ohseRVeR ..:..-::;. The • VOLUME XV, NO.I 4q0 Women Convene To Explore Their Controversial Leslie Fiedler '-Relation To Judaism And Halacha Will Eulogise Litera~re by Arlene Pianko Four huruk'~d~firty Jewish uniqueness was apparent when Berkovitz· serer, Tnai Rt"kedushin; women gathered at the Mc!fpin women served as Shlichot Tzibour, \·('gc-t she indicated that the On February 26 Hotel last weekend in order to leaders or the congregation, when procurement of this halachically explore the dimensions of the role !hey read from the Torah, and \'alid .l"Ondition within the by noberta Klein of women in Jewish lire. The when they donned a talit. It was marriage ceremony would Controversial author and :;tudent sponsored, student-run ex.plained later that all these acts ameliorate many or the .problems scholar, Dr. Leslie Fiedler, will Network convention brought are hala"chically permissible as of agunah, mamzerut, and divorce. highlight the English department's together women of all ages. long as it is a congregation solely She requested that Jewish women first Forum of the Arts programs . geographic regions, and branches composed of women. Although no refuse to marry without this this semester. announced Dr. of Judaism. This mix enabled each Stern students received aliyot, ('Ondition (which would retroac­ Morris Epstein, department 1>articipant to broaden her per­ everyone who attended was deeply lively decfare the marriage null chairman. Fiedler, one or spective about both Judaism and impressed by the clear, har- and void if the husband disap­ Arraerica's leading scholar-critics, Feminism. rnonious, soprano voices that rose peared or refused to grant his wife will speak on "What Was· Many of the speakers en­ to spiritual heights as the tefilah a divorce. Literature" on Monday, F~bruary' deavored to persuade the audience proceeded. After lunch the serenity of the 21i at 8 p.m. that halacha and women's The Shabbat morning discussion (·onvention was shattered when a liberation are not mutually ex­ involved an Orthodox student of group of fifteen ~Jesbians in~ Dr. Fiedler's title suggests that) clusive. On Friday night, Mrs. Blu Rabbi Eliezer Berkovitz, a Reform !errupted a panel discussion about literature is a dying medium. as ~; Greenberg, a Jewish Studies student Rabbi, and a secularist Growing Up Jewish and demanded literature has emitted its last sigb lecturer at Mt. St. Vincent College, Theology professor. Rachel !he right to address the assembly. and ha's ceased to be a.n- effective:~ examined the historicat per­ Adler's halachic approach was The speaker, an active member of £orm of communication. This~ spective of the Jewish woman's unparalleled both in its talmudic !he National Organization of thesis is the topic of a volume Dr ..- role. She emph8.sized that the erudition and determined Women, offs.red them the podiUJll. fo~iedler is completi11g, which,. halachic- heritage must be feminism. After ci'ting Rabbi (Continued on Page 8) promises to be as widely ac-, respected even in the advent of change. When she advised a SSSJ Issues Urgent Appeal For selective rejection of Women's Lib, especially in areas of abortion and zero population growth, certain Soviet Jewish Activists members of the audience jeered. SSSJ-The Student Struggle for Technical lnstitu'te, is in Iba( Eitan is consb.ntly baITassed llespite her ent of the Soviet Jewry has issued an appeal possession of "secret infqrmation" by the KGB. "Searches, in his vulnerabili~ of Jewish survival for two Vilna activists-Eitan by virtue- of bis graduate work house, constant calls to the kC,B after the olocaust, ;lhls 1'&dical ~:.=n artd Zl!lik tllere. offu;es bav"-: asserted 'themsems''--. -tile ~- himself Im lliat'· Ille. =~failures or Jewish ==~·~-:: education rather allllloritles have recently per­ than the failure of Judaism. Mlll!Y --~~mitted Jews to exit e\'en though r of the discussants expressed their security clearance term has frustration in their inability to · not expired. The authorities are holding Jews of different ages, Fiedler f,as tried the drug scene study traditional texts. The most as weU-, On April 211. 1917, the poignant pie~. however, was from qualifications and education from his various cities as "hostages" to scholar, his wife, his son. and ll\e students in isolated Jewish daughter-in-law were' affl!Sled.