JAG U AR ASSO C IAT IO N O F NEW ENG L AND FO R M EM B ER SH IP INFO R M AT IO N C ALL AD R IAN C U R T IS 6 0 3-2 93-4 9 38 O R V ISIT O U R W EB SIT E W W W .J-A-N-E.O R G BNUDMSQX B@S VOLUME 6, NUMBER 3 MARCH 2004 Brian Redman and Gary Hagopian at Daytona Rolex club day Gary's E type coupe and Ray David's XKSS replica Picture by Ray David INSID E T H IS ISSU E: INSID E T H IS ISSU E: MEETING NOTES 1 DAYTONA ROLEX CLUB DAY 6 JONAT IS COMING ON JUNE 24 3 BRIaN REDMAN 6 JAGUAR NEWS 4 EEVENT PICTURES 7 JUDGE'S TECH SESSION 4 CLASSIFIED 10 FRONT END REBUILD SESSION 5 DRAGGIN JAGS 11 VISIT O U R W EB SIT E AT H T T P ://W W W .J-A-N-E.O R G VOLUME 6, NUMBER 3 PAGE 1 JJaagguuaar rA Asssoocciaiatitoionn o of fN Neeww E Enngglalanndd Meeting Notes The business meeting on 25 February was well at- 2020030/42 0C0a4l eCnadlaern doaf rE ovfe Entvse nts tended with about 25 members. It combined some Events for the year which JANE will host, co-host or participate in business with a talk by Dave Randall about the Bar- Events for the year which JANE will host, co-host or participate in rett-Jackson and RM auctions in Phoenix in January. asa as cal uclbu.b C. oCnotnactatc Dt Wavee sR Kanedyealsl 2 a0t7 -937683--858373-89 6o1r6 D faovre d Hetiagiglsi nbottom 978-683-6278 for details February 2004 January 2004 The committee reports opened the meeting right after Monthly meeting at Skip's, Chelmsford, MA………February 25th Monthly meeting at Skip's, Chelmsford, MA………January 28th the introductions. All committee chairs were present ). March 2004 The treasurer's report showed a healthy balance, but February 2004 with JCNA dues owed this month, that will be reduced Front End Tech Session, Gilford,NH………………...March 6th to a more normal balance. Cash flow looks good the JCNA AGM, Long Beach, CA…………………….March 11-14th no more major expenses until the Concours except for some membership expense. Monthly meeting at Skip's, Chelmsford, MA…...……March 24th Have an idea for an event ? April 2004 Give Dave Randall a call at 978-887-9616 Judge's Tech Session, Hoppe Tool, Chicopee, MA….....April 25th Annual budgets were submitted to Diane Crook with- out review. A budget will be prepared by Diane for Monthly Meeting, at Skip's. Chelmsford, MA……..…..April 28th presentation to the club at a future meeting. Drag Nite, NE Raceway, Epping, NH…………………April 30th Have an idea for an event ? Harry Parkinson and Carl Hanson presented the Give Dave Randall a call at 978-887-9616 AGM agenda items for discussion so the at the AGM in mid-March Carl and Harry, our delegates can ex- press JANE's positions. Most critical items were dis- J A N E OFFICERS cussed. President: Karen Bates (781-963-3657) VP/ Events: Dave Randall (978-887-9616) Please read the JONAT event announcement on Slaloms: John Loring (508-878-6890) page 11. We need volunteers to take care of our leg of this event as coordinators. Contact Mark Roberge, Secretary: Dave Herrick (603-673-1314) our section coordinator or Carl Hanson, his assistant Treasurer: Diane Crook (781-659-4024) if you can help out. VP/Membership: Adrian Curtis (603-293-4938) Sue Curtis The judge's training session will be at Hoppe Tool at Concours: Ed Hall (508 853 8193) he end of April. It has been moved to Sunday, April 25 so mark that date. It was suggested that a future Carl Hanson (781 275 2707) tech session might be a concours prep session. Is Chief Judge: Eric Hagopian (413-821-8987) there any support for such a session? Advertising: David Roth (603 465 3787) Editor: Harry Parkinson (603 882-9367) The first meeting will be held at Skip's in Chelmsford 30 Coburn Ave. on March 28th. Upcoming year's budgets are to be submitted and the Bradys will present their annual Nashua, NH 03063 LeMans report. Carl Hanson is joining the Brady JANE on the Web bunch at LeMans this year so we'll have his prospec- tive as well. http://www.j-a-n-e.org Regalia on the web Order on line, pay by Pay Pal Hope to see you there. New inventory! Shirts, hats, and more 0AGE 2 COVENTRY CAT 3456+E 6, NUMBER 3 PAGE 3 Jaguar Trivia Electrical Theory by Joseph Lucas Proper circuit functioning which is the transmission of negative ions, requires a