H2884 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 12, 2004 missiles that can reach the United are dealing with terrorists on sophisti- and they do not reflect what is going States, and have this country instantly cated manned pads that can shoot on in Iraq. Because there are magnifi- incinerated. down airliners, they are dealing in nu- cent tales of sacrifice and commitment b 1930 clear technology to terrorist nations. going on in Iraq. Our friends, the Chinese. The Bush ad- For those people who wonder why the That is not the threat. The threat is ministration says, if we only embrace Secretary of Defense should not step a tanker, a freighter, a truck coming them a little tighter, they will come down, it has not been that long ago, across the border, or something being around. Yeah, right, after they get all Mr. Speaker, that we saw Rodney King smuggled in some other way. But we our money, all our jobs, and all our in those famous videos where members are doing nothing to protect against technology, they will come around? of the Los Angeles Police Department that. We are going to spend the money. I am just getting tired of these ex- were beating him. That circumstance Why? Because the defense contractors cuses: that if only they were in charge, did not reflect the policemen in L.A. are making a bundle, and then they they would do better. We have a failed any more than our current actions re- turn around and give a cut to the Re- trade policy, and what has this Presi- flect our soldiers in Iraq. To put it in publicans to help keep them in the ma- dent proposed? More of the same. perspective, we should have, if we want jority, just like the pharmaceutical in- Now, I have to admit Bill Clinton had equivalent actions, have called for the dustry I talked about earlier today. a failed trade policy, too; but he copied Governor of California to step down. So it is just kind of pathetic, people his from George Bush who copied it Secretary Rumsfeld is a tremendous standing up here saying, I’m a waste- from Ronald Reagan, and I opposed all political and military leader. If we watcher, and if my party was in of them as I oppose this. look at the advances and the accom- charge,’’ oops, they are. ‘‘If my party Let us bring jobs back home to plishments that have occurred, to sug- had the Senate,’’ oops, they do. ‘‘If my America. We need a new trade policy, gest change at this point in this war party had the White House,’’ oops, they and we need a little honesty around begins to seem irresponsible. Al Qaeda do. And you are doing nothing about it. here instead of a bunch of whatever. is completely uprooted and on the Well, do something about it. The mi- move. Thousands of al Qaeda members nority cannot stop you. f The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. are dead or in prison. The Taliban is Please, do not give us that. The gone from Afghanistan. Saddam Hus- American people are not quite stupid CHOCOLA). Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Indiana sein sits in a prison cell. We have over enough to believe that the minority in 40 of his top officials in prison cells the House, who is trampled over day in (Mr. BURTON) is recognized for 5 min- utes. awaiting trial. Libya has begun to give and day out, is stopping the Repub- up its weapons of mass destruction, its licans from taking those steps. You are (Mr. BURTON of Indiana addressed the House. His remarks will appear nuclear weapons. Pakistan worked not even trying, because a lot of your with us on the Afghanistan border buddies are making money on that hereafter in the Extensions of Re- marks.) fighting terror. Worldwide, we are see- stuff. ing terrorists captured and imprisoned NEW RECORD SET BY PRESIDENT BUSH f by the network of people on the side of Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I came to REMEMBER THE MISSION IN IRAQ good and against evil. talk about something else. I do not Mr. Speaker, Secretary Rumsfeld is have much time left now, but I wanted The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a greatly responsible for the actions that to talk about a new record that has previous order of the House, the gen- are positive and that show that we are been set by the Bush administration. tleman from New Mexico (Mr. PEARCE) winning the war on terror. And to sug- Congratulations to George Bush and is recognized for 5 minutes. gest that he step down is irresponsible. his economic team; they have set yet Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Speaker, as we But we must also consider what it is another record. They told us last year, consider the implications of the debate going to take to win this war on terror. if only the dollar dropped in value, about the photographs that our news It is going to take valor, valor like well, that was all that was hurting our media has been putting on the front that of Pat Tilghman, who gave up a manufacturing. It did not have to do pages and on the TV screens, it is im- lucrative career to go serve his coun- with their totally failed trade policies portant that we begin to calm down try. It is going to take sacrifice, like a and the outsourcing of American jobs. and to take a look at what we are young helicopter pilot from my district It was just that the dollar was a little doing and to remember why we are in who died in a night crash in Afghani- too high. Iraq. stan. It is going to take courage, be- Well, the dollar dropped catastroph- Frankly, as we hear the discussions cause this is going to be a long fight, ically. It was at a record low just a about having the President impeached Mr. Speaker. And if we are going to run month ago, and guess what happened and the Secretary of Defense resign, it right now, I will guarantee you that we during that month? The U.S. ran a is important for us to remember that will not win this war on terror, and record trade deficit. So their theory 9–11 changed everything. So soon we that every American life will be af- does not seem to quite work. But we forget, Mr. Speaker. 9–11 is the day fected. And those soccer moms who be- are still outsourcing jobs at a record that innocent civilians in this country came security moms will have been rate. The dollar has come back a little. went to work in the morning expecting justified in their fears, and they will That might even make the deficit they would come home to their fami- have been let down by the leadership of worse yet again. Their theories have lies that night. 9–11 was the day that this country, many of whom are calling not panned out. this body convened for its normal busi- for the President to come back home We have a failed trade policy in the ness. 9–11 was the day soccer moms be- and to leave that fight. United States of America. We are los- came security moms, worried about the Mr. Speaker, we owe it to the people ing our manufacturing base, our tech- safety of their children in the streets. of this country and to the free people nology base. China is stealing our tech- And President Bush said that he would in the entire world to stand our ground nology, stealing it from small compa- fight terror; that if you harbored a ter- and to fight and to have the resolute nies in my district; and the Bush ad- rorist, you were a terrorist; if you intent to see that this war on terror is ministration will not file a single com- funded a terrorist, you were a terrorist; won. Mr. Speaker, I cast my lot on the plaint. Not one. They say, let us get if you allowed them to pass through side of those people who will fight this China into the WTO, then they will your country, you were a terrorist. war, who will see that liberty triumphs have to follow the rules. Okay, well let And, Mr. Speaker, he has been solid over tyranny and over terrorism. us enforce the rules. Oh, no, we cannot and resolute about that commitment. enforce the rules. No matter how despicable the acts of f We are not going to file complaints our soldiers in Abu Ghraib prison, they The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a against China. It might upset our remain the actions of just a few. They previous order of the House, the gen- friends, the Chinese. Our friends the do not reflect the majority opinion. tleman from California (Mr. GEORGE Chinese are dealing in weapons, they They do not reflect American values, MILLER) is recognized for 5 minutes. VerDate May 04 2004 02:46 May 13, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12MY7.135 H12PT1 May 12, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2885 (Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California executive suites and board rooms, but struction and helping to lend a hand to addressed the House. His remarks will the other economy has created the the people in that country. appear hereafter in the Extensions of largest income disparities in this Na- But a gruesome video, posted on a Remarks.) tion.
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