§kE your house, and on your gates.
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