The Corporation of the Municipality of Wawa Corporate Planning & Policy Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Council Chambers 5:00 p.m. Page (1) CALL TO ORDER & NOTE MEMBERS PRESENT (2) REVIEW OF ADDENDUM & APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2.1 Approval of Agenda (3) ANNOUNCEMENTS / DEPUTATIONS (4) DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF (5) APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2 - 5 5.1 Approval of Minutes - Corporate Planning Committee, Tuesday, September 8, 2015 (6) OLD BUSINESS (7) NEW BUSINESS 7.1 Cemetery By-Law 7.2 Cemetery 6 - 18 7.3 L - Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry - Forest Tenure Modernization 19 - 195 7.4 North Algoma Health Needs Assessment - Final Reports & Databases 7.5 Strategies to Bring Councillor Priorities Forward 7.6 Health & Safety Issue - Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre (8) IN-CAMERA SESSION (9) NEXT MEETING DATE (10) MEETING CLOSE Page 1 of 195 The Corporation of the Municipality of Wawa Corporate Planning Committee Meeting Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Council Chambers 6:00 PM MINUTES (1) CALL TO ORDER & NOTE MEMBERS PRESENT The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Members: Mayor Ron Rody Councillor Bill Chiasson Councillor Tamara Liddle Councillor Matthew Morrison Staff: Cathy Cyr, Deputy Clerk Doreen Pavlic, Deputy Treasurer Lori Johnson, Director of Community Services and Tourism James Neufeld, Assistant Director of Infrastructure Services Paul Parisé, Chief Building Official Suzanne Lord, Administrative Assistant Public: 3 Persons. News Media: 2 Persons. Guest: None. Absent: Councillor Y. Besner (Personal) (2) REVIEW OF ADDENDUM & APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2.1 Approval of Agenda Moved by: B. Chiasson R. Verbal RESOLVED THAT the Agenda for the Corporate Planning Committee Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 8, 2015 be approved, as presented. CARRIED. (3) ANNOUNCEMENTS / DEPUTATIONS None. (4) DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 8-Sep-2015 Page 1 of 4 Approval of Minutes - Corporate Planning Committee, Tuesday,... Page 2 of 195 MINUTES Corporate Planning Committee - Tuesday, September 8, 2015 (5) APPROVAL OF MINUTES 5.1 Approval of Minutes Corporate Planning Committee Meeting, Tuesday, June 23, 2015 Moved by: M. Morrison R. Verbal RESOLVED THAT the following Minutes for the Corporate Planning Committee Meeting be adopted, as presented. Minutes of the Corporate Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, June 23, 2015, as contained on Pages 1-4 , inclusive of the Minute Book. CARRIED. Action: Staff to obtain signatures and file the minutes in the vault. (6) OLD BUSINESS 6.1 Sewage Lagoon Fees - Provost Contracting (2014) Committee agreed to refund Provost Contracting Ltd on the Sewage Lagoon fees. Action: Resolution for next Regular Council meeting. 6.2 Municipal Communication Strategy Council members or staff that have new ideas or strategies will share the information with Clearlogic group to incorporate into the Municipal Business Plan. Action: Any new Communication Strategies will be shared with Clearlogic Group for the Municipal Business Plan. (7) NEW BUSINESS 7.1 Keep Hydro Public - Resolution Regarding the Proposed Privatization of Hydro One Action: Resolution for the next Regular Council meeting. 7.2 Municipality of Tweed, Disaster Relief Committee - Request for Support Action: No action to be taken. 7.3 Ontario Federation Of Anglers & Hunters - Spring Bear Hunt Action: Resolution for the next Regular Council meeting. 7.4 Draft By-Law - Establish and Appoint Cemetery Committee Action: By-law to be brought forward to the next Regular Council meeting. 8-Sep-2015 Page 2 of 4 Approval of Minutes - Corporate Planning Committee, Tuesday,... Page 3 of 195 MINUTES Corporate Planning Committee - Tuesday, September 8, 2015 7.5 Draft All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV) By-Law CAO waiting for information from insurance carrier. Action: Once the information is received, it will be forwarded to council & resolution for future Council meeting. 7.6 Replacement of Wawa Goose Monument – Update For Information 7.7 Council Appointment to EDC Board Action: Resolution for next Council meeting. 7.8 Municipal Boards and Committees Vacant positions were identified. Action: Identify groups for vacant seat and advertise accordingly. Staff to make changes to all Boards and Committees and forward to Regular Council Meeting. 7.9 Staff Report KG/LJ 2015-03: LED Lighting at MMCC Action: Resolution for the next Regular Council Meeting. 7.10 Staff Report JN 2016-06: Refuse Collection Action: Staff to prepare agreement and By-Law and forward to Regular Council Meeting. 7.11 Wawa Family Health Team - Concerns Regarding Northern Health Travel Grants Action: Resolution for the next Regular Council Meeting. 