OTHER BOOKS BY JEFF KINNEY Diary of a Wimpy Kid Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School The Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary --, COMING SOON: MORE DIARY OFA WIMPY KID 131ARY- by Jeff Kihhey TO DORIAN _ - - - _ OCTOBER Vlextbies4c7 revolve drouhci rne, bu+ some+irnes dcAuttlIp0.0ES. V6ebliarsksckia:de-kkL---T-sdw----+-6snovie cti.ciu+ d meth w6se wl)ole life is secre+ly 1)6113 filmed for d TV show. l'his world, ahri 1)e_gloe 1-11+ KNOW i+. 14e11÷ -Yrn_sihce_ Saw ovie,,Tve k;hj of 3 +0 MF. HOPE YOU- CREEPS ARE ENJOYING YOURSELVES. eYery day +0 see wl)a+±a3__±_6d-!._s._Lithgdiy____ kihcl of COOL. +0 De i+s _awh +elev;sioh S~owr so sone4iiiI3stheri+tvihib3 ever_haw_dhcLibei_v_e Auskte- 2 si3hdls +o le+ -14)er..) khow rn ih oh 4e sure+. , Bete' cornmercia_lreaks.W&ANesicis_ wIleh Im ih Ale bd+Ilroorn, dke a b;3 eh+r-dhce. cif+er 1 fihisillere_. 3 131/±saple±iniesl_Atohaer 60.15L nucil e is REAL and 61N mud\ of i+ is RIGGED. Because illeAitici.s__±6V44.1212thArif Me are co ridiculous, TAmohcler ifsorneahe Fl SE is pulling ibe—c+rihes._ If i+Is all fdke,±tyeLEAST tile ?e0Se_iti_____ clIdr3e can cia. _Lc alive me some juicier slines ±o_work_waty—___ NOW ABOUT "GREG GETS A GIRLFRIEND"? 0--1: "GREG- GETS A MOTORCYCLE'? -OR- "GREG GETS A GIRLFRIEND AND A MOTORCYCLE"? ih while regillyjui-t ACTORS. ikeyre_dc+ors, "LlatAelicl_who's_ my friehai h_dworcLlecause he's tlaih8_1L8redijoLfre±ehdih8 ADafus. Ahd iLryixm-ther RocirickicAsiodily Jus± softie ay 3ei-iihe_PAIDA-tiAthiike_a_derk+Aeh ±6± makes_pie_seellin whole_hewiisa i. Aolhowl? e hesst hice 5upx:reaL1ifegtha ctheskwel 3orgLirietuis._ 5 Bu±ifryPARENTSsxreac±ars„ 4"4....incAt's1 --t-- -4-1- vemtckglo± aLma±6er!sahclFd+ber's_j)_d_y_____ cards over Ale years. tf il)is_is_sdi_asluun,±6.11_ I deserve +0 3e+ ?did for rey iirne dhd effor+. 6 Ahci srdkih3 of 3 ?drch+5 dre se+jor life) +hdhks +o me. Bu+ cdh +o rndke sure cdh C414) ih Id+Cr. QhtnQS.±_DLS6eLS÷_±6— tnd;ILI__C.6rCiC+erAICLS---CiCd±CYarCISe +114±Ary—sct 1±_ledS.±_olasepr e?isock. So -rye cone d_cd+sbhrdse o m y OWN, dhci cfrop ih+o cohVersd+ioh. eVeryahc.eiha_ WELL, BITE 7 Ld+er oh I'm 3ohhd sldp my cd+cywotse oh every piece of mercluthclise cdh +6;4 of drLwaiiAr____ +o s+ar+ rollih3 ih. 1111 audrdhime. THIS) +6ou31. m ho+ 3ohhck ehCI WAS ohe of +60se wdstleckuv celebr;+ies who sells s jus+ +0 make d clled? buck. SAY 11--! SAY IT! I DON'T TI-IINK SO. J17....;512; • BISCUITS-0 p eoheAliba_rve learhej about +elevisioh ;s +ha+ sooher or celed. Bu+ ih ille Id5+ SecISOh + iv-I-trocluce a hew ?e+ or d_ cute k; -to burn? 1 +he ra+ihas. So wheh pi li-t+le bro-therviAabb_wasiarh.,_1__ fivirea +hey were _+ryitia_to_reOacene_asihe star of +he show wiih a fresh hew face— lbe -LwasiNaw_sk___ hewbonalaly_coii14 be ah ACTOR. plabe,lAsAta÷ne-t- be;h3 