r. ,.:... - % $ r 6 1 'A-'-V.' ............ '" ' " " ' llilllili'l '" —•'••*"<••-m • . I..-. • f\SV v--;^ '^;fS ?5?R®B L- ^ODARBfeSi^Sftfef •••• *»<»»« Librarian •****? , - ^:#^: J-%:^ -S |«fr .v < :?J-r'H? , ew / •••'•••' ",' :• ^-r...^i, •!**: ,v "\.vV£ t . : ^;:'';tt^;3s:®i : -W t.-'.Cjs ; '. •' ?3 THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE TOWN OP ENFIELD, CONN. t:tm /Fifty-Second Year—No. 9. S£—^^ xXi H THOMPSONYILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1931 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5e. x LEGION SOCIALS PLANNED PROGRAM FOR Series of Weekly Events Arranged by Appears in Piano NOTABLE FIGURE the H. J. Tanguay Post;' . A weekly "social program hag been Recital Tomorrow To Reduce Danger GRADUATION AT arranged by the Horace J. Tanguay SITE WILL NOT BE IN TOWN AFFAIRS Post, American Legion, which is prov­ JUNIOR fflGfl ing particularly attractive to the younger people of the community. It RECOMMENDED DIES SUDDENLY At HylandV Corner consists of a dance which has been arranged to take place at the Colony Exercises For Gradua­ Golf Club on Enfield street every Committee of Thomp­ Funeral of Michael M. Thursday evening. Three of these State Highway Department Makes First Move tion of 152 Members of events have been held so far on suc­ sonville Fire and Sewer Connor Will Be Held at Class Will be Held in ceeding Thursdays, and the fourth is District Will Recom­ Today to Eliminate Some of the More Danger­ to be held this evening. The post is St. Patrick's Tomorrow the School Auditorium sponsoring these dances purely for mend That Matter Be Morning — Heart At­ ous Features of This Traffic Hazard—Another purpose of providing social opportun­ Motor Crash There This Week, Injuring Two. Next Wednesday. ities for the younger people of the Held in Abeyance. tack Proves Fatal. community that will be both conven­ The graduating exercises for the ient and inexpensive. The proximity Because of the economic condition The funeral of Michael M. Connor, Definite steps were taken today by fAMMICCIAXIPD C Junior High School will be held in of the club house to the center of the there will be no recommendation that ifor years a conspicuous figure in civ- the State Highway Department to LUlulflLjIjlUn Cilio the Higgins School Auditorium next community and the general attrac­ a site for a new fire headquarters be |ic gatherings in the town, and who eliminate some of the more dangerous Wednesday evening. The class which tiveness of the surroundings are fea­ purchased in the report to be present­ |died unexpectedly yesterday morning features of Hyland's Corner on En­ is slightly smaller than last year will tures that make these events partic­ ed to the voters of the Thompsonville jat his home on Pleasant street, will ularly inviting. Excellent music is Fire and Sewer District at the annual field street, which has a gory record ARE ACCEPT ABLE number 152 this year. The highest ibe held from St. Patrick's Church to of motor mishaps and is not only the honor student of the class is Donald furnishd for each event and perfect meeting June 30. The committee was •morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Burial order prevails at all times. The dan­ appointed at the last annual district worst highway curve in the town, but Methven Comrie, who will give an es­ I will be in St. Patrick's King Street perhaps in the state. The corner was Town Approves Selec­ say entitled "No End to Learning" ces are a valuable addition to the so­ meeting to look into the matter of se­ Cemetery. Mr. Connor had not been cial activities of the town. curing a site for the new headquar­ inspected today by William H. Sharp during the graduating exercises. The •feeling well for about two weeks, but of the state highway department for tions Made for New Po­ ters and report at the forthcoming ! it was not thought that his illness was second high honor student is Stephen meeting. the purpose of determining what tem­ lice Board—Will Begin S. Gracewski, whose essay will be on |of a serious nature until he suffered porary steps could be taken to elim­ "Monarchies vs. Republics." The fol­ The committee, after a preliminary I a heart attack early yesterday morn- NAMED PASTOR survey of available sites, and some inate as many of the dangerous fea­ Duties July 1. lowing is the complete program of MRS. EMMA B. GANNER I ing and died about 8 o'clock. tures of the highway at this point as inquiries as to cost, reached the con­ Mr. Connor was a native of the the exercises: possible. There is general approval of the se­ Processional, Mr. King and grad­ clusion that it would be inadvisable t n wh e e he 72 AT COLCHESTER to go further into