"WE TEMPTATION. L O 4 New styles Young York City.?-Simple are Morning Frock. "My A Sister" ilways best for young girls and Bach A smart little morning frock is ot iblouse as this one finds innumerable dark purple blue cloth?the' exact writes Mrs. Mary Hudson, of Eastman, Miss., "took ises. It is charming made with the shade of a Princess of Wales violet?- my advice, which was, to take Cardui. She was >pen square neck, but can, neverthe- and with black satin, with a neat staying with me and in less, be finished with a chemisette, waistcoat of violet leaf green cloth, was terrible misery, but Car- making it high, if it 1b found more and a jabot of pleated crepe de china dui helped her at once. latlsfactory. The trimming fit the in the same tone of blue. It is worn with a green hat massed with market bunches of violets and a great bushy green and black aigrette.?Queen. Fancy Neckwear. Fancy neckwear makes such an Im- portant feature of the season's dress that its making really becomes a of moment. Here are de- ?CARDUI Question signs which provide for a generous It WUI Help You variety and which are very simple, while at the same time they include "Last spring," Mrs. Hudson continues, "I was the latest styles. In the good, so began the Jabot is made of fine white bauste in a rack of pain. The doctor did no I edged with a simple lace, while the to take Cardui. The first dose helped me. Now I turn-over portion of the collar is of am in better health than in three years." striped material and the stock is needs Cardui, made of net banded with insertion Every girl and woman to cure and edgeS with lace. The turn-over irregularity, falling feelings, headache, backache and collar is one of the best liked models similar female troubles. Cardui is safe, reliable, and Is available for every fashionable material. For the stock collar net scientific. Try Cardui. and lace, chiffon and the material of ?Week's cleverest enrlnon. by (J. H- Mncnnley, in the New York World. AT ALL DRUG- STORES the gown, almost anything that may L be liked, can be utilized with trim- ming to suit Individual fancy. A TEAM OF WORLD BEATERS CHOSEN TO REPRESENT The jabot is made in one straight arranged armholes Japanese idea piece, which is gathered and STATES IN THE OLYMPIC GAMES B President; & auggMts THE UNITED John D. 1 igK . Asa T. Crawford, Sec. Treas. and serves to conceal the seamo, yet over a foundation. There are two which are differently shaped T. W. Til#ham, Geu. Mp;r.; T. C. Tilgham, Geu. Supt. In n*v»ray interferes with the sim- bows Ever Sent Will Up- illustra- and each 1,3 gathered at the centre By Far the Greatest Aggregation Abroad plicity of the design. In the y tion white Habutai silk is trimmed and held by a cross-over portion. The hold the Stars and Stripes In London?Expenses of with embroidered banding. roll-over collar Is made with a band the Big Athletic Trip Will Be $30,000. The waist is made with the front foundation, which can be buttoned fcnd the backs, which are tucked to Into place, and the stock collar Is cut New York City.?The team of It was decided that a white athletic The American athletes that will repre- dress shall be worn by each competi- w tor, of sent the Stars and Strlpea lu the tho outer seam the trousers Olympic games at London. England., to have a red, white and blue stripe next month, was selected at a joint and of the shirt or Jersey conclave of the executive and selec- to be adorped by a national shield of the United States. Each athlete Dennis the American Simmons tion committees of Olympic Committees. The session shall wear a blue cap, with a shield took place at the Astor House and on the peak. all day long those in authority dis- The team is to sail on the Ameri- cussed the abilities at home und can liner Philadelphia, arriving on chances abroad of each available can- the scene of action about ten days Lumber Co., didate. After a long list of perfor- before the opening of the games. To mers at three different tryouts and finance the trip will mean an expen- though two intercollegiate championships diture of about |30,000, and had been sifted ySTKI culled the fine all of this has not been collected Manufacturers o> string of 76 mer/wifs agreed upon. the American committee hopes to It is by far the biggest team ever have that sum at its disposal when mustered in America for a fixture in the team heads for Sandy Hook. It the N. Pine Lumber foreign lands. Thro men represent all will cost $325 to send each of Kiln Dried C. of American life?college men men to London. walks seventy- and athletic club men and hail from man of the select Brand Cypress