Tuesday, April 20, 1919 ASIILAXD JTDIXGS MCE ttiRttt Good Cues and Tips Entire Highway to Boiling Points Form Billiard players prefer this place because they know that they can get be Paved this Year Continuous Chain GOOD cues; and modern equipment makes a lot of difference la the pleas- ure of the game. You KNOW It. Reason for laying over pavement Every motorist wants only such Profanity, gambling and other un- of the Pacific highway between Mon gasoline as will give easy starting desirable elements are absolutely roe and Junction City Is that a num- and full power. Really efficient per- TABOO here. We Invite GENTLE- ber of fills and changes in construc- formance can only be had from gaso- MEN only. on to be mado This is a clean, congenial amuse tion the route remain line with a full and continuous chain ment hall for decent, clean-cu- t fel and it Is the policy of the commis- ;of boiling points. lows. sion not to pave the same year, ac- I Low boiling points give easy start cording to R. A. Booth, who Is at ing and high boiling points, full Alnult's Billiard Parlor his home in Eugene for a few days, j power. The low boiling points start says the Eugene Guard. Bids will the explosion quickly. The gradual '(lean Sport for Regular Fellows" THE be called for paving between Eugene ly rising series of boiling points form I I and Goshen at the next meeting of the connecting links between the kit SMOOTHEST Notice! the state highway commission, which higher and the lower, Just like a fuse comes upon May 5. Highway engi giving ever increasing power , and SMOKING I have again taken charge of my neers have advised a change In the force to the explosion. Transfer business and will be pleased route Just east of the underground With both high and low boiling TOBACCO to have all of my old and new cus- crossing of the railway near Goshen. tomers call me at any time. I handle The sharp turn will be eliminated by your piano or furniture carefully and extending the road a few yards fur- 2,325,000 DE LAVAL promptly and I guarantee to please. ther east before, turning. The coun SEPARATORS WHEN 1 8 fishin' 1 want Orders left at House ty court has agreed to buy the addi L the White IN DAILY USE THE WORLD OVER VV r-- L.V 1 grocery tional right of way necessary (or the Lx xL or Icenhower's second hand Wherever grass grows and cows 1011 IIIUI UUCf UllU. lUUULVU store will be given prompt attention. change. are milked, you will find the De La- At the last meeting of the legisla val the favorite cream separator. ture when decision was made to lay More De Lavals are in use than . Webster Wertz combined. 15 mlh?s of test pavement, lumber- all other makes The De Laval is TRANSFER AND STORAGE men of guaranteed to time tested. It the northwest was the pioneer cream separator in 17-- 8t stand the difference In cost between 1878 and has led In popularity and five miles of wood block and con sales for forty years. crete paving. Announcement was It's the world's standard cream "Bite" in tobacco comes IXTERUItBAN AUTOCAR 00. separator. either from made quite a while past that the test Leave Ashland for Med ford, Tal- "ripening." road would be laid between. Eugene ASHLAND CREAMERY poor leaf or wrong ent and Phoenix daliy except Sunday and Junction City. Final orders at 9:00 a. m. and 11 a. m., and 1:00, await for guaranties of the lumber 4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Also on Satur- points connected by a gradually ris- We use for VELVET on'.y the finest Kentucky men. By the time this is completed day night at 6:30. Sundays, leave ing series, everything needed in good Burley. But we don't stop there. at :00 a. m 12:30, 4:30 and 6:30 the highway from the head of the gasoline is produced. m. valley 'will V. Willamette to Portland Red) Crown Is a well known Leave Medford for Ashland dally probably have been paved, accord- straight-distille- We put millions of pounds of this tobacco away except Sunday 8:00 10 a. m., gasoline with the at and ing to Mr. Booth, who says and 1:00, '4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Also that the full and continuous chain of boil- every year, in wooden hogsheads, for Nature to I on Saturday night at 10:15. On Sun- Intention to have the entire ing points necessary to give best re- days 10:30 a. m., 1:30, patiently ripen and mellow. 