the project at this Will Present Program in Recital °^' 1'. , V years ago Mr. Sharp, who is associated with lections made by the board of select­ uates; invocation, Rev. G. Stanley TT„I, - ,, o, . „c ,, n |and lived here all his life. He was a time. The report of the committee at / son of the late Thomas and the state highway department in men for the new board of police com­ Helps; song, "God of Our Fathers," Hd.ll Of the Springfield Con- Mary charge of this part of the highway class; address of Welcome, Leo Ku- the annual meeting will be a recom­ servatory of Music. (McKenna) Connor, From his young missioners and announced Monday Rev. Thomas J. Griffin mendation that the matter of securing work, will make a survey of the con­ evening following the bi-monthly ses­ peck, class president; song, "The Ice manhood he*•<= tookwun an active part ditions and will make a report of them a site for the proposed headquarters I in the political and civic life of sion of the board. The new commis­ King's Music," chorus, essay, "No of St Patrick's Is Noti­ to his department. Included in the sioners named are as follows: For the End to Learning," Donald Cormrie, be held in abeyance for the present. Mrs. Emma Bromage Ganner, who the community. He was a gifted pub­ Meantime, the fund for building pur­ is to graduate from the Springfield i ker, and was possessed of a data furnished will be a report by the: term of or.e year, former Town Clerk the highest honor pupil, song, "The fied This Morning of ic spea local police of the number of accidents and Treasurer J. Hamilton Potter and Dream of the Bird's Return," chorus; poses, which has now reached the sum Conservatory of Music on Tuesday, keen wit which he used to excellent His Transfer. of $5,228.17, will, in the opinion of June 30, will appear m a piano recit- purpose at town meetings and other at that point in the past year. Rec- Deputy Fire Chief Thomas J. Furey; prize essay, "Some Lessons the 250th the committee, have accumulated suf­ al at the Conservatory tomorrow eve- public gatherings ommendations will accompany the re- for the two year term, Michael J. Anniversary Has Taught Me," by win­ port to the state highway commission- Connor, member of the board of edu- ner of essay contest: piano and violin Rev. Thomas J. Griffin, assistant at ficiently in a few years so that the un­ nine at 8:15. She will be assisted by| He was by nature extremely friend- dertaking may be financed without Helen G. Dufresne, soprano, in the _ jy nd sociable, and while his nimble er. Mr. Sharp was accompanied in; cation, and Atty. Francis J. Fahey; duet, "HeEfrts and Flowers," Donald St. Patrick's Church here, has been a his inspection by First Selectman P. j three year term, Laurence T. Down- Comrie and Charles Calcasola; essay, imposing any additional burden on following program: Part I—Two tongue was quick with a retort, it was appointed pastor of St. Andrew's the taxpayers. §1Cwl i Carnava1 Mignon by .mainly in the form of a witty sally T- . I ey, secretary and treasurer of the "Monarchies viz. Republics," Stephen While it is recognized that only by j Thompsonville Fire and Sewer Dis- S. Gracewski, high honor pupil; jun-' Church in Colchester. Father Grif­ The report of Secretary-Treasurer Schutt, "Prelude and "Tnstesse de that was free from rancor or bitter- Laurence T. Downey, which has just Columbine ; "Vals Caprice ' (Cyriliness. He was active for years in the the complete elimination of this curve! trict, and George A. Hedenburg of ior high orchestra, "March Militaire" fin was notified of his appointment e will the situation there be corrected,: Hazardville, member of the board of this morning by Bishop John J. Nil- been compiled, shows that after the Scott), Emma B. Conner. 1 art II fraternal organizations, and served as (Schubert), "Grand Opera Selection," payment of $3,200.00 for the Maxim "Rosemonde" (Chaminade), "Reve there are many, including former, education. All the members of the arranged by Maddy; "Our Heroes"— an. He wiil assume charge of the chief ranger of Court Sumpter, For­ Representative William Hyland, who j new commission have had experience Colchester parish Wednesday, June truck, the current expenses of the de­ d'un son" (Chaminade), fielene G. esters of America, for several terms. Introduction and poem, "Wanted," Dufresne. Part III—"Second Arab- is thoroughly familiar with the situa- in local civic affairs. Henry Norian, "Theodore Roosevelt," 24. This will be Father Griffin's first partment and making the usual dis­ He was a member of the Holy Name tribution to the Building and Fire­ esquo" (Debussy), "Arabesque en!Society of St.
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