SELECTED PUBLICATIONS DURING - 2020 Impact S. No. Authors Article_Title Journal_Name Vol_No Issue_No B_Page P_Page DOI _Factor Enhancement of triboelectric Muthu M., Pandey R., nanogenerator output performance by 10.1016/j.nanoen.2 1 Wang X., Chandrasekhar Nano Energy 78 16.602 laser 3D-Surface pattern method for 020.105205 A., Palani I.A., Singh V. energy harvesting application A fully packed spheroidal hybrid Chandrasekhar A., generator for water wave energy 10.1016/j.nanoen.2 2 Nano Energy 69 15.548 Vivekananthan V., Kim S.-J. harvesting and self-powered position 019.104439 tracking Tamil Selvan S., Coordination chemistry of ligands: Ravichandar R., Kanta Insights into the design of amyloid Coordination 10.1016/j.ccr.2020. 3 Ghosh K., Mohan A., beta/tau-PET imaging probes and Chemistry 15.367 213659 Mahalakshmi P., Gulyás B., nanoparticles-based therapies for Reviews Padmanabhan P. Alzheimer's disease Munir M., Ahmad M., Saeed M., Waseem A., Biodiesel production from novel non- Renewable and Nizami A.-S., Sultana S., edible caper (Capparis spinosa L.) 10.1016/j.rser.2020 4 Sustainable 12.110 Zafar M., Rehan M., seeds oil employing Cu–Ni doped ZrO2 .110558 Energy Reviews Srinivasan G.R., Ali A.M., Ali catalyst M.I. Sukthanker R., Poria S., Anaphora and coreference resolution: Information 10.1016/j.inffus.20 5 Cambria E., 59 139 162 10.716 A review Fusion 20.01.010 Thirunavukarasu R. Future low-inertia power systems: Renewable and Ratnam K.S., Palanisamy K., 10.1016/j.rser.2020 6 Requirements, issues, and solutions - Sustainable 124 10.556 Yang G. .109773 A review Energy Reviews Blockchain-Enabled Distributed Medhane D.V., Sangaiah Security Framework for Next- IEEE Internet of 10.1109/JIOT.2020. 7 A.K., Hossain M.S., Generation IoT: An Edge Cloud and 7 7 6143 6149 9.936 Things Journal 2977196 Muhammad G., Wang J. Software-Defined Network-Integrated Approach Wang T., Qiu L., Sangaiah Edge-Computing-Based Trustworthy IEEE Internet of 10.1109/JIOT.2020. 8 A.K., Liu A., Bhuiyan Data Collection Model in the Internet of 7 5 4218 4227 9.515 Things Journal 2966870 M.Z.A., Ma Y. Things Excellent capacitor-varistor properties Wang J., Zhang L., Gong H., ACS Applied in lead-free CaCu3Ti4O12-SrTiO3 10.1021/acsami.0c 9 Mao P., He L., Annadi A., Materials and 12 43 48781 48793 8.758 system with a wrinkle structure via 13067 Kang F., Sun Q., Wang Z. Interfaces interface engineering NiO nanofibers interspersed sponge based low cost, multifunctional Chemical Veeralingam S., Priya S., 10.1016/j.cej.2020. 10 platform for broadband UV protection, Engineering 389 8.355 Badhulika S. 124415 ultrasensitive strain and robust finger- Journal tip skin inspired pressure sensor Dolai S., Bhunia S.K., Tunable fluorescent carbon dots: Critical Reviews in Rajendran S., synthesis progress, fluorescence 10.1080/10408436. 