·iil communities. They came to the emphasize "the difficulty of emigrating and also, should it be their home by Ballam police and <'onvention to learn how to be good eharged with "maintainllil a l'Onsidered necessary, to serve as ,Jewish women, to strengthen their premise'' where marijuana \tU. court material in the event that I ies with their sisters, and to used. Fiedler wrole a book - develop a more intense trials should be deemed ex­ pedient," Finkelstein wrote his th<' raid .called: 8"lolc lltllletl, spirituality. According to Fiedler, nellher be -·\ Tf'fillot Shabbat were led by friends. nor his wire was a pothead. He F.zrat Nashim. a New York Zelik Gafanovich, a 24 year-old maintained that police wanted to · l Feminist group that is firmly student, has been struggling for antagonize him because he' many years to leave the Soviet . ,·om milted to halacbah. The llnlon, his friends· in Israel told sponsored a campus group that ~ Orthodox service differed from the SSSJ. The Russian officials claim wanted to legalize ma~-. numerous other Orthodox services he cannot leave the USSR because being conducted that Shabbat of his service in the army. The throughout the world. Its F:taln Finkelstein <I.> and Zellk t;aranovlch <!ISl!Jl Needless to say. Dr. Fleclk,r la friend• insist that Gafan1>vich known by many a - , ,, finished his service over three pel'IOllallty. The N•w V k~':i!~~teol no more v~ - Review once nallNt worlla _are witty, f'(RR Abolislled By f1eulty Assembly; Zellk has also been subjected to presump!UOUI. It wu numerous searches at his home. originated the homorexuaHti, IIIGClf During the last search, the KGB in ll•ckle~rry Flaa. officers, having found nothing else J.S. Major Is Under Consideration of value, confiscated post cards with views of Israel. English Department 'memllon by Sunn Metzger The Gafanovic)I family phone noted that the lecture promilN lo A special meeting of the Stem Regarding the current residency year, and who has completed all has been dtaeonnected. In reaction, be thrilling. An~ who can write College Faculty Assembly was requirement, the Senate had general, major, and Judaic studies Zellll sent a letter of proteet to about the experlenee of ,belnl a held on January W to discuss recommended removal of the requirements for gtllduation, but is ~=..u°:!'.c~ co:re'!'at:d~: - ,Jew in Anlerlea 81 well the Senate matters pertsining to the sentence, "Gradl,lation in less than lacking accumulated point-credits, 1'3; as ostablishment of a Hebrew studies four yeara of study is not per~ be eligible for graduation after Israeli Ministry of Com- mytbolody of chule ...,..,_, major and a Judaic studies major, mitted.'' The faculty voted on an· having successfully completed lier municatlons and the World Postal '.:.::"!r:!tui::::~ ~*t abd the abolishment of the current amendment to ·the Senate lirst -year or full time graduate rour-year residency requirement recommendation whicn modified studies. The faculty rejected this U~~ •• last reports -.from Vlina exciting to listen to. at Stern College. the Senate's request by requiring resolution in view of the fact that stste that the Soviet authorities The Senate had approved the four years of study for any student the option of professional or will not allow Finkelstein and Forthcoming 1peaker1 establishment of a Hebrew studies without a cumulative point index of graduate school was drawn Gafanovich IP leave the USSR until scheduled for the series Include: and Judaic studies major at its without regard for recom­ 1977. SSSJ urges all concerned Dr. John ·Hollender. poet and 3 nd meeting on January 3. The Faculty ~~J::!J; · :O~e;:; '::~t ~:: mendation, and was contrary to individuals to write letters prof__,. of Encllth at Huni., Assembly passed a motion to-refer original Senate recommendation the regulation of the Commissioner <registered If -Ible) of ColJeae. March 2\; INme lfllllel. lhe Senate's recommendations and was then approved. of Education of the Stsle of New In any language to 11:ltan York. A prof-umal option plan -t outlines for the majors to the The Senate had alao recom­ f'lnkel1teln.. USSR, Lithuanian ~~ similar to the one presently In ,Jewish=~ Welfare :u::i~=Board, Allril 10: mended that a student with a "B­ SSR: Vilnius: Lopal - 21 , 10. &:::1:::e onwifiurr:~~11':. ~ plus" cumulative avera1e who Is force at Yeshiva College was, apt. 10, aad to·1.e1111: G.lflftO\llcb, Ind Dr. Chaim .,_, author 111d 1>ropoeal and report to .the faculty admitted to. a professional or however, approved. USSR, Lltlluaalla SSR, Vilnlul. Nltor, Jewlth Pullllcatlon Society at Its next meeting. · graduate school after her third Zhlrmunlu - ltltl, apt. St. In Affle111!1, May I. THE OBSERVER February 22, 1973 and that 3.3, 3.5, and 3.7 be fixed as the minimum for the graduate honors of cum Do Vou Dali'° To1 Care?requirements 1 t V I • laude. magna cum laude1 and summa cum laude, respectively. The arguments for this proposal have been It is difficult for the average middle-class stated and re-stated. The fact that a 8-plus American who has been lucky enough to SUfceed student is ineligible for Dean's List and/ o financially, to believe that there are actuallJ,°P.<>Or graduate honor, is ludicrous at best. There are people living in tenement slums and existing;_~ a those who contend that raising minimum Editor-in-Chief .
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