R.B.V.R.R.WOMEN'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) B.Sc I YEAR SYLLABUS SEMESTER.I PAPER.I UNIT - I ACADEMIC YEAR _ 2016-2017 v No. of Credits- 3 4 HoursAileek INORGANIC CHEMISTRY (ls LECTURES) : t. s-BLocK ELEMENTS: (3 lectures) v Diagonal RelationshipLi & Mg,Be & Al. Safent features of Hydrides , Solvation. Complexation tendency of IA & IIA, Crown ethers & Cryptands. \, 2. P-BLOCK ELEMENTS: (12 lectures) Boron : Electron deficiency and acceptor group behaviour ofboron hydrides. Preparation, Bonding and stereo chemistry of BnHln+oy Compounds. Diborane & higher boranes - Synthesis &structure of Diboranes BaH1s.B5He. v Borazole and Boro nitride - Preparation, property and structures. Boron and Alluminium Halides - Preparation, properties& structures. Relative Lewis ,_ Acid strengths of boron tri Halides. Graphitic compounds - Preparation &application. Silicates - Introduction, principles of silicates, structures. Classification- ortho, pyro, Cyclic, chain, sheet, and 3- Dimensional silicates. v Silicones - Preparation, properties ,structural characteristics & uses. \J Silanes - Preparation & applications. Nitrogen group - Hydrazine, hydroxylamine preparation, properties and structures. Phosphonitrilic halides - Preparation, properties & structures of phosphonitrilic chloride. HOME ASSIGNMENT oxides of N&P - Preparation & structures of N2o, No, N2o3,No2, N2oa,Nzos,p+o6, & pao1e. Oxy compounds of N - Preparation & properties & structures of H2,Nz, Oz, HNOz, HNO:, HNO+ oxy compound , properties &. structures of Hlpoz, H3po3 H3poa, Hepzoz, Hpoz ORGANIC CHEMISTRY SYLLABUS SEMESTER.I, PAPER.I UNIT II (15 Lectures) I. STRUCTURAL BONDING &REACTIVITY: (6Lectures) Brief Introduction to structural theory of Organic chemistry. Definition. Significance of the word Organic. Tetra-valency of carbon. Significance of self linkage in carbon compounds(catenation). Covalent character. Solubility in non polar solvents. Low boiling and melting points. Hybridisation types-sp3,sp2, sp with examples,(Methane, Ethane, Ethylene and Acetylene.) Homolytic and Heterolytic cleavage of covalent bonds formation of carbonium ions, carbanions and Free radicals. Types of reagents - electrophilic, nucleophilic and free radicals with examples. Factors influencing the polarization of covalent bonds- electronegativity, electromeric effects. Delocalisation of electrons involving sigma bonds- inductive effects delocalisation of electrons involving pi-bond resonance and mesomeric effects- Hyperconjugation. (Baker Nathan / no bond resonance) Classification of organic reactions - Addition & Substitution reactions of electrophilic, nucleophilic and free radical types. Elimination and rearrangement reactions with examples. Brief introduction to Methods of determination of reaction mechanism by product analysis, intermediates, isotope effects, Kinetic and stereochemical studies. 2. ACYCLIC SATURATED HYDROCARBONS (4 lectures): ALKANES: Nomenclature- IUPAC. Classification of carbon atoms 1!o,2o'3o,4o )alkyl groups. Constitutional isomerism(chain) in alkanes with examples. Conformational isomerism with examples (ethane, Propane & n-butane) Newman Projection and Saw-horse formulae, stability of conformations. Source & importance of alkanes. (Paraffins). Physical properties-(C1-C4 gases) (C5-Cl1 liquids). Preparation of alkanes - (Wurtz, Kolbe, Grignard, decarboxylation of carboxylic acids, reduction of alkenes, alkynes & alkyl halides.).Physical properties-solubility in non-polar solvents. Boiling and melting Points-variation of M.P & B.P. with branching.(Surface area). Chemical properties of alkanes-Combustion, Free radical substitution - mechanism of halogenation, orientation, reactivity & selectivity. 3. CYCLIC SATURATED HYDROCARBONS: CYCLOALKANES Introduction, source, classification to small, Medium, regular& larger rings. Isomerism (cis &trans) with examples. Preparation by Freund's method, Perkin's method. Preparation by wislicenus, Dieckman cyclisation and Acyloin methods. \t- 1"" o"ll i'"i"I. :i;r. .r.' Physical & chemical properties- free radical v substitution of larger rings - chemical reactivity- Addition reactions of smaller rings. Baeyer's strain theory and its limitations. v Planarity of cyclopentane, puckering of Cyclohexane. Conformations of cyclohexane (chair v and boat forms) and their stability. Factors affecting the stability of conformation(Bayers, \J torsionaupitzers /trans annular, vanderwaals strain, steric strain) *** ******* \, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY PAPER-I SEMESTER-r uNrT-rrI (15 LECTURES) 1. COLLOIDS &SURFACE CHEMISTRY (7 Lectures) Explanation of a colloidal system. Distinction of a Colloidal system from an ordinary solution and a Suspension. Examples of colloidal system with Different disperse phases. Classification of colloids into lyophilic and lyophobic type. Their difference. Preparation of colloidal Solution - Preparation of colloidal solutions. I) Dispersion methods a) mechanical grinding b) peptisation c) electrical method ii) condensation methods. Preparation of super saturated solutions by a) Hydrolysis b) oxidation c) Reduction d) change of solvent. Purification properties & of Colloidal solutions - Purification of sols by l) dialysis including electro-dialysis 2) Ultrafilteration. optical properties of sols. Tyndall effect. The ultramicroscope technique. Properties of colloidal solutions: Mechanical properties. The Brownian movement. Electrical properties' Electrophoresis and electro osmosis, origin of charge on colloidal particles. The electrical double layer- zetapotential. stability of colloids coagulation of sols, by electrolytes- Hardy rule- protection -Schulze of colloids- Gold number. Emulsions & Gels - Types of emulsions-Gels. Preparation Properties & uses. Donnan membrane equilibrium. Importance & applications of colloids Adsorption - Definition, Types of adsorption, Physical adsorption Chemisorption. Heat of adsorption, effect of pressure & temperature on adsorption. Adsoqption isotherms. Freundlich adsorption isotherm, langmuir adsorption isotherm, and derivation of the equation, verification Applications of adsorption. 2. LIQUID STATE (2 tectures) Intermolecular forces, vanderwaal forces, dipole dipole forces, London dispersion force. Hydrogen bond' Structure of liquids(qualitative) description. structural differences between solids, liquids and gases. Liquid crystals the mesomorphic state. Classification of liquid crystals into smectic and nematic. Differences between liquid crystal and solid crystal. Appilications of liquid crystals as LCD devices. 3.SOLUTIONS: ( 6 Lectures) Binary liquid mixtures - Solutions of gases in liquids Henry's law, liquid in liquid solution. completely miscible liquids- Ideal and non ideal solutions- Raoult,s law- vapour pressure- composition'curves for ideal and non ideal solutions- Distillation -positive and negative deviations- Explanations on basis of intra and inter molecular athactions. Distillation of completely miscible li es. The vapour pressure of mixture of miscible liquids-Ideal \' behaviour, Temperature- composition curves. Azeotropic mixtures Fractional distillation. \* The vapour pressure of non ideal liquid mixtures-Deviations from ideal behaviour. Temperature- '\- composition curves for non ideal mixtures- Azeotropic mixtures and their resolution-fractional distillation. Partially miscible liquid mixtures -Examples of partially miscible liquid pairs. phenol- water, Nicotine-water, Methanol-cyclohexane systems- Temperature composition curve and critical solution temperature. \- Completely immiscible liquid mixtures : steam distillation -Examples of completely immiscible \- liquids mixtures. Vapour pressure temperature curyes - principle of steam distillation to calculate the molecular weights percentage \- and liquids in distillate. Distribution Law: Solubility and distribution \- of substances in two immiscible solvents-examples. Nernst Distribution law- conditions of its validity. ''- Application of Distribution law i) to determine association or dissociation of solutes ii) in the process of solvent Extraction. {<r<******** GENERAL CHEMISTRY: (15 LECTURES) SEMESTER-1 PAPER.I UNIT.IV 1. ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND ELEMENTARY QUANTAM MECHANICS (8 LECTURES) Black body radiation, planck's radiation law, photoelectric effect, Compton effect. DeBroglie's concept of wave particle Duality: Its significance in the case of microscopic systems. Wave nature of electron Experimental evidence through Davisson and Germer,s set up. Heisenberg's uncertainity principle - simultaneous measurement of position and momentum - impossibility of their exact measurement simultaneously for microscopic system. Uncertainity principle its significance in the case of microscopic system. Schrodinger wave equation - Postulates of Quantum Mechanics. Schrodinger wave equation & a particle in a box ,energy levels Wave function & probability densities, Schrodinger wave equation for H-atom. Radial and angular functions hydrogen like wave function. euantum numbers and their importance. 2) THEORY OF QUANLITATIVE ANALYSIS :-I Principle of volumetric analysis - Titrimetric analysis - Classification based on types of reactions. Standard solution - Primary and secondary standards.Concepts of Normality, Molarity, molality pH, indicators . Acid-Base Tihations - Theory of Acid-Base titrations. Titration curves for (a) Strong Acid vs Strong Base (b) Strong Base vs Weak Acid (c) Weak Acid vs Weak Base (d) Strong acid vs Weak base Acid base indicators - Theory of Acid -Base indicators. Criteria for selection of indicators - table with indicators and color changes - pH range shourd be given. Redox titrations EMF & Redox titration - . Theory of Redox indicators. Theory & explanation for (1) Permagnometry (2) Dichrometry (3) Iodometry & (4)cerimetry. (5) Precipitation Titration - solubility product, titration curves, theory of precipitation indicators, (6)Argentometry, Mohr,s, Fajan,s & volhard,Methods. (7)Complexometric Titrations - complexometric titrations with EDTA, Titration Types (a) Direct (b) Back titration (c) Substitution & (d)Alkalimetry. Masking& irg DTA Titrations . choice of indicators for these titrations. ls js-"-l'"To"r",Nl..rc,,.A)$,lL::"'cs lrrra f,"ergca'rr^rvrr6 ":^:::;,.".
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