Shingles til quarters, the North. South, East six is trained to the hour and will be Dennis Simmons and West of the United States. The i kept in perfect condition until the The flfty-elinht sub- competitive grounds which the team team sails away. Orders and Correspondence Solicited. will cover includes events at track stitutes. many of whom Just fell short and field sports, aquatics and wrest- of the charmed circle, are not to be ling?making about thirty distinct . sllghtVd In the calculations, and a contests in all. All of these will be i glance i»t the following complets>rost- WILLIAMSTON, N. C. held inside the huge stadium at Shep- | er makes It certain that the honor ot herd's Bush. Old Glory is in safe keeping: AMKIUCAN ATIILKTES OFFICIALLY KNTEHED T IN OLYMI'IO EVENTS IN LONDON. CARTS AND WAGONS The Team Selection Committee having in charge the American nrrarige- game* to be held in London next month completed t.ne menU for the Olympic Made to Order * "task of assigning the seventy-six athletes (lumen to the various events. Fol- 4. lowing i* a list of the entries cabled to London: -v Woo)ard's Combin- 100 Metre*?C'artmell. Hamilton. Fluff. Kiralfv. May, Cloughan, Rector, Robertson, I). R. Sherman, Bmithaon, HtcviI'lis, Wliitham. ed 200 Metres?Atlee, Cartmell, Hamilton Huff, Kiralfy, Mason, May, Rertor. Harrow and Robertson. I). R. Sherman, Whitham, Clouiighan. 400 Metre*?Atlee, Carpenter, Cartmell. l)e Selding, Hillman, Maaon, Mer- /f yrf' Cultivator. riam, Pilgvuu,. Pi'out, Ramey, W. C. RoU.u ius, Taylor. 800 Metre*?Ueanl, lironulow, H. L. ('««>«, French, Hnlated, Jone*. Light- A saving of One Horse and tw» body, JiC. Miller, Pilgrim, Ramey, Sheelwu in. Shepnard. 1500 »!etres?Rlankenagel, H. ij. (.'(»?. IDull, llalated, Heyns, Jones, I.ight- " body. Riley, Rowe. Sheupard, Sullivan, ruilie. O jßfif\u25a0 Works both sides of the row ai 110-Melxe ?looks, darrein, i,ar 11run ft, Howe, Natwick, l'utterson, NASU tbc same time. Rand. 1). R. Robbin*, Shaw, 6mith*on. 400-Metre Hurdle?Bacon, Bromilow. I 11. IJ. Coe, French, Halsted, Ham- Breaks the clods ilton. Hurtranft, Hillman, Howe, Lightbo'h > Merriam, Sheppard. / nnd cultivate* Steeplechase? Bonhag, K. P. Carr, l)uill, Eiaele, lialMted, Hull, Jones,/ with 118 much case as any ordinary Lightboov, Rowe, Spitzer, Trube, H. C. Vmung. ( Five-Mile" Hun ?Bonhag, Armour, Bella Mrs, E. P. Carr, R. J. Carr, Coin* . 1 * k Dull. EiaeJe, llall. Rowe, 'lrube, H. C. Youi"K. What every farmer and Truck Ten-Mile Walk?Bonhag. ./ Gardner needs. Marathon Race?Forahaw Hatch. llny<en, Lee, Lor*, Morrisey, I Ryan. Thibeau, Tewanina, Welton, Wood. Standing Broad Jump?Adam*, Billar, lirennan, Ewry, Holmes, Irons, Muenz. Robertaon, Schomnier, Sheridan. Standing High Jump?Same entries a* !\u25a0Standing Broad. Kelly, Ma- J. L. WOOLARD, Running Broad Jump? Adam*, Bel'ah Ilrennan, Cooke. Iron* % honev, Mt. I'lcaaant, O'Connell, D. R. Shenrnian, Stephenson, V. Young. Running High Jump?Brennan, Uidn<-> Irons, Mahoney, 11. Miller, Mof- Wiliiamston, N. C. filt, Patteraon, Porter, Schomnier, Stenhen Hon. Hop, Step and Jump?Adam*, Bellnli, Ilrennan, Cooke, Irons, Mt. l'leas- ant, O'Connell, Schommer. Sheridan. I). I! Slierman, Stephenson, K. Young, Pole Jump?Allen, Bellah, Campbell, Conuke, Dray, Gilbert, Haggard, Jack- with the points behind the ears that ?on. Jacob*, Mercer, Nelaon. Parker. yoke depth, and with moderately full Iforr, McGrath, Roae, B. K. Slier- Take Your Clothing to Octavius Price much in vogue. Hammer?Burroughs, Flanagan, Gillis. sleeves, which are tucked at their are so man. Talbot. lower edges and trimmed to give a The quantity of material required Weight?Burroughs. W. W. Coe, Jr., Fl«!*mtgan. Garrela. Gilli*, Horr, Krue- When you want them cleaned or pressed. i Talbot. somewhat novel effect. Trimming Is for the medium size is, for the jabot ger, Roae, Schommer, Sheridan. Stephen*'>>i thirty- Three-Mile Team?Armour, Bellar*, B<>j,U mg, E. P. Carr. It. J. Carr, Cohn, Ladies' Skirts cleaned and pressed at a arranged over the armhole seams and one-fourth yard of material Trube, Y<» yard sev- Dull. Ki*ele, Hall, Rowe, H. C. .ung. ? shaped band also finishes the neck. six inches wide, one-eighth .iIOO-Metre Walk?Bonhag. reasonable price. Wcrk guaranteed to The chemisette is separate and when enty-two, with three and three-fourth 1600-Metre Team Race? Cartmell. Huff Taylor, Rheppard. yards of lace (Reserve? Hamilton, Whitham, Merri»Un, Halsted.) give satisfaction. worn is arranged under the blouse yards of edging, or two Gnrrels, lace Inches v/lde; either bow Discus.
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