6:30 and stretch paved by the end of summer sults. Mixtures always have boles 9:30 p. m. s of next year. Mr. Booth declares Fare between Medford and Ash- in the power chain. land, 30 cents. Round trip 60 cents that the commission has all it can There art quicker ways, but they leave tome do out- in completing the work now R. E. Simmons, foreign trade ex- teeth in. lined and under way this summer. pert of American lumber industry, estimates western Europe, in- The VELVET way makes IV. A. Shell It Is up to every loyal patriotic that westerner to encourage public and cluding England, France, Belgium the friendlier kind of to- private building, thus making a mar- and Holland will require 7,000,000,-00- 0 bacco. You can always The Barber ket for western metals and lumber feet of lumber annually for next gt) to it for comfort with- and give impetus to both these great "come-back- ." four years and that a large part of out a employing industries. their lumber which in the past has PaclUc highway from Sutherlln come from Russia will now come Get chummy with 137 . Main to Roseburg to be paved. jfrora this country. VELVET today. .1 You aire LStP5 Roll a VELVET Jfgda a'.- VELVET'S natar:aS,J 1 C 5ri' 1 W PSdPL'iVV6 mildntu and emovlhneu P-t- S v; I -.-- if Baying to'i&r maka it Jutt right for i At cigartttct. at the pair of trunks, shoes and a bath robe," says Corbett. ".Vow that I'm MOVIE PERSONALITIES : a picture star I have to have at least eighteen suits, one for each episode, r. Moon mm ' iXw1 sjBg&&w $$$4$$3$$&&$S$ to say nothing of the suits which are screen JIarie Walcamp, dare-dev- il star of ruined for mo in my numerous the new Universal Berlal, "The Red fights. The pictures are certainly Glove," has Issued a challenge to any harder on clothes than fighting for other actress In pictures or on the a living was." when you say the war From Foochow, China, comes this legitimate stage to meet her ou the Mrs. Irene Duncan, designer In letter from K. li. Gardner, Foochow is over. It isn't over un- Sunta Monica speedway for a 50 or College: "Neolin Soles have solved the chief of the Universale wardrobe, 100 mile race. Mlss'Walcamp lie shoe problem for me. Other soles wore says she has found tho perfect mod- til we, the People of the lleves she Is the equal of any woman out quickly on the rocky roads here, el! She Is Claire Anderson for whom and I had auto driver In the country and Is no end of trouble with UnitedStates, have gained Mrs. Duncan conceived some superb them," he writes. anxious to try the speed of the 1Ik creations for Monroe Salisbury's pic Where other soles fail, Neolin Soles object which racer she used In "The Red Glove" every for we ture, "Tho Great White Darkness," always stand the test of hard wear and agulnst an opponent. rough usage. This fact points the way just completed under Paul Powell's plunged into war and have to economy. Buy Neolin-sole- d shoes direction, and for whom she is de Alice Elliott, a former Oakland so for the whole family, and so save shoe paid ofthe signing a beautiful lilack-sllk-am- money. And have Neolin Soles put on every cent cost ciety girl, who has been playing in spangles gown to wear In Jack Dil- your old shoes, too. Btock companies for the past few-- lon's comedy, "Tho Playwright." These durable, flexible, and water- months In San Francisco has been ... proof soles ore scientifically made by engaged to play the heavy feminine The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Rollln Sturgeon, tho director who role In Monroe Salisbury's newest Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot have done neither, first achieved fame thru his "God's production, "The Open Road," now Heels, guaranteed to outwear all other Country and the Woman," and later heels. being made at Universal City. Ru with "The Chalice of Courage," two pert Julian, who Is directing the fea- war wont be over un-- ture, chose Miss Elliott as the Ideal (Contluued on page seven) neolin Soles type for the Italian artist's model. til the treaty of peace has been seen : T Frank Leigh, who has In a number of Famous-Playe- rs and mi un- signed. Goldwyn productions, has signed Diamond CHICK FOOD der the Universal banner to play the vllllan In "The Open Road," Monroe Salisbury's newest starring vehicle, which Rupert Julian Is now directing It wont be over until the Vidory Liberty Loan b oversub- at Universal City.
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