f Pi I! , U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, October 19. 24 SUGAR. 98 Degree Last Hours' Rainfall, trace. ESTABLISHED JULY 2, 1858. Test Centrifugals, 4.27Uc. Per Ton, $S5.50. Temperature, Max. 82; Min. 72. Weather, fair. 88 Analysis Beets, Od. lis. Per Ton, SS6.40. Hi il VOL. L., NO. 8436. HONOLULU, HAWAII TEEEITOEY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1909. LEGISLATURE AGREEMENT IS MAYOR FERN GETS PROOFS SPECIAL BEATEN UK S TO BE OF POLE AYLETT SUED STORY Hi Governor Issues Call for the Sapient Supervisors Down the The City's Chief Executive Is Defender of Cook Writes Frnm Members on Organic Offers of Automatic Phone Delinquent in His t Greenland That Natives Act Changes. Company. Water Rates. Confirm Account.. WILL CONVENE NOVEMBER 2 COUNTY FACES A LAWSUIT STATEMENT BY CAMPBELL TRIBESMEN TELL OF DASH Session Will Last a Possible Driveling Discussion in Which Public Works Man Brands as a Danish Explorer Examines Many Twelve Days General McCIellan, Fern, Ahia and Lie Accusation Against Eskimos to Vindicate His Public Approval. Aylett Align. Him. American Friend. f j On Tuesday, November 2, the legis- The board of supervisors last night Mayor Joe Fern is to be sued today (By Associated Press.) by Marston lature will be convened for the pur- turned dowe the proposed agreement Campbell, superintendent COPENHAGEN, October 20. Word considering proposed amend- with telephone company pass- of public works, for about $300 back pose of the and has already been received here from resides ments to the Organic Act. Yesterday ed the four-bi- t ordinance. Aylett was water rates whieh His Honor has neg- Knud-Kasmusse- who has been doing morning the Governor signed the proc- the bright particular star who knocked lected for several years to pay. retidett everything in his power to prove the lamation calling for the special ses- in the head all hope of a compromise A statement to the above effect was fAMnn, rfruth or falsity of the story told by sion, and the notices to the members with the Mutual Telephone Company, made last night by the superintendent of public works when he was told Dr. Frederick Cook of the latter' dis- have been mailed, those for Maui and possibly delayed the installation of the DELEGATE KUHIO, that he had been accused of having remitted covery of the North Pole. The lettem Hawaii in time to catch the mail leav- new automatic system, probably threw Who gives unqualified approval to Organic Act amendments suggested. 3Iayor indebtedness to Ter- Fern's the received by the Danish explorer would afro. ing yesterday at noon. the whole matter into the courts and ritory. department indicate that the testi'nj.iy of the Es- The proclamation issued was: placed the city and county in danger The has been suing hun Mil dreds, citizens who are delinquent kimos out the American explorer' of prolonged and expensive litigation of bear Proclamation. PROPOSED BILL TRIAL OF MORI in the payment of their water and sewer story. The Eskimos are of the tribe of over a matter which in'the end is but rates. appears, I, Walter F. Frear, Governor of Mayor Fern, it is in those who went with Cook on his dish of trivial. Honolulu must wait now for an heavily, and the superintendent of pub- the Territory Hawaii, hereby for the pole. convene the legislature in special improved telephone system. lic works will endeavor to get judg- 9&JU, stron- my. session on .Tuesday, the second Aylett was eloquent last night. He PLEASES KUHIO IS COMMENCED ment in court against him. Rasmussen was the first and day of November, nineteen hun-Lrt- fr fairly outdid himself, and his logic was Indignation Meeting. gest supporter of Cook, and was all ad nine, for the considera- of the usual scintillating Aylett vari- - After the meeting of the board of the more so after he was so bittetly tion of proposed amendments of f? f," f? j," js1 jO f? T j? js1 C supervisors last night, there was an attacked by the English press. Upon Organic the Act. Delegate 'Strongly in Favor of Three Attorneys Will Attempt to indignation meeting. Supervisors Logan story, In witness whereof, I have here- And Quinn being the indignant ones, the growing disbelief of Cook's nee unto set my hand and caused the Amendment of the Land Secure the Acquittal of and the remarks made about Aylett which began to find root in America great seal of the Territory of Ha- jjr-"'- ' W Knife-Wielde- would have made that individual's ears also, he set out at once for Greenland " Laws of Hawaii. r. KCO, waii to be affixed. burn if he had not been used to it. He to take down the testimony of the 