PROPERTY OF FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY SUMMIT, N. 1 by Anne Plaut rnitment and.reneged on see the war end, par- plight of the children — the doing errands with his Summit residents, inter- it." ticularly since he lost a orphans and those who family. commented. viewed in the downtown Patrolman Gerald nephew in Vietnam who were maimed by the war — "We're fortunate we IT business area last Saturday Holmes said, "If they (U.S. had only been in there a oecause she has recently finished with the problem morning, were unanimous Forces) were going to pull week. On the question of adopted two young girls, Adding that hindsight is in expressing their relief out, they should have done refugees, Mr. Nicholls from another country, her- better than foresight, Mr that the war in Vietnam is it a long time ago and not said: "Historically we've self. Cook said: "if we had been All Thankful Viet over. As was to be expect- wail until 50,000 lives were been a nation of im- James B. Hawley, a re- armed with that kind of ed, however, there were lost." • migrants What's some tired Summit High School vision we wouldn't have sharp differences about the Talking about Viet- more'" teacher, said he was not gotten started there in the War Is Over But Many way the war was conduct- namese refugees who are Isaac Mah, a native of happy about our going to first place." He expressed ed, the refugee question coming to this country, he Hong Kong, said: "The help fight other peoples' the hope that "maybe we and what can be expected said,: "We have enough nightmare is over It is a wars." He noted that can keep it in mind for the in that country now that it here to take care of without good thing for the United Southeast Asia seems to be future." Question its Conduct He was happy to see the is in Communist hands. bringing another 100,000 States and for everybody." filled with conflict and he Patrolman David For- people in." Mrs. Dennis Riekmon, hopes this war was "the country "extend its hand to michella said, "I'm not William Nicholls, who who works at The Planta- last one" for the "sake of help people in trouble At KW 8a8SS8aa8S^^ happy with the way it end- works in the Summit Post tion, said she particularly the citizens living there." ed. I feel we made a com- Office, said he was glad to emphathized with the Jack Cook, who was out (Continued on Page 17) ERALD Serving Summit Since 1889 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Summit, N.J. 07901 Under the Act of March 8.1879 273-4000 Second Class Postaae Paid at Summit N J Thursday, May 8» 1975 Council Tables Overlook Action Common Council has Judge Dreier, in April of variance and be sent to the conduct a public hearing on of alcoholism is now deferred action on 1974, remanded the matter next Council meeting for the proposal for a hospital becoming "fashionable, Overlook Hospitals Drug to the board on the grounds attention. zone May 14. Mr. Kenyon said the hospi- and Alcohol Rehabilitation that insufficient notice had Harry Perlet, who had Edward T. Kenyon. tal is in business for the Centers until its next meet- been given for the original been co-counsel for the ob- counsel for the hospital, treatment of illnesses and ing, although many hearing. jecting neighbors when the said the need for the disease, which is what al- residents at Tuesday When the matter was case went before Judge centers still exists, as it did cohol and drug addiction night's meeting urged it to reheard this past March. Dreier. requested Council when the original hearing are. postpone action until the the board came up with the to cwnduct a hearing on the was held two years ago. He challenged the asser- fate of a professional and same findings of fact and matter Tuesday night, Answering a charge of Mr. hospital zone is decided. conclusions of law, but which was not statutorily Perlet's that the treatment (Continued on Page 12) The Council must meet decided to classify the required, and it did. statutory requirements in usages as special excep- Several residents object- arriving at a decision on the tions, which do not need ed to the center on the matter which had been Council approval. grounds that the need was Barrett Verdict remanded to it by Superior On April IH, when Judge not sufficient, that "out- Court Judge William F Dreier, who retained juris- siders would be utilizing Dreier diction in the matter, heard the facilities, thereby May Be Appealed The Zoning Board's ac- the continued case, he said deteriorating the area and. tion, in 1973, granting the he fell the board should most important, it was The Zoning Board of Ad- nor Byrne early