11 Solid State and 8.344 UshaVipinachandran V., origin, selective and sensitive volatile 2020.1830750 Materials Sciences Ray S.C., Kluson P. organic compounds detection Calibration of idling characteristics for Ashok B., Jeevanantham Energy Lemon Peel Oil using Central 10.1016/j.enconma 12 A.K., Bhat Hire K.R., Conversion and 221 8.208 Composite Design in light commercial n.2020.113183 Kashyap V., Saiteja P. Management vehicle diesel engine A novel objective function with Yousri D., Babu T.S., artificial ecosystem-based Energy 10.1016/j.enconm 13 Mirjalili S., Rajasekar N., optimization for relieving the Conversion and 225 8.208 an.2020.113385 Elaziz M.A. mismatching power loss of large- Management scale photovoltaic array Critical review on third generation Jacob A., Ashok B., micro algae biodiesel production and Energy Conversion 10.1016/j.enconma 14 Alagumalai A., Chyuan 8.208 its feasibility as future bioenergy for IC and Management n.2020.113655 O.H., Le P.T.K. engine applications A novel approach for the development Kakria K., Thirumalini S., Resources, of sustainable hybridized geopolymer 10.1016/j.resconrec 15 Secco M., Shanmuga Priya Conservation and 163 8.086 mortar from waste printed circuit .2020.105066 T. Recycling boards Wang Z., Xie M., Li Y., Zhang W., Yang C., Kollo Premature failure of an additively NPG Asia 10.1038/s41427- 16 12 1 8.052 L., Eckert J., Prashanth manufactured material Materials 020-0212-0 K.G. MXenes—A new class of 2D layered Venkateshalu S., Grace materials: Synthesis, properties, Applied Materials 10.1016/j.apmt.20 17 18 8.013 A.N. applications as supercapacitor Today 19.100509 electrode and beyond Sukumaran C., Triboelectric nanogenerators from Vivekananthan V., reused plastic: An approach for Applied 10.1016/j.apmt.2 18 Mohan V., Alex Z.C., 19 8.013 vehicle security alarming and tire Materials Today 020.100625 Chandrasekhar A., Kim S.- motion monitoring in rover J. Success in both p-type and n-type of a novel transparent AgCuI alloy Applied Materials 10.1016/j.apmt.202 19 Annadi A., Gong H. 20 8.013 semiconductor system for Today 0.100703 homojunction devices Saravanan N., Balamurugan Vitamin B12-Immobilized Graphene 10.1002/cssc.2020 20 M., Shalini Devi K.S., Nam Oxide for Efficient Electrocatalytic ChemSusChem 7.962 01378 K.T., Senthil Kumar A. Carbon Dioxide Reduction Reaction Assessing groundwater quality for Jha M.K., Shekhar A., 10.1016/j.watres.20 21 drinking water supply using hybrid fuzzy-Water Research 179 7.913 Jenifer M.A. 20.115867 GIS-based water quality index Load Flattening and Voltage IEEE Transactions Reddy K.R., Regulation Using Plug-In Electric 10.1109/TSTE.2018 22 on Sustainable 11 1 260 270 7.650 Meikandasivam S. Vehicle's Storage Capacity with Vehicle .2890145 Energy Prioritization Using ANFIS Fabrication, chemical and thermal stability studies of crystalline ceramic Journal of Ravikumar R., Gopal B., 10.1016/j.jhazmat. 23 wasteform based on oxyapatite Hazardous 394 7.650 Jena H. 2020.122552 phosphate host LaSr4(PO4)3O for high Materials level nuclear waste immobilization Annageldiyev C., Gowda K., Patel T., Bhattacharya P., The novel Isatin analog KS99 targets Tan S.-F., Iyer S., Desai D., 10.3324/haematol. 