January 6, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 59 General, former Attorney General in saw Claiborne Pell, as President, Clai- the Claiborne Pell family for many the Truman administration. Young borne would take out from the back years, indeed generations. I yield to my Claiborne Pell won because he struck a pocket a worn copy of the U.N. Charter colleague. cord with the people of Rhode Island, which he carried and point out to him The PRESIDING OFFICER. The jun- because he was able to translate his the value of the United Nations, the ior Senator from Rhode Island. feeling for opportunity, for the privi- value of collective security. He was Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Thank you, Mr. lege that education bestows on every there in San Francisco in 1945 when the President. And I say to Senator REED, person, to the people of Rhode Island. U.N. was created. He was there in New thank you. He and Nuala campaigned and won, and York City 50 years later for its 50th an- I rise in honor of a great friend and then for 36 years they served with such niversary. mentor. I look around me at a room distinction, with such honor, and But his notion of a powerful America that just this morning was filled with brought such credit to our State. leading the world, not standing apart Senators. It was a crowded Senate He is best known as the author of the from it, his notion that our values, our floor, with packed galleries, as a group Pell grant, which provides grants to system, our commitment to human de- of bright and promising new Senators students to go to higher education, but cency would prevail in the face of So- began their careers, with all that joy he did so much more in the field of edu- viet totalitarianism and other forms of and hope. cation. He was involved in numerous totalitarianism was wisdom of the Now, as my senior Senator, JACK reauthorizations of the Elementary ages. In his service on the Senate For- REED, and I speak, the room is quiet, and Secondary Education Act. He la- eign Relations Committee, he not only the galleries are mostly empty, and bored over these provisions to make espoused those views, every day he re- colleagues are gathering in remem- sure young Americans were prepared minded us our destiny would take us brance because yesterday Rhode Island for college. He was also the author of far beyond what simply a military op- saw the sunset on a Rhode Island era the national sea grant college grant. eration or our economic power might with the funeral of our friend, Senator Just as we have land grant colleges because of our ideals, because of our Claiborne Pell. dating back to the Moral Act of the commitment to multinational support I am deeply honored by Senator 1860s, Claiborne said we should have a of creating a world community—a re- REED’s kind words, and he has a unique sea grant act that would allow the markable man. position as the successor to Senator sciences of the oceans, maritime He was someone who left and has left Pell. sciences, to be taught, to be explored, an indelible mark on Rhode Island and It must be an interesting feeling to to be investigated on college campuses. Rhode Islanders. As I mentioned yes- have served in the Senate for 36 years, He did so much. In addition to his terday, I had the privilege of wit- to have loved this institution, to have dedication to education, he also was nessing this profound bond so many accomplished extraordinary work in the creator of the National Endowment times. We have a parade each Fourth of this institution, and then to walk away for the Arts and the National Endow- July in Bristol, RI. It is the largest pa- and leave your seat to a new, young ment for the Humanities in 1965. He un- rade in Rhode Island. One hundred Senator to replace you. derstood that in the great sweep of thousand people, which is about a Senator Pell had great confidence in time, our military power might fade, tenth of the population of our State, Senator REED from the very beginning. our economic power might fade, but gathers for it. It is the oldest consecu- He was, indeed, able to assure that the power of our ideals, as expressed in tive Fourth of July parade in our coun- there was no primary to succeed a seat our literature, in our arts, would con- try. To walk in that parade is a great that was open for the first time in 36 tinue to move the world. And in order honor. But to walk with Claiborne Pell years, and it was because of his con- to make that access possible, not for is an extraordinary experience. For the fidence in JACK REED that he put in the well-to-do but for everyone, he cre- first few steps, you pretend the cheers that effort. I know firsthand how ex- ated the notion of a National Endow- are for you, but that quickly fades be- traordinarily proud he was of the Sen- ment for the Arts and Humanities. cause, mile after mile, people rush up ator JACK REED has shown himself to Thinking back in preparation for my and say: Thank you, Senator Pell. be. words yesterday, I thought of how Thank you, Senator Pell. Thank you We in Rhode Island are a little, tiny often his life intersected with mine, for the help when I needed it. Thank State, but over the years we have had starting at 10 years old in 1960. I saw you for the Pell grant. Thank you for some towering and remarkable Sen- the motorcade rushing by my grammar being the ideal public servant. Then ators. Claiborne Pell, obviously, was school with John F. Kennedy and Clai- you would see parents lift toddlers and one. John Chafee was one. John O. Pas- borne Pell in those final days of the say: There goes a great man, Claiborne tore was one. Theodore Francis Green campaign. But in regard to the Na- Pell. was one. Even the gentleman once tional Endowment for the Arts, my Well, he has touched us and he has known as the general manager of the first exposure to theater—and I was the made us so much better. I had the rare United States, Nelson Aldrich of Rhode proud son of working-class privilege and opportunity yesterday to Island, was a towering presence. Cer- Cranstonians in Cranston, RI—was say, on behalf of the people of Rhode tainly, Senator REED has shown him- Project Discover in which Trinity Rep- Island, something all of my fellow citi- self to have joined that pantheon. I ertory Company brought students in to zens wanted to say as soon as they probably have another 10, 20 years of see an act from Richard the II. That heard the news, as soon as they real- work before I get there, but I will keep was all part of the vision Claiborne had ized the great light of Claiborne Pell trying. But certainly Senator REED is of giving people an opportunity to ex- had dimmed; and those are two simple in that category, and I am deeply hon- plore the arts, to find their talent. He words: Thank you, Senator Pell. ored by his kind words. did it remarkably well. Mr. President, now I would like to Many in this body knew Claiborne Today, these two institutions endure. yield the floor to my colleague and Pell and served with him. I wish to say They provide access for millions of friend, Senator SHELDON WHITEHOUSE, on behalf of Rhode Islanders who Americans to the arts, to the human- who is someone who is molded in the watched the service yesterday how ities. They have encouraged creativity, image of Claiborne Pell, someone who grateful we are to Majority Leader and all of it is a tribute to Claiborne understands, as Senator Pell did, that REID, Majority Whip DURBIN, Claiborne Pell. opportunity is the engine that drives Pell’s dear friends, TED KENNEDY and He was perhaps most recognized in America, that our great skills have to JOE BIDEN, and Senators PAT LEAHY, international affairs for his staunch be harnessed to a higher purpose. It is DICK LUGAR, Orrin Hatch, CHRIS DODD, support of the United Nations. Yester- such a privilege and pleasure to serve JEFF BINGAMAN, JOHN KERRY, and JOE day, one of the eulogists, President with him. And not only that, but he LIEBERMAN, all of whom honored Sen- Clinton, pointed out that every time he has been a dear and personal friend of ator Pell by attending the funeral. Of VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:36 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S06JA9.000 S06JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 60 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 6, 2009 course, I give special thanks to Presi- ever at the time, 69 percent of the vote. moment because I remember in Rhode dent Bill Clinton, who came to Rhode To his great satisfaction, more Rhode Island a few years ago I was at an Island, a place where he is beloved, and Islanders voted for Claiborne Pell in event with a number of Senators, and spoke for his departed friend. that election than voted for John F. the distinguished Senator from Colo- Senator Pell was there for me in my Kennedy—so much for being the ‘‘least rado, now our Interior Secretary des- own career at key junctures in so many electable man in America.’’ ignate, was present.
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