fjtii^\ iffi'i'^iii iVi '•ii'iYfii'l^'lTflriiarrfiWai^VJriir^^^^^^m^iMdM^rJ^i^^,^^...^.^^ ^ HOW MANY TIMES A MY DO VDU INHALE? 50?1^I00?H200? IF YOU'RE AH AVERAGE SMOKER THE RIGHT AHSWER IS OVER 200! Yes, 200 times every day yevr imse and thieal are exposed to irritolien... 200 GOOD REASONS WHY YOU'RE BEnER OFF SMOiONG PHILIP MORRIS! PROVED definitely milder .. PROVED definitely less irritating than any other leading brand .. PROVED by outstanding nose and throat specialists. YES, you'll be glad tomorrow ... you smoked PHILIP MORRIS today! CALL FOR PHILIP MORRIS ^' The Scholastic Don't sell iJn litfcl IIEY'RE both good basketball on size, came up \\ath a new small T type, ^^^len 600 of these new ampli­ fiers are mounted on a frame t\vo feet I players. But if we were to wide and eleven feet high, they do a -^ judge them the way we judge job which once required a roomful of telephone equipment, we'd take the equipment. Size was cut—but not small one. performance! You see, telephone equipment occu­ pies valuable space, uses costly mate­ This is one of many cases where the rials. Paring dowm its size helps keep Bell System has made big things small down the cost of telephone service. to help keep the cost of telephone Take voice amplifiers, for example. ser\ace low. Telephone engineers put the squeeze BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM February 15, 1952 DIAMONDS — JEWELRY — WATCHES DR. ROBERT F. LUCAS LETTERS General Dentistry J. Trethewey Diseases and surgery of mouth and jaws JOE THE JEWELER Extraction of teeth—x-ray diagnosis 702 J. M. S. Building Orchids 104 N. Main St. J. M. S. Bldg. SOUTH BEND [iy appointment PH. 4-5661 Editor: - Congratulations on your fir;t issue of the second semester. That new cover peps up the magazine 100 per cent. A real professional looking job. Keep up the good work. Ray Walker RETAILING needs eollege-frained Off-Campus A Nature Lover Speaks young people like YOU Editor: I went to the show last Saturday AS FUTURE EXECUTIVES in Washington Hall and I want to tell Retailing is a dynamic profession. It offers as many career possibilities as you what I think of those fellows there are personal aptitudes: interesting positions in merchandising, adver­ there who kept hootin' and hollerin' all tising, fashion, management, personnel, or teaching. One-year graduate thi-ough that picture. Now don't get program leading to Master's degree combines practical instruction, market contacts,, and supervised work experience—-with pay—in top New York me wrong, I don't mean that there stores. Program for Bachelors degree candidates and non-degree students picture about the German guy Rommel also. but what I mean is that comedy. You REQUEST BULLETIN C-52 know that's the thing that comes on NEW YORK UNIVERSITY School of Retailing before the main picture. Well this comedy wasn't really a comedy at all 100 Washinston Square New York 3, N. Y. but w-as about the ti-ees and the ani­ mals that live in the forest and about some bad woodsman who wanted to chop down a little tree and how all the things of the forest got together and saved the little tree. That was a very \. \\ good picture to me but do you know what some of the fellows in Wash­ ington Hall were doing? You wouldn't believe it but they were on the side of that bushy faced old woodsman who wanted to chop down the ti-ee. Now I want to ask you do you think that's fair? I don't and if I ever see any AT ARTHUR MURRAY'S of those fellows who were against the trees and the rest of the animals in the picture walking around campus I'm going to punch them right in the nose. Yours trulj!-, Roger O'Keefe Breen-Phillips Confound It! Join the fun at the many Editor: Arthur Murray Student Last week's issue of your very fine parties. Here's your and eagerly anticipated magazine car­ chance to dance with the ried a letter from a gentleman in experts and learn the latest Howard Hall in which he attempted to steps at very little cost. define the term and social status of an engineer. Nov/s the time to learn to Although we have the greatest re­ dance and save... spect for some members of that group, Don't wait another day to enroll at neverthele-s w-e wish to point out that Arthur Murray's. Special anniversary the definition proposed last week, al­ rates are in effect and extra special though containing a great many poly­ parties are planned, too. And, learn­ syllabic words, actually runs around ing is quicker and easier at Arthur in circles. In short it makes no sense. Murray's with his wonderful "First Step To Popularity" method. So hurry, We would