24 stemness markers in acute myeloid Haematologica 105 3 687 696 7.570 Dovat S., Feith D.J., 2018.212886 leukemia Loughran T.P., Jr., Amin S., Claxton D., Sharma A. Design and Implementation of New IEEE Transactions Prabaharan N., Salam Z., Multilevel Inverter Topology for 10.1109/TIE.2019.2 25 on Industrial 67 5 3573 3582 7.503 Cecati C., Palanisamy K. Trinary Sequence Using Unipolar 914636 Electronics Pulsewidth Modulation Xu G., Zhou W., Sangaiah A Security-Enhanced Certificateless A.K., Zhang Y., Zheng X., Aggregate Signature 10.1109/MNET.0 26 IEEE Network 34 2 22 29 7.503 Tang Q., Xiong N., Liang Authentication Protocol for 01.1900035 K., Zhou X. InVANETs Wang T., Ke H., Zheng X., Big Data Cleaning Based on Mobile IEEE Transactions 10.1109/TII.2019.2 27 Wang K., Sangaiah A.K., Liu Edge Computing in Industrial Sensor- on Industrial 16 2 1321 1329 7.377 938861 A. Cloud Informatics Energy-Efficient and Trustworthy Data IEEE Transactions Wang T., Qiu L., Sangaiah 10.1109/TII.2019.2 28 Collection Protocol Based on Mobile on Industrial 16 5 3531 3539 7.377 A.K., Xu G., Liu A. 920277 Fog Computing in Internet of Things Informatics Sangaiah A.K., Medhane Energy-Aware Green Adversary Model IEEE Transactions D.V., Bian G.-B., Ghoneim 10.1109/TII.2019.2 29 for Cyberphysical Security in Industrial on Industrial 16 5 3322 3329 7.377 A., Alrashoud M., Hossain 953289 System Informatics M.S. Daghooghi-Mobarakeh H., Campbell N., Bertrand Ultrasound-assisted regeneration of Ultrasonics 10.1016/j.ultsonch. 30 W.K., Kumar P.G., Tiwari S., 64 7.279 zeolite/water adsorption pair Sonochemistry 2020.105042 Wang L., Wang R., Miner M., Phelan P.E. Leong W.D., Teng S.Y., How B.S., Ngan S.L., Enhancing the adaptability: Lean and Journal of Cleaner 10.1016/j.jclepro.20 31 Rahman A.A., Tan C.P., green strategy towards the Industry 273 7.246 Production 20.122870 Ponnambalam S.G., Lam Revolution 4.0 H.L. An integrated green management model to improve environmental Journal of Cleaner 10.1016/j.jclepro.20 32 Roy M., Sen P., Pal P. 271 7.246 performance of textile industry towards Production 20.122656 sustainability Rambabu K., Bharath G., Development of watermelon rind Hai A., Luo S., Liao K., derived activated carbon/manganese Journal of Cleaner 10.1016/j.jclepro.20 33 272 7.246 Haija M.A., Banat F., ferrite nanocomposite for cleaner Production 20.122626 Naushad M. desalination by capacitive deionization Research initiatives on the influence of Journal of Cleaner 10.1016/j.jclepro.2 34 Nair N.A., Sairam V. wollastonite in cement-based 7.246 Production 020.124665 construction material- A review Yang C.-T., Hattiholi A., Selvan S.T., Yan S.X., Fang W.-W., Gadolinium-based bimodal probes to Chandrasekharan P., 10.1016/j.actbio.20 35 enhance T1-Weighted magnetic Acta Biomaterialia 110 15 36 7.242 Koteswaraiah P., Herold 20.03.047 resonance/optical imaging C.J., Gulyás B., Aw S.E., He T., Ng D.C.E., Padmanabhan P. Pillai D.S., Ram J.P., Ghias An Accurate, Shade Detection-Based IEEE Transactions 10.1109/TPEL.2019 36 A.M.Y.M., Mahmud M.A., Hybrid Maximum Power Point on Power 35 6 6594 6608 7.224 .2953242 Rajasekar N. Tracking Approach for PV Systems Electronics Experimental investigation of pomegranate oil methyl ester in Karthickeyan V., ceramic coated engine at different Energy Conversion 10.1016/j.enconma 37 Thiyagarajan S., Ashok B., 205 7.181 operating condition in direct injection and Management n.2019.112334 Edwin Geo V., Azad A.K.
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