7.12 Councillor Liddle Request to Attend Northern Ontario Tourism Summit, November 16-18, 2015, Sault Ste. Marie Action: Verify the Mayor/Council travel budget. 7.13 Staff Report - LJ 2015-04 - Marina Status and DFO Lease Agreement Action: Resolution for the next Regular Council Meeting. (8) IN-CAMERA SESSION None. (9) NEXT MEETING DATE 9.1 Tuesday, October 13, 2015 8-Sep-2015 Page 3 of 4 Approval of Minutes - Corporate Planning Committee, Tuesday,... Page 4 of 195 MINUTES Corporate Planning Committee - Tuesday, September 8, 2015 (10) MEETING CLOSE 10.1 Close of Meeting Moved by: M. Morrison R. Verbal RESOLVED THAT the meeting close at 7:40 p.m. CARRIED. RON RODY, CHAIR CATHY CYR, DEPUTY CLERK 8-Sep-2015 Page 4 of 4 Approval of Minutes - Corporate Planning Committee, Tuesday,... Page 5 of 195 Mlnlshryof Natural Resources Minlslbrl dos Richesses naturelles Pt-— and Foroatry el dos Foréts Officeof the Bureau du Assistant Deputy Minister sous-ministre anioinl 15*’> Forest Industry Dlvlslon Division de rlndu??e fores?irl Rubens Bender Place Plzea Roberta aonaar suite 610 Bureau 610 10 Foster Drive 70, promenade Foster Saul! Ste. MarieON sauli sie Mane (oniano) Ontar FSA svs PEA6V5 Tel: 705-9456767 Tel. 7059456767 Fax 705-945-5977 Teléc: 7053455977 ioMNR119AC-2015-25 September 18, 2015 Dear Stakeholder: In 2009, Ontario began the process of modernizing the system that governs who manages Crown forests and how companies get wood. Forest tenure modemization is a long-term commitment.carefully considering the interests of local communities, the forest industry, Aboriginal peoples. and other stakeholders. The purpose of this letter is to let you know about the process the Ministryof Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) is undertaking leading up to the review of Ontario forest tenure models. Forest tenure modernization is about supporting the growth of the forestry industry and job creation. The objectives also include more meaningful involvement of local and Aboriginal communities in the management of local forests. and more access to wood for more companies, including new entrants to the industry. As such, the plan to modernize forest tenure involves the transition to new, more inclusive tenure models to govern the business of forestry in Ontario. This includes: o Local Forest Management Corporations (LFMCs) o Enhanced Sustainable Forest Licences (ESFLs) There are various forest tenure models in Ontario including shareholder SFLs, single- entity SFLs, Crown managed forests. Algonquin Forest Authority, and those under development. A review will help to assess the performance and effectiveness of the various forest tenure models and detennine how to improve existing and future models. Last year. the ministry established a Forest Tenure Modernization Oversight Group, with representatives from the forest sector, local communities, First Nations.non-status communities, Métis, as well as academia. One of its key mandates is engagement and collaboration throughout the review process. Ihave attached the list of members for your convenience. The Oversight Group is MNRF‘s primary channel of engagement. Together, we have developed the process that will lead to the review in 2016 and will work collaboratively to provide advice to the Minister.which may assist in the direction of forest tenure modernization after 2016. The ministry and the Oversight Group are currently seeking feedback on the draft measures developed they have developed to evaluate the forest tenure models against goals and objectives. I invite you to take a look at the draft measures and provide us with feedback by going to wwwforesttenuremodemization.rigg|egroug.ca. Keep in mind L - Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry - Forest Tenure... Page 6 of 195 that feedback must be received by October 16, 2015. You can also contact one of the Oversight Group members ifyou have any questions. Nancy Houle.MNRF's Tenure Modernization team member willalso be happy to answer questions. She can be reached at [email protected] or by calling (705)755-1346. Both the Oversight Group and my staff are committed to keeping interested parties informed about the Review. I look fonivard to sending you more information as this project proceeds. Sincerely. Kathleen McFadden Assistant Deputy Minister Forest Industry Division L - Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry - Forest Tenure... Page 7 of 195 L -Ministry ofNatural Resources &Forestry- Forest Tenure... Review of Forest Tenure Models – Draft Measures Objective 1: Create a more economically efficient allocation system Evaluation Area Evaluation Question Outcome Measure Data Source 1. Effectiveness – A. How effective are the i. Increased use of available a. Mechanisms/processes are in place to make - FMP, Annual Report Extent to which the efforts of the SFL wood supply as approved unused
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