S10424 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 2, 2008 Whereas, in 2007, before the conclusion of The legislative clerk read as follows: won 14 gold medals over the course of the working group, authorities of the Gov- A resolution (S. Res. 704) Congratulating his Olympic career, also an Olympic ernment of Lithuania approved additional the members of the United States Olympic record, and a total of 16 medals. To put construction on the disputed ground; and Paralympic Teams on their success in this astonishing feat into perspective, Whereas, in May 2007, the working group, the 2008 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Michael won more gold medals in Bei- consisting of historians, scientists, and rab- Games and supporting the selection of Chi- bis from Lithuania and around the world, jing than all but eight countries! And cago, Illinois, as the site of the 2016 Summer he won more medals in total than all called for a halt in construction activity Olympic and Paralympic Games. until completion of a site study to be under- but 24 countries! taken using ground-penetrating radar; There being no objection, the Senate Who will ever forget the incredible Whereas, on September 3, 2008, a group proceeded to consider the resolution. come-from-behind victory Michael and commissioned by the Government of Lith- Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I rise his teammates Garrett Weber-Gale, uania to study the area using the ground- today to recognize the outstanding Cullen Jones, and Jason Lezak penetrating radar concluded that the bound- Olympic and Paralympic athletes from achieved in Men’s 400-Meter Freestyle aries of the cemetery included the disputed Maryland who proudly represented our Relay event as they edged the favored apartment buildings; country in the 2008 Summer Olympic Whereas the Ministry of Culture of Lith- French team by 8/100ths of a second? uania released a statement dismissing the and Paralympic Games in Beijing, That was one of the most exciting and study as inconclusive; China. inspirational finishes in Olympic his- Whereas the fact that the Government of Michael Phelps II, a swimmer from tory. Just as exciting was Michael’s Lithuania has allowed construction to take Baltimore; Katie Hoff, a swimmer from finish in the Men’s 200-Meter Butterfly place at the Jewish cemetery located in the Towson; David Banks, a rower from Po- event when a stutter stroke and lunge Snipiskes area of Vilnius, Lithuania, and tomac; Jun Gao, a table tennis player at the end enabled him to beat Laszlo that desecration of sacred sites continues from Gaithersburg; Scott Parsons, a Cseh by the width of a fingernail! into the 21st century, is an affront to the canoe and kayak racer from Bethesda; international Jewish community, the people Despite the epic greatness of his of the United States, and everyone who val- Freddie Adu, a soccer player from achievement, Michael spoke modestly ues religious freedom and ethnic diversity Rockville; Gary Russell, Jr., a boxer after winning his eighth gold, saying, around the world; from Capital Heights; Tatyana McFad- ‘‘Records are always made to be broken Whereas the United States and Lithuania den, a wheelchair racer from Clarks- no matter what they are . Anybody signed the Agreement on the Protection and ville; and Jessica Long, a swimmer can do anything that they set their Preservation of Certain Cultural Properties from Baltimore, made all Marylanders mind to.’’ Michael proved not only to on October 15, 2002; proud as exemplary members of Team be a model of what one can achieve Whereas Article 1 of the Agreement states, USA. ‘‘Each Party will take appropriate steps to with hard work and determination, but protect and preserve the cultural heritage of In particular, I especially would like also a model of the courtesy and all national, religious or ethnic groups . to recognize the three athletes from sportsmanship upon which the Olym- who reside or resided in its territory and Maryland whose exceptional perform- pics were founded. He is a self-effacing were victims of genocide in its territory dur- ances were rewarded with Paralympic young man whose enthusiasm, mod- ing the Second World War. The term ‘cul- and Olympic medals. esty, cheerfulness, and charm have en- tural heritage’ for purposes of this Agree- Jessica Long won four gold medals, deared him to people around the world. ment means . cemeteries and memorials one silver medal, and one bronze medal I would be remiss if I didn’t mention to the dead. .’’; in the 2008 Paralympics. Jessica not Whereas cemeteries are sacred sites and his extraordinary mother, Debbie, and are established to remain undisturbed in per- only won six medals; she set the world his coach, Bob Bowman. The obvious petuity, and the sanctity of a cemetery is de- record in the Women’s 100-Meter Free- affection and respect he has for