like to know if it is com­ hurry—come in now. mon procedure for engineers to spend all their time in a continual attempt ARTHUR MURRAY School of Dancing to confuse other members of that so­ ciety? Equally confused, CALL 2-3339 For Your Appointment NOW Off-Campus 120 E. WAYNE ST. SPECIAL —"STUDENT DISCOUNT" The Scholastic This problem could be taken up by # the engineers, who certainly must have some theory on how to handle this situ­ ation; but rather would we suggest that the tradition-blocked outside steps of the Main Building, leading to the out­ side, be opened for daily use for all students. By Jack Hynes Top of the Week Tiiie, it is a somewhat iron-clad tra­ dition that only seniors on graduation SCHOLASTIC'S new cover pleases the doing nothing and this little project day, graduate students and faculty be majority of the subscribers but . might be right up their alley. I nomi­ allowed the use of the Main building The second semester here at Leahy- nate me. steps. But in the interest of public land has always been rife with all sorts Choose Your Partners safety, and before my insurance runs of feverish and organizational activities out, it might be worth considering the of one kind or anothei-. And this cur­ Last week's SCHOLASTIC, along with idea of scrapping this particular tra­ rent semester is more rife than many a new cover, carried a picture feature dition to make room for our increased of its predecessors ever have been. In inside of photographs taken hereabouts numbers. fact, I dare say this semester will go some 50 years ago. down in history and tradition as being We noted unth particular interest the Bottom of the Week the most rife semester ever. picture of several charming St. Mary's To pull aside the curtain a bit and Gibson girls gaily (?) prancing about ... No SCHOLASTICS were delivered to 0 take a quick peek, we note that the a May-pole. We were struck with the the men of Sorin Hall last week—and agenda is positively fat with such sudden realization that this spirited and we're rather buraed up about it, too, things as the Mardi-Gras carnival, the sportive custom has been done away by George! Bengal Bouts, two University Theatre with by the younger generation across productions, a mock presidential nomi­ the highway. And we rather think it's nating convention, and of course, for a shame, too. We feel inclined to sug­ the tired and worn, graduation. gest, then, that the custom of dancing around the May-pole be brought back Quiet on the Set! to the campus by our sister scholars David Kempler come this Spring. It certainly would Most of the embryo Jake LaMottas be just lots of fun, girls, and who and Rocky Marcianos who daily spend knows, maybe WGN-TV would come their afternoon amicably pummelling down to cover it. FAY'S one another in ND's answer to Still- man's Gym on the second floor of the How About a Tunnel? Quality Jewelers fieldhouse, are as yet unaware of the We have been noticing since last vast audience who will view their fistic Welcomes Notre Dame students September, a condition which, of late, efl'orts come Bengal Bout time. to come in and visit with us. has become a rather distressing prob­ But it has been definitely confii-med, lem—crowds. Specifically, we refer to that WGN-TV will televise the final We carry a large showing of fine the crowds of fellow scholars who, every night of Bengal bouts, carrying the Watches and Jewelry hour on the hour, pour down the stairs local leather ban-age throughout the We maintain a complete inside the Main Building and, stampede­ Midwest, a program feature, replacing, Watch and Jewelry Repair Service. like, attempt to squeeze through the ^no doubt, the Colgate Comedy Hour. doors under the outside stairs, invari­ All this is in the way of reminding ably trampling some visiting Commerce Ill South Michigan Street the sweat-suited gents clobbering the man who stopped to tie his shoe. heavy bag in the field house, that they had better read up on stage presenta­ tion, camera angles, and the like if they are to hope for a successful debut.' Rumor also has it that Nappy will supply the finalists with jars of Max SUNNY ITALY Factor pancake make-up before they go A NOTRE DAME TRADITION _ on. I always said that he looked just like Sam Goldwyn. Roll 'em! A La Fiesta! — 'Er Whatever "Rosie's." Here you'll Next weekend might very well turn always enjoy the out to be the most action-packed, breath­ less set of three days ever turned over Italian accent on to a Mardi-Gras Carnival if the' ad­ Fine Food.
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