cahirolletiirkint_ adul-t who was icifieh_frorn view. 9 1 bu+ +6+ dirlh'+ s+op me from cl)eckih3 every ohce ih a wilile jus+ to make sure. S_____ 3- -HD;h3 arouhcl oh }tic owh. So +}leh Iwohclerecl kile_wcts ac+ually a super-63})-+ec}y wihrlui toy or eVeh Some kid 0f ROBOT. Illeh I thoo ..1dhi maybe EVERYBODYACQUIAL_____ me wctS d r0i)O-1- dhCI I WdS +6e ohly de+Udi 1-lurricth be;h5 ih -I-1,e family. Robn+c_herd elec+riciiy for power, So +6+ would explaih why we have +wo or +i)ree owl-le-Fs ;h every room of ANe house. 10 would ALSO ex?laihsoe +11;h3s my ictreh laihk = m ho+ 1;s+ehih,cy. lAYBE-r WE SPOULD GO AWAY FOR THE WEEKEND AND :F(7.i-tARGP- OUR RATTFRTFS- roboi-s use 1)4++er;e re were GO, bu+ do lutve d fCW8,UeSSeS. s\AU ER 'P.111F/ •41' , 511519vise 11 T—fia cl ou+ if my family members were rol)0+s was +0 See if 1 cnutel a-+ ohe of +4ern +o s6or+-c;rcui+. Bu+ eiiiyer Pd415 d ktd±erTrOOf model or ile".sdu + d regular 6tvidh wi4 ho SehSe of /wrnor. MAT ihc;cleh+ 3o+ me 3rouhclecl for a week..— oocl m bu+ Ta %)il, I'm sure +1)e ra+ih, js were ih -11)e +oile+ for d wile af+er +11a+. JUNE 0 12. 3ueSS +6ereS d ciNahce +6a+ rni_juS±...sth Ordihdr/ life+_diaLtrn NOT +Aye_tharo_Lsopie TV_sbow. Bu+Alere could s+ill be_SOMEONE fmci- Alere Wd±C1lib8. VIA__ailAe_Ththe±SjbAle, uhiVerse,Alere's GOTTA ih+elli3e11± life au+ +1)ere. Sorme_enie sdy +},a+dlierNS were atiehc Are—SMARL ahcl %ILA+ keeiih3 d low +1-le 16eire_ ?rotidbly syyjb3_0h uS Se.COhd4 3d±1eriti9_ihforrrid-hoh dbou+ live our lives. 13 Myleii.s±6±bousellie,ssiceaduayiantledrones_. ±6±Ae_aliehs use ±o_learn itna3es_bdck +a Aleir__ 41;1:IL Because ;f youve ever Seeh d ?ic-fure of d CI 11 y U? dace its pre-Hy obvious 4eir eyes are cidufillf_66±ecksArgeros. Seem +0 be reap ct+e4 cio3 ?on?. Bui• Suess Ale/ye 30+ + eir rectsohs for +6+. .1111 i - ..f. .... c ctp ...........0 : . ....., ve triecl to eliaiti_r_m± cries +o r,y iareh+s cold o+6er 3rowh-ups, bu-f it's ?re-Hy /clear hobocly itighis +0 }Near w6a+ soLnelickuts_ioscy. So every cluthce_8e±)_ 1 rndke sure itle_AlithS khow oh +11eir sicle. TAKE ME o+ i+ ri36±_Abov-t___±.6ellies4_+}lou.31‘. or Because if t1,05(/ )1•TOFS,_ we Cdh pktAttalleth dh dliehjtIVAS101a_dilf Secohj bow_ 15 1lNeAtt,8_Ls÷_I_'Ye-ALWAYSfel±Aesaneaht's___ ou+ kee1ih3 +cil)S oh my life. Af±er,cydhcitao±4er_FcksseLaw meIlle_safeilecciuseNdhck_wskswci±c6iluaaVer rne from })edVeh. illitIL±6credcovi all, 6+ 0+ d 10+ of issues wit}1 +6 way i+ works. rr'e•-• ft (I .............................., .... ; s m• (t.i10411111/ " . Mw rn fihe wi+t)Nand wa+ciah3 over me_wileh rudirba_g_ sks1+40ard or doih3 some+ilih5 Where 04er +irneS w1eh you jus+ heed some Privacy. 16 ..) cl nr C 1. NA6d-i- worries the jS_±6d±,_WbehiSkhd._WdS_dliVf-,__ come-limes Icould be ?ret-ty obhoxious. So if T was }per, 6ck?