CC ee nn tt rr alal EuropeanEuropean Univer s i t y Adm i s s i ons Bu l l e t i n Academic Year 2005/2006 Acc u ra c y of the Admissions Bulletin Th e infor ma t i on fou n d in this publica t i on is based on the 2004/2005 academ i c year. Any changes to be implemen ted that were verifiable at the ti m e of printi n g, particularly with reg a r d to the conte n t of the university's academ i c prog ra m s (course off e r i ng s , etc.) have been incl u ded . How e v e r , rev i s io n s may occur and details in this publica t i on are subject to change. Further updates after the date of this publica t i on can be fou n d on the CEU website. Language Used in the Admissions Bulletin Th ro u g h out the Admissions Bulletin ref e re n ces are mad e to countr i es and nat io na l i t i es with the fol l o w i n g des ig na t i on: "CEE/fSU" refers to coun- tr i es and persons of Centr al and Eastern Europe and the for m er Soviet Uni on, which incl u de Albania, Armen i a, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Her z e go v i n a, Bulgaria, Croa t i a, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgi a, Hung a r y , Kaz a k h stan, Kyr gyzstan, Latvia, Lithuan i a, Mac e do n i a, Mol do v a , Mon gol i a, Pol a n d, Roman i a, Russia, Serbia and Mont e ne g r o, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Tur k m enistan, Ukrai n e, and Uzbekistan. CEE/fSU coun- tr i es are ref e r r ed to collectively as "the reg io n . " Pr oper nam es in this publica t i on have been angl i cized; that is, they are printed in the basic Latin alphabet without diac r i t i cal mar k s . Code of Ethics Central European University recognizes the human dignity of each member of its community. The university also believes that each mem- ber has a responsibility to promote respect and dignity for others so that all members of the community are free to pursue their goals in an open environment, able to participate in the free exchange of ideas, and able to share equally in the benefits of the university's employ- ment and educational opportunities. To achieve this, the university strives to foster an academic, work and living environment that is free from any form of harassment, including that based on sex. For the full university Code of Ethics and policy on sexual harassment, please refer to the CEU website at: http://www.ceu.hu/student_policies.html. Non-Discrimination Pol i c y Ce nt r al European University does not discriminate on the basis of— i nc l ud i n g, but not limited to—rac e , color, nat io n al and ethnic origin, rel i - gi on, gen der or sexu al orient a t i on in admi n i s t e r i n g its policie s , admi s s io n s policie s , scholarship and loan prog ra m s, and athletic and other schoo l - adm i n i s t e r ed prog ra m s. Pro d uced by the CEU Publica t io n s Office © CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY, September 2004 CONTENTS LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT AND RECTOR . 4 CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY: INSTITUTIONAL PROFILE. 5 CEU STUDENTS AND STUDENT SUPPORT . 9 STUDENT PROFILE. 10 STUDENT ACTIVITIES AND SOCIAL LIFE . 10 STUDENT SUPPORT . 11 ACA D E M I C SUPPORT . 13 ACA D E M I C REGULATIO N S . 14 CEU ALUMNI . 15 TUITION, FEES AND FINANCIAL AID . 17 TU I T I ON AND FEES . 18 FINANCIAL REGULATIO N AND PAYMENT INFORMATIO N . 19 CEU FINANCIAL AID AND OTHER FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES. 20 ADMISSIONS INFORMATI O N . 23 GENERAL CEU ADMISS I ONS REQUIREMENTS . 24 AP P L IC AT I ON REQUIREMENTS AND DEADLINES (HOW TO APPLY) . 26 THE ADMISS I ONS PROCESS . 29 ACADEMIC DEPART M E N T S, SCHOOLS AND PROGRAMS . 31 DEGREE PROGRAMS. 32 TYPES OF DEGREE PROGRAMS AND GRADUATI ON REQUIREMENTS . 33 NON-DEGREE AND VISITING STUDENTS . 34 ACA D E M I C DEPAR T M E N T S, SCHOOLS AND PROGRAMS . 35 • De p a r t me n t of Econom ic s . 35 • De p a r t me n t of Environ me n tal Scien ces and Pol ic y . 39 • De p a r t me n t of Gender Studie s . 43 • De p a r t me n t of History . 47 • De p a r t me n t of Inte r na t io n al Relation s and European Studie s . 54 • De p a r t me n t of Legal Studie s . 58 • De p a r t me n t of Mat he ma t i cs and its Applica t io n s . 65 • De p a r t me n t of Med i eval Studie s . 68 •Nat io n alism Studi es Prog ra m . 75 • De p a r t me n t of Philosophy . 80 • De p a r t me n t of Pol i t i cal Scienc e . 83 • Pu b l i c Pol i cy Prog ra m . 92 • De p a r t me n t of Sociology and Social Anth ro p o l o g y . 95 • CEU Grad uate School of Busines s . 99 •Joi n t Prog r am with Bard College: Study Abroad in Budap e s t . 10 5 RESEARCH CENTERS AT CEU . 10 7 CENTER FOR ARTS AND CULTU R E . 10 8 CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND LAW. 10 8 CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS . 10 8 CENTER FOR POLICY STUDIES . 10 9 CEU-UNEP COLLABORATING CENTER . 10 9 HUMANITIES CENTER . 11 0 • Bra n co Weiss Laboratory for New Idea s . 11 0 • Ce n ter for Med i a and Commun ic a t i on Studie s . 11 0 HUMAN RIGH T S CENTER . 11 1 OPEN SOCIETY ARCHIVES AT CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY . 11 2 OPEN SOCIETY CENTER . 11 3 PAS T S, INC. CENTER FOR HISTO R I CAL STUDIES. 11 3 OU T R E A CH: PROGRAMS FOR PROFESSORS AND PROFESSIONAL S . 11 5 SPECIAL AND EXTENSION PROGRAMS . 11 6 • Sp e c i al Projects Office . 11 6 • Su m m er University (SUN) . 11 7 • Cu r r i culum Resource Cente r . ..
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