1,9 was accused of having thrown his Done at the Capitol in Honolulu fel natives. this nineteenth day of Oetober, low members down and of having gone SPECIAL SESSION WISE MOVE "Most anybody would object to be on his word and voted Kasmussen was in the north almost il: nineteen hundred and nine. back against the WALTER F. FEEAR. stabbed with a knife." telephone agreement when he had prom before Cook landed at New York, and This remark by Judge De Bolt ised to vote for it. It was the general Yesterdav Governor Frear ' stated i the letters received from, him bo far a - arising out of an argument between sentiment of the indignation meeting 7. it ha. theugh't the legisift&w could Republican Members of the state that h& has examined minutely c. lliat T ' was; that Aylett was under the thumb of eouits.el an. appropriate closing to n djnclude the special work for which Legislature Are Well His Honor the Mayor and bad switched thirty-seve- Eskimos and that their co- the first day's proceedings against ey are being called together in his vote at the Mayor's command. Also, llective stories agree and bear out the Satisfied. Mori, the amsailant of Editor bheba Quinn more than hinted that Aylett the explorer made be- twelve days or thereabouts. .Nothing j statements of of the Hawaii Shinpo Sua. At half voted as he did because he thought it one matter can be up, fore the scientists of Denmark and told but the taken past twelve, when court adjourned, would please Marston Campbell, super- proc "The enactment into law by con- intendent of public works, whose em- in the American pres. Tha Dane are according to the wording of the eight jurors had been passed for cause lamation, danger of side issues and gress of the bill agreed upon by the ploye the honorable supervisor is and still loyal to Cook, and uphold him to the and but three had been challenged for he conference, to be submitted to the leg through whose favor earns his bread the same extent that the English de- the introduction of matters over which cause and excused. and butter the salary of supervisor islature for its endorsement, will be a cry him. much time could be taken up in debate r If legal lignt in bulk can secure the paying for poi and fish. being therefore eliminated. r.'i - mighty good thing for the Hawai (Continued on Faee Five.) NEW YORK, October 19. Answer- a. acquittal of the Japanese fanatic, Mori , was not yesterday morning iaus, " said Delegate Kuhio yesterday ing the sworn affidavits made by It until will be acquitted. Associated with that the Governor definitely decided to afternoon in the course of a discussion P0RT0LA FESTIVAL IS companion of his on his ascent of although Attorney Lightf oot in his defense is call the legislature together, of the bill and the probably action of E. A. Douthitt and coming from Maui Mount McKinley, Alaska, Dr. Cook has the calling of a special session has J ON IN FRISCO TOWN the legislature. will put a stop to on the next Claudine is James L. Coke announced that he will again climb the been one of the matters much discuss- "It who will also assist in his defense. mi great northern peak . and silence hi ed in the various conferences held land grabbing and give the Hawaiians During previous trials arising out of Gov- in prove, he can, during the past two weeks in the a chance to acquire and own their own the late strike, Lightfoot has been com- Whole World Joins General defamers, or, at Jeast, if office. 5 . ernor's homes without danger of losing them plaining that the preponderance of at- that they are defamers. It is charged 4 Delegate Kuhio has been one of the Rejoicing and the Monster 1 p."f to the big corporations. I think that torneys was against him but in the in the affidavits that the data and strongest advocates of a special ses- SUPERVISOR AYLETT. present instance it lies on his side. Celebration Starts. congress the provision that a homesteader may photographs he submitted were faked. sion, making the point that Who. Joined the Democrats to Kill Cathcart and Prosser are the prose- ... would listen to him more readily if he the Telephone Agreement. not mortgage his homestead after he cutors. pi me to with the endorsement of end of session the FEDERATION OF LABOR it t 8 8 has got the patent to it, however, is At the the day's (By Associated Press.) the Hawaiian assembly. In this he has following men had been passed for not right, and am not at all in 20. SPAIN been supported by others at the vari- ety, which is absolutely incomparable I favor cause: William Tirrell, William L.
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