Your Jeweled Sweetheart Pin Will Be Her Most Treasured Gzft Your sweetheart will alwa ys treasure and cherish a beautiful jeweled pin. Whether it is set with rubies or emeralds from Burma and India, diamonds from South Africa or genuine Ori­ ental pearls from India, it will be a beautiful symbol of your love and regard. Many chapters present a jeweled pin to their IIKA "Dream Girl" at the annual winter formal or "Dream Girl Dance." The No. 0 size is the most popular Sweetheart pin size. Send Your Order T oday! PRICE LIST No. 0 No. I No.2 No.3 Plain border badge .......................................... $ 5.25 $ 6.25 $ 6.75 $ .... _ Nugget, chased o r engraved border badge .............................................. 5.75 6.75 7.25 C lose set pearl bad ge .................................... 10.00 10.50 11.50 19.00 CROWN SET JEWELED BADGES Al l-pearl ···················································-·······--· 13 .00 15.00 17 .50 24.00 Pearl with ruby or sapphi re poi nts................ 14.00 16.25 19.00 26.00 Pearl with emera ld po ints ···················-·······-·· 16.00 18.00 21.50 30.00 A lternate pearl and ruby o r sapphire........ 15.00 17 .50 20.75 28.00 Alternate pea rl and eme rald ........................ 19.00 21.00 25 .50 36.00 All -ruby o r sapphire ........................................ 17.00 19.75 24 .00 32.00 Rub y o r sapphire wit h dia mond points........ 30.50 38.50 50.75 78. 75 All -emera ld .......................................................... 25.00 27.00 33.50 48 .00 Pledge button ........................................................................................ $ .SO La rge pledge button .......................................................................... .50 Officia l recog nition b utton (letter Pi). sterling........................ .50 O ff ici al recognition b utton (l ette r Pi ), IOK g o ld.................... .75 Coat o f a rms recognition button, gold plated........................ 1.00 Coat o f a rms recognit io n butto n with ename l.......................... 1.25 Mo nogram recognitio n butto n ........................................................ 1.25 Send for complete illustrated price list. TAXES: Ad d 20% Federa l Tax and a ny slate taxes in effect. HOW TO ORDER : All bad g e o rders must come in o n official order blanks signed by an officer of the cha pter. 1952 BLUE BOOK ENGRAVED STATIONERY 64-page ca talog of beautifu l fraternity jewelry for Your crest on beautiful vellum papers expresses the dignity and prestige of yo ur chapter. Small notes gifts and personal a cces ori es. Ring, compacts, for hand-written invi t ati o n and large, man-size jewel ca es, bill folds, silver wedding and baby gifts. sheets-all engraved with your crest. Mail post card for FR EE COPY\ Write for Free samples. Official Jeweler to Pi Kappa Alpha L. G. BALFOUR COMPANY Factorie m Attleboro, Massachu etts "The Heart of the Fine Jewelry Industry" IH~ ~HI~1n AND nIAM~Nn OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY Dr. Gordon, Founded at the University of Virginia, March 1, 1868, by Julian Edward National Wood, Littleton Waller Tazewell , J ame .Benjamin Sclater, Jr., Frederick Chaplain, speaks Sou th gate Taylor, R obertson Howard, and William Alexander. an th e vtdue of This magazine is printed by " re ru e tuberi 11g" . Democrat Printing & Litho Co., 114 East Second St., Little Rock, Arkansas. Life subscriptions are $ 10.00 for members initiated before September I, 1927 . Subscription rate per year for these alumni is . 1.00, for non­ members, 2.00. All members initiated since September I, 1927, have li fe subscriptions. P lea e promptly report changes of address-include both old and new addresses. Articles and photographs (black and white glossy prints) are cordiall y invited. !\ larch. 1952 D ear Pike, Address all communications to: Robert D. Lynn, Editor, The Shield and Diamond Magazine, 1294 Union Ave., Memphis 4, Tenn. " Fo unders Day" ha; become a red let­ ter event in o ur fraternity cale ndar. Vnlume LXI, No. 2 MA RCH, 1952 Through banquets a nd re unio n it will THE S HIELD AND DIA~IOND is published four times a year at 11 4 East Second St., Little Rock, be genera ll y observed over the na tion. Ark., in September, December, J\farch and June by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Entered A ll o[ us ha ll bring o u r tribute to tho e as second class matter, Oct. 14, 1937, at the Post Office at Little Rock, Ark., under Act of March 3, 1897. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Secti on Cin e souls o[ the sixties who brought Pi 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized June 16, 1918. Kappa A lpha imo existence more than eighty years ago. CONTENTS !