_A)_ehed +o me. 17 If Ncon:0 looks +6 o+11er way IANeh I rn crossih3 e siree+ or sorne+6hcjiikethicuti, bldrne i)er. acAua_le,el_kilaci of BAD as 1\1,dhd tut S +0 keel) dh eye oh r,e +weh+y-four worketillarri_sdaer jife,_ctc d wdi+ressi_sa_sile edrhej ri311+ +o RELAX. 13 I}lope sl\es si±tirlaihdx1MileAsibere_______ ih }NeciVeh recidih3 }ter rorndhce hoVelS, the hni. we+c6h3 Some oh prfeful rnidclle scilnol kid 40;h3 bis }Nornework every hi5}11-. .11 d 1° r cn Ili +ell you TI-LIS: 'tf 15 c+ ;h+0 Iledveh, Im isih+ i)001 Alta c nr doihs ino?-41e-loor ArauhdAe_clou 19 -Theres ho cluthce j...rn sohha 3e+ s+uck wd+cilih3 oversorie3red±rdh.akacLSAdrclLy__eyehkbew_---- i. ol..../ IN I I' ,___ ....—_. I I 1 • - The ohlyAlitl6A-6±idill_make ;-1- h is if I 1, %idve rAae_y_ do Some-1-6h3 dhhoVihci/ ..l. ---- ,,.. ...... 2.0 Rem 014 the its ho-Ljus±NANAietho"s_ wa+sA)ih3_oxerrne÷_;+Ic Al I ray relaiistes wl)o've ilassecl Ili-ha -Of W-LS11--Slat---611h+__±0111 _MAUI+) teCAUSe— hOW W of Alex Aruckslzaper Auriha a siellih3 +es+, _lied a_lo+ more 3t/iL Abou+;+. hercdiobs_Ais_ ±6h3 5oes_BACK—rmlinewi whdrej Years or so_,11u+ it i+Is_ripANole_lamily +ree alL+.6ewarta_.±ke be3ihhih3) d aiffereh+ s+ory- 21 LnIeAb÷-1L/ XelcthVeSjranlSAV-eiliah+jteS-- Vid+c6ih3 over me., +6oSe ur are robd1)17 3ohhci be re±bp.ohfuseci by wild+ I do oh ah_Averthae_cidy_._ TO le iloheCtI rn ho+ comforthible_wak_a±6ese___ 12..ealASIOOkiba_OVernySboultier—TLry_rehttiVeS-- +irrie 5+97 NAIL__ +6e S6ower or +:1S+e my edrladx, 8ohhd be ?rei-ty awkward w6eh we reuhatio+er oh. 22 illurscid7 We INGtveArAook_f_dird±scbool -t6sAmeek, TI-IOUGI-IT I WdS_diloWeL±O_RiCk44±everI— wah+e.d, i+ +urhS_Ou.±___MOrtiexrC±ed 'b-SiXehCt +6e money oh BOOKS. VilleitalcaL,Je+ +6—chance+0 owh d . h+ ?ec;1 Su wi-4_80081tryes,_±bau ct_a }lard +o ?ass u?. SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE wale 1,d) Besides +I-le pencil, 19o+ a ?os+er d Cd+ Sdyih3 some-±6115 SarcdS+ic, ah eraser ANaieci like a ldhEld d CdISIAA±OrAd±_810WS ih -1-6e dark) d ?eh ±6a±_wri±es uhclerwa+er, and dha4 er__Sidh+ ?ehCil witl) googly eyes ) ii4S±Alu eaceAke firs+ one 5e+s los+ or s+olelry. 23 i-ivmpairF 41ere WAS d C dhce Morn rvii311+ ho+ I ..i i_ iNer money, so 1 mule Sure +o dlso Bu+ Monwasiii_inressecl- Slle SdyS 1 iltiVe10-- 80_ hcia—±OPIOrrOWMICL±rdrie_hsdLtileStiej.S.— 61'311+ for books. -41e brdih is_likesste,,_1tha if joh4 exercise i+ , siufLiilLe.±weriLdhLimusky. Silescys_vicka___84ttescacLI\LIre.A14. bdsicdfly 3ohha be dAnihciless_zornbie for +1-le rest' of my life. 2.4 Morn Said ;f +urhed off 4e +eleVisioh dhci ?u+ flowh my 3drne coh+roller, 1rni3h+ discover d 11"Id+)S d hi time Morn's +riecl +o 3e+ me to s-i-ep ou+ of my cnrnfor+ znhe, rve falleh fla+ oh My face.
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