these termined by the bodies buried in the ceme- style event. two people indicate just how important tery; and Perhaps more extraordinary than her they have been in his life. Whereas, while vandalism of headstones or performance in this year’s games are Michael is not content to rest on his construction of a commercial building on the the challenges she had to overcome laurels. He wants to attract more kids site disgraces the cemetery, it does not just to get to Beijing. Jessica was born to swimming and to teach them about change its sacred status: Now, therefore, be with an abnormality in her lower legs pursuing their dreams, using his own it Resolved, That the Senate— and spent her infancy at an orphanage life as an example. He will donate the (1) expresses strongly to the Government in eastern Russia before an American $1 million Olympic bonus he received of Lithuania that the cemetery located in couple adopted her when she was 13 from Speedo to a foundation he has the Snipiskes area of Vilnius, Lithuania, months old. Five months later, she had created to promote water safety and which is an important part of the cultural her legs amputated in the U.S. While youth swimming. ‘‘This is a way for me heritage of the Jewish people, should not be these obstacles may have broken the to really help grow the sport,’’ he said further desecrated; spirit of most others, they only in explaining why he gave the prize to (2) urges the Government of Lithuania to strengthened Jessica’s resolve and she take all the necessary steps to immediately the newly-created Michael Phelps stop and, if necessary, reverse, construction is now a 15-time world record holder. Foundation. on that cemetery; Katie Hoff also excelled in Beijing, Michael knew he wanted to spread in- (3) reaffirms that constructive bilateral re- winning one silver and two bronze med- terest in swimming but also wanted to lations between Lithuania and the United als at the XXIX Olympiad. In addition convey a message that could apply to States are important to the Governments to winning the silver medal in the other activities, so he is creating a pro- and citizens of both countries; and Women’s 400-Meter Freestyle event, gram called ‘‘Dream, Plan, Reach.’’ It’s (4) expresses strong support for the work of Katie set American records in winning designed to help children set goals and the United States Commission for the Pres- the silver medal in the Women’s 400- take daily responsibility for pursuing ervation of America’s Heritage Abroad and for the European countries that continue to Meter Freestyle Relay event, in win- them. He is also helping to raise money work to preserve sacred historical sites, de- ning the bronze medal in the Women’s for charity by autographing photos, spite ongoing challenges. 800-Meter Freestyle Relay event and in USA swim caps, Sports Illustrated cov- f finishing fourth in the Women’s 200- ers, and other collectibles in a deal Meter Freestyle event. with Grandstand Sports & Memora- CONGRATULATING 2008 OLYMPIC Last, but certainly not least, is the bilia, offering fans the chance to own AND PARALYMPIC TEAMS performance of Michael Phelps—the keepsakes from the Beijing Games. Mr. NELSON of Nebraska. Mr. Presi- greatest accomplishment in Olympic The people of Maryland are privi- dent, I ask unanimous consent that the history, and one of the greatest ath- leged to have had such an outstanding Senate proceed to the immediate con- letic accomplishments of all time. group represent us at the Olympic sideration of S. Res. 704 submitted ear- This summer, Michael Phelps set Games. All of these athletes sacrificed lier today. seven world records and one Olympic tremendously in order to reach this The PRESIDING OFFICER. The record while winning eight gold med- pinnacle of athletic success, spending clerk will report the resolution by als, the most ever by an individual ath- countless hours in grueling and ardu- title. lete in a single Olympics. He now has ous training in order to wear the red, VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:35 Oct 03, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02OC6.026 S02OCPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with SENATE October 2, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10425 white, and blue in Beijing. I commend Santos, Heather Bown, and Kim countries in Beijing: Andrew Hurd for them all for their dedication and valor, Willoughby, all shared a hand in claim- Canada in swimming; Alon Mandel for and the exemplary way in which they ing the silver medal for an exciting Israel in swimming; Natasha Moodie represented the United States of Amer- U.S. Women’s Volleyball team. for Jamaica in swimming; Valeria ica. They have made Marylanders and The University of Hawaii has a lot to Silva for Peru in swimming; Nate all Americans proud.
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