\ [emor y is one o[ the g reate t faculties Features PAGE + of the mind. lt keep the mind [rom Kansas City-Con ven tio n CitY---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 T h e Commonwealth- the Magazine of Virginia ___ _____________________________________ ____ __ ____ 4 becoming a blank except [or the present moment. lt gives a con tinuity to li[e. Pike Projects-- --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 The good Book says " Call to mind the Duke Chapter Ce Jebrates Gold en A nniversarY-------------------------------------------------------- 8 former times." Motoring over the road Sen a tor R obertson - Virginia Statesma n __ __ _______ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____________ ______________________ 14 TIK A Pledges Blood ____ ________ __ ______ ___ ___ __ ______ _ ___ ____ __________ __ _____ __ ______________________________________ 16 o n e needs a clean windshield a nd prop­ erly focused li ghts, but equa ll y important Council Appoints Krueger Director of Music__ _______ _______ ___ __ __ __ ________________________________ 18 is the mirro r over the d ashboard with its .I. C. Holds Outstanding Meeting------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 20 vi ew o f the road traver ed a nd o[ those .I. C. Public R ei a ti ons PaneL___ _________________________________ ______________ ____ ____ __ _____________________ 20 who fo ll ow. Three TIKA Direct Kentucky M iIi La ry I nsti tu te _______ ___________________ _________ __ ________________ 25 For one thing, thi year, m emory will 1951 A II TIKA F oo tba II Team--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 A re Your M embership R ecord Snafu ?___ ________________________________________________ ______ __ ______ _____ 35 awaken in m a n y a n ew sen e Ol a ppre­ ciation and gratitude [or our fri ends and + Departments ben efactors. T h a t should h ave it; begin­ A cld resses Unknown --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- 3 7 ning in the ho me. How lo ng has it been C ha pter E tern a I -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 8 since you wrote a le tter to father or D i rectory --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ----------------- 16 mother or sister, n o t a king for a dime, Perman en tl y Pin n eel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 3 but simply telli ng them how grateful you Precio u s Packages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 3 a re for what they've clo n e [or you a nd [or what they m ean to you ? ome people + Chapter News h a ve been on the receiving end [or a lle ta 16, Eta 12, Iota 34, Kappa II, Mu 6, Nu II , Xi II , Sigma 34, Tau 13, 31; long time a nd som e kind o[ ackn owledg­ Upsilon 6, A lpha-A lpha 6, 8; A lpha-Gamma 10, A lpha-Zeta 33, Alpha-Eta 9, 34, m ent is much o ,·erdue. 35; A lpha-Theta 34, Alpha-Kappa 9, 13; A lpha-Mu 10, Alpha-Xi 32, Alpha-Rho lt is good, too, to remember tho e 12, A lpha-T a u 19, B e ta-A lpha 9, B e ta-Zeta 31, Beta-Kappa 6, 13; B eta-Pi 9, 30; other friend . H ow much we owe to tha t Be ta-S igm a 34, Beta-U psilon 34, Beta-Phi 12, Gamma-A lpha 32, Gamma-Zeta 6, o n e who understa nd us, who hares our Gamma-I ota 9, 10, 30; Gamma-A l pha 32, Gamma-Zeta 6, Gamma-Iota 9, 10, 30; joys a nd orrows, who protects us from Gamma-Ka ppa 3 1, Gamma-Upsilon 32, Gamma-Omega 9, De lta B eta 9, D elta­ the soli tary p art o[ o ur nature, wh o purs Ze ta J I. us o n to a career worthy of o ur best ta le nt! Most of you who read this are b yterian Church, Tyler, Texas; J o hn R . building up now your bank account of Cover Perez, H , Attorney a nd Fina n cier, N ew [riencls a nd memories on which you w ill Natio n a l Preside nt Powell B. McHaney Orleans, La.; E lbert P . Tuttle, Be, At­ be drawing h eavily a score of years [rom is surrounded b y the Ji ving past presidents torney, tlanta, G a .; Professor Freeman now. What kind of a friend are you? who gave u a rich heritage which is b e ing H. Hart, I, Historian and former Execu­ How will you be remembered in your still further e nhanced b y his dynamic tive Secretary, University of Florida, ch a pter and in your college? The n ext Jeacl ershi p . Gainesvill e, Fla.; R oy D. Hickma n , B6., twenty yea rs is in feeling eli ra nee of Vice Pre ident, labama Engraving Com­ everybod y. Wha t kind of memory of Powell B. M cHaney, AN, Preside nt, p a n y, Birmingham, A la.; and nclrew H .
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