Eastern Illinois University The Keep April 1990 4-10-1990 Daily Eastern News: April 10, 1990 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1990_apr Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: April 10, 1990" (1990). April. 7. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1990_apr/7 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1990 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in April by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Rives speaks Eastern President Stan Rives will answer questions from faculty at senate meeting. Page 2 Student IDs will include age Amid turmoil over the use of Johnson added the orders to mandatory, said Williams in an fake IDs and drinking by underage begin the new policy came from the interview for a Nov. 7 News story. students, Eastern has apparently president's office, although he per­ However for the current policy, decided to reinstate printing the sonally didn't know why it was Rives said students will not have a birthdates on students' IDs. established nor the "pros and cons" choice in the matter. Eastern President Stan Rives said of such a system. Johnson said student reaction so all IDs distributed to students with­ Glenn Williams, the vice presi­ far has been favorable. "Most of in the last month or so have dis­ dent for student affairs, could not be them liked the idea." played the birthdate, reintroducing reached for comment. Be.fore Charleston's Liquor a former Eastern policy which died A formal announcement on the Advisory Board recommended rais­ out about fiveor six years ago. new ID policy was to be made in a ing the bar-entry age to 21, Mayor But the new policy may affect , week or so, Johnson said. "We are Wayne Lanman had discussed the not only those students who receive waiting for computer services ser­ possibility of placing the birthdates replacement IDs or IDs for the first vices to run the labels offfor them." on the IDs, but the idea flew time, but all students may have to A similar policy was instated Eastern had been a partof at least exchange their old IDs for ones several years ago, but many stu­ three schools, including Western which bear their birthdate, accord­ dents claimed it was their legal Illinois University and Illinois State ing to James Johnson, the assistant right to not bear their birthdates on University, which did not publish dean of student personnel services. the IDs, so the policy was not the students birthdates on IDs. Money-go-round There's help as tax deadline Fee increases will keep draws closer By STEPHANIE CARNES student pocketbook busy Features editor By JEFF MADSEN And with the possibility of a While Sunday marks the last News editor tuition increase and about a $56 day to file state income tax increase in student activity fees to returns, Wednesday marks the TERRI McMILLAN/Staff photographer The 1990-9 1 academic year is pay for the construction of the stu­ last day Eastern students may Chicago Sun-Times columnist Vernon Jarrett speaks to a crowd in going to cost the average Eastern dent rec center, things don't look take advantage of a free advice the Union's Grand Ballroom Monday evening about journalism. student about $115 more than this much brighter for the 1991 -92 aca­ program being offered by sev­ Jarrett kicked offthe annual Journalism Week events. year did, as the Board of demic year. eral student accounting majors. Governors, Eastern's governing "At first glance, it seems .like Through Volunteer Income body, approved a series of student everything is costing more money, Jarrett tells Union crowd · Taxpayers Assistance (VITA), fee increases last week to meet the but that isn't always the case," students may gain valuable tax rising cost of inflation. Student Body President Patty help service from fellow stu­ America needs values The average student will be pay­ Kennedy said Monday. "That dents. ing for fee increases in student doesn't make education much dif­ The program, held from By MIKE FITZGERALD writer Jarrett sees students housing, a union/bond revenue fee, ferent from a grocery store." 7:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesday in Staff • as hope for nation's grant-in-aid fee, health insurance But as lack of funding for higher Blair Hall room 205, is a way fee, textbook rental fee, and parking education leaves university officials for students to gain tax. help Vernon Jarrett called on future. Page 2 fee. In addition, students living in groping toward the bottom of the and for student Eastern students to examine accounti11g the newly purchased University financial barrel, fee increases have ors to experience themselves for the sake of the Dubois, historian Carter Woodson maj gain with Court (formerly Regency· become almost as common and fre­ assistance, United States, and begin "paying and Frederick Douglass as well as tax said <;:, Apartments), face an average $73 quent as the changing of the sea­ Wootton� associate dues" for a country which "has personal anecdotes to keep the Willimns increase next year, while students sons. beengood to all of us." audience enthralled and deep in protess:or<t a.c-coiinting. living in University Apartments Housing rates, for example, have Jarrett, a columnist for the thought. ''We have five $:tudents there face an$8-9 increase. increased consistently since the Chicago Sun-Times and com­ J-Ie told students it is their job 1o''prep:areJax r�Ul:rns ,for the early1980s, when a year in one of In total, the fee increases, which -. "' mentator forWLS-TV , addressed "to know about our country, what stude:nis' who .c ·· or total to a 3.7 percent room and Eastern 's residence halls cost . - e about 250 people Monday in the it has been through and the peo­ . .• iton.sfil a": � board increase and a 2.65 increase Eastern students $1,771 - $803 less Luther King Jr, University ple." He said Americans are ���aooo Martin in student fees, will make the 1990- than this year's housing rates. Union's Grand Ballroom to kick becoming alienated from one 91 academic year one of the most "Housing is still the lowest cost JournalismWeek. another, and from American off costly in Eastern history as students housing at all public (higher) edu­ He spoke about a "deficit goals. will shell out $542 in student fees cations institutions in the state," morality" that started with our Jarrett used a story his grand­ alone. forefathers who fought the mother told him about how "you • Continued on page 2 Revolutionary War against tyran­ can boil a bullfrog if you tum the ny and the domination of other heat up a little at a time," in refer­ people. People who had a chance ence to how Americans have let Weather only question left. to settle the race question when the "creme de le creme of tech­ they wrote the Constitution but nology slip away" to the as shuttle launch approaches postponed it. Japanese. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. The crew spent a few hours Jarrett said the deficit contin­ He stressed the importance of (AP) - Space shuttle Discovery doing aerobatics in T-38 jets to ues with this generation which students talking about their coun­ was readied Monday for its most condition their bodies for liftoff, "is willing to see a big hole try and their world and the direc­ challenging scientific mission, while on the launch pad final carved in the ozone in order to tion both are headed in. Failure to lifting the Hubble Space preparations were made forfi lling have spray cans and other do so might have grave implica­ Te lescope above Earth's obscur­ the shuttle tanks with a half mil­ niceties." tions. .. ing atmosphere to look toward the lion gallons of fuel shortly after z He encouraged students to dis­ 'Any college student worth his edge of the universe and perhaps midnight. cuss their feelings about where salt must become a student of this the beginning of time. Discovery's five astronauts will America is going and about race country and this world or else Forecasters said low clouds be flying 380 miles above Earth, relations. "Let it all hang out,"· children won't look upon you with were expected at the Kennedy higher than any shuttle crew has Jarrett said, adding, "somebody respect and it will breal< your Space Center on Tuesday morn­ gone. And two of them will be in in authority will have to do it to heart." ing, but there was a 60 percent space suits, ready to go to the res­ save us." chance the weather would permit cue, if anything goes wrong with Jarrett drew on the works of a liftoff of the 35th shuttle mis­ the telescope release from the �Continued on page page noted black philosopher W.E.B. 2 sion, set for 8:47 a.m. EDT. cargo bay. It Continued on 2 2 Tuesday, April 10, 1990 The Dally Eastern News Rives 'to do' answers Jarrett concerned about for Senate's questions society's 'moral deficit' ANN said. CATHY students and faculty. By GILL By PODWOJSKI Staff writer And sophomore economic major Managing editor To help guide and implement this agreed with JaITett. "People are too list, Rives then requested responses Vernon Jarrett said he sees afraidto make change,'' he said. Answering questions about the from the faculty as to what each students as the infrastructure of the March 20 State of the University considered the most important.
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