in justment is giving serious December, requires group PLANT SALE COMING UP - Getting ready for the Garden Club's annual plant sale hospital variances for the have granted a variance premature to decide on the operation of both centers, and not a special exception matter when the question consideration to an appeal homes to be considered as are, frwn left to rigfct, Bin. Edward Haiteck, Mrs. Radford Lovett aad Mrs. Robert A. of Superior Court Judge single family residential Malta, lie sale wffl fee teid •» Friday, May lMrain date May 17), in the Promenade was appealed by area He then said that if the of a hospital zone and residents who objected to » hbird took no further ac- 'dalfd land use ..it. still Cuddle E. Davidson's units for zoning purposes. It MaB fMaV#*,itr. i» 4 p.n. Perenaiais, munalsT berts and some small shrubs will be 1 decision, ordering the city's also decrees that a tar sale » *eU as haagiBg baskets filled (or the summer. Profits of the sale go for the the infringement in tion at i! - next met'tini:. i' Manmnu reMdential nciiUibn! hood-- vv ould bt- '. on si i'ii i I en ;i - Ihf Planning Board will building inspector to issue a municipality cannot ^ ctvk aad edacatjpul projects. (Judy Freedman photo) certificate Of-occupancy for legislate against a group Barrett House, it was home. learned following an executive session of the Asked about the board's Overlook to Provide Free board Monday night. consideration of an appeal. The board's counsel. Councilman Murray Ross, Arthur Condon, confirmed chairman of the public- Physicals for City Schools that such consideration is welfare committee, said he being given to an appeal, had heard it was a pos- although he stressed no sibility. He would not com- In a comprehensive new terscholastic teams in the year, according to Walter definitive action has been ment beyond that, program. Overlook Hospi- Summit schools, plus Eddy, Business Manager of taken. The board is await- however, since no official tal will provide physical screening of Tine Test the Summit school system. ing a written copy of Judge overture has been rnSftte to examinations for over 1,800 referrals from school Mr Eddy added that the Davidson's opinion ren- the Council from the Zoning students in the Summit nurses. school board, "as well as dered on April 18 before Board about the matter. school system next year, to To provide medical ser- local taxpayers, are taking further action. be provided free of charge vices the equivalent to He explained the Zoning sppreciative of Overlook's Mr. Condbn indicated the Board needs no authoriza- to the community through those being donated by cooperation in effecting board may proceed to test the cooperation of the Overlook Hospital would tion from the Council to (Continued on Page 2) the entire constitutionality proceed, because it has a .Overlook Medical Staff and probably cost $10,000 a of the state statute upon the Overlook Medical budget for its own legal which the judge's decision funds, which probably Education Department. was based. This statute, Announcing the program signed, into law by Gover- (Continued on Page 2) today, Superintendent of Camp Fund $800 Schools Richard L. Fiander New gifts in the amount Opening this year's cam- pointed out that by law an- of $143 brought the 27th an- paign last week were the nual health exams are nual Summit Herald Fresh Summit Sunshine Society, required of all students in Air camp fund close to the $100, an annual donor; the "Impasse" Admitted grades 4, 7 and 10 plus all $800 mark this week. Nell C. Crane Trust Fund. WASHINGTON SCENE — Members of Boy Scout Troop 66 of Summit visited with transfer students. As of Tuesday, contribu- $50 and $500 from the Congressman Matthew J. Rtnaldo at his office in Washington. Left to right are Robert By Education Board "While the majority of tions totalled $793. At this Chesebrough Foundation. Barnes of 114 Beechwood road. Congressman Kinaldo, Robert Ginsburg of 12 Passaic these students have their time last year when the Last year donations to avenue, Thomas Canti of 34 Stockton road. Scoutmaster Andrew Rosen of 86 Canoe The Board of Education week's Summit Herald, physicals performed by drive was in its second the fund reached $4,631 and Brook parkway, and Peter Noordsj of 106 Beechwood road. Donald Steinbrugge of 71 this week seemed to be that Gerald Dorf, a labor their family physicians — week, donations were at were received from over Colt road occupies the Congressman's chair. moving to agreement with relations attorney who as they should be — there is the $820 mark.
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