positive ground for retention, to eliminate the What was Jaguar model body had the longest continuous spectral manifestation known as “SMOKE” production run? Smoke is necessary to make electrical things function. We Answer on page 6 know this to be true, because any time smoke is allowed to escape from such an electrical circuit, the device fails to work. This can be verified empirically, by testing. The JONAT is Coming! The JONAT is Coming! Tour to meet at MOT on 24 June Example; Placing a copper bar directly across the terminals of your Jaguar’s battery, will liberate prodigious quantities of smoke, and the battery will shortly cease functioning. JANE members, get ready for the arrival of the “Jaguar Owners North American Tour (JONAT).” What is JONAT, you ask? It is an informal, rather ambitious Jaguar Example; If one observes the smoke escaping from an electri- driving tour around the whole country with legs up into Can- cal component such as the Jaguar’s Lucas voltage regulator, ada as well. Each sector has a volunteer organization, includ- you will observe that upon cessation of its smoking, the device ing an all-important “sector coordinator.” The sector organiz- no longer will function. ers lay out a route of between 120 to 300 miles per day with a common start and stopping point. Each tourist must make his own reservations, but the planners hope that enough bonding This logic is correct and inescapable. takes place such that people will tour together. According to the website, the tour arrives in New England from Quebec on Wednesday, June 23, with an overnight stop in the Stowe, VT, The wire harness functions to conduct the smoke from one area. Then on Thursday, June 24, it progresses to the Boston device to another. When the harness springs a leak, the area, with a rest day on Friday June 25. On Saturday, June smoke escapes out of the system rendering all electrical com- 26, JONAT goes on to Mahwah, NJ, former home of Jaguar ponents useless. North America. The New Jersey Jaguar Touring Club will es- cort the tour members on Boston/Mahwah,NJ leg. It has been reported that Lucas electrical components are more prone to leak their smoke than say, Bosch, Japanese, or JANE member Mark Roberge has volunteered as American counterparts. Experts have pointed out that this re- sector coordinator to pick the group in Stowe, VT and get sults from Lucas being British, and all things British, LEAK! them to the Boston area. Carl Hanson will be the assistant sector coordinator. We are scheduling this with our annual lawn event at MOT with a BBQ, car show and a meeting night. British engines leak oil, shocks, hydraulic forks, and brakes, We'll also need some help for the BBQ unless our usual leak fluid, and British Intelligence leaks national defense se- chefs,Jack and Nancy Capocefalo, are back from Florida. The crets! It therefore follows that British electrical systems should following day, Friday, June 25, the tour will be on their own to leak their smoke. Again, this logic is inescapable. visit sites in and around the Boston area, but may need some tour guides. We will host Jaguar owners from other parts of the In conclusion, this basic concept of transmission of electrical country and might enjoy touring along with them for one or energy in the form of smoke, logically explains the mysteries more sectors. This is a definite work in progress so stat tuned. of failed Lucas electrical components. Get in touch with Mark Roberge or Carl Hanson for A final word of advice: details and for lending helping hand. “A Gentleman does not motor about, after dark”! Mark can be reached via email at [email protected]; Joseph Lucas (1842 – 1903) Carl Hanson's email is [email protected]. 0AGE 4 COVENTRY CAT J A G U A R A N N O U N C E S X - T Y P E E S T A T E P R I C E S a m i n a c h i e v i n g i t s g o a l s t h i s s e a s o n . T h e r e a r e s o m e r e a l l y g o o d p e o p l e i n t h e t e a m a n d I h a v e s e t t l e d i n q u i t e q u i c k l y . T h e J a g u a r t o d a y a n n o u n c e s p r i c e s f o r t h e n e w X - T Y P E E s t a t e (wagon).
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