- ■. y ■ ■.. f , ^ , , , V,.. r.; 1 *^> y - .. V ,v .f-^ ‘ ,-. .:■. '^ - - . y ''^7 4 ,., * - ' . * -. ■ ■ jy ■' f 1HCB8PAY, OCIUB&A 1, 1948 rAcnS TWENTY jflanrlrratrr lEotnittg V^raUk Avengs IMIf Net Pre« Ran n r dm Math at gettmahar Isa lllao Emily M. Klssmann, depu­ ty commissioner of the Girl Scout Heads Institute Harold Agard A bout Town Council of Manchester, left by 9^74 plane thla morning to attend the > Th« IVavkJo Bkatliic C9ub wUI three-day Regional Conference of Is to Retire n‘)t fo to New Haven o i the aknt* Girl Scouts, Inc., which la being Mandtester— A City of Village Charm in f trip planned for ttala Friday held at the New Ocean House, nlfbt Thera win be • meeting of Swampscott, Mass. Miss Virginia Has Been Employed at the club next Wedneaday night to Green, senior Scout of Troop I, U) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1948 (FOURTEEN PAGES) Girl Scout Commissioner Jessie VOL. L X m , - NO. 814 plan akatlivi trlpa to Springfield Local Post Office for Hewitt and a number of others Inatead e f New Haven. prominent In the local Girl Scout 4 0 Years organlMtlon arc also attending the J Oo-Wedh win hold their meeting conference. Winds Milwankee Shoreline Dewey Urges *at Center church tomorrow eve­ Harold Agard, employed at the Truman Urges ning at 8 o'clock. > local Post Offlee for 40 years,.has' ‘Neutral’ States Toil The public Is cordially Invited to requested and received hia retire­ Federal Help ^ The dance aponaored by the hear Rev. George Bennard, author ment from service/ effective Octo­ Are Characteristic o f Haleys Albany Crowd nalian-Amerlcan A. C. will be of the famous hymn, "The Old ber 1. poatponed indefinitely due to the Rugged Cross." who with Mrs. Mr. Agard has been in charge of dUBculty In arranging for the halL Bennard will give a program at the Station A, the North End office, To Retain Him For Housing Salvation Army citadel this eve­ since that office was opened In Oc­ Superb Food Values at the To Avert Any Clash Company No. 1 of the South ning. tober, 1983. He entered the em­ l l Manchester Fire department re­ ploy of the V. 8. Government Post Also Advocates Qearing sponded to a atm alarm yesterday Helen Davidson Lodge. No. 98, Office under Postmaster W. B. TeUs Rain-DrencheddJs- afternoon at 5:30 for a grass are Daughters of Scotia, will hold Its Cheney who at that time was In eners It Is in Own O f Nation's Slum Areas at the corner of Summer street monthly meeting tomorow evening charge of the South Manchester In Speech Prepared and CampBeld Road. The company at 7:45 In the Masonic Temple. office. When the North and South Interest to Keep Deino- Of Giants on Berlin was out about 13 minutea. Business of Importance will take Bhid offices were consolidated and For Smith Project place and all members are request­ moved to the new Federal building Self Serve cratic Administration Frank Diana, chairman of the ed to be present. at the Center under the name of The Origlnsl In New England New York, Oct 8—(A7 — Gov. United Italian aocietiea haa called the Manchester Post Offlee, Mr. Aboard 'Truman Oampalgn .Argentina's BramugUa The rummage sale to be held In Agard continued In the service but Thomas E. Dewey called today for United States I Series Lineup an Important meeting of the dele- T r ^ , Oct. Praaldtnt Sees Vishinsky for gatea for Saturday evening at 8:30 the basement of the Ehnanuel Lu­ was given the management of Sta­ Federal aid to states for housing tion A. The station at that time Truman told a rain dranched at the Itallan-Amerlcan clubhouse theran church tomorrow under the and Health Market on “ a realistic, practical basts" Clevelaad Stadium, Cleveland, Hour in Attempt to auspices of the Ladles' Aid society was located at Depot Square, and I in - 'iv .•-•Vi;,' croyrd In Albany today thht It Oct. S— (AT—^The starting lineup: | on radridge street. Other mem­ whenever such aid la needed “tO get Dropping Soft bers will be welcome to attend. will open at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Al­ Mr. Agard continued to manage waa la their own Intereata to re­ Bostwi Clevelaai Bring About ^de­ the station when It'was moved to action." bert Harrison heads the commit­ tain the Democratic national ad- Holmes, It Mitchell, If the Hibbard building on North An SwMt SanUght Dark, as Doby, ef ment of Struggle for tee In charge. A large variety of mlnietratlon. v Declaring "we are up against a T alk to Reds household articles as well as Miss Edith Welker Main street where it Is now lo- gigantic housing deficit” the Re­ M. McCormick. If Boudreau, as csted. "Why in the world would you German O ty ; May Ap­ clothing haa been brought In by wont to upaet the applecart aow publican presidential nominee also Elliott 3b Gordon. 2b the members. Miss Edith Welker of Hartford, Mr. Agsrd ssked for retirement urged, the clearing of the nation’s F. McCormick, lb Keltner.$b peal for Truce to because of his health and will re­ and throw out an adinlnlatration Appears Iq Bp Casting RUMMAGE associate secretary of the Connec-^ OLEO B utter ' that brought about thU proaperl- slum arleas. dn ataer, cf Judnlch, rf tire with a full pension. Postmas­ "W e will not be satisfied,’’ he Mast, c Robinson, lb List Three Months Frank Crawahaw, advancement tlcut Council o f Churches, has been ter H. Olln Grant said thla morn­ tyT” Truman aaked. Aside Last Rpstndnts chairman of the Manchester Dis­ He addreaaed a crowd estimated said, “ until the carse of slums and Stahk)*, 2b Hegan. c % — SALE secured by the Religious Educa­ ing that he has not yet decided tenements is lifted from every Bickford (ll-5lp Bearden (20-7)p trict, Board o f Review, Boy Scouts, who he will name to succeed Mr. by Police Chief Philip Coffey at In Its Propaganda Paris, (kt. 8.—(/P)—^Th« Fridayf October 8 haa called a meeting of the com­ tion committee o f the Manchester apprmclmately 5,000 from the American family and every Ameri­ Umpires—Stewart (NL) plats; Agard In the management of Sta­ can child." Orievs (AL) first base; Barr; “ neutlTAl” states o f the Secur­ AT mittee for tomorrow evening In Council of Churches as leader of platform o f hia special train in Warfare With Russia tion A. (NL> second baas: Summers <AL) ity Council toiled today to the court room of the Manchester the community leadership train­ John Holden, who haa long been " " 5 7 * 7 1 ' thla upotate New York Democrat­ The New 'York governor’s re­ marks were in s speech prepared third base: PinalU (NLl right Emanuel Lutheran police station. ing Institute which opens at Cen­ connected with the asms offlee as ic stronghold. Waves and spray peuad ovar huakwster laaSawatawn Mitwaiikce, Wis., on the shore of Ihho MIehl WaaMngton, Oct. 8—(P)— The avert a clash of the giants of Old Fashioned for delivery (at 4 p.m.. e. s.‘ t ) at field foul line; Psparella (A L ) left ter church, Thursday, October 14 Mr. Agard, is In temporary charge. Gold Medal Mr. ’Truman’s Republican oppo­ gaa, haMeilag a snwll eaUboat (lower right) agabiet the cowirete pier. Lake aavigatton waa clewed the United Nations over Ber­ Church and continues on live consecutive ground-breaking ceremonies for United States appears today to be field foul line. Lewis Piper of Manchester High nent for' the presidency. Gov. to a staadstiU aa wind Mt M mtlea per hour ia suste. (A F wlrcphoto). lin. Argentina^ Juan A. Bra- (Basement) Thursday evenings. Thomas E. Dewey, was not la the Alfred E. Smith housing pro­ casting aside the last restraints in school faculty, Patricia Gove and ject in New York, city. muglia saw Andrei Y. Vishin­ Anapiceo of Ladles AM Society William Mills, student delegates, Miss Welker, who had had a town. its propaganda war with Rusaia. wide experience In religious edu­ Snappy Dewey U In New York today to Dewey set out for New Yorii sky of Rusaia for an hour, will attend the convention at 10:55 From two top offlciala romea Beginnins At 10 A. M. cation, both with the Coimecticut Flour participate In ground-breaking yesterday afternoon, eliminating and the Argentine’s asso- Saturday at Choate school in Wall­ Miners Favor Hits id lin g * the possibility of his meeting evidence that the da>* of aoTt talk Indiansa Take Council and at the Methodist oaremoniea at a hotiolng project toward the Soviet union has given ciatea said he was “ very happy” ingford, when speakers prominent HALE’S ia honor o f the Inte Gov. Alfred News Tidbits President Truman In Albany. In both the Republican and Demo­ headquarters In Nashville, Tennes­ Cheese 25 Lb. Bag way entirely to a new Mriod of over ths talk. see, will teach the first three E. Smith. Caned From (4*) Wires Of Spain Head The Democratic standard bearer Series Lead; cratic parties will discuss the iS' Aiding Dewey was scheduled to make a cam­ blunt atatementa unvarmabed by Acttaig far Somllar NaOeas sues Involved In the coming na­ Thursday evenings. The course, Headquarters , Xteae-FeM Inmraaas In the familiar phrases of diplomacy. He ia acting for the smaller aa- "How to Teach in the Church Prealdent Truman oald that tha paign speech from the rear plat­ tional election. HEALTH MARKET form of his train in ths stats In Washington, Undersecretary Uons ia an attempt to brlag / Uhigh VaDey School," is open to all teachers FOR ineoms In New York otnte hnd In- New peace feeler out In effort Wallace